xxxxxFrom the chorus of the rain, the old man did not notice the girl pulling his sleeve. xxxxxHey, mister, mister, she cried, holding her umbrella tight as her boots splashed muddy water around the other graves. xxxxxMister, mister. Tinged with chords of innocence and warmth. But her voice fell on deaf ears, for the old man was too fixated on the one stone monolith that stood in front of him. And from the chorus of the rain, even this grave seemed precarious enough to topple at any moment; if he were to take his eyes off for a split second. xxxxxHey mister, mister. xxxxxThe man did not budge, and dug his face, wisened with the cracks of melancholy, deeper into his red scarf. His body was rigid, cold, and unfeeling. A statue that felt just as home in this cemetery as the other monuments to those that passed on. But this girl, she wouldn't stop. She wouldn't let up, and even if her voice was drowned out by the rain she would keep going and going. Hey mister, mister. xxxxxMister, she would ask. Mister, why do you look at that one grave all day? She would ask this, because every day she would see the old man in his familiar red scarf and black coat, clutching something in his shaking hand; she couldn't see it, she couldn't ever see it, but the fact that he struggled in simply holding it meant she knew it existed even if she couldn't see it. And this old man, all he would do is stand by the graves. He would stand by the one decaying grave; a piece forgotten by time, where the malicious winds washed away the inscription that proved a life had once existed, and the earth commanded its armies of moss to return the stone back to its home. The cracks on the stone were as numerous as the contours of his languid face. Where the old man was fixated on the grave, she was all-too fixated on the old man, in the sense of child-like inquisitiveness that dominated one's youngest years. xxxxxBut the rain, it was heavy today. She wouldn't let her chance so quickly get away, and today the child came prepared. She tugged and tugged on the old man's sleeve, and as he stood still as a statue, she scrunched up her face in dismay. Right. She turned away from the man, allowing the rain to hit her curly hair for just a moment. She reached inside her pocket with her small hand and brought out a red-and-white metal sphere. The rain hit the sphere with a noiseless intensity. The girl looked around just briefly, and brought the sphere to her forehead. It was the same, every day; the old man was the only one here. xxxxxShe turned back to the old man and yet again tried to pull on her sleeve. No, no dice, no change. So she went with her second plan, and moved closer to the old man. Her clear plastic umbrella touched the old man's old red canopy, sheltering them both from the rain just briefly. And with a wry smirk, she held out the red-and-white sphere. xxxxxTo her surprise, the old man moved. He turned his head just an inch, to gaze at the sphere. The rain was relentless against their umbrellas now, and the pitter-patter surrounded them as if a battle raged around them, but hidden from them; in the bushes, in the clouds, but never directly around them, an infinite distance away. xxxxxThe girl looked into his eyes. They were strained, as if working out the details of the sphere. Even in the rain, they shone brightly with flecks of dazzling light, and the old man's age gave them a telltale fade. Yet, this fade was strung together with a shadow of sadness and overarching regret that sat upon his shoulders with the weight of the Earth. But even in this, he continued to stare, and the girl watched with curiosity as these pensive eyes of his grew wide. His mouth tried to form words, and he spoke to himself in his mind, as his lips made slight movements and minute twitches that said nothing but explained enough. xxxxxSo she asked a question, but did not tug at his sleeve. xxxxxMister, she began. Mister. Do you remember? xxxxxThe old man snapped his gaze to meet her own with a lightning-bolt intensity. For that brief, fleeting moment in time, the girl felt the richness that once made this man whole. The experience, the challenges, and the feelings of success. The emotions, the despair, the sorrow, the heroism. The fickle nature of loss, and the deep roots of love. But the chorus of rain overtook it, and it too began to slowly fade from existence. The old man's mouth was frozen in time, slightly open and ajar, but it slowly began to descend into the subtle arch of a frown. It was not the frown of anger, that masked hate and fear, or the frown of depression, that masked the loneliness, but it was the frown of realization. The chorus of rain grew loud in his ears, and the wind blew coldly on his back. There was not another voice to be heard in the vast miles of this cemetery. xxxxxExcept the young girl's. xxxxxHe began to move his hand, the one he hid so well; the one that shook as it grasped something tightly. He brought it in front of him, close towards the girl and her sphere, and the girl's heart raced with a giddy jump of surprise and excitement. His movements were robotic and hollow, and what he held in his hand had seen better days. xxxxxThe old man's bony hand held a faded, red-and-white cap, patched in places, burnt in others. The girl felt the old man's wisdom engraved on the hat; it wasn't simply an accessory, but a part of the life that he once loved. And in the hat sat a small red-and-white sphere, almost identical to her own. The only difference was the small lightning bolt engraved above the sphere's white button. His hand shook, but it could have just been from the rain. xxxxxThe girl turned her gaze back to the old man, and noticed that his gaze broke off from hers. He seemed distracted, as if looking at something that lay beyond his simple reality, forgotten in time. xxxxxI remember. xxxxxThe girl was taken aback. xxxxxThe old man did not say anything else, but he continued to look through the ground, then turned his head