TYWM *reps* :)
sry but its impossible to port those codes without a live dump in the hall of the corner stone or the throne room in land of dragons. plz do somebody know the name of the program that is used to put ps2 saves onto the pcsx2 memory cards?if i had that program i could take on of my ps2 save and use them on pcsx2 and dump the game. yeah im ok.i was just writing a reply to AVALANCHEMAD's post.
i have a PAL max drive save right before the fight with riku in hollow bastion,i can upload it for you if you want.btw antiweapon do you know what program you need to put a ps2 save into a pxsx2 memory card?
the code videogamecrazyboy posted was converted with wrong game id. this code shuld work: BY86-2AWW-7NW5R YKV4-F3F6-9QPT6 MJBM-HZAB-FHAVT
i decided to try to hack a code so here: special effect size mod (PAL): 0036ec10 xxxxxxxx replace xxxxxxxx with.... 3F000000 = small 3F800000 = normal 3F900000 = kinda big 3FA00000 = big 3FB00000 = even bigger 3FC00000 = HUGE 40000000 = WAY TO BIG!!! i know the code isn't that special but its the first real ps2 code i have ever hacked :)
we can't make a normal save dump,but we can make a live dump using the ps2 emulator.
sry but that code can't be converted to AR max.max convert can't convert copy codes.
i will port the code here: Command Menu Mod (PAL PORTED BY MIKAEL110) 202dd97c ZZYYXXWW 202dd97c E6E6E6E6
finally a cool code for kh1 :) im gonna test some digits.
you can weild kairi's keyblade using the UWM.but its not solid so i doesn't hurt enemy's
just so you know the code doesn't include the code to turn you into DW roxas so you must activate a play as DW roxas code together with that code to play as DW pajamas roxas.
no light cycle sora isn't a mod.its sora on the light cycle.the bike from space paranoids.
i have text documents full of about every code ever created for both ntsc and pal in the code vault + i have a text document with the full UCM list.so i just searched trough the ucm list and the neo moveset list to see if i could find things that had to to with light cycle sora.and that how i found those 3 codes :).
you can't have 2 character replace one character that will freeze the game.
i used these codes: play as light cycle sora: QTKE-3JQN-39YGG PQKU-76AY-0B6N5 sora moveset = light cycle moveset: JKJU-E6QH-7QM4K PHMY-APN4-3K9AW donald is replaced by the light cycle: PQNZ-AF71-B46YN B47U-WMER-FC27V but just so you know he is extremly hard to control. well we found a way to play as sora on the light cycle.but we still use riku v5
i don't think that will work + i get a error message when i try to convert those ar max codes to raw. and that code modifies all 8 digits so it needs to have a 2 at the start of the address instead of a 0 like this: 20200BE0 ???????? if you have a 0 instead of a 2 the game will freeze. EDIT: i post too slow
ok here mickey replaces final form: RAW: 11CFA40A 0000005B AR MAX 1A1T-CC80-R78JM 53AG-5RE2-5DM2D and i tested the sora on the light cycle a little more and found out that he can change rooms.but he is extremely hard to control.
sry but he didn't use a code to get oblivion and oathkeeper floating by his right arm its a thing that happends in the fight against roxas in kh2 fm and its impossible to do in kh2.and he didn't have mickey in his drive menu he just replaced a drive with mickey using the UCM.
O_o omg you theory was correct.i used a code to replace sora with sora in light cycle stance and a code to change sora's moveset into the light cycle moveset + i used a code to change donald into the light cycle.and i was actually playing as sora on the light cycle and he got the right command menu so he could do all the light cycle moves!.the negative ting is that he gets hurt every time you hit a wall including the exit so you can't leave the level.+ it freezes if you hit start.
here: ported: 01CB9C36 00000035 yeah here:http://rapidshare.com/files/91559991/SLES_541.14__kh_2_pal_.html