daaaang i came in at the wrooong moment o.e
normally, yes o.e last year we did D8 but naow i is out from skool til monday |D
uuuuugh i had to go to school for yesterday and today instead of getting the whole week off for thanksgiving break DDD| but i'm glad that it's finally done D8 'specially since i had a really hard science test today too @A@
ahh well, i also have a cell phone o.e but i actually text more than i call people xD;; but the only people i text are my mom, grandparents, and some of my friends at school but that's not very often whereas with my iPod i have it with me 24/7
ah, i see well for me there's going in the car for long trips, also for before and after school when my friends aren't around then when i'm at home i just charge my iPod and find new songs to put on it :/
o.o *fiiiiillar*
D8 i knooo .__. woowww xD;; i couldn't live without my iPod, i swear @A@;;;
CRUD!! D8 i keep forgetting -brick'd- xD;; true true aaaugh i swear i've spent about the last half hour looking at, favorite-ing, and downloading Miku songs DDD| my friends were saying how i needed to have more Miku songs on my iPod o.e stocking up for AFest and AKon xP by the time those come around, i'm gonna need, like, 3 different mp3 players D| (already stole my old one back from my sister to add more songs xD) wow lotsa typing o.e
wooowww xD yush 8D OMGYES~! Sebastian's so made of win xP;;
ah xD well, i sometimes do...so yeah o.e and if i do, well then i kno the school people (if they ever do happen to look over my internet history, since they have the power to do that, and i lack the power to delete the history OTL) also will TT^TT
noooo nonononono not pop-ups just preview images for videos or ads on the side of the page D8 xD
YES! o.o i was shocked too xD and happy~ altho i didn't realize how careful you had to be while browsing niconico at school D8 things popped up that i was like "WHOA OMG NOOO!!! *scrooooll*" OTL
lol why hallo thar burn i have a teal extention and a purple one too xDDD but i got those a while ago
OHMYGOSH HB, is that hibari and dino in yur sig? o.o LOL -brick'd- edit- OH YEAH! Kikame, i finally got a niconico account xDDD AND I CAN ACCESS IT AT SCHOOL~!
OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH o.o dewd, i've seen the person in your sig somewhere! D: i think it was my friend who was reading that manga and showed it to me DDD8 LOL! is that his name? o.o *pulls out box* baww today i thought up a whole story about the red boxes o.o GO ME AND MY BOREDOM! >D (and i drew my OC on a skooter O_o xDDD)
why thank you :D
ahaa and those just came from a leftover drawing a did before i had my tablet o.o xP
baww you dont' think it's inferior to yors ;w; lol i wish i coulda put a drawing on with it, but i doesn't have a snanner D': and all my digital drawing looks real sketchy OTL
woot woot i has edited my signatyur naow kikame and i ish teh red box team o.o
@Kikame- yeah well, i couldn't get on the computer yesterday =A=;;;