I think I'm in love.
Love is when the person you like physically abuses of you.
It's Risa Koizumi from Lovely Complex. =) Great anime.
WAIT WAIT WAIT So Wolfie, you're not a wizard? bummer. Also Advent uh what's coming is..is..IIIS..hurp. @Pretty Boy: AAAAH STOP TOUCHING ME YOU MOLESTER.
Oooooooh dear I feel something coming. ..he he.
MY WAIFU IS SO DAMN SEXY NUOH MY GOD <3 haha in all seriousness starry you look mega adorable c: looove the hat and shirt!
So like, Can any graphic mastah or anyone really make me a sweet signature? I don't ask much really. http://img.timeinc.net/pespanol/i/fotodeldia/2008/octubre/Nick-and-Norah-300.jpg Size doesn't matter or colors or anything. Just a cool sig out of this picture. You'll know what to do. AND THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. <3
Hey Mel I need your help with something so yeah when you get the visitor message get on msn?
Man, if only Alice was nominated. TMM it is then (: I don't like the others.
Apoligetix and Nova: Thank youuuu <3 haha and Nova those are lovely pictures! cute costume. HB: I bet you know! Plaza de las Americas "la monta" haha feeling nostalgic? Advent: ;D Thank you and omigah you met khv members..one day we shall take pics together 8D haha Crumpet: :') thank you! hehe squinty eye powaahhh.
Crumpet! =D I never thought you'd be back but yaaaaay welcome back (: btw it's HisNobody..I don't blame you if you don't remember me.
I yelled "GOL" so loud I think my sister cursed my name 10 times. xD FURIA ROJA!
LET THE CELEBRATION BEGIN! Even though I wanted Argentina to win but oh well.
haley is still cute as ever nova you're cute rissy nice pictures :) mvalentine your picture made me lol apoligetix you're pretty handsome. Spoiler fear my squinty eye. Spoiler blurry picture derp btw the pictures are a lil' big so yeah just letting you know in advance.
-heart melted- I got nominated for this? c: sweet people actually care of my existence in this website <333 ily .
I'll burn it. C: