Sorry, the first one is so blurry because I forgot to resize it and refused to launch Photoshop again and Photobucket's editor is awful. Gomen, gomen, gomen. Click on it to go to the full quality not-resized version. I replace it later. So...Happy December!! I hope you all have a great one. Feel free to use any of these wherever. Tumblr, MSN (why are you still using that), Skype, here, whatever. Crediting if you can would be excellent but I won't kill you over it. <3 If you want any of the stocks, lemme know, yo. Series: Various Amount: 50 + 2 alternatives. Size: 170 x 170 Download: x
Should be airing soon. (Hopefully, omg). Spoiler Radioactive / Midnight Why? / Mish Staying Alive / Maka O Cara Mia / Judge La Vie Boheme / Tummer One Thing / Jayn Want You Gone / Bushy Brow Jump in The Line / Fork Kimi Ga iru Kara / Tale_Wind Hoot / PaW Party All the Time / Moshi Handlebars / Saxima Gravity / Amethyst Approximately 50:13. Just going to say and remind now that it takes A LOT of courage to get on here and do something like this. Any rude posts will be mercilessly deleted. Thank you to everyone who mixed their own! (Everyone minus Tale_Wind, Midnight Star). Since more of you are doing it, I'm going to put together another tutorial showing you how to do some fancier things. Karaoke Night will probably run every two weeks or so.
Spoiler: ♛ Discussion ✖ Skeleton ✖ Updates Welcome[/url] to the intermission!! If you have no idea what Revive is, that is OKAY! This is an original role play, and you do not have to be from the last one in order to participate. Literally everything that carries over from the last one is so subtle and so minuscule that it does not matter. Everything will be explained to you here--so this is very, very new-player friendly. This is not a remake or a sequel. This is an open role play! No slots or anything like that. What you need to understand from Revive is that there are strange phenomenons in our world; Things that are unable to be explained or, at times, logically comprehended. Sometimes we call the "good" events miracles, while we label "bad" happenings curses or plagues. Skeptics may refer to either simply as coincidences. ...What you are about to experience has zero relation to any of that. You--and your friends--are just entertainment. It's as simple as that. With the last game ending rather abruptly, a Great Demoness has decided to extend her playtime. Due to the frustrations caused by the last game, Crestatia--the True Coordinator (or game master) is now using you to vent! You have, unfortunately, just gotten your life cut short. You and your friends now only have a mere 100 days to live. On the 101st day, you will all die at different times. Some will die in sudden accidents, others will be unnaturally compelled to do things that will result in their death. How fun! You have just received your death sentence via email. Crestatia (she calls herself a demon, but you're very free to not believe this) is very clear; Do not tell anyone (outside of those experiences the same thing). Do not attempt to take your own life. Do not make a deal with anyone other than her. Absolutely NO romance. ...And something else you can't quite make out. Whether or not you comply is entirely up to you. During the next 100 days things may get...a bit crazy. Good luck. The beginning of the RP takes place at school, the day after receiving the email. How your character handles the news is up to you. Please feel free to ask me /any/ questions at all in this thread or elsewhere. This probably looks as intimidating as ever, but it's really not that big of a deal or that difficult. Just communicate with me if you feel like you want to join but it looks super difficult or intimidating to you for whatever reason. [/url]✖ If you join, please be willing to collaborate with the story line. Contribute. Don't just follow my lead. Throw some plot-twists in there. Have fun with it! This is a collaboration. Thinking of it as writing a story together. ✖ If you kill someone off, you must do so with logical reason, otherwise Crestatia will revive them. Please do not kill someone just to do it. If you kill yourself, the same applies. Please have a reason. ✖ If you ARE killed off, please talk to me. I have something for you. ✖ While the role play is pretty much free-reign and able to be driven by anyone who is apart of it, if you do something too drastic or dramatic or...ridiculous, Crestatia will rewind time, or fiddle around with the scenario. That being said, please don't ask me to do something. If you have an idea that'll