Not after what he's done to me. There's a difference between douchbags(what females happen to like), and dickheads.
I was Tom. I was Tom when I saw that movie. It clawed and tore at the crude stitching over my heart until it caused a bigger wound and eventually infection that almost killed me.
NO I HATE THAT MOVIE, THAT IS MY MOST HATED MOVIE I HATE And I haven't seen the second Ah so many movies to watch
wow I thought this thread was about jerking it too
Except no because he's a dick It's an AP class though, and if we keep interrupting the class with our fighting, she can talk to our principal and get us dropped to regular psych. Doesn't matter anyway, he called me and apologized
To Kill a Mockingbird is the only one I've seen off this list, I should probably watch these, since I've heard of most of them before
said that if this guy and I don’t stop fighting, that she’s going to put us up in front of the class and make us solve our differences alongside third-party commentary. She basically said that if we don't solve our dispute by Monday, then it's either that, or we get booted from the class. So this guy and I talked it out somewhat, and he said to write down why I hate him so much so that he knows why I'm mad at him. He said he'll read it and then call me later to discuss it. So I complied, against my entire being, and wrote a couple of pages to him to tell him why I'm furious with him, now I'm waiting for him to call me, and I don't expect him to, but I'm waiting around any way in case he surprises me.
Okay, well since I've seen most of these, literally every single one of the movies from the posts that I liked, I'm going to go ahead and watch a few of the others. I'm going to start with Departed, since that was the first suggestion that I haven't seen.
Agreed. Eastern religions are more... Forgiving and understanding of the balance of human consciousness and nature, it would be much more peaceful, though I don't live in those countries. For all I know, they could have religious disputes all the time.
Honestly, you won't offend a Buddhist by not doing anything acknowledge their beliefs. Any true Buddhist would be content with inner peace and praying to themselves. EDIT: And no, I'm not being racist. Buddhism is my favorite belief. I've done extensive studies in Buddhism in particular, and I know no Buddhist would be bothered by something so petty.
Haven't read the other posts yet, but if a being is all-powerful, then wouldn't it negate the existence of law, since it could not be enforced? I mean, if it created its own law, and put other beings under said universal law, then wouldn't it be a guardian as such? If a being of the above mentioned were to be able to have the power to create a world, and be under one law, then I somehow doubt it could trap itself in its own universe. If so, then the being could hardly be called all-powerful.
I agree. It actually sometimes seems pointless to fight all of this at times, because, no matter how much America stands for freedom of religion, the citizens(religious and non-religious) make it really difficult to follow through with it, because the media-important Christian majority believes that anyone who tries to make things equal are against religion, and then anyone who just wants their own beliefs to be acknowledged instead of just Christians, get treated like cross-burning communists, and so on, and on, and on. Anyone else, such as the fair, respectful, forgiving Christians, and the people who are neutral on the subject just get ignored, because of the main argument. I just re-read what I posted, and it hardly makes sense, my thoughts are jumbled right now because I'm tired, but essentially I'm agreeing with you about everyone thinking they're having their rights taken away when the law favors one belief over another, even if it is law.
I want to watch something My top 5 favorites are: Fight Club How to Train Your Dragon The Breakfast Club The Sword in the Stone and Forgetting Sarah Marshall What are movies kind of like those. I like mental/emotional thrillers too, nothing horrific, and I don't like plotless action, but I like a gripping storyline, and no Chick flicks... Or comedies. I don't mind a movie being funny, but I don't want bullshit flicks like Anchorman or Superbad, or god forbid Mean Girls or Napoleon Dynamite. gimme suggestions gimme
Not all Christians are as close-minded as you make them out to be.[DOUBLEPOST=1347598712][/DOUBLEPOST] My personal views on Satanism could be offensive to those who support full freedom of religion. However, Satanism has nothing to do with the main focus being disbelief or belief of a God, and is on an entirely different tier than the current discussion.
I have never heard a prayer start off that way, not even as a joke. And the God Christians believe in is the same God as many other religions. Mostly western, but sometimes I think even the eastern religions believe in the same God, just alongside others or perhaps above others, but we're getting into my personal beliefs here. Even in cultures classes you learn that the Christian God is the same as many. The only thing making Christianity what it is, is Jesus as the Messiah.
I didn't read all of this, but how on Earth does a prayer only represent one religion? The last time I checked, the majority of world religions pray, and many to a supreme god or smaller gods/spirits, as well as prayer for self-meditation. And I'm pretty sure taking your hat off during the National Anthem doesn't make you any more American, it just makes you more respectful.
Oh, I thought this thread was gonna be about jerking it
See, that's exactly what I thought. It's about Christians, and not wanting Christians to be rewarded somehow, because apparently to many non-Christians, praying is viewed as a younger sibling getting more Christmas presents than you. To me it seems as if it's just some personal vendetta people have against Christianity, while the majority of eastern and western religions pray, and I get that it's some church and state bullshit argument, and I don't have a problem with it being removed, I just have a problem with people making such a damn big deal about it, when it's so much easier to just go on their way. It's not like Christians are purposefully doing it in spite of others. In fact, the only ones offended by this are probably Atheists, and I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but from the majority of Atheists I've met, I've found them to be the most damn intolerable group of people I've ever had the displeasure to meet. To me it doesn't seem like people are being forced to pray though, I've been to games before that do this, and I've never seen security officers or staff going around with whistles saying, "Hey! Your head isn't bowed you cross-burning heathen!"
People are putting so much effort into something rather pointless to fight over. I just think that religious people should have their thing, because a lot of non-religious people try to take it away. Of course, A LOT of religious people try to push their beliefs on others, but I don't really think that this situation is one of those. But I suppose they could just do a moment of silence for thoughts or prayer, and stop calling it a prayer. I just don't think so much effort should have to be put into it.