okies x3 cool~ D: i was supposed to work on my Mikuo (yes i changed characters >A>) cosplay last time i was over at my friends house D: but we never got to it iiiiiiiii neeeeeed fabriiiiiiic -ROLL- DDD: and i need my wig to have the right color material for anything teal-colored for my costume... -ramblerambleramble-
@A@ ehh, i've gone to Joanne's and Hobby Lobby, but usually don't look very hard >A> i'm mainly looking for cosplay materials i need...not material for a scarf D: -brick'd- ah D:
whoa o.e xD YES i kno rait x3 I KNO! DDD: it makes me sad xD yeah i've been thinking of making a Kaito scarf for a while now D: but i doesn't have material for it chyeah o.e Kaito's scarf is LONG xD nice
a blue scarf like kaito's scarf >3
lol nice D: i wanted to get another scarf ...but didnt -roll-
-takes coffee- it was alright i guess i got some sharpies x3
whoa o.e it's almost 1 over here =A=
@A@ is it bad to sleep in til 12 in the afternoon? -still tired-
ahh i don't need cookies anyway -waves hand- i just had pumpkin pie and ice cream and OMG I ATE IT WITH A SPOON! DDD: (i mean...don't ask...lol >A>)
ehh, i thought it was cute
@burn- no thanks...-pushes it away- @Sai- x3 that's awesome~ : D
. . . dangit... i'm sure i haven't D:
>A> omg i've met someone who's more of a nerd than me jkjkjk D:
baww o.e -stares at the drink- -slooowly grabs it- lolz i'm tirsty naow D:
yeah, i was CGing a drawing of mine too, so i would've lost all that... idk maybe lol
x3 i'm glad i wasn't drinking anything, or when i saw that picture i woulda spewd all over my computer screen D:
uhm...no thanks -pushes flower away- lolz xD well now you know~
i was!? O: -forgot- xD;; that's why i was suprised when you said you'd check it out i mean HUH?
lol wooowwww Lol ok but it's shounen-ai (guy and guy) http://rebelprince.smackjeeves.com/comics/29623/rebel-prince-chapter-1/
-stares at ragdoll- o.e oh xD hahaa a shounen-ai webcomic on SmackJeeves called "Rebel Prince" (i didn't understand the title til just now >A> since the artist like JUST explained it D: )