i decided to port the Avialability Mod code here: Avialability Mod (pal) Slot 1? (not sure) 21C898AC ???????? Slot 2 21C898B0 ???????? Slot 3 21C898B4 ???????? digits 00000000- Not avialable 01AB3A80- Goofy 01AC6D20- Donald 01AD7460- Riku
posts don't count in the code vault.as an example it says that i have posted 69 posts,but actually i have posted at least 100+ posts.
hmm weird.i use ePSXe too and it works fine.i am very sry but i have no idea of what is wrong :(.
gpu stands for graphical plugin,so its asking you to select the graphic plugin you want to use.if you don't get any choices then try downloading another graphic plugin.i would recommend p.e.op.s. soft driver 1.17:http://www.pbernert.com/html/gpu.htm#SOFTWIN(you need winrar to unzip the file) just downloade that plugin then unzip it using winrar,winzip or 7zip.then move the gpuPeopsSoft.dll file into the plugin directory of your ps1 emulator.btw what ps1 emulator are you using?
i don't know of any ps emulator that has a search for value function,but i do know of a ps emulator cheat plugin that allows you to search for values in the game.its called PEC (Playstation Emulator Cheater) i has a cheat search feature,witch is the same as a search for value feature.just downloade it and then install it then open the ps emulator change the graphic plugin to the pec plugin.then when you start the game press ctrl-h and a value search window will appear. you can downloade it here:http://www.emucheater.com/download.php
there is no boss roxas in this game so there are no code to get him.
i edited my post to make it easier to understand
ok here is a quote of evilman explaining joker codes and condensing: the kh2 pal joker address is:0035BA5C BTW there is a jokering program that makes jokering a lot easerier here:http://www.codemasters-project.net/portal-english/apportal/download.php?view.42
just so you know joker codes and condensed codes can't be ported using delta maker.so if you tried to port the joker code your code won't work
there is a tutorial on porting here:http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=1156046&postcount=2 ok here: play as anti form: RAW: 11CFAC7C 00000059 AR MAX: TQP4-GTMJ-V8UU9 5R1K-TNRZ-GKRGCeset sora has antiform's moveset: RAW: 01CB9C36 00000006 AR MAX: Z10V-HHZH-0A3GC AACK-MGJ2-MF1X0
that coded shuld be right.are you using the master code from the codejunkies page?.
yeah here: no BGM: QRFQ-TXUN-W9EJB ERJ8-3THC-853BG EGNV-0C29-FDZDE
yes it does the same thing as the old moveset mod.the only difference is that it it 10 times shorter. :)
here: Code: Neo-Moveset Mods (made by erkz and ported to pal by mikael110) *Notes* 1] IDs are what values are their own movesets. Sora's ID is 01. Hence his moveset value is 01. 2] I do not know what the classes stand for. They're in the game, and they have some significance; - Class A is unusual. The only playable Class A character I know is Antiform. - Class B are usually playable characters such as Mickey and Sora, and Drive Forms. - Class C tend to be NPCs. - Class HB are world characters. Donald and Goofy are also included here, amusingly. - Class ? are things from Pooh's book. - Classes F, D, zD and suchlike are uncommon, and have no moveset. 3] EVERYTHING has a moveset. However, things without unique movesets, or things with their weapons built into them... Are given IDs of 00. 4] Bosses have a default moveset of 00, and are usually Class B. 5] EVERYTHING has a moveset. Just making this clear. Once it has a model, it has a moveset. 6] This is NOT a complete list. Bosses having a moveset of 00 doesn't help with finding them. *How to use* 1] Take the code of the person you want to mod. 2] Find the person who's moveset you want them to have, and plug their ID in. 3] Insert the completed code, and boot your game. 4] Have fun. Sora [ID-01] [Class B] 01CB9C36 000000?? Battle Form [Valor] [ID-02] [Class B] 01CB9C96 000000?? Magic Form [Wisdom] [ID-03] [Class B] 01CB9CF6 000000?? Trinity Form [Master] [ID-04] [Class B] 01CB9D56 000000?? Ultima Form [Final] [ID-05] [Class B] 01CB9DB6 000000?? Heartless Form [Anti] [ID-06] [Class A] 01CB9E16 000000?? ??? [No name listed in Moveset] [ID-09] [Class B] (o.O Wait, where're 7 and 8?) 