How is that possible? D: Guys I hate you and I love you. I get in trouble every freaking day just to get on the forums...well really more MSN but still. My dad hates me and my brother hates me for going on the computer a lot, and some of you know that I've been going through a lot lately. I've become very fragile and easily hurt emotionally lately because of all of this crap, and really it's centered around me arguing with my dad about letting me stay on the comp. So yeah, I have to leave. But not forever. Just for a bit. I will be on MSN a bit, and then here sometimes on the weekends, but I gotta go. It's bringing me so much pain ;~; So I'll really just be talking to the Gentlemen, who I love (Especially Haseo <333) : D, and a few people here that don't have MSN, but really that's it. Don't expect too many posts for a bit unless it's art...or a really good thread in the spamzone. I'm trying to keep my time on to a minimum, so hopefully my dad will be more mature about things and my brother will leave me alone. Except they're not mature, and won't be for a while...I can tell. Thank god my brother doesn't come on here anymore (He hates you guys xD) he would kill me if he saw this thread o_O Remember, Xaale loves you guys <3 Edit: Oh right I'm gonna be invisible if I do go on.
I went home sick from school because of the sore throat I've been having and because I basically went deaf. I can barely hear D: Discuss.
Messing with Photoshop adjustment layers.
Stop joining KHV for maybe just a day, changing my usertitle with every new member is getting quite annoying.
I know the render is small. Other than that, CnC Edit: Oh, and the sig is really small overall, too xD
Do you see the horror you have made now that I have access to your PB for the day?
... Ffffffffffffff-
An attempt at drawing Ed...again. And a fail........again :'D Drawn on iScribble. CnC...please :3
It sucks, I know. Took me four and a half hours and over 30 layers... .-. God I wish I had a working scanner. I suck with a mouse @_@
If you don't grow wings, you're going to fall off the freaking bridge. There's nothing beneath you dammit.
Xaale again :'D Comments/Critisism is loved o3o
Now shut up and stop making these threads ;D Does this wolf look familiar? xD I did a fan art for Kay Fedewa's Bloodspill, one of the main wolves in her graphic novel Black Blood Alliance. Any CnC?
Neither do I. a Gentlemen. If I'm a Gentlemen, I feel it is my duty to at least have it somewhere. And it's going in my sig.
I just put up my first page a few hours ago, here it is: Here's a banner for the site: And here's a fan art of one of my characters that I colored (with permission and credit :'D)