hiii : ) lol. Conqrats Dann! =D
:D haha i feel so loved :]
lmao hi :) i heard you quys missed me? haha i havnt been on since liek march 0_O D=
:d Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
hey is anyone hereee?
heyy everyne! : D
heyyy! anyone heree?
okay ttyl!
ohhh. that stinks im sorry = [
oh. im found out im gettng a C in reading and my parents started flipping out. i was annoying. lol what do you need to get ur grades up in?
yea lol so hmm hows ur life been?
yea lol. i was pretty sure i was over him. we hadnt talked in a week houg. adn then we started talking again. and now he always calls after school. so we're almost alway on the phone lol. and we'll prolly get back togetherr. soonishly haha
hha oh yea i forgot you dont know who he is. hes this guy who was my valentinee. and then we startd going out with me and we went to the movies and he gave me my first kiss. and the next day broke up with me for soemone else. and i really need to get over him but he likes me still and i like him still, he just likes about other girls too. : [ but last night we partner skated at skateland and he hugged me twice = ] oh yea and the song we partner skated to was "when you look me in th eyes" bythe jonas brothers/ hah it was like th perect song for us.
blah i really should get working on an amv. im just to lazy. an id rather be moping around about alec. then work on an amv. lol
heyy! lol longgg long time no speak tehe. nthing really you?
lol u werent here when i postd itt. whats up?
ah no ones ever here when im here = [
HII man im such a bad person i nevr come here anymore
hey everyone whats up? man i havntbeen on here in...forever. lol actaully itsprolly been lik a week or so......