01CB9E76 000000?? Mickey [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CB9ED6 000000?? Donald [ID-11] [Class HB] (Something doesn't feel right...) 01CB9F36 000000?? Goofy [ID-14] [Class HB] 01CB9F96 000000?? ??? [No name] [ID-1F] [Class C] 01CB9FF6 000000?? Jack [ID-20] [Class HB] 01CBA056 000000?? Jack [Santa Form] [ID-20] [Class HB] 01CBA0B6 000000?? ??? [World Char, dunno who.] [ID-21] [Class HB] 01CBA116 000000?? Aladdin [ID-17] [Class HB] 01CBA176 000000?? Ping? [ID-19] [Class HB] 01CBA1D6 000000?? Mulan? [ID-1A] [Class HB] 01CBA236 000000?? Auron? [ID-18] [Class HB] 01CBA296 000000?? Sparrow [ID-22] [Class HB] 01CBA2F6 000000?? [---Huge gap of unusable Movesets---] Lion Form [ID-07] [Class B] 01CC0B16 000000?? [---Another huge gap =(---] ??? [World Char, dunno who.] [ID-16] [Class HB] 01CC1556 000000?? ??? [<_< You get the idea.] [ID-16] [Class HB] 01CC15B6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [ID-0B] [Class B] 01CC1BB6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [ID-1B] [Class HB] 01CC2576 000000?? [---Gap---] Mickey? [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CC39B6 000000?? [---Gap---] Dual-Wield Roxas (So that's where he was...) [ID-0A] [Class B] 01CC3D76 000000?? [---Gap---] Donald [Lion King] [ID-11] [Class HB] 01CC53F6 000000?? Goofy [Lion King] [ID-14] [Class HB] 01CC5456 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [o_O Teh hell? Who's this?] [ID-3B] [Class B] 01CC56F6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [Oookay...] [ID-08] [Class B] 01CC5E76 000000?? Valor Form [Again? And what's NM?] [ID-0C] [Class B] 01CC6476 000000?? Wisdom Form [ID-0D] [Class B] 01CC64D6 000000?? Master Form [ID-0E] [Class B] 01CC6536 000000?? Final Form [ID-0F] [Class B] 01CC6596 000000?? Antiform [ID-10] [Class A] 01CC65F6 000000?? [---Excessively large gap---] ??? [Think it's Sparrow's human form] [ID-24] [Class HB] 01CC9C56 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [._.] [ID-34] [Class HB] 01CCA856 000000?? [---Gap---] Aladdin's Carpet [WTF?] [ID-35] [Class B] [._o Wait, it's playable?] 01CCAA36 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [World Char for Timeless River... But... o_O?] [ID-33] [Class HB] 01CCC4D6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;] [ID-31] [Class HB] 01CCC716 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;;] [ID-32] [Class HB] 01CCE5D6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;;;] [ID-39] [Class B] 01CCEF96 000000?? [---Gap---] Donald? [Where is this from?] [ID-12] [Class HB] 01CCF1D6 000000?? [---Gap---] Lightcycle [o_____O] [ID-36] [Class B] 01CCF416 000000?? [---Gap---] Card Form [o_o Wait, this has a Moveset?] [ID-38] [Class B] 01CCF896 000000?? Dice Form [ID-37] [Class B] 01CCF8F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Goofy [Where from?] [ID-15] [Class HB] 01CCFF56 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [Possibly Timeless River Sora] [ID-25] [Class B] 01CD1096 000000?? ??? [o_O?] [ID-2B] [Class B] 01CD10F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Valor Form [... <_<] [ID-26] [Class B] 01CD1756 000000?? Valor Form [._o?] [ID-2C] [Class B] 01CD17B6 000000?? Wisdom Form [WTF is up with these repeats?] [ID-27] [Class B] 01CD1816 000000?? Wisdom Form [@_@] [ID-2D] [Class B] 01CD1876 000000?? Master Form [ID-28] [Class B] 01CD18D6 000000?? Master Form [ID-2E] [Class B] 01CD1936 000000?? Final Form [ID-29] [Class B] 01CD1996 000000?? Final Form [ID-2F] [Class B] 01CD19F6 000000?? Antiform [ID-2A] [Class A] 01CD1A56 000000?? Antiform [I died a few codes up, just so you know.] [ID-30] [Class A] 01CD1AB6 000000?? [---Gap---] Sora? [The hell?] [ID-01] [Class B] 01CD3376 000000?? [---HUUUGE Gap---] Riku [About freakin' time.] [ID-23] [Class HB] 01CDA516 000000?? [--Gap--] Sparrow [ID-24] [Class HB] 01CDA696 000000?? Sparrow [ID-22] [Class HB] 01CDA6F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Sidecar [o.o Ooh... I wonder] [ID-3D] [Class B] 01CDB236 000000?? [---Gap---] Mickey [... Go away...] [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CDC196 000000?? [Gap] Sidecar [Again?] [ID-40] [Class B] 01CDD396 000000??
