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  1. Tootsie
    I was at the train station recharging my train card and stuff and just when I was about to leave a man comes up to me and tells me with the most preoccupied tone of voice saying he can't board the train because he needed 50 more cents to board..and I gave him my last change and he got all happy and stuff and said thank you to me. =D

    He got off the stop where the hospital is c: maybe he needed to go to the doctor or maybe he needed to see someone. Who knows? I helped someone out and it made me all fuzzy and warm.

    Thread by: Tootsie, Jun 16, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Tootsie
    Oh Rachel Berry, you're such an idiot.
    Post by: Tootsie, Jun 16, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone