I keep telling you of all of these works my favorite is the ant's point of view <3 how you used the colored pencil was fantastic :,) long streaks and how you used the white of the paper to your advantage and creating shine on the dog's fur was great. The self-portrait one needs a bit of work though..it's not bad! it's good but you could have made it better by working with the eyes and hair a little bit. Nice shadowing though. The newspaper one must have been a pain in the ass but overall it was well done =) it reminds of the movement Dada. Scientific drawing: Nice color selection. My favorite part of this drawing is the robotic leg, the coloring and the drawing itself is great. How you chose the right colors for it to create a 3-dimensional look on it (the left of the leg) was real good. The water bottles, like I already told you, remind me of Cezanne's work =D you'd make a good cubism artist buuuut you could have made the water a little biiit more clear and it would've a bit more good. The figure drawing one is good if you stuck to the rough draft thing. Rough drafting doesn't have to be exactly perfect but you could have worked a little bit on the face in the second drawing and also on the legs too, they look a little out of proportion but overall,like I said, good for a rough draft. I can tell that you have progressed in your drawing and shading skills =D it takes a bit more practice I would love to see you draw the figure drawing but not a rough draft but real thing!
Bad? Emotionless? On the contrary..well, in my opinion.
haha don't be silly! it depends the kind of teacher you get as well :p "lucky" me I got the most strict one..too much information to memorize..my reviews were almost 40 pages long because of too many images and information she gave us. But overall it has been my favorite class so far :) I recommend it! You'll learn so much. I COULD'VE HELPED YOU BY SENDING THE ANSWERS WITH MY MIIIND. :c
That sounds too serene..don't you want to see sharks eating poor little sea lions? D: I felt so bad. Luna: LOL me too.
It's from the movie "5 centimeters per second" :3 it's a BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING movie. I highly recommend it to you and to the rest of KHV.
I adored this class even though it was a pain in the brain..and ASS. Have fun learning the monuments and classifying them. D: I had to classify almost every single monument if it was either Greek or Roman..all I can say is I almost failed that test. xD
---v what she said.
I go to a college where 70% of the students are lesbians and gay guys so I'm cool with it on a Kingdom Hearts forum. It's fun to have a gay guy as you friend because you know that deep down in your heart, he will accompany you watch Sex and the City II with no complaining at all.
And through the whole movie I could not stop thinking about how amazing it would be if I could go to those places and take a picture of every single thing. It was aaah-mazing.
Someone around here has a little knowledge. KHV and knowledge don't mix quite well at times so this means you're AN UNDERCOVER SP--*shot*
Write an investigation report of why flamingos are pink.
:,D yay I succeeded and ikr? they're just so great imo. Isn't "I, The Swan" one of the trippiest videos ever? ..if that's even a word.
YAY A FELLOW THAT LIKES TSOAF =D aren't they just the bomb?
sirkyleoftipple is Spitfire.
I've been listening to them for a long while and yesterday I was wondering if any of you have ever listened to them. So, any of you out there in love with this aaaaaa-mazing band? If not, I highly recommend it. I, The Swan, Horses in the Sky, Uzbekistan, Cellophane and Stockhausen, Es Ist Ihr Gehirn, Das Ich Suche are my favorites.
Ignorance - Paramore
Si! Vamos a jugar al escondite! =D and lol wolfie I DON'T WANT YOUR PITY SHOVEEEELLLLLLLLL *glare*.
AW MAN, REALLY? I was just going to post that I wanted the sandbox ;-; oh well, I'll be the cool kid that nobody wants to play with because she's socially awkward.
The Only Exception - Paramore <3 <3 <3