sry but that code isn't ported correctly.
ok i ported some code's here: Monochrome Mode (PAL) 20193530 24020001 Thousand Heartless Battle Warp! (press R2) (PAL) E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 Code: Beginning of the End E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B Skyscraper E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 Twin Cannons E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 Energy Core E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 Armored Xemnas I E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 Xemnas Dragon Battle E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 Armored Xemnas II E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 Final Xemnas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A ^all the codes [except the Monochrome Mode) are joker to R2^
Beginning of the End E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B Skyscraper E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 Twin Cannons E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 Energy Core E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 Armored Xemnas I E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 Xemnas Dragon Battle E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 Armored Xemnas II E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 Final Xemnas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A
i can port it for you if you want here: Monochrome Mode (PORTED TO NTSC BY MIKAE110) RAW: 20193438 24020001 AR MAX: DDC6-JD8M-PUDY4 PX1K-9AM4-KVVNR
your right the bottom line determines the code.but the first line holds encryption data that the ar max uses to see if the code is for the right game.the first line is ALMOST 100% randomly generated i say almost beacuse the game id you use when you convert a code has a little effect on how the first line is created.when you enter a code in the ar max,the ar max check the first line to see what game id where used to convert the code and then checks to see if it is the right game id for the game.if it is the code gets accepted.if it isn't then the ar max will give you an error message. so in other words your code will not get accepted because you used wrong game code will get accepted because i converted them with right game id. sry if that was very confusing im not good to explain things. but to put it as simple as possible. your code = not accepted,my code = accepted
no the code you posted were converted with the game id 0000,and the ar max won't accept the code if it is converted with wrong game id.the codes i posted have been converted with the game id 0911 which is the kh2 ntsc game id.
max convert can't port codes you have to use delta maker. IMPORTANT EDIT: i checked and all the "Entire Game Speed Mod" ar max codes and the "Size Mod" AR MAX codes are converted with wrong game id,in other words they will not work. i will convert them correctly here: Entire Game Speed Mod Code: hurry the f*** up V3G9-BHCX-H2FHK FPZ5-19K6-QHV4G super slow: MKQV-YFE8-4EDKD 0UU3-X5MH-TF5D9 slow: UY4Q-VJP8-MBTX0 PFMD-JXQK-3ZN2M fast: 2HJ1-AN6A-HU61U 9ZU2-XQE7-6GGUA FAST!: KDMB-54EC-628A1 U0FD-XJP3-X4P8H can you keep up?!: JT06-EXHW-QYZK7 PRRK-43Y6-MNXX0 Size Mod: Code: small: W4MQ-RVWN-9GJDQ CJX7-F11B-74YWU normal: FAYU-VE3E-5MDQA XWFG-PQMU-7Y9KM kinda big: RKJA-9PRT-P576T AAV7-X3XF-AHNBP big: TR7U-EF02-65358 8Z1G-DZUB-EW9UZ even bigger: 625R-D1R1-622VV DE45-458E-14EZV HUGE: 3KZ4-UJ06-CC0KB 69K5-YPQ7-FEQJY WAY TO BIG!!!: ZAG5-PW89-PWRJ8 TX9P-6XZP-UB0AH those will work :) and btw yes the ar max version of the riku code is correct. :)
hurry the f*** up V3G9-BHCX-H2FHK FPZ5-19K6-QHV4G super slow: MKQV-YFE8-4EDKD 0UU3-X5MH-TF5D9 slow: UY4Q-VJP8-MBTX0 PFMD-JXQK-3ZN2M fast: 2HJ1-AN6A-HU61U 9ZU2-XQE7-6GGUA FAST!: KDMB-54EC-628A1 U0FD-XJP3-X4P8H can you keep up?!: JT06-EXHW-QYZK7 PRRK-43Y6-MNXX0
small: W4MQ-RVWN-9GJDQ CJX7-F11B-74YWU normal: FAYU-VE3E-5MDQA XWFG-PQMU-7Y9KM kinda big: RKJA-9PRT-P576T AAV7-X3XF-AHNBP big: TR7U-EF02-65358 8Z1G-DZUB-EW9UZ even bigger: 625R-D1R1-622VV DE45-458E-14EZV HUGE: 3KZ4-UJ06-CC0KB 69K5-YPQ7-FEQJY WAY TO BIG!!!: ZAG5-PW89-PWRJ8 TX9P-6XZP-UB0AH
well can you plz post he code you use to play as the glitched up version?
he didn't fight them again.he loaded a save file before the 100 heartless battle then he used the room mod.
are you using this master code? 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W
hmm.. it worked fine for me.are you sure you typed this line correct?: 11CFAC7C 0000089B
actually i tried to use the lilypad plugin.but the problem is that every time i configure it and press ok it atomatecly erase the configuration and makes the button list blank meaning no button work :(.
ok i will.but i don't actually think that i will ever be able to get the dump since i can't move (if i could only figure out how to move. :( )
i already know that.some of the codes i have ported didn't use the normal offset so i had to use ps2dis. btw do anyone know how to get the controller plugin to use the analog sticks? if i could have found a way to move i could have made dumps 10 times more useful than the one im using now :(
yes i always tests ported codes before i post them.and i have a emulator and a pal kh2 the only problem is that i can't get the controller plugin to use analog stick so i can't move. btw i have 1 pal live dump but its right at the start of the game.
are you guys talking about this code: Sora Model Mod Code: Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti if you are, i ported that yesterday together with the riku code v3!.
Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti
do you mean the model mod? i ported that already.i just made a mistake and gave you the wrong code the last time.i posted the right code some pages back.
erkz made the code and the digits. but to be honest i don't think there are other digits for the code.i actually tried to make some digits myself but they froze :(
umm if you had used the code i gave you it should have been like this: 11CFAC86 00000054
didn't you read the note here: and since you made all forms have final forms model the game freezes
sry but i can't when i try to convert it i get an converting error.and where did you get this code from Normal Sora Replace Wisdom Drive: 21CB9CB4 5F303531 21CB9CB8 00000500 i have never seen that code before