remove goofy RAW: 11CFAC80 00000023 AR MAX: VJH6-4YG1-7WEJA 1K7B-PX0B-E2PGV remove donald RAW: 11CFAC7E 00000023 AR MAX: Q57X-KEAE-17C90 KYMZ-QHW7-4FCRZ sry but ii don't have the other codes
ohh s**** sry i posted the wrong codes :( here these works: Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303531 Normal Sora 5F303531 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000500 Sora 464C5942 Valor 4647464D Wisdom 46495754 Master 46545155 Final 464C5948 Anti
to tell you the truth i didn't make the code or the digits i only ported it.
you code was wrong you are modding him into a form so you must use 21CB9BF4 5f303031 21CB9BF8 58455F50 instead of: 21CB9BF4 00303031 21CB9BF8 58455F50
the problem is that i don't 100% understand how this code works.and without understanding that i wont be able to find new digits. im not even sure if there are other digits.
yes i did but it seemed like no one noticed.but i guess your right its no big deal.
wait are you working for redsonic?!
they doesn't t-stance. and i think its impossible to find a kh1 sora digit
umm.. are you talking to me? wait are you working for redsonic?!
the model mode actually only changes the model and nothing else!,not the way they walk and not the way they attack!. example:if you use the code to turn master form into final form.and then drive into master form. he will have final forms model but he will still attack like master form,have the same ability's as master form and hold his keyblades like master form
here use this code: final form replaces anti form: 648N-A4G2-DCBJA 92A8-Q0GJ-EMFKW now when you drive into anti form you will be final form and when you drive into final form you will be anti form hehe a little confusing. anyway the only negative thing about this code is that final form will not be able to do reaction commands and not be able to revert during battle.
you do that by using the code i just gave you!.in addition to allow anti form to use reaction commands it lets him revert in battle.
ported some codes in case anyone want them here: riku code v3 RAW: 11CFAC7C 0000089B 01CDD377 0000002E 21CDD378 7465736D 21CDD37C 00000000 01CDD396 00000023 11CDD39E 00000002 00340F84 0000008A 203411E4 00020100 AR MAX: M6J6-QKDQ-RXW62 NQZH-BEP6-5EK9T 8QPE-TXMH-GYNAR 13MX-PG8W-6B33J H428-ZD7J-8HZD8 Q2F9-B2YK-NX78D J8GG-CY1D-DQFVM N4B3-GGVX-B5Y05 ZW2D-ZENC-UB680 Sora Model Mod: (very cool code) Sora: 21CB9BF4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9BF8 ???????? Valor: 21CB9C54 YYYYYYYY 21CB9C58 ???????? Wisdom: 21CB9CB4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9CB8 ???????? Master: 21CB9D14 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D18 ???????? Final: 21CB9D74 YYYYYYYY 21CB9D78 ???????? Anti: 21CB9DD4 YYYYYYYY 21CB9DD8 ???????? Y Digits 00303031 Normal Sora 5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model) ? digits 00000000 Sora 464c5442 Valor 4647414d Wisdom 46495254 Master 46544c55 Final 58455f50 Anti
yeah here use this code: anti form replaces final form: X7YA-TYAE-UKZ44 HQ3D-0JYZ-8MU71 then drive into final form and you will be anti form with reaction commands
the easiest way to make anti have reactions commands is to use the UCM and replaces final form with anti form. then drive into final form and you will be anti form with reaction commands.and anti form can actually use ALL the reactions commands without t-stacing. using this way anti form will also get the glide ability and the ability to revert when you are in battle.
you should ask erkz hes the one that created the code i only ported it.
and when we talk about that how did r******c get the play as pajamas roxas code before erkz posted iit? did he steal it?
both are right the first line of an ar max code always change every time you hit convert
erkz how does the play as pajamas roxas code work?the pajamas roxas model is only a dummy model so playing as him should be how does the code work?
full party makes you always have party member even in places or battles were you should have been alone