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  1. What?


    You wake up in a barely-lit subway station.

    The station corridor stretches on forever, and the north and south seem like endless voids. But here you are, stuck in the central platform. The withered marble tiles are broken up and splayed all over the place. The benches -- one of which you've splayed yourself upon in a nap -- are rusted, red-green from apathetic decay. The dim lights above flicker their last breaths. In fact, it looks like there's only one old hooded lamp right above you that's still lit, protecting you from the shadows.

    Oh? What's this in your hand?

    You look closely, realizing that it's a pair of train tickets.

    ►► YESOD INTERCHANGE || 19:00
    ►► YESOD INTERCHANGE || 19:00

    But you don't have a clue what that means.

    You get up, and you note that most of the station is completely dark. You turn your head to your left, and then your right. Off in the distance, you see two dim glows on opposite sides of your weary, creaking bench.
    They're from lamps, like the one above your head, off in the distance. One to your north, and one to your south.

    Where do you go?

    ►► North
    ►► South
    Thread by: What?, Mar 29, 2013, 38 replies, in forum: The Playground
  2. What?
    A dish best served cold.
    Thread by: What?, Mar 15, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. What?
    Source Fiction: Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
    Character: Demon King/Crimson Scholar/etc.
    What?'s Art Goal of the Piece: Colour-work.

    Program: Paint Tool SAI


    I decided to fool around with acrylic brushes and I realized that my colouring is not as terrible anymore! Appropriately I cheered around as I decided to create some sort of demonic thing to test this.

    Thread by: What?, Mar 14, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. What?
    I have an immense problem.

    Now, I do not often discuss my problems, but I feel this is serious enough to warrant some sort of assistance.

    As some of you may be aware, I am a resident of the lovely, peaceful nation of Canada. There is not very much of interest to most others that may occur here, but this quaint solitude is one of the reasons why I find this lovely location absolutely enjoyable.

    I live near the rural edge of the nation's largest metropolis, and as a result there are forests literally a few minutes away from me. This is where my problem lies.

    Tonight, as I was walking home in the dark at about 6:30 PM, I heard a harsh shriek from the forest. I was alone and the only one on the road, so naturally I was a rather bit suspicious. But since I was already nearing my home, I decided to pick up my pace and run as quick as possible.

    Indeed, I suspected that I was momentarily safe, but it was only a few minutes later, as I had turned towards my street, that I felt as if I was being followed. When I turned around, I caught a glimpse of something, off in the corner of my eye, that sent shivers down my spine.

    It was a strange creature, with a fairly large head and what I presumed to be a long mane. Its most startling features -- the ones most clearly visible in the darkness of the street -- were its eyes. They were bright and luminescent, and looked almost alien. I would have thought it was some sort of cat, but its harsh cries seemed much less feline.

    I tried running, but I could hear its hard steps upon the road behind me. It was most certainly following me.
    For an instant, I was able to take out my phone and get a mildly blurry picture in the street lights.
    I was able to enter the home and shut the door quickly, but I am currently the only one home.

    However, I have suspicions that I am still being watched.
    I require your assistance to combat this foe, KH-Vids. It may simply be my imagination, but the evidence I possess is making my heart palpitate.

    Image of the creature from the forest is attached below.


    What in the world must I do?
    Thread by: What?, Mar 13, 2013, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. What?
    Thread by: What?, Feb 27, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. What?
    Thread by: What?, Feb 25, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. What?
    Chemistry projects are the bane of my reading time.





    Thread by: What?, Feb 19, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. What?

    K-KHV ...


    I-I know this is sudden, but ...

    Please ... be my valentine /////// ...
    Thread by: What?, Feb 13, 2013, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. What?
    <insert image of birthday cookie here because ny tablet is so terrible with images>
    Thread by: What?, Jan 21, 2013, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. What?
    I kingdom hearts forum.
    Thread by: What?, Jan 13, 2013, 178 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. What?
    Thread by: What?, Jan 12, 2013, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. What?
    Serious post containing harsh and caustic language regarding a subject that is disliked by the starter of the topic in question with vernacular that threatens and encourages argumentation
    Thread by: What?, Jan 12, 2013, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. What?

    Why do the emotions


    Thread by: What?, Jan 9, 2013, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. What?
    I am in an astronomy and cosmology mood today, so I shall be posing a few questions for the lovely denizens of the Discussion Agora if they are so interested.