change things, just go through with it. If I don't like it, I'll do something about it. ✖ The biggest, most important rule is to please not join if you will not be consistently active. I mean this. I mean this so hard, omg, please. Please. Please. Please. I beg of you. This is meant to be a consistent role play. If you're more concerned with making long, pretty posts than you are with actually posting, get out. I'll be expecting everyone--including myself to post at least once every two days. At least. Note: EVERY THREE DAYS IS EQUAL TO ONE DAY IN THIS ROLE PLAY'S TIME. So if you're not posting regularly, you're going to miss out on literal days worth of RP stuff. Stay progressive! If you don't follow the rule with activity, I'm kicking you out (unless you have good reason). No exceptions. It'll be like you never existed. I will not harass or chase you around asking you to post. Either be responsible, or bye. (Note: It's okay if you can't always post on time, but if you don't at least /say/ something to me and post when you tell me you will, there's a problem) ✖ On that note, do not wait on me to post. Be self-sufficient and independent. Don't think "oh, well ___ hasn't posted yet so I'll wait" or treat it like it's a turn-based RP. Post when /you/ can post unless someone is legitimately holding you back. I am not your leader. If you have zero creativity or leadership skills, AWAY WITH YOU. ✖ You should know your character's bio. I really hate bios in role plays, (I think it's unrealistic to know everyone's past and backstory before the characters even interact) but if it helps you to figure it out, then I suggest you write it down somewhere. ✖ By the time the role play starts, your character MUST have somewhere to be contacted off-site. You can have a Twitter, Tumblr, LJ (or Dreamwidth) or Facebook for your character. Strong lean towards a Tumblr since it's easy to maintain and we could all follow each other, but any of those will do (please only choose one of the non-tumblr options if you for some reason cannot make a tumblr. If you need help making one of these for your character, let me know). You do not have to have this made when you first post your profile, but you should have one by the time the RP starts (if you have one before then, you can use the time waiting for fill it up with some content. Ask me if you need suggestions on what to do/how to do that). ✖ Your character can only be ages 12-17. ✖ You may have as many characters as you want. Please keep your character sheets SHORT. ✖ During the 100 days, some of you may recieve PMs from me. These PMs may give you knowledge of something no other character knows of, or may be Declarations (or commandments) by Crestatia herself. Please acknowledge these PMs. ✖You may join at any time. Just pay attention to what's going on. If you're new and the RP is already in further, I'll tell you how to make your entrance. Anyone can join. I really don't care how long your posts are as long as they're competent and you're actually posting. One liners are fine, so long as they aren't constant. ✖ This role play has the potential to be very fun! It should not feel like a chore to you or myself. I miss being able to role play to take the stress away instead of adding to it, so please, write with your heart. For those of you who actually enjoy role playing, this should be an enjoyable thing for you. I will be sure to make this plenty of interesting with more videos, voice clips and plot twists, so work with me!
Deadline: November 23rdStatus: OPEN!KHVC Rules and Information | Tutorials and Resources Notes & News (READ!!!!) ★ Credit to Machazo for these brilliant lyrics. Going to edit a couple of things for better flow. ★ Oh lordy, lots of harmonies and backing vocals so. I'm going to make a reference. |: My throat is pretty much dead so I extended the deadline past our usual 1-week so I can not talk for a couple of days and try to feel better, forgive me. If you follow the reference for harmonies and backing vocals, perfect. Optional as always though. ★ There are a lot of solos and duets because this song will be pretty time consuming to mix and animate, haha. The more people, the more Jayn cries at night. ★ The rules have CHANGED since Still Alive, please re-read them if you have not. ★ You may have 4 parts all together with one solo included in that number. This may change. ★ Make sure you TIME and SING to the PITCH of the INSTRUMENTAL or the REFERENCE. NOT THE ORIGINAL. DO NOT SING TO THE ORIGINAL. >:L ★ If I don't have a rendered picture from you (no background) GET ME ONE. ★ MP3s only, no ZIP files, ONE file timed to the instrumental! A few of you sent me one file, but it wasn't timed to the music, you did your lines back to back. That is a no-no! When you send your lines, they should be spaced out in time to the music, not just one file with your lines after one another. ★ Please email all lines to; as an attachment. No more links, please. Sorry, but they're giving me issues. ★ Your lines are due BEFORE the listed date. If you have to drop out, drop out TWO DAYS before the deadline. The Song Spoiler original: instrumental: Lyrics & Parts Black Lines = EVERYONE records that part. ...This is not optional. :C Unless there's an emergency. { ♥ } = Duets. TWO people can claim that part. [ ] = Solos. ONE person can claim that. Only ONE solo per singer. This MAY change depending on how many people join. // = Anyone can sing/optional/adlib. [1] Is this a real site? Is this cache memory? [Mish, Llave, Myst] [2]Caught in a spamslide No escape from KHV [Midnight Star,Jayn, Anzu] [3]Log in right now Go to the forums and see [Llave, Myst] [4][I'm just a bored troll, I need no post count] [Neku] [5]Because It's just for noobs, just for lols Mine ain't high, it is low [Jayn] [6][Anyway those posts go , doesn't really matter to me, to me] [Anzu] [7][Brudda, just flamed a thread The reply button I clicked He read it, made a conflict] [Judge] [8][Brudda, my account was new But now I've gone and thrown it all away] [Mish] [9]Brudda, ooo Didn't mean to make you frown, [Llave] [10]If I'm not logged in this time tomorrow... [Mish] [11][Carry on, carry on, as if I was just a bot.] [Jayn] [12][Too late, the mods are on Sends shivers down my spine Refreshing profile all the time] [Anzu] [13][Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face this ban] [Jayn] [14][Brudda, ooo - (anyway the posts go) I don't want a ban I sometimes wish I'd never logged on the forums] [Jayn] [15]I see a message when I try to log in-- [Judge, Myst] [16]You jerk, you jerk, will you leave this site, pronto! [Anzu] [17][Banhammer and PMs - very very frightening me][Anzu] [18]{ ♥ } Gallileo, Gallileo, [Jayn] [19]{ ♥ } Gallileo, Gallileo, [Anzu] [20]{ ♥ } Gallileo Figaro [Judge] Trolololooooo [21][But I'm just a bored troll, I am really no threat] [Anzu] He's just a bored troll, victim of the internet Spare him his life from this monstrosity [22][Easy come easy go - will you unban me?] [Jayn] [23]{ ♥ }Bismillah! No - we will not unban you - unban him! [Anzu] [24]{ ♥ }Bismillah! we will not unban you - unban him! [Jayn] [25]{ ♥ }Bismillah! we will not unban you - unban him! [Anzu] [26]Will not unban you - [unban me] (never) Never unban you - [Unban me] Never unban [me - eee] [Jayn] (note: All the same solo^) No, no, no, no, no, no, no - [27][Oh Misty mia, Misty mia, Misty mia let me go] [Myst] [28]RvR has a grey name put aside for me [Mish] [29]{ ♥ } for me [Judge] for me [30][So you think you can love me and then just ban? So you think you can 'like' and leave me to die] [Anzu] [31][Oh members - can't do this to me members Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here] [Llave] Ooh yeah, ooh yeah [32][Nothing really matters Anyone can see] [Anzu] [33][Nothing really matters...] [Jayn] nothing really matters to me Anyway those posts go... ParticipantsLight Pink = Lines in.Red = Mixed JaynMishSaximaMidnight StarJudgeNekuLlaveMystAnzu
Should be airing soon. I'm figuring this out. Spoiler Hellfire -Andrew Mother Knows Best - Fearless Come Little Children - Mish Don't Fall in Love - Amethyst Slaughter Your World - Nate No Good Deed - Heart You're Only Second Rate - HoT Mine, Mine, Mine - Krowley Epiphany - Bushy Brow Maison Des Lunes - Anixe Toxic Love - PaW Cell Block Tango - Moshi Mr. Grinch - Judge Cantarella - Saxima My Lullaby - Midnight Star Wise Up Janet - Feenie Gaston - Forsaken Someday - Jayn Just going to say and remind now that it takes A LOT of courage to get on here and do something like this. Any rude posts will be mercilessly deleted. Okay, so KN is usually a prerecorded show. This time it's live. I am also streaming it myself. It will NOT air on the KHV radio. Instead, you'll have to go here. (It should work like Livestream) I'm doing all I can to make sure my internet stays reliable, but if something happens please bare with me. This should be a one time thing loool. Everything will be back to normal afterwards. Karaoke Night will probably run every two weeks or so.
