baww i r back o.o sorry i had to leave so suddenly like that OTL had to eat dinner then run xP
:/ IDK i find it real funny xD (so many inside jokes made with my friends about it) huh o.o (LOL@ teh cardboard boxes xDDDD) that's so awesome~! : D i'm working on my sig right now xP and i wanna add something about the box in there o.o lol xD
lol i think i've found that out pretty easily xD and yeah, that's kaito xD do you read Hatsune Mix? O_o and...i dunno who that is, but ok xD OMG yor sig is WIN! :O
xD sorry, i used the 'auto play' version OTL xP i'll try and chang it *goes off to change sig* LOL I KNO RAIT D: xD yeah i think i might be...
cha man same here~ >D *high-fives*
OHMYGOSH then you've watched Gurren Lagann!? 8DDD yay it's becoming moar popular~! >u<
aw D: i'm sorry OTL it's not my fault i dont' know a lot of bands! LOL well here's your chance~ *points at sig* first song xP and also, The Devil Wears Prada is a pretty good band too lol (christian screamo wtc xD)
kay so i never heard of Simple Plan anyone heard of Versailles (the peoples in my playlist in my sig)?
hay Absol~ *sees icon* o.o wtc is that Viral? O_o clearly i watch a bit too much anime
aw, i'm sorry D:
well that's good~
hay burn! i'm good, and you?
very good Burn! -__- lol OMG i haven't been on here in forever o.o
hm, here's a thought burny boy, hows about you summarize it lol i just came in now and saw you were arguing...yet again, so i figured i'd step in too =_____________= dangit, why does my brain think?
NOOOOO!!!!!!!!1 DDDDD8 lolwhat? XD i r bored! and i got my tablet! 8D *spazzes* XDD
XDDDDD wow, nice one emmy *falls over laughing* that actually made me laugh out loud XD
:O *gaspeth* I'M SOOPUR!!! >8DDD HOMG! :O *tackl'd*