hha ive had lik 3 vaults in my whole life/
IVE HAD I FOR 3 DAYS! and its not even half gone! SO HA! i mean its not lik im drining a 33 oz VAULT!!! hahathat ould rock thoughh.
MUAHAHH i am drinking a 33 oz Dr.Pepper C:
OH WELL i hate ur printer to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhh okayy lol
oh haha she hasnt died yet on adult swimm lol =/
who si that?!? and VDAY SUCKS!! if you dont have a valentine!! haha see thats why i dotn lik valentines day but haha yea candys always good =] though i prolly wont get any.
haha yeaa.
haha excatly! vday sucks!!!!!
gahh i dont like valentines day =/// and errr.... ive got
heyy whats upp?
ohh haha i thought it was onnly lik $300? haha oh well im gonna get it wen i hav the money..wich will be I LOVE CDS TOO MUCH!! =[[
ATLEAST YOU HAV VEGAS! i hav WMM w00h00! lol XD
he! whats upp?
lol jenna makes them because her WMM is stupid and wont let her upload stuff onto youtube, Xp
hey whts up?!?
SNOW DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!