Spoiler: ♛ ✖ Main Thread ✖ Welcome[/url] to the intermission!! If you have no idea what Revive is, that is OKAY! This is an original role play, and you do not have to be from the last one in order to participate. Literally everything that carries over from the last one is so subtle and so minuscule that it does not matter. Everything will be explained to you here--so this is very, very new-player friendly. This is not a remake or a sequel. This is an open role play! No slots or anything like that. What you need to understand from Revive is that there are strange phenomenons in our world; Things that are unable to be explained or, at times, logically comprehended. Sometimes we call the "good" events miracles, while we label "bad" happenings curses or plagues. Skeptics may refer to either simply as coincidences. ...What you are about to experience has zero relation to any of that. You--and your friends--are just entertainment. It's as simple as that. With the last game ending rather abruptly, a Great Demoness has decided to extend her playtime. Due to the frustrations caused by the last game, Crestatia--the True Coordinator (or game master) is now using you to vent! You have, unfortunately, just gotten your life cut short. You and your friends now only have a mere 100 days to live. On the 101st day, you will all die at different times. Some will die in sudden accidents, others will be unnaturally compelled to do things that will result in their death. How fun! You have just received your death sentence via email. Crestatia (she calls herself a demon, but you're very free to not believe this) is very clear; Do not tell anyone (outside of those experiences the same thing). Do not attempt to take your own life. Do not make a deal with anyone other than her. Absolutely NO romance. ...And something else you can't quite make out. Whether or not you comply is entirely up to you. During the next 100 days things may get...a bit crazy. Good luck. The beginning of the RP takes place at school, the day after receiving the email. How your character handles the news is up to you. Please feel free to ask me /any/ questions at all in this thread or elsewhere. This probably looks as intimidating as ever, but it's really not that big of a deal or that difficult. Just communicate with me if you feel like you want to join but it looks super difficult or intimidating to you for whatever reason. [/url]✖ If you join, please be willing to collaborate with the story line. Contribute. Don't just follow my lead. Throw some plot-twists in there. Have fun with it! This is a collaboration. Thinking of it as writing a story together. ✖ If you kill someone off, you must do so with logical reason, otherwise Crestatia will revive them. Please do not kill someone just to do it. If you kill yourself, the same applies. Please have a reason. ✖ If you ARE killed off, please talk to me. I have something for you. ✖ While the role play is pretty much free-reign and able to be driven by anyone who is apart of it, if you do something too drastic or dramatic or...ridiculous, Crestatia will rewind time, or fiddle around with the scenario. That being said, please don't ask me to do something. If you have an idea that'll change things, just go through with it. If I don't like it, I'll do something about it. ✖ The biggest, most important rule is to please not join if you will not be consistently active. I mean this. I mean this so hard, omg, please. Please. Please. Please. I beg of you. This is meant to be a consistent role play. If you're more concerned with making long, pretty posts than you are with actually posting, get out. I'll be expecting everyone--including myself to post at least once every two days. At least. Note: EVERY THREE DAYS IS EQUAL TO ONE DAY IN THIS ROLE PLAY'S TIME. So if you're not posting regularly, you're going to miss out on literal days worth of RP stuff. Stay progressive! If you don't follow the rule with activity, I'm kicking you out (unless you have good reason). No exceptions. It'll be like you never existed. I will not harass or chase you around asking you to post. Either be responsible, or bye. (Note: It's okay if you can't always post on time, but if you don't at least /say/ something to me and post when you tell me you will, there's a problem) ✖ On that note, do not wait on me to post. Be self-sufficient and independent. Don't think "oh, well ___ hasn't posted yet so I'll wait" or treat it like it's a turn-based RP. Post when /you/ can post unless someone is legitimately holding you back. I am not your leader. If you have zero creativity or leadership skills, AWAY WITH YOU. ✖ You should know your character's bio. I really hate bios