    The universe is literally everything we can comprehend and what we are unable to comprehend. It is our home, and yet, we are much too small for it. Some may even call our position as a tiny little speck of blue floating in a vast cosmic sea as "insignificant". But that is not the question I pose to you today, because I personally feel that even in our blue speck of dust, the universe lies within our very own contemplation.

    What I do ask is how you view the universe as a whole.

    • What ideas on the shape or structure of the universe do you agree with and support the most?
    • Do you think that multiple universes exist?
    • Will we be able to comprehend the size of the universe to the point of easy travel through its immense size, if "comprehension" is even necessary?
    • Out of the many hypotheses, how do you think the universe was created?
    • If there are statistically other intelligent organisms existing in our universe, where are they, and why have they not appeared to us yet?
    • Will all universes with similar conditions eventually form intelligent life fitting with their internal physics?
    • What is the role, if any, of life in a universe?
    Thread by: What?, Jan 6, 2013, 26 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. What?
    I suppose so.

    Here are two sketches. I may colour them in later or some such.

    Our lovely admin, RvR:


    Saxima's 100 DAYS RP Character:


    Comments and critique please! I have not drawn ... people in a while using my tablet so I was curious as to my progression. Any improvement tips would be wonderful!
    Thread by: What?, Jan 5, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. What?
    Thread by: What?, Jan 5, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. What?
    Thank you for doing so much for us in general and the forum as a whole. You are truly someone who never serves to stop making us smile, and because of that, a collection of members decided to prepare something special for you on this very special day of yours, you lovely young lady.
    So we hope you enjoy this gift, and a very Happy Birthday to you from the forum!
    { the production }
    { the libretto }
    Everyone Sings
    I want you to stay so hold me tight, [1] Janson
    Watashi wo terashiteru, [2] Dinny
    We gotta' keep on trying,
    It's working out, You and Me together. [3]D Amethyst, Midnight
    Ano hi sude kuketa mirai, [4] Mish
    Mitsukete kureta ne, [5] Cookiie
    Toki ga suki demo zutto,
    Kimi to itai yo. [6] D Amethyst, Sax
    Take me far away,
    Hikari mo tometa pisuru,
    You can't stop the feeling now,
    My love, [7] D Forks, PaW
    Kimi no soba de. [8] Fuzzy
    I just wanna' love you babe,
    Kotae wo sagashite,
    You're my everything so kono mama, [9] Andrew
    Just take me far away, [10] Amethyst
    Kimi to futari de. [11] Amethyst
    Every day and every night, [12] Midnight
    Sono koe wo kikasete, [13] Fearless
    Baby I can't go on without your love,
    We gotta' be together. [14] D Cookiie, Dinny
    Tonari ni iru dakede, [15] What
    Kokoro ga mitasareru, [16] Moshi
    Kimi ga iru kara,
    Watashi wa hitotsu ni nareru. [17] D Fearless, Tale-wind
    Osarekirenai kono ai wo sasageru, [18] Sax
    You can't stop the feeling now,
    My love,
    Kimi dake wo. [19] PaW
    I will always love you babe,
    Ashita wo shinjite,
    I can bare with things so kono mama, [20] Fork
    Aruite iuku, [21] Fork
    Kimi to futari de. [22] Tale-Wind
    Kasaneru baii makes me say, [23] D Andrew, Mish
    Ano hi no futari ni totte, [24] D What, PaW
    Love's forever,
    Take me far away,
    Hikari mo tometa pisuru,
    You can't stop the feeling now,
    My love, [25] D Janson, Fuzzy
    Kimi no soba de. [26] Mish
    I just wanna love you babe,
    Kotae wo sagashite,
    You're my everything so kono mama, [27] D Moshi, Mish
    Just take me far away,
    Kimi to futari de...

    { the messages }
    { the stage players }
    In order of messages​
    Tale Wind
    Chie (Read by PaW)
    Honourary Mentions to​
    Who wished to help but were unable to due to problems.

    Immense credit to Kites for helping us find the instrumental
    Immense credit to Peace and War for managing the project
    Immense credit to Forsaken-sama for gathering all of the lines together and mixing ​
    { happy birthday jayn! }
    Thread by: What?, Jan 3, 2013, 22 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  18. What?
    There is no more egg nog. I need something to fuel my addiction.
    Thread by: What?, Dec 25, 2012, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. What?
    Even though we are early. But who does not enjoy an early Christmas?
    Thread by: What?, Dec 21, 2012, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. What?
    Have you perhaps seen the aggression of those last minute Christmas shoppers?
    Thread by: What?, Dec 21, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone