I went to atlanta then went to my uncle's funaral T~T and somewhat i ifortton my password on here for days but now i remeber and wrote it down + i...
idk >< i barley get on now but now im back xD
JADEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D: I MISS MY FRIEND!!! x3 :D how were you these days while i was gone? XD
>w< i know when your her age thing get harder >.< and the'll balry be on like zane is (T^T i miss him so much now..)
aww >w< hope you feel better jaden D:
YAY dead rock shooter XD
Im good ^w^ what about u?
^^ :) so how were you?
Hey jaden! :D
Thanks (sorry for the late reply)
yeah 8D i miss u now T^T
Thank you jaden :3 <3
yeah 8D they got pokemon too xD
that's good ^w^
Hey there :3
^w^ im res. now all i need is the passowrd :3
yeah 8D im working on mines x3
Jaden tommarows my birthday :3 and yay!
okay then ^_^ i need to remember my dueling skills :3
sure :3 we can