in role plays, (I think it's unrealistic to know everyone's past and backstory before the characters even interact) but if it helps you to figure it out, then I suggest you write it down somewhere. ✖ By the time the role play starts, your character MUST have somewhere to be contacted off-site. You can have a Twitter, Tumblr, LJ (or Dreamwidth) or Facebook for your character. Strong lean towards a Tumblr since it's easy to maintain and we could all follow each other, but any of those will do (please only choose one of the non-tumblr options if you for some reason cannot make a tumblr. If you need help making one of these for your character, let me know). You do not have to have this made when you first post your profile, but you should have one by the time the RP starts (if you have one before then, you can use the time waiting for fill it up with some content. Ask me if you need suggestions on what to do/how to do that). ✖ Your character can only be ages 12-17. ✖ You may have as many characters as you want. Please keep your character sheets SHORT. ✖ During the 100 days, some of you may recieve PMs from me. These PMs may give you knowledge of something no other character knows of, or may be Declarations (or commandments) by Crestatia herself. Please acknowledge these PMs. ✖You may join at any time. Just pay attention to what's going on. If you're new and the RP is already in further, I'll tell you how to make your entrance. Anyone can join. I really don't care how long your posts are as long as they're competent and you're actually posting. One liners are fine, so long as they aren't constant. If you are booted from the RP, you may not rejoin unless I say otherwise. ✖ This role play has the potential to be very fun! It should not feel like a chore to you or myself. I miss being able to role play to take the stress away instead of adding to it, so please, write with your heart. For those of you who actually enjoy role playing, this should be an enjoyable thing for you. I will be sure to make this plenty of interesting with more videos, voice clips and plot twists, so work with me! ✖ For you idiots, no godmodding. ✖ Also for the idiots, don't add counters to your own posts unless I ask you to. ✖ While you're allowed to rejoin if you die, if you're just going to rejoin to do nothing important or just to repeat the same things or mistakes, don't bother. You can rejoin three times after dying for reasons other than breaking the obvious rules. Code: [size=2][b]Full Name[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: (HQ picture only.) [b]Age[/b]: [b]Likes[/b]: [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]Weaknesses/Fears[/b]: [b]Strengths/Talents[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Sexuality[/b]: [b]Contact Information: Favorite Color:[/b] [/size] Jayn Fuzzy Cookiie Saxima TwilightBlader Midnight What? Hyuge Monochrome FireKeyBlade cstar7777 Haseo Full Name: Madeline M. Moore Age: Sixteen. Likes: Anime, video games, music, gothic lolita attire, movies, the occult, trinkets and charms, books, knitting, baking, poetry, cosplaying. Dislikes: Meat, screaming/loud noises, optimism and sports. Weaknesses/Fears: People, crowds, panicked situations, being yelled at or verbally/physically rejected in any way--even if it's telling her a simple mistake she's made. Strengths/Talents: She has an ear for music and an eye for detail. Personality: Despite how she may look on the outside (loving colorful clothes and cute accessories), Madeline is extremely pessimistic and cunning. She has a bit of a superiority complex, viewing most of those around her to be scum. Whether this is a coping mechanism for her Anthropophobia or not is unknown. Those who do not know her well would assume she was friendly. She's a bit of a dork/weeb but if you call her out on it, she's likely to lash out on you. Sexuality: Pansexual. Contact Information: Tumblr. Full Name: Eleanora "Ellie, Nora" R. Lewis Age: Fourteen. Likes: Sweets, dresses, fairs and carnivals, theater, fire, wands, old houses/mansions, scary stories, changing her hair style and wearing contacts, copying people, TV, video games, some anime, music, speaking in her own language. Dislikes: Spicy food, sleep, people crying, being yelled at, highly unstable people, people dying. Weaknesses/Fears: Heavy doses of reality, bugs, immense isolation, getting her hair combed. Strengths/Talents: Witchcraft, tongue twisters and solving riddles, incredible memory. Personality: Dramatic, theatrical, curious, energetic, playful, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes a trickster. Sexuality: She hasn't taken the time to think about that. Contact Information: Tumblr. DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: THEODORE JAMES WELDON Age: SEVENTEEN. Likes: MATURE WOMEN ♠ COOKING ♠ GARDENING ♠ POETRY ♠ READING ♠ ACTING ♠ ART ♠ PUZZLES ♠ MUSIC. Dislikes: HIS PEERS ♣ SPORTS ♣ HIS NAME ♣ CONFLICT ♣ ARROGANCE ♣ UNNECESSARY CRUELTY ♣ HIMSELF. Weaknesses/Fears: HIMSELF ♥ HIS FAMILY ♥ FRIENDS ♥ INTERACTION ♥ SHARP THINGS ♥ FIRE ♥ SCREAMING Strengths/Talents: ARTISTIC HOBBIES ♦ BUILDING THINGS ♦ QUICK THINKING ♦ STRONG SURVIVAL INSTINCT ♦INTUITION Personality: HE TRIES QUITE HARD TO REMAIN UNAFFECTED, QUIET AND NEUTRAL ON THE OUTSIDE. EVERY ONCE AND A WHILE, THOUGH, A SARCASTIC OR JUDGMENTAL COMMENT OR TWO SLIPS. HE IS VERY ARTISTIC AND INTROVERTED. A BIT OF A ROMANTIC, TOO. Sexuality: UNKNOWN. Contact Information: DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD> Full Name: Thomas B. Adams > Appearance: Here > Age: 17 > Likes: Photography, video games, books, art, arcades(despite being bad at the machines), track, hyperactivity, oddities, antiques > Dislikes: His middle name, rejection, the impatient, people thinking he's a nerd because he reads, keeping still, the uncool, snakes, sweet meats, boredom > Weaknesses/Fears: Snakes, niavete, little sense of self, no sound(he must have some kind of constant white noise, or something similar to it.) > Strengths/Talents: Photography knowledge and skill, speed > Personality: Thomas is captivated with life. And with a love of odd things, he can come off as a pestering odd ball as well. But he cares alot about the opinions of those around him. Giving them what they want to hear and following the leader instead of taking the lead himself. > Sexuality: Heterosexual > Contact Information: Tumblr > Favorite Color: Sky Blue DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: John K. Quincy Age: 17 Likes: The Bible, The Apostles, Jesus, John, The Cross, Reading, Prayer, normalacy, meditation, drama shows(secret.Shh), the cold, Christian Songs Dislikes: Technology, change, atheist, any other race that isn't Christian oriented. Weaknesses/Fears: Vanity, ignorance, the unknown, shallow, blind socially, blunt. Strengths/Talents: Stubborn Personality: His look persecutes you. You avoid him because you don't want to hear a sermon as you take things out of your locker. Shorts too short? Not in his hallway, shirt to small, his eyes will notice, and his lips will tell. And he does it, to save your soul. Sexuality: ? Contact Information: Tumblr Full Name: Duncan I. Knight Age: 17 Appearance: Likes: His hair. The Goth Society. The Goth Society Forum. Stalking. Darkness. Metal. All forms of guitar in a song. His iPod. Vampires. Cold. Dislikes: Posers. Bright anything. Lycans. Rap. Weaknesses/Fears: Bright lights. Lycans. Photophobia. Strengths/Talents: Brookridge's Academy of Excellency's Soccer Captain. Personality: Vain. Boring. Darkness. Sexuality: Bisexual. Contact Information: (An unmade LJ) Favorite Color: Black of the blackest ink. DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD [B]Full Name[/B]: Aileen Elise Li [B]Age[/B]: 16 [B]Likes[/B]: Ballet, Music, Shopping, Movies, Teen Dramas, Sweets, Food, Stylish-yet-comfy clothing [B]Dislikes[/B]: Oral presentations, insects, disorganization, being ignored, picky eaters, dieting and skipping meals [B]Weaknesses/Fears[/B]: Speaking in front of large crowds, spiders, disappointment, blood [B]Strengths/Talents[/B]: Ballet, Flexibility, Track, Baking, Painting [COLOR=#00bfff]Personality:[/COLOR] Due to her family situation, Aileen prefers to blend in and draw no attention to herself- unless she is on-stage dancing. She prefers to keep her opinions to herself, so don't even bother asking her for one. She tells everything to her best friend, Brian James Hemmsworth; including the fact that all she wants to be is a kid for once, but can't due to her fear of disappointment... [B]Sexuality[/B]: Heterosexual [COLOR=#00bfff]Contact Information:[/COLOR] Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Cristina Shannon Wilson Age: 14 Likes: Visual arts, sweets, dresses, nail art, outdoors, beach, summer, rain, conversation Dislikes: Spicy foods, sports, bullies, horror movies, staying indoors, winter, snow, liars, people who stay silent Weaknesses/Fears: Motorcycles, surgery, being bullied, physical activity Strengths/Talents: Sketching, painting, written communication Personality: Cristina is has aphonia and is not able to speak. Instead she uses her text-to-speech keyboard and notebook to communicate, and she has gotten really quick at using both. Her facial expressions are very animated, purposely, so that others can tell what mood she is in. Cristina is very opinionated, but cannot express all of her ideas verbally because of her condition. At times, this makes her extremely frustrated, and that is when people should just stay away. Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr Full Name: Kallisti Q. Lein Age: Sixteen Likes: Music • Quiet • Books • Anime • Archery • Open places • Vanilla Coke • Writing • Special pens • Art • Cats • Birds • The Internet •Winter • Scarves •Tea • Video games Dislikes: People • Loud noises • Ignorance • Incompetence • Impatience • Hot days/rooms/places • Bitter things • Arguments • Her first name Weaknesses/Fears: Crowds • Growing older • Losing imagination • Being severely injured Strengths/Talents: Playing violin/piano • Writing • Staying calm • Archery Personality: Kallisti, or Quin, as she would rather have people call her, is a quiet person and dislikes being around more than a few people at a time. Although she is more of an introverted person, it doesn't mean she won't tell you to stop if you're doing something that annoys or bothers her. A lot of people think her cold or rude, but she just doesn't talk much. Well, maybe she is a bit cold, but it takes a lot to get her to be friendly with you. Sexuality: Pansexual Contact Information: Tumblr Full Name: Harley J. Jackson Age: 17 Likes: Music • Playing guitar / violin • Video games • Coffee • People • Forests • Drawing • Nighttime • Sensuality • Monochrome colors •Martial arts • Manipulating people Dislikes: Bright colors • Mornings • Mondays • Silence • Closed spaces • Being without company for long periods of time • Arguments Weaknesses/Fears: Losing possessions • Letting one side take over the other • Being stolen from Strengths/Talents: Playing guitar / violin • Martial arts • Athletics • Manipulating people Personality: He contains something of a split personality. One part of him is kind and wants to make every one happy, and is protective, but the other part of him is malicious, secretive, and possessive. He's generally laid back, and smiles at anyone who looks his way. He's able to take care of himself since he lives alone, and away from his parents, and adores things like kittens and kits ( baby rabbits ) . Sexuality: Bisexual Contact Information: Here. DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name:Vanille “Vanilla” // "Frostie" Violetta FrostAppearance:Here.Age:14Likes:Cold:warm weather ♥ coffee ♥ cute things ♥ music ♥ talking ♥ clothes ♥ masks ♥ ice cream ♥ pastelsDislikes:Hot weather ✖ bugs ✖ mud ✖ crying ✖ people seeing her face ✖ her face ✖ her tattoos ✖ sterile surroundingsWeaknesses/Fears:Being made fun of ✖ the dark ✖ revealing her faceStrengths/Talents:Being happy ♥ lying ♥ socializing ♥ her jobPersonality: Vanille is a happy, adventurous, but slightly obsessive girl. She dislikes people seeing her face, and so she is always wearing one of her hundreds of masks. Whether or not this is due to some sort of shame is unknown, but she's obsessive about keeping a mask on in public, no matter where she is. Often times, she's also wearing sclera contacts to hid her true eye color; for what this is unknown. She seems to have another side of her, but only shows it when she's on the job.Sexuality: UnknownContact Information:Here.Favorite Color:#F69679// All colors DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Altair S Geis Age: 17 Likes: Relaxing, Martial Arts & Sword based shows/movies, hanging around with friends/acquaintances, being outside Dislikes: Inconsiderate selfish people that annoy others, those who are serious for no reason, those who take what they have for granted Weaknesses/Fears: The cold self he hides behind his facade. He fears that it will always have to use the facade instead of genuinely getting rid of the cold self Strengths/Talents: Hiding his true feelings, combat skills, calming people down Personality: Mostly never seen without his usual casual smile on his face. He is a very laid back person who is pretty friendly who likes to humour others (though not to the point of being a clown). He likes to playfully trouble his friends, but he makes it clear that they shouldn't take him seriously when he does. Despite this he is master of hiding his true feelings. In reality he is a very cold person who is actually trying to be the laid back person he looks like Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Zeke Zedler