to look straight through her. It was as if she didn't seem to exist to him. But this was her chance. The girl gripped her umbrella more tightly, and repeated the question that eluded her ever so much. xxxxxMister, why do you look at that grave all day? xxxxxHer question pierced the chorus of rain, and to the old man, it was as if the chorus grew silent. xxxxxHe turned away from the girl, and back to the grave, tightly gripping his hat and the sphere that lay dormant within it. The girl stepped back, giving the old man some space. He knelt down close to the unmarked grave, and laid his hat – and the sphere within it – by the base of the stone, allowing the hat to shelter the cold little sphere from the merciless rain. And his hand shook little, for the spell that gripped his soul had released itself to the winds. xxxxxI look at graves all day, he said. xxxxxI look at graves all day, he said, because if I were to take my eyes off for one second, xxxxxTime would forget you, xxxxxPikachu.
Greetings! I have the ability to purchase both of these games but my parents have given me the condition that I purchase one now and purchase the other later this summer. Thus, I require your dear help, KHV.
Hello! In the efforts to add a semblance of organization and higher quality to this dear board, I have decided to create a simple base guide for what to expect and what one should try and put into a thread here! This is not a rule, only a recommendation! You do not have to follow this guide or be organized like the below, but it is just a gentle advisory to make things easier for the people viewing the thread, and the people whom you wish to watch this anime (or read this manga)! Without further ado, let us try an example post. Annotations are in green to explain why so-and-so could be present. - - - - - Ore no Kami-sama to Nihongo ni Baka Tsundere Moe Kawaii Subarashii Wake ga Nai Tasukete Yo! ( 俺の神様と日本語に馬鹿ツンデレ萌えかわいいすばらしいわけがない助けてよ!) Alternative Title: *unintelligible in English*, "Orekami" You should keep a title in Japanese and English. Preferably, use the English title! A picture is usually necessary. It helps gives readers an idea of what the show's animation, character design, and atmosphere may be like. Here I used something I drew because I do not have time to draw beautiful works of art for Orekami, so this is a placeholder until I may. Usually it is good to use an official poster, or some such. A plot summary, you can grab from Wikipedia, Crunchyroll, or wherever such. Please do not make it as long as this one, and do not spoil the entire plot! Genre: Harem, Romance, Action, Horror, Psychological Thriller, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Comedy, Drama, Tragedy, EcchiEpisodes: 22 (+ 2 OVAs)Animation: SHAFT, KyoAni, GainaxWriting: Gainax, the ghost of Satoshi KonSeasons: 1Airing: CrunchyrollPersonal Rating: 10/10 All of these modules help a reader understand what sort of show it is like. These are probably the most important parts of your post, because not everyone has the same tastes, or the same amount of time. Watch on Crunchyroll TV Tropes Article Wikipedia Article These links help the viewer get a better idea of what the show is like. If you can throw in some places to watch the anime, then you can do so as well. No download links to torrents, please; that is against the rules. This anime is a masterpiece of fictional work. A touching story about the true nature of humanity, the consciousness that exists in us as a result of lightspeed communication, and our place in the universe, it touches upon philosophical themes from Nietzsche to Kierkegaard all while displaying pompously drawn breasts on screen at the same time, for some reason. This perfect balance of deep thinking and banal physical tastes sums up OreKami as one of the greatest anime ever created, one that will be remembered for decades, for it speaks to us not simply on an intellectual or physical level, but on both. The characters were immensely well written. Despite Hito being your everyday six-foot shirtless bishounen with long flowing hair, and Gazpacho's breasts taking up more screen time than her actual face, these characters' personalities, problems, and emotions were the centerpieces of this touching melodrama of existential struggle. No anime fan who has watched this could ever forget the tearjerking scene featuring Hito and Fried Chicken (which I shall not spoil). I did not cry this much since Clannad! Remember to keep tissues at all times for this anime. Who knows what you could use them for; especially with the three studios working on this together. There are many characters spanning this space time sequence, but I will not spoil them. Much of the first episode seems off-putting and generic, but do not let that fool you, as by the end any anime fan is in for an insane ride through space and time. The plot has an excellent pace yet at the same time manages to tie in all of these genres together in a way I dare say is the War and Peace or Les Miserables of the anime world. Although the series has one of the famous "Gainax endings", this one makes sense and is not just a bunch of people clapping for some reason (which actually happens in the first episode regardless). In conclusion, I highly recommend Orekami. It is an anime that allows us to think deeply about our lifestyles; our habits; our place in the universe. It is an existential journey of the soul, and what it means to be human. All at the same time while there are about four beach episodes. and buckets of fanservice. I watch it for the plot. Definitely. Of course. This is the opinion section, and here I wrote an essay, though keeping it shorter is better. This is completely optional. Has anyone else watched this show? - - - - - (Thank you to everyone in the Spam Zone thread who contributed to the above plot.) That is a simple example of what a classy first post in a thread can be like. Organized and giving a good general idea of what the show is like.
