ar max only accepts ar max format code's.that code is have to convert the code to ar max to use it.there is a converting tutorial here: and here: riku is replaces goofy: YDZR-YQF6-HCBXE BQXU-8D77-RAXU7
your code is wrong. you must replace the Y's with 00303531 when you are turning someone into normal sora and 5F303531 when you are replacing someone with a form,since you did the exact opposite the game crashes.
ok here: SEPHIROTH BATTLE WARP! (hold R2) (PAL) E002FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B000104 2033ED34 00004B4B
ops :( i made a mistake when i copied the code. because riku has a 20% chance of randomly t-stance when you attack on the ground + riku can't take damage so its impossible to get him out of t-stance.
no prop :).i am not sure if you can activate both of them at the same time.
kk il port them here: riku code v5 (pal) 1CFAC7C 00000819 01CDA4D7 0000005F 21CDA4D8 45444953 21CDA4DC 00524143 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 credit to me for porting the code and credit to roxas212 for testing the code. Ground combos without t-stance(looses abilities to target and lock on enemies): (PAL PORTED BY MIKAEL110): 01c893a0 00000000 Auto-air combo(only air combos)(looses ground combos) (PAL PORTED BY MIKAEL110): 01c893b8 0000008
we are talking about live dumps not normal dumps the code is jokered to R2 so after you have activated the code you have to enter a new room while holding R2.btw when you get to disney castle could you do the dump i asked you to do?
let me guess you are trying to make a always be saved by mickey code. well i have plenty of time.but that dump would be very useful. and to get the dumps to keyblade spirit just copy the download link then post it or pm it to keyblade spirit
i think you should upload it to a sharing site like rapidshare: and then post the download links.btw could you do me a favor? could you make a live dump in the hall of the cornerstone in disney castle for me and the upload it to rapidshare? that would be very helpful.
its impossible to port that code since there is no enemy roxas in this game.
evilman has made a converting tutorial and he also gave a download link here:
max convert
don't write with this size! and here: sora has anti forms outfit: 21CB9BF4 5F303531 21CB9BF8 464C5948
yes thats raw
yes there is a play as riku code.
sry the play as Halloween sora code didn't freeze because it was ported wrong,it freezes beacuse i made a little mistake when i gave that code to this code will work play as halloween sora: (must equip ultima weapon) C9GY-AUFY-RTPN2 FHC9-CKPY-8BVUE XR98-XH1C-PU9ZT hehe :) i will port it here: Wield Way to the Dawn (pal ported by mikael110) 21cba310 48455F57 01cba314 00303030 and i have as you may have guessed a pal live was taken at the begging of the game since i can't find out how to move :(. i can give it to you if you want.
i haven't tested it but i guess that it lets you see a cutscene.
ok ported the updated codes. Code: Cutscene Triggers [R2] Loop Demo [Hee hee hee] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000101 2033ED34 00003838 New Game E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 34000102 2033ED34 00003434 Roxas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 01001512 2033ED34 00000101 Kairi kicks Ass E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000A12 2033ED34 00000202 Battle Triggers [R2] Twilight Thorn [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 9D002202 2033ED34 00009D9D Axel [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 89001402 2033ED34 00008989 Demyx [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 37000404 2033ED34 00003737 Xaldin [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 52000F05 2033ED34 00005252 Xigbar [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 39000A12 2033ED34 00003939 Saix [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000F12 2033ED34 00003838 Luxord [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3A000E12 2033ED34 00003A3A Xemnas [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3B001312 2033ED34 00003B3B 1000 Heartless Battle [LOL, JLhack, fix'd] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 Beginning of the End E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B Skyscraper E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 Twin Cannons E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 Energy Core E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 Armored Xemnas I E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 Xemnas Dragon Battle E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 Armored Xemnas II E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 Final Xemnas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A Others Tron Lightcycle [R2] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000211 2033ED34 00003F3F
Cutscene Triggers [R2] Loop Demo [Hee hee hee] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000101 2033ED34 00003838 New Game E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 34000102 2033ED34 00003434 Roxas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 01001512 2033ED34 00000101 Kairi kicks Ass E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000A12 2033ED34 00000202 Battle Triggers [R2] Twilight Thorn [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 9D002202 2033ED34 00009D9D Axel [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 89001402 2033ED34 00008989 Demyx [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 37000404 2033ED34 00003737 Xaldin [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 52000F05 2033ED34 00005252 Xigbar [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 39000A12 2033ED34 00003939 Saix [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 38000F12 2033ED34 00003838 Luxord [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3A000E12 2033ED34 00003A3A Xemnas [Boss!] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 3B001312 2033ED34 00003B3B 1000 Heartless Battle [LOL, JLhack, fix'd] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 42001104 2033ED34 00004242 Beginning of the End E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4B001B12 2033ED34 00004B4B Skyscraper E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 44001C12 2033ED34 00004444 Twin Cannons E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 45001A12 2033ED34 00004545 Energy Core E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 46001912 2033ED34 00004646 Armored Xemnas I E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 47001812 2033ED34 00004747 Xemnas Dragon Battle E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 48001612 2033ED34 00004848 Armored Xemnas II E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 49001712 2033ED34 00004949 Final Xemnas E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 4A001412 2033ED34 00004A4A Others Tron Lightcycle [R2] E003FDFF 0035BA5C 2033ED30 00000211 2033ED34 00003F3F
it is the cannons where you have to hit enemys to lower the cannons health,and evade the beam when the cannon recharges.
remember to always test codes before you post them as delta maker only has a 50% chance to port the code correctly,some codes like that code needs to be ported using must also use ps2dis if you want to port codes from kh2fm to normal kh2.