it was supposed to mod the model of timeless river sora into tron sora.
yeah here: ?? 0VTR-YT5U-R3M15 182D-NQQ9-BG21G 56M3-HFVE-6XR49 activate that code then go to timless river and drive into wisdom form,if that has no effect then go to space paranoids and drive into wisdom for.and tell me what happens.
nope i have alredy found Halloween sora :( ok. could you test this: ?? (high chance of freezing) UE5D-14WD-35A9E 5DPE-HMWJ-J52Y2 QBH5-V3KK-E6WTQ and this ???? (chance of freezing) FRVM-TUN6-YM812 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 B93T-WMJ8-QBB6H
no. ok good thats what i thought it would be.can you test the other one too?
that good.could you test this: 5D00-YD65-7Q83Q JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 VCCF-JU5J-6XJHT and this: WUQ9-7R42-UNYUV JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 UVYQ-GRKG-VB661
:( ok. well could some one test this code (i actually think this code will work) RAMB-0GJK-R6UC6 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 GA6C-7C2U-EVQE5 yes could you test this code: RAMB-0GJK-R6UC6 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 GA6C-7C2U-EVQE5
ok thx for testing can you test this one too plz? 9AGZ-FW9X-MNU3D BRRY-U80C-0QYX7 0TCT-9FD4-BMZMV
yeah could someone test this code and tell me what happens. 0G3J-D14R-0UPG8 JZ2T-MK7Z-NNUW5 0TCT-9FD4-BMZMV
no i don't think its possible.
actually i ported it long ago.but i noticed that i had posted wrong here is the code with the right digits: model mod: Code: Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti i am 100% sure that this code will work.
Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti
the game id for jak 3 is 072A.and i think those codes are codebreaker codes
TYWM :) :)
i would recommend to use this code instead mulan's moveset FFQ8-JG93-8TWFU NGXK-9F3D-M1E63 science it does the same thing as the other code except its 10 times shorter
actually there is just use the uwm in combination with mulans moveset.
sry, not to be rude but none of those codes are ported correctly.remember you can't port codes with max convert,max convert can only convert codes. here i ported them: Normal Sora (PORTED TO PAL BY MIKAEL110) 21CB9BF0 58455f50 21CB9BF4 5f303031 11CB9BF8 0000ZZZZ to mod Valor Form (PORTED TO PAL BY MIKAEL110) 21CB9C54 5F303131 21CB9C58 425FZZZZ 21CB9C5C 00464C54 to mod Wisdom Form (PORTED TO PAL BY MIKAEL110) 21CB9CB4 5F303131 21CB9CB8 4D5FZZZZ 21CB9CBC 00464741 to mod Master Form (PORTED TO PAL BY MIKAEL110) 21CB9D14 5F303131 21CB9D18 545FZZZZ 21CB9D1C 00464952 to mod Final Form (PORTED TO PAL BY MIKAEL110) 21CB9D74 5F303131 21CB9D78 555FZZZZ 21CB9D7C 0046544C 4957- Timeless Sora 4D4E- Halloween Sora 5254- Space Paranoids Sora and i tested them and they actually works perfectly :).no t-stanching and no freezing.
no.the riku code v3 uses the normal menu too.the only riku code that uses the shortcut menu is the v1 riku code.
i vote for A
ops.i must have made a mistake when i posted the digits for the YYYYYYYY part of the code here these will work: Y Digits 00303531 Normal Sora 5F303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model)
hmm..try to only use the Sora in Valor Forms outfit code and see if it works: 21CB9BF4 5F303531 21CB9BF8 464C5942
yeah,but the problem is that there is 922 UCM digits and since we had to convert codes for sora,goofy and donald we would had to convert the codes 3 times with would make a total of 2766 codes.witch no one wants to do.