XD anyways your doing okay? XD
thanks XD ^^
done ^w^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2MiMdpNivQ
I didn't get a response ;A;
just a dance gotta work the camera & effects and more stuff @~@
since i got yahoo maybe i can e-mail him or my webiste
Come back rivuer!!!!!!!!! ;A;
i was gonna send it and really? o.O he one time told me he has a job in delivery
im good im just making another vid XD
i don't know either...;~; im trying too contact him by his e-mail
yeah XD XP
i was thinking about it to...or maybe he forgotton about us....even me & u and all of our friends who know him ;~;
Hey jaden! ^_^
im good too ^^
nothing new just suffreing at home DX
oh okay so how were you? :3
hey jaden! XD
yep x3 [ sorry i haven't been on lately >.< ]
x3 XD yeah!
hehe YAY! ^_^