Awww that's unfortunate... are you sick?
Yay! *huggles you* I missed you soooo much. *huggles you more* your like the only friend on here that I really enjoyed talking to. I don't really...
Your never online anymore... I miss you.
Ya... I don't think Riku ever lost his heart, so I wasn't expecting him to have a nobody...
I used to have a crush on this one super hot asian kid at my school... but I don't think he likes me back. I've known him since I was in like 4th grade and we used to take karate classes together (I know lame) We used to go to private school together too and then we both moved and then we ended up going to the same middle school and now we're in the same High school. I'm tryin to just get over him. I think he has a girlfriend now anyway. =(
I know I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Tim Burton movies. I can't wait for his new Alice in Wonderland movie to come out. I can't believe Johnny Depp is going to be the mad hatter. Oh and is it true that Anne Hathaway is playing Alice.. (what the heck?)
Don't Stop by InnerPartySystem. I'm obssesed with that song!
I like kh1 best.
Ya that would be awesome!!! I'd like his side of story of kh1. Like what happened to him after he swallowed by darkness.
Man you DMC vid was awesome... I know where you can get better quality clips well they worked for me anyway and looked good on YouTube. But then again I don't know your clips might be awesome quaility and YouTube just screwed them up... idk
Lol ok... sounds great!
Oh ya... I got it the day it came out. So awesome. I always loved the Sims... but I actually have to say I think the people looked better in the Sims 2. They're kinda ugly in the 3rd one.
Hi... I hope you like the site. Read the rules and stay active. There is so much to do here.
I'd take a nap... *yawns*
I haven't read any of them. I figures since I already played the game I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of reading the books... so I never picked one up. Are they any good?
Hmmmmmm... I wanted to see the Incredibles.... that would have been kinda cool to play though.
Well the uploader still doesn't work on the video portal so it kinda defeats the purpose of having the Top 5 up and running again...
Great picks!