no new codes :(
yeah here:
actually i ported that code 2 hours after you created it.i will post them again here: World Sora's Mods (PAL PORTED BY MIKAEL110) Code: Normal Sora 21CB9BF0 58455f50 21CB9BF4 5f303031 11CB9BF8 0000ZZZZ to mod Valor Form 21CB9C54 5F303031 21CB9C58 425FZZZZ 21CB9C5C 00464C54 to mod Wisdom Form 21CB9CB4 5F303031 21CB9CB8 4D5FZZZZ 21CB9CBC 00464741 to mod Master Form 21CB9D14 5F303031 21CB9D18 545FZZZZ 21CB9D1C 00464952 to mod Final Form 21CB9D74 5F303031 21CB9D78 555FZZZZ 21CB9D7C 0046544C
Normal Sora 21CB9BF0 58455f50 21CB9BF4 5f303031 11CB9BF8 0000ZZZZ to mod Valor Form 21CB9C54 5F303031 21CB9C58 425FZZZZ 21CB9C5C 00464C54 to mod Wisdom Form 21CB9CB4 5F303031 21CB9CB8 4D5FZZZZ 21CB9CBC 00464741 to mod Master Form 21CB9D14 5F303031 21CB9D18 545FZZZZ 21CB9D1C 00464952 to mod Final Form 21CB9D74 5F303031 21CB9D78 555FZZZZ 21CB9D7C 0046544C
that is probably because the first 2 times i posted the code i posted by mistake completely wrong digits. the code i posted now has the right digits.i am 100% sure that that code will work + in that post i added the digits for timeless river sora,tron sora and Halloween sora.
i ported that code long ago: sora model mode Code: Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (and world characters)(use this if you are replacing it with a form or world character model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 00004d4e halloween sora 00005254 tron sora 00004957 timless river sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti
Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (and world characters)(use this if you are replacing it with a form or world character model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 00004d4e halloween sora 00005254 tron sora 00004957 timless river sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 464c5448 Anti
umm <_< those games haven't been released how do you expect us to have codes for them,and why would you need codes for them when they haven't been released?.
sry but your right a dump code will not work on a AR MAX :(
could someone test this code plz? 51CD0b10 00000020 01CD0b10 00000000
you need a codebreaker or action replay max to use the codes.
the kh2 pal game id is 09C9 and yes we use the program EvilMan_89 posted in his code converting thread.
i can port it for you here: Final-Cross Wisdom Form (PAL) 51cf0450 00000040 01cf03d0 00000000 01cd187c 00000004
i am not sure. but i do know that i doesn't use UCM,UWM,model mod or BGM digits.
yep i am completely sure.i used ps2dis to port the code and ps2dis never fails :)
sasuke is offline,but i can port it for you here: 01CDDD0c 00000009
no thats the pal uk game id
it was supposed to to change sora's model into Aladdin's model
no just activate the code and tell me what happens
could someone test this code for me plz? 7C6K-NPGM-KVZ4Y 6RGM-8V53-DH8HM UM4A-XMZW-5VM5V
i was supposed to turn mulan's model into master form's model
could someone do me favor and test this code?: PVN8-1JZW-Y8KTG 4CU2-RPKD-GRC01 YU8Q-RZMH-R5PUG first activate that code then go to the land of dragons and put mulan in your party.and tell me what happens.