tsk tsk that's a shame . n . and right as i get out for christmas break too -snaps fingers in disappointment-
cuz i've been off the computer for so long D8
holy frick you guise i nearly forgot about this site D8
ohmai = 3 = behh seems like that didnt happen -disappeared for a while again- and once again, i come back when everyone else is gone ಠ A ಠ
ikr > 3 > well i thought i wouldve disappeared by now too but i was bored
FFFFF OH GOSH when was the last time i was here = 3 = srsly
ahahaa i don't think i'm back fullly just dropping by seeing what i missed xD
DEAR GOSH i can't tell if it;s a good or bad thing that i left e___e
dont' worry DoommDen, neither do i...
i have the sudden feeling that i shouldn't get involved... -leaves-
but all the songs i know are in japanese! DDD:
dangit, why are we singing now? last i heard i was kicked out a window . . . i really need to get a life D8
-flies out tha window- LOOK MOM I"M FLYING! 8D
the glue did what now!? roflcopter jkjkjk
I'M A DIVAAA!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO0vCKg6VtA&feature=channel_page
x3 i can imagine oh wow o.o i woke up before 8 this morning, went back to sleep, then woke up again at 10 >A<
xD the only disturbing thing's i'd draw are things of blood and stuff and those aren't even THAT disturbing either .___________.
naww, i don't draw things THAT disturbing x3 -waves hand-
lol ok then -figured- naow imma go draw sum moar
i would show them to you, but you probly wouldn't want to see them o.o (shounen-ai-related pictures -brick'd- xP)