it's always true. I think you can even die from a papercut
But I don't need google to know that pain=death[DOUBLEPOST=1347814884][/DOUBLEPOST] I didn't need to watch all of that to get it. I don't know how many people in the help with life thread would appreciate "I'm die halp." as a serious thread, that's why I spaM ZONE
yeah that[DOUBLEPOST=1347779070][/DOUBLEPOST] now i'm dying and sad because you just reminded me of how I've never been to disney world.
But it's an XP, so i can't play many games on it[DOUBLEPOST=1347772341][/DOUBLEPOST] that sounds dreadful, watch Legend of the Seeker
The most recent game system I own is a Gamecube
i'm die oh no i'm so sorry [DOUBLEPOST=1347770373][/DOUBLEPOST] damn, i needed someone qualified, guess i'll have to do it myself.
i can't take ibuprofen anymore though oh my god it's been settled, I am going to die
ssh help with life can't help me with death[DOUBLEPOST=1347768040][/DOUBLEPOST] The doctor was just like, "Oh, it's infected, here's some antibiotics, take them!" but they're nOT HELPING And doctors always give antibiotics, and they don't help keep the infection away for awhile, becaus ethis is the third time in two months that this has happened ugghhu and now i am die
I got antibiotics but they won't help if i die
because I think I'm dying I should go to the emergency room i can't lay down on my side with my head on the pillow, which means i can't sleep and I'm going to insomnia all of my organs are going to shut down from lack of sleep and then i am going to die oh god I'm dying halp
stp it pls
Well we got things sorted out mostly, so we should be relatively cool with each other now. Unless he scans me with his Sonic Screwdriver again.
But I've seen it a million times, so... Also, my list of movies that I need to see is getting long, so I'm probably going to ignore any more suggestions, I'll probs ask again when I finish my list.
Because we both turn into 10-year-olds around each other. He basically tore my heart into a million pieces a couple years ago, so I have pent up hatred for him, and I take it out on him. Yesterday's fight started with him singing a song I liked, so I told him to shut up and then we started fighting about stupid stuff, like how his jacket was an abomination, and then he told me my backpack was too small compared to my body, so I told him to stop cutting his own hair, because he looked like a lesbian, and then he was like, "Well at least I'm not." So then I called him stupid and positioned my desk leg above his foot and sat back down, then he threw his backpack at me.
And I corrected myself, because I don't know
Try Spiral, or Digimon
Really I just meant that there's a difference between this dick and those dickheads that you're talking about.