maybe o.o so that won't help me, cuz i'm just one of the most klutzyest people ever |D
i've fallen down stairs before, and bruised my leg pretty bad and those were carpeted stairs now if i were to fall down the stairs at my school would be pretty painful depends... well yeah, i know that
i'm stuck between which would be fun-er driving off a cliff or falling down some stares ...minus the pain both would be pretty fun >A>
...seems like i didn't miss much >A>
x3 hay~ i'm doin gud, and you?
eh, well that's how i do it @A@
eh, for me it worked for most of the day >A> TT^TT i have now gone to painting my nails yellow o.e and omg@burn- you dont' kno how to look up lyrics on google? e.e just look for a lyrics website that has a search option of 'lyrics', then type in a line from whatever song your looking for =______=;;;
not medicine as in the liquidy stuff, but pills D: and it did work for most of the day yesterday ;A;
-tacklehug'd- x3 why hallo thar D: i think i'm getting sick again... at least the medicine hasn't worn off since i took it last night before bed >A<
>A> -posting just for the sake of posting- D:
xD nice pic Sven
LOL xD wooowww
lol i'm not sure if i do or dont o.e x3 i guess
true... o.o -fillarz-
w...t...c... o.e that thing has scarrrrrred me fur liiiiiieyf (as if i wasn't arredy D: )
Lol i finally make sense! :O
it depends on who knows what you're talking about e.e
>A> well that made no sense
D: i can imagine
Lol xD poor you D: x3 you really should o.o