We are a community! And because we are a community, it is fun when the community can get together and do things. Or some such. I am fixing up some things in the Anime/Manga section and I simply require from you the craziest and perhaps most convoluted fake anime plot you can think of. Creatively and preferably not an existing plot. Unrealistically long title optional but recommended. From here I shall soup out ... something.
If a thread is here, you can necrobump it instead of creating a new thread. Any new threads shall simply be merged! The List A Accel World Angel Beats! Angelic Layer AnoHana Another Ao no Exorcist Arcana Famiglia Attack on Titan B Bakuman Black Rock Shooter Bleach Blood Lad (manga) Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro-chan Bunny Drop Buso Renkin C Clannad + After Story Corpse Party D Da Capo Da Capo III Date A Live Deadman Wonderland Demon King Daimao Dog Days DorohedoroDragon Ball Z Dragon Ball Z Kai E Eden of the EastEureka Seven F Fairy Tail Free! Full Metal Alchemist Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood G Gargantia of the Verdurous Planet Ghost Hound Girlfriend Guilty Crown Gurren Lagann H Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Hanasaku Iroha Higurashi Hyperdimension Neptunia I Inu X Boku SS Iron Man: Rise of Technovore Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi J JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (anime) K K Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kamisama Dolls Kami-sama no Memo-chou Kill La Kill K-ON! Kuroko no Basuke Kuroshitsuji L Little Busters Little Witch Academia Little Witch Academia 2 Log Horizon Lovely Complex M Madoka Magica: Rebellion Mawaru Penguindrum Mayo Chiki Megaman Star Force Mirai Nikki/Future Diary My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute! (Oreimo) Season 2 N Naruto Shippuden Movie 6 Needless Nisemonogatari No. 6 O Oban Star-Racers One Piece P Panty and Stocking Persona 4: The Animation Pokemon Adventures (manga) Pokemon Origins Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They? Puella Magi Madoka Magica R Rave Master Redline Rosario + Vampire II S Sacred Seven Sands of Destruction Senki Zesshou Symphogear Senyuu Shakugan no Shana IIIShiki Shinzo Sora no Otoshimono Soul Eater Soul Eater (manga) Steins;Gate Summer Wars Sword Art Online T Tears to Tiara Tekkon Kinkreet The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya To Love-Ru Tripeace U Uta no Prince-sama V Vampire Knight Vividred Operation Y Yugioh Zexal
Your feet slowly touch down on the soft ground as you land with a puff of wind ... ... the lights of activity glow around you, and before you realize it ... ... you are now a member of KH-Vids!
This is not from any specific work of fiction but was probably inspired partly by a large collection of things and also Diebuster + TWEWY music for whatever reason. Work in progress. Spoiler
We barely knew thee.
They are the flavour of PS4s.
I require your dear, kind, magnanimous assistance, KH-Vids.
I'm What?'s whiteboard, and I'm an anime. While that dolt was cleaning his room to get ready for guests tonight, he realized he left physics on his whiteboard and was too lazy to clean them off. Hahaha! What a baka. To punish him, I decided to manifest myself from an alternate reality and teach him a lesson. Now I am possessing his account while he is locked up in the closet. That wasn't my fault, by the way. He sort of locked himself up in his closet because he couldn't comprehend my existence. Please. Ask questions about the nature of your universe, for I have seen it all. Consider this your ultimate chance. I-it's not like I like a-answering them, o-or anything ...
Spoiler Felix sit natalis dies! (praying this is correct because my Latin knowledge is as developed as a germinating seed)
And then I learned that he had his own anime. Spoiler
And there was a middle-aged lady who heard despite it being quiet singing and widened her eyes. The older generations do not understand the necessity of feeding on tree frogs.