Age: 17 Likes: Guns, friends/ friendly acquaintances, playing around with people's fears, doing his "business", dishing out "punishment". Dislikes: Being bossed around, those that mess with his pals, things not going as planned. Weaknesses/Fears: He fears losing everything. Strengths/Talents: Street smarts, competent gun user, nimble Personality: Zeke is one who plays off the misfortune of others and uses it for his pleasure. He is cunning, selfish, and will do what he must to benefit only himself. He is great at deceit and tend to act like a nice well mannered individual. He tends to care for those that he deems useful. Its hard to get him mad but if you do he will throw a tantrum. Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Casey Heckles (originally named C, but some damn deity took the name) Age: 15 Likes: Fishing, Playing instruments, nice strolls, horse riding,company, justice!, beating down annoying jackasses Dislikes: Being called a girl, loudmouths, arrogant pricks, Weaknesses/Fears: Spiders Strengths/Talents: Surprisingly strong for his appearance, cunning, playing instruments, fishing (hidden potential) Personality: One thing one must know he is a very grumpy person. He is usually seen with a great big grin on his face, loves anything fun, and if a nice guy, but he loathes his girlish appearance with a great passion and gets grumpy very fast. He is pretty gullible. Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Laurence McClean Appearance: Here Age: 17 Likes: GOD, KAMI, CRESETIA-SAMA, WHATEVER GOD CALLS THEMSELVES! Dislikes: Those who don't follow god ;_; Weaknesses/Fears: Failing god! Strengths/Talents: Kicking ass in the name of god! A lot of stamina (used to praise god), great opera voice! Personality: Devoted, loud, very sympathetic Sexuality: GodSexual Pansexual Contact Information: Favorite Color: White DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Full Name[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Abigail (Abby) Rider [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Appearance[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] She is really petite and one of the smallest girls around. [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Age[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] 15 Likes: Ice cream, reading, fantasy, DRAGONS, comics, Nightwing <333, physics, people who are nice to her, good grades, puzzles, people who don't bully her, magic, archery, fencing, people who stand up for her, being small, chocolate, making other people smile. Dislikes: BULLIES, people who don't like dragons, dentist, pets, football, sprouts, team sports, dragon slayers, people who mock her, bad grades, getting told off, being the centre of attention, causing other people pain or sadness. [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Weaknesses/Fears[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Graveyards at night, dentist, failing, getting in trouble, hurting those around her, generally socialising, being small. [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Strengths/Talents[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Book smart, maths, science, english, acting, going unnoticed, smiling, being small. [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Personality[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Abby is very hard working and determined, she does her best in everything she does. She’s a little lonely as she spends a lot of time alone and has very few friends due to being bullied constantly, for being a ‘nerd’, or ‘a boffin’ or a ‘teacher’s pet’. Due to this, she’s become quite shy and reserved but gain her trust and she will really open up. She value’s friends highly due to her time without them, so once she has made them she is loyal and a good friend. She’s quite optimistic and likes to think everything will always get better but when on her own can get quite down though she will cheer up fast with someone to talk to. She is also much more confident online than in person. [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Sexuality[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S]Hetrosexual [S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#8a2be2][B]Contact Information[/B]:[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Matthew Right Appearance: Age: 17 Likes: Flirting, practical jokes, getting reactions out of people, food, being centre of attention, taking his top off, being well known, fighting, having fun Dislikes: Getting bossed around, being ignored, being hungry, losing