That's horrible... why would they hurt someone just for expressing there own opinions... Man you must go to a really violent school. I guess if they're your friends you should probably talk to them and ask them why the did that.
Idk sounds like a good idea though... you should ask the administrators.
Hmmmm.... Never heard of it.....
The little mermaid lol... jk... idk. This is a really random thread.
That sounds cute lol. I have two cats. They are like a Siamese mix. They're a year old.
Awww your avatar is sooo cute. Is that your kitten?
I like the music that they put in video games...
No... I don't think you can listen to music on the PS3 while you play video games... I guess maybe on my iPod...
Hmmm this seems like a pretty good idea to me...
I miss consistently seeing the Top 5 videos every week... now you guys never post a new Top 5.
Hello... ^_^ I hope you like the site. Read the rules... or learn the hard way like I did lol.
Ya I just put something stupid under there cause I wanted it to be small enough where you couldn't read.
Thx for the friend request... What's up!
It's so cool how you find out all this info. Your the best news guy ever lol! :)
I kinda made the words at the bottom illegible on purpose to obtain a certain effect, but I guess it just turned out kinda weird. Your not supposed to look at it that hard lol. Squint you eyes lol >< it looks better that way.:stupid:
This is my attempt at making a signature. It was inspired by something else I saw. I used photoshop. Tell me what you think. Feel free to be honest... I know the quality is not that great.
Either Zexion or Demyx ... I bet Demyx would have a very interesting story... like maybe he was some kind of musician in his other life... rocker!
Then (no offense taken) why'd you de rep me for something stupid...? You said you hate it when people de rep you for no reason, but then you did...
Yes that was already part of the render...