I actually just fixed something else Do you mean the hover bars?
THIS THEME And I don't even like it that much. It's kind of an awful theme. I chewed my lip off in concentration, over this ****ing theme. And to top it all off, it's not even my theme, I just changed the positioning and sizing, etc almost everything on it to make it ****** computer friendly The only reason I used an unbearable theme was because the one that I had just switched to was worse. Does it look that bad or am I just annoyed for nothing? EDIT: Basically this is a thread to complain and then ask your opinion on my tumblr theme
Let's talk about how this has nothing to do with our generation. Every generation has dicks. Now about him harassing your sister, street fight.
Maybe someone in your family has it, it's super common
That's good, how are you
You get it from swapping saliva. Whether through kissing someone with it, sharing drinks, sharing food, kissing on the cheek even, someone sneezing on you, etc., etc. Kissing is the most common way of catching the virus EDIT: Hence the nickname
It's a reoccurring virus. That you get from kissing. It causes fever, sore throat, and swollen lymph glands, even psychological problems, as well as more temporary physical issues Once you get it you kind of have it forever
What are you talking about? The Wonder Years is fantastic, and I've seen them live, they sound almost the same as on their album, no crappy All Time Low/fall Out Boy nonsense, and Handguns is really good too, so is Fireworks, Real Friends is brand new, they're not really on a label, so they're recording is godawful, but they're pretty great, and then Mixtapes, Transit, Saves the Day, Man Overboard, there are plenty of good pop punk bands out there, you don't get punk anymore, so you have to make do, but I'm hardly complaining. Punk is dead, it's been dead for awhile now, and I listen to a few old punk bands still, like NOFX and Descendents, but saying that most pop punk bands these days try too hard to be the next blink-182 is wrong, there are plenty that do, and I know for a fact that All Time Low directly copies blink all the time, but not every band is ATL, and just because they suck balls, doesn't mean every other pop punk band is like that.
Why were you grinding in the pit
I listen to both genres, as they are both my favorite, but pop punk is more about inner/emotional feelings than a 'give 'em hell' attitude and hating your dad/government.
You'd be surprised.
Because I have mono again Ugh What are some good, healthy ways to keep myself occupied and healthy for days without getting too bored? As in, not just playing video games, or watching TV all day.
Blogs that promote anorexia and bulimia, and tell fat people(over 110lbs) how to vomit and/or starve properly. Pretty much the exact opposite as this.
This was the greatest controller I ever owned. And easily the most convenient. I didn't like but a few games on the Gamecube, but this controller made it ****ing worth it.
This is just as bad as thinsbo blogs jfc
Pop punk, it's the only genre where I feel like the musicians are as awkward as the people listening to it. It's easy to relate to, there's always songs about me, from every band that I listen to, and it makes me feel like I'm not the only one out there that has the problems that I do, it makes me feel like a person.
I suppose. it's hard to remember, since I haven't actually been super into watching the show in years. Could go either way, since they created an entirely new storyline not related to the previous seasons/episodes. Y'know, since it's consistent with the ideas of the original and all, while being fresh and new. It's clearly not fully constrained by what happened previously in the show, that is an obvious fact, since there are many things happening in the show that don't correspond to the old series. However, it's really based off of personal opinion. It is also a continuation, but only in character, hardly in plot. Rebooted
Oh my bad, It was Mcgann. I never really learned his name because he only showed up for the one movie, but it was his TV film that either set the events of the Time War in motion, or just, I dunno, was the last thing to happen before it. Either way, it was very confusing to start watching it again and learn that all of the Timelords had been killed.
Runescape is awesome
It's been around since the sixties and is the longest running sci-fi show on television though, It's not a bad show at all[DOUBLEPOST=1347942340][/DOUBLEPOST] You're right, it's just hard sometimes to see him killing species', because when I watched Doctor Who, there were still Timelords, granted they were dicks, but they were still there, even while the Doctor did his thing. I was a child watching the Doctor fight with only his screwdriver to 'unlock' the puzzles of how to bring peace. None of this Second Great Time War stuff had happened until after the 7th or 8th Doctor I think, I know it was Colin Baker, and I can't remember which number he was, so it's just kind of foreign to me I guess, watching this series. Even though it's been rebooted for almost 10 years, it's still like a brand new thing for me. It's just weird to see the Doctor needing to kill or injure or bring genocide. I guess I'll keep watching the new ones, it's just... Weird. And I really don't like Moffat's writing that much, it's tolerable at best.