It's ok... lol. Hey well I gotta go now. I'm goin to a bball game at my school. We're in the championships so I'm gonna go and support lol. Talk...
Wow......... *stares at your rep* 5 green dots. Your rep got so high!
Ok... lol looks cool I'll try it. Is it free?
*yawn* what a boring life. Lol totally jk. *twirls around* hmmm I can't wait til summer. I hate school it's so boring and I hate being bored...
Lol... ya. I like Kadaj better = p Man I've been so busy with school. So how have you been? Anything interesting?
Lol... ok *asks nicely* Oh where can I find the Final Mix + cutscenes? Could you PLEASE give me the link... if its no trouble. And I will give credit to the uploader.
Hey! This is the former Entity right lol...? Long time no talk. I miss talking to you lol.
It's ok... thx for giving me some advise. I really appreciate it. :)
So like the clips from Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ have better quality...?
Well I use Sony Vegas Pro 8... and I save it as an AVI file. Like this video I found on the video portal by Hazzlie... It clearly has higher quality graphics, but how...? Here is the url:
Does anyone know how to get better quality in AMVs. Like is there a way to just improve the quality when you edit and make your own videos...