Neo-Moveset Mods (made by erkz and ported to pal by mikael110) *Notes* 1] IDs are what values are their own movesets. Sora's ID is 01. Hence his moveset value is 01. 2] I do not know what the classes stand for. They're in the game, and they have some significance; - Class A is unusual. The only playable Class A character I know is Antiform. - Class B are usually playable characters such as Mickey and Sora, and Drive Forms. - Class C tend to be NPCs. - Class HB are world characters. Donald and Goofy are also included here, amusingly. - Class ? are things from Pooh's book. - Classes F, D, zD and suchlike are uncommon, and have no moveset. 3] EVERYTHING has a moveset. However, things without unique movesets, or things with their weapons built into them... Are given IDs of 00. 4] Bosses have a default moveset of 00, and are usually Class B. 5] EVERYTHING has a moveset. Just making this clear. Once it has a model, it has a moveset. 6] This is NOT a complete list. Bosses having a moveset of 00 doesn't help with finding them. *How to use* 1] Take the code of the person you want to mod. 2] Find the person who's moveset you want them to have, and plug their ID in. 3] Insert the completed code, and boot your game. 4] Have fun. Sora [ID-01] [Class B] 01CB9C36 000000?? Battle Form [Valor] [ID-02] [Class B] 01CB9C96 000000?? Magic Form [Wisdom] [ID-03] [Class B] 01CB9CF6 000000?? Trinity Form [Master] [ID-04] [Class B] 01CB9D56 000000?? Ultima Form [Final] [ID-05] [Class B] 01CB9DB6 000000?? Heartless Form [Anti] [ID-06] [Class A] 01CB9E16 000000?? ??? [No name listed in Moveset] [ID-09] [Class B] (o.O Wait, where're 7 and 8?) 01CB9E76 000000?? Mickey [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CB9ED6 000000?? Donald [ID-11] [Class HB] (Something doesn't feel right...) 01CB9F36 000000?? Goofy [ID-14] [Class HB] 01CB9F96 000000?? ??? [No name] [ID-1F] [Class C] 01CB9FF6 000000?? Jack [ID-20] [Class HB] 01CBA056 000000?? Jack [Santa Form] [ID-20] [Class HB] 01CBA0B6 000000?? ??? [World Char, dunno who.] [ID-21] [Class HB] 01CBA116 000000?? Aladdin [ID-17] [Class HB] 01CBA176 000000?? Ping? [ID-19] [Class HB] 01CBA1D6 000000?? Mulan? [ID-1A] [Class HB] 01CBA236 000000?? Auron? [ID-18] [Class HB] 01CBA296 000000?? Sparrow [ID-22] [Class HB] 01CBA2F6 000000?? [---Huge gap of unusable Movesets---] Lion Form [ID-07] [Class B] 01CC0B16 000000?? [---Another huge gap =(---] ??? [World Char, dunno who.] [ID-16] [Class HB] 01CC1556 000000?? ??? [<_< You get the idea.] [ID-16] [Class HB] 01CC15B6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [ID-0B] [Class B] 01CC1BB6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [ID-1B] [Class HB] 01CC2576 000000?? [---Gap---] Mickey? [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CC39B6 000000?? [---Gap---] Dual-Wield Roxas (So that's where he was...) [ID-0A] [Class B] 01CC3D76 000000?? [---Gap---] Donald [Lion King] [ID-11] [Class HB] 01CC53F6 000000?? Goofy [Lion King] [ID-14] [Class HB] 01CC5456 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [o_O Teh hell? Who's this?] [ID-3B] [Class B] 01CC56F6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [Oookay...] [ID-08] [Class B] 01CC5E76 000000?? Valor Form [Again? And what's NM?] [ID-0C] [Class B] 01CC6476 000000?? Wisdom Form [ID-0D] [Class B] 01CC64D6 000000?? Master Form [ID-0E] [Class B] 01CC6536 000000?? Final Form [ID-0F] [Class B] 01CC6596 000000?? Antiform [ID-10] [Class A] 01CC65F6 000000?? [---Excessively large gap---] ??? [Think it's Sparrow's human form] [ID-24] [Class HB] 01CC9C56 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [._.] [ID-34] [Class HB] 01CCA856 000000?? [---Gap---] Aladdin's Carpet [WTF?] [ID-35] [Class B] [._o Wait, it's playable?] 