Hi Cin and stuff.
Aléjate de Mi - Camila
So she's in a relationship right now? Man, that must suck. I'm sorry for that. But hey don't give up yet kiddo :') You're still young! There's at least six billion people out there and I'm pretty sure there's that one person for you. Just be patient. <3 Love..it ain't an easy thing but just don't give up on it.
OH MY GOOOODDDDD like you don't remember me. That's like, bad and stuff. ..ok we can know each other now c: nice to meet you?
HisNobody. I bet you won't remember me. :c
D'aw does vivi need a good whipping hug?
You suck. :l
I'm HisNobody. I changed my name a whoooole while ago. Welcome back you guys.
Soy de Puerto Rico. :')
Cool! De donde eres si puedo saberlo?
I had too many sexual things going on this week. Oh, and also:
lol dis be so funay.
Felicidades! En un futuru lejano o no muy lejano, seras un super moderator y destruiras todo seras el mejor. :'D
I miss the old khv because YOU GUYS ARE TOO BORING. brb going back in time.
<3 ya too. xD
WHO HAS OOVOO? I'd be sweet if you wanna join me,starry and ghetto on a oovoo convo now. :'D
Oh my God Nova you and I have something in common. I freakin' LOVE Gerard Butler..he is oh so damn sexy Bl I'd tap that SO hard. ..Okay beside Gerard I would do..Jim Sturgess..and uh I agree with Misty as well with Gaspard Ulliel <3 he's so nomnomlicious. btw Taylor Lautner looks like a llama.
A pichu is good with or without goggles. You take that back you insolent fool.
PICHU. :DDDDDDD I'm so glad no one picked the cute lil Pichu. x3
LOL Shitty vampires.Everywhere.