Hello. April is the cruelest month, breeding Animes out of Glorious Nippon, mixing Moe and action, stirring Dull seasons with ordinary high school students. So let us take an unfunny swing at this interesting show because I must stave off my current boredom. Spoiler Welcome to Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet. This is a touching story about boats written by the one and only Gen Urobuchi. In all seriousness, I am looking very forward to this show and I do enjoy it quite a bit so far despite everything below. Wait, this is not a boat. This is a beautiful paradise for glowing coloured space circles.And I see no verdurous planets. Verdurous is not something I would use to describe the cold, black void of space. If a space colony was my homeland then I would have no time for the Internet, to be honest.Is this Avalon? Did British imperialism claim the entirety of space as well? FUUUUUUUTUREFUUUUUUUTURE You tell them, Gargantia. I mean, truly. That goddamn sun and its terrible sunburns whenever I visit the beaches. It is the worst. See? We even have an image of what it did to my skin a few months ago.Except in space. Space skin. Colonies. I am not sure anymore. In retrospect, this image is terrifying because it is as if giant plant life attacked the colonies and- Oh.But whose idea was it to build colonies mildly in the shape of leaves. Is that why space is verduruous. I find weeds like these things absolutely hideauze myself.*cue laugh track* Pictured: quantum superposition Dear lord, it seems like the harvested children from an entire four families for the army. Can you imagine having 2000 other twin brothers and being forced to fight alongside them against giant space weeds? I can. It is called summer up north in cottage country. But anyhow, it appears the space weeds are attacking the leaf space colonies and we require these legions of space Weed Men to space weed hack the space weeds. Space. Waking up from his lovely sleep is the young man named Ledo, who is seen here with his brain waves different from the average shounen/seinen mecha pilot while his wooden ocarina floats around him. He shall be our protagonist. Possibly. I am unsure at the moment but he feels like protagonist material. He even possesses common sense according to this brain scan! ... Ah wait, no, there is no possible way he is the protagonist then. Suddenly the RIAA attorneys appear on his screen telling him to stop pirating his gosh darned rock music. Shame too, because this really does seem quite like the end of the world as we know it. Instead it turns out that they will be playing swing music to get rid of the weeds. Is this a new form of space pesticide? The actual plan is to wrap the giant flower in green silly string and call it a day before the space environmentalists can get after them. Oh! Ledo must be eligible for some sort of scholarship by this point. His mecha computer pal begins informing him about how his service hours are a wonderful thing and suddenly reveals the underlying Darwinian social structure of this entire calamity. HAL 9000's space mecha cousin turns out to be a very pleasant artificial intelligence. It is even green. It is my favourite character thus far. Come on, sir. I understand waiting to leave until after a song is over but you do not see me lounging in my driveway while I crank up the beats. After that captain finishes playing his space electroswing cover of Macklemore or whatever that song was the space immunoglobins exit the windpipe of the universe and appear in some dark, sideways, twisted Rainbow Road minus the rainbow. They spray some pesticide on the giant space flower and it begins to dissolve into space oranges. But unfortunately, the flower does not react well to the citric acid and retaliates by revealing that it actually is in fact a Sith lord, deciding to fight them with dark lightning. The ships are blasted apart by the pink vermicelli and- wait, that is the forward line? How many ships are there, exactly? That answers that. Is this what would happen if someone cubed the Thin Red Line and blasted it off into space?Anyhow, they fire a giant laser starfish at the weed because echinoderms are a good defense against flowers. Ledo begins his philosophical waxing on how he is the perfect soldier while the battlefield around him cosplays as a Touhou level. But suddenly the weed retaliates with flower power and the fleet is struck by giant lasers and flying space snails (???) Space Akihiko is not amused by this. I wonder if the Soviets developed something of this sort in the Cold War.I would not put it out of them. Or the Americans, to be honest. Ledo attempts to help the struggling weed killer force as they are smacked around by evil space ladybugs or whatever other garden pest is inhabiting this part of the battlefield. But suddenly one of the floating weeds tries to kiss him! Nobody can resist the charming good looks of a sexy Japanese space bishounen. It turns out that these weeds are too much so Ledo's commanding officer tells him to land. Goddammit Monsanto. SEE YOU SPACE COWBOY ... Ledo tries to land but is sucked into one of the random wormholes that the army used to get here and thus ends the first half of this show that contains a deciding lack of verdurous areas or ships. (continues watching the show)