01CCAA36 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [World Char for Timeless River... But... o_O?] [ID-33] [Class HB] 01CCC4D6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;] [ID-31] [Class HB] 01CCC716 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;;] [ID-32] [Class HB] 01CCE5D6 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [-_-;;;] [ID-39] [Class B] 01CCEF96 000000?? [---Gap---] Donald? [Where is this from?] [ID-12] [Class HB] 01CCF1D6 000000?? [---Gap---] Lightcycle [o_____O] [ID-36] [Class B] 01CCF416 000000?? [---Gap---] Card Form [o_o Wait, this has a Moveset?] [ID-38] [Class B] 01CCF896 000000?? Dice Form [ID-37] [Class B] 01CCF8F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Goofy [Where from?] [ID-15] [Class HB] 01CCFF56 000000?? [---Gap---] ??? [Possibly Timeless River Sora] [ID-25] [Class B] 01CD1096 000000?? ??? [o_O?] [ID-2B] [Class B] 01CD10F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Valor Form [... <_<] [ID-26] [Class B] 01CD1756 000000?? Valor Form [._o?] [ID-2C] [Class B] 01CD17B6 000000?? Wisdom Form [WTF is up with these repeats?] [ID-27] [Class B] 01CD1816 000000?? Wisdom Form [@_@] [ID-2D] [Class B] 01CD1876 000000?? Master Form [ID-28] [Class B] 01CD18D6 000000?? Master Form [ID-2E] [Class B] 01CD1936 000000?? Final Form [ID-29] [Class B] 01CD1996 000000?? Final Form [ID-2F] [Class B] 01CD19F6 000000?? Antiform [ID-2A] [Class A] 01CD1A56 000000?? Antiform [I died a few codes up, just so you know.] [ID-30] [Class A] 01CD1AB6 000000?? [---Gap---] Sora? [The hell?] [ID-01] [Class B] 01CD3376 000000?? [---HUUUGE Gap---] Riku [About freakin' time.] [ID-23] [Class HB] 01CDA516 000000?? [--Gap--] Sparrow [ID-24] [Class HB] 01CDA696 000000?? Sparrow [ID-22] [Class HB] 01CDA6F6 000000?? [---Gap---] Sidecar [o.o Ooh... I wonder] [ID-3D] [Class B] 01CDB236 000000?? [---Gap---] Mickey [... Go away...] [ID-1C] [Class B] 01CDC196 000000?? [Gap] Sidecar [Again?] [ID-40] [Class B] 01CDD396 000000??
ops sry i thought that you wanted final forms moveset because you were talking about that vid :( here: DW roxas has master forms moveset: RAW: 01CC3D76 00000004 AR MAX 5R7X-HWFC-N1W8A GJPW-HQ0W-6Q0NP
yeah here: play as auron: RAW: 11CFAC7C 00000065 AR MAX: XD18-D8WM-YMUGH QAMY-3VN6-0EMHQ
here: DW roxas with final form's moveset: RAW: 01CC3D76 00000005 AR MAX: 39NW-XV7E-DVECA 1DTT-UFZM-J912H
i tested the code and that code freezes the game.(and yes i did joker it) its not jokered to anything,he told you that you had to joker it,not that it was jokered.
we know that those codes work,in fact all those codes came from this site.
:roll: :) i finally got a live dump of the throne room.so im working on porting the codes now. :) i ported the emperor mod: Emperor: 11c7c68c 0000???? im still working on the other ones.