Lol I don't even know.
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I'm gonna go to bed in a few minutes. This thread now has the potential to be anything you want it to be.
Egg .
I love you Ray :v You need a fanclub :B|: Members: Xaale/Reaper Review Kites Advent Skittles Apoligetix Rissy
He needs one too ::L: I dare someone to argue with me :B|: Members: REAPER REVIEW/XAALE HA I WAS HERE FIRST Haseo
He needs one. :lolface: No one will argue. Members: REAPER REVIEW/XAALE DAMN RIGHT. TsuFortississis-...Dalk Lunasaurus ReXe54 Apoligetix Flyn Pnut Rhoppergaurd Stargirl (I'm not even going to attempt it) :lolface: Sora March ArchVice Janime6 Rissy HayabusaZeroZ 007 MSUK What? Kaxej Mango Amethyst Heart
Because my brother is going to some camp in upstate New York. It's a 6 hour round trip, and my dad could drive him. Hell, I'm not even at my dad's. I'm at my mom's right for the week. My brother is at my dad's. So my dad could just drive him. But my mom is like "OH ALEXANDRA AND I CAN GO TOO." And I'm like "WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT." So now when we drop him off, I'm losing 6 hours of my life. Damn it.
REALLY ANNOYING but w/e. AND YES THE EYES DON'T FOLLOW NAVI WHO ISN'T EVEN IN TP BUT I'M LAZY. Edit: You have to click download for the loop. Or else it will just play once.
A contest for ice-or-fire on DevART, where you had to draw an OC with her OC xD Here's the reference I used: What do you think? o:
Yar, I'm grounded until finals are over. Not allowed on the computer, actually I'm not allowed to do ANYTHING but study. My dad's not home so I'm sneaking on his computer to write this. My math teacher called to say I wasn't doing to well on the practice regents and so my dad grounded me, and even after staying until five on the last day of school studying and doing old regents (not counting finals/regents) I don't get any credit from my dad :/ See you in two weeks, I love you guys, especially the Gentlemen, and especially especially Rayku <33 See you all in two weeks D: Maybe my mom will let me on, if my dad doesn't tell her. If she will then I'll be on this weekend. My last final is the 23rd.
My teacher wasn't here and we had a worksheet so I decided to do half of it but with answers more appealing to me than...normal answers :L It says: 1. Sushi is raw fish. 2. Tomatoes are fruits. 3. The cake is a lie. 1. Everyone has AIDS, so what do we do? 2. The Gentlemen had a road trip, and everyone got AIDS. 3. Joe is a pretty cool guy, eh sells rope and doesn't afraid of anything. 1. Ginta and her four selves ruled the land/spamzone, if she returns all hell will break loose. ...except I spelled "loose" as "lose". Stfu. Oh and I drew an lolface. I hope this isn't collected tomorrow...:lolface:
I NEED this in my sig. But it's too large of a file size :v
Sorry, I don't know where to post lyrics :/ I read for the sections but I kinda...didn't see it. It was probably right in front of me Edit: I WAS RIGHT. It was right in front of my eyes .-. can someone move this please? Why is it that when I'm depressed, I make it so obvious through writing? I tried writing a song... :/ hrrm. If only I could believe my song when I say it's time to say goodbye :/ It's Time to Say Goodbye Now I won’t fall Now I won’t cry Now I’ll let go It’s time to say goodbye. I can’t let go of you even though I knew You never loved me all this time, You even said it when you left. All this time I could tell that I’m just in the way, I don’t want to go though I know there’s no chance, I should’ve listened to the warnings But I was so oblivious and stubborn, what would it matter? Now I won’t fall, (I have to keep going) Now I won’t cry, (I have to stay strong) Now I’ll let go, (But I don’t know if I can.) It’s time to say goodbye in your eyes. Now I still see you every day, I’m not the same and you know it, You say that I’m different, you miss the old me, But that part of me won’t be back for a while, Until I learn to let go and move on. I can't remember a time without knowing That I had someone to look forward to talking to As much as I did as you. But I should've known that it wasn't true. Now I won’t fall, (I have to keep going) Now I won’t cry, (I have to stay strong) Now I’ll let go, (But I don’t know if I can) It’s time to say goodbye in your eyes. Through these tears I smile one last time. Now I won’t fall, (I have to keep going) Now I won’t cry, (I have to stay strong) Now I’ll let go, (But I don’t know if I can) It’s time to say goodbye in your eyes. Through these tears I smile one last time. It’s time to say goodbye.
On I searched birds in the spanish translator because I'm lazy and I didn't want to look to see if I was spelling pajaros right and so then is stupid and will only translate single...words. So then it gave one of the related words for birds, and it was AIDS. HOW. HOW.
On Facebook someone is having an arguement on gay rights and I didn't even look at the responses and I wrote "cool". So then I looked. And it was after they called him gay. Guys. Monday will be hell.
What's a Xaale? I'm an ignorant child and I must know. No this does not mean I'm back B| I said I'd get on to post art and if there was a good thread. So yup. CnC and all that jazz.