What is this self-imposed challenge? The nature of this thread is quite simple! To make at least two avatars every two to three days until Christmas Eve.To develop my existing graphic art skills and potentially learn new tricks. Every two or three days I will make a collection of terrible avatars in such a way that I can be festive and fun and Christmas-y while also being able to look directly on my past work and see where I can improve. To put it simply, this thread serves as a self-journal of continual improvement along a single continuum. Critique is heavily encouraged, as this is about improvement. It would also be fun if any other graphic artists wished to join this little challenge - they are certainly free to! Happy Holidays! Borders :: CurvedDimensions :: Approx. 200 x 200 with potential deviationsUse? :: Permission via thread (if you are crazy enough to use these. It is akin to wearing an artist's concept sketches) December 03 December 04
On a magical trip around the world.
GRAPHS AND CHARTS Spoiler: Graphs and Charts ✖ Total ✖ ✖ Arrivals ✖ ✖ Departures ✖ NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP November [ 6 ] Noobles calxiyn Xalxe Cutsceneaddict ReenaReeka Loriah December [ 12 ] dreambydistance Keero TheFishXigbarTriedToDrown Budderpineapple4 AGoofyMickey FireRubies1 Sytz Splodge Xare the Shadow of Light OttoOtter Toxicity Romani January [ 15 ] Atelé Madoka Shera Wizard Silent Wings Ertyx coolwings RamenForSale Sketchy KairiTheLight Silver3drago Serenacake Kanji Tatsumi DarkVen Tycen Hatok February [ 4 ] no. i ai enma Miki Hikari Inori March [ 9 ] AmberTasticZeroxys Roxas75 Sairugoth xxjaviedxx Pararith ALPHAGTBill Hohenheim UlquiorraCifer1964 April [ 4 ] Andywho Xinochlas Pein Xia Amane May [ 12 ] Zaix123 Lucideffective Iain CadoUmbra Hilary Sonja Taylor Skian lilyaccidentaladventurer Infernolefland SmokeBomb Twilight_Roxas Sennitz June [ 1 ] CTRwhereareya July [ 8 ] SynK Sixcrh Brixon Jahan TheMindlessNightmare Lalalablah vaporeon Meshari Maestro Majora August [ 2 ] Roxas1359 Usagi September [ 1 ] Xenao arrivals do not include returning members NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEPT November [ 2 ] Boy Wonder * Noise (returned) December [ 4 ] Alan Smithee Cherry Berry (returned) tummer (returned) Misty (returned) January [ 5 ] K3YBL4D3 KHIGHT (returned) Sabby Laurence Fox (returned) Amethyst (returned) starseeker3 February [ 5 ] moshi The Hero of Time (returned) .: tale_wind (returned) Chie Satonaka (returned) Plums (returned generally) March [ 3 ] LingeringAqua Maka Cherry Berry (returned) April [ 1 ] master08996 (returned) May [ 3 ] Prince_of_Hearts (returned) heartless_angel Chie Satonaka * June [ 3 ] Plums * shidonic Jayn (returned) July [ 3 ] Amaury (returned) cstar (returned) What? (returned) August [ 3 ] Llave (returned) Ienzo (returned) Boy Wonder September [ 1 ] Kingdom Hearts530 * = reduced activity departures include temporary departures but will be marked accordingly when the member returns
Election post about election despite the fact that thread creator is not murrican enough to vote.
Here is a lovely thing made by our lovely Judge Sunrose dedicated to the lovely couples of KHV this November, posted on request! SHIPPING IN NOVEMBER Do you remember the Few first nights of November? Love was changing the minds of some members While they were miles away Their hearts were ringing In the key that the Chorus was singing. As Bushy danced in the night, Remember, Midnight Star stole his heart away Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - Shipping in November Ba de ya - best fad ever made today DT and Kelly Holding hands like KH five-thirty Does when she's around HoT, Remember how we knew love was here to stay Now November found the love deep within the members. OTP Mish and Fork, Remember the true love they share today Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - Shipping in November Ba de ya - best fad ever made today Ba de ya - say do you remember Ba de ya - Shipping in November Ba de ya - love works in mysterous ways
INTEREST CHECK Welcome to the Iron Chef KH-Vids: Interest Check! This is an idea that a number of members have been considering for a while - something to spice up the forum, literally and metaphorically, hurray! WHAT? What is this Iron Chef that is spoken of? It is based on the hit television shows in Japan and America - well, Iron Chef. It is essentially a cooking competition that pits two famed chefs against each other to create splendid dishes. The catch? Each competition of the episode has a special (secret) ingredient that must be used somehow, in every dish! It is a competition that pits the creative minds and the cooking skills of many against each other to form delectable things. HOW? But since we are not all Michelin star chefs and this is a very casual thing, certain things shall be done differently! Members may sign up to take part in an Iron Chef competition. A sign up thread will be open for a week or so. When things are ready, the competition will not permit any more competitors for the three weeks that the particular competition will take place. The competition will go on for three weeks and is fairly simple for now - there will be a secret ingredient, and members must make at least two or three dishes containing that secret ingredient. Each competitor must have a final post similar to a recipe format, of sorts. The post must contain: > The list of ingredients> At least five pictures of the preparation method (one picture must also say "Hello KHV!" or something along those lines)> Witty commentary and picture captions After the three weeks are over, a poll will be made with links to the posts so people can vote on their favourite dish. Winner of the week will be able to choose the secret ingredient for next week. There is also talk of instating achievement points similar to the KHV Karaoke Night ones, but based on total votes over different sessions rather than winning per se. INTEREST CHECK // So this is simply an interest check to see if people would be interested in this small community project! That being said, this thread can also be used to post opinions and adjustments on various parts of the rules. Allez cuisine?
Oh gosh here we go and here we are again. EDIT: RvR's introduction is so extremely relaxed. end | thank you for joining number II! | Timing Counter |[ 4 | 4 ] nostalgic feeling - Alex & Atticus [[ The KH-Vids Song ]]< LET'S LOG ONTO KH-VIDS > end | thank you for joining number II!
I still think the unknown is quite nice.
I ship it. Chloride is such a tsundere in her non-ionized state, though.
What? you fool stop mixing up the lyrics when half-dead from half-sleepiness.
I am not feeling very gouda at the moment. Perhaps someone may help me brieathe out my sorrows?
Cycle 4 I am missing a handful of images for the moment, so for those present on the poll, please PM images to me if you wish. Alternatively, you do not have to, or you may PM me alternative images to the ones you have currently submitted. Sincerest apologies for the delays. hottest members ♂ Plums Spoiler Jay Spoiler some ridiculous imbecile (What?) Spoiler Forsaken Spoiler Chevalier Spoiler Droid Spoiler Spike picture unavailable Christhor Spoiler Bushy Brow Spoiler Hayabusa Spoiler Clawtooth Spoiler Peace-and-War Spoiler
Cycle 4 I am missing a handful of images for the moment, so for those present on the poll, please PM images to me if you wish. Alternatively, you do not have to, or you may PM me alternative images to the ones you have currently submitted. Sincerest apologies for the delays. hottest members ♀ Cat~ Spoiler Kites Spoiler Sabby Spoiler Saxima Spoiler Mish Spoiler beezygee Spoiler picture unavailable Sumi Spoiler Misty Spoiler Shy Spoiler Cherry Berry picture unavailable Daxa picture unavailable Peyton Spoiler Rainbow Dash (Maka) picture unavailable
Cycle 4
Cycle 4 Any bad pun I put here would be very unorthodox regardless.
Cycle 4 Nice is a very lovely location, all of you should visit France immediately.
Cycle 4 You getting to know these people? You must not take "no" for an answer!
Cycle 4 The post office is calling! ♪ 〒
Cycle 4. Every young lad and lassie find master debating to be a very popular past time. Our generation is a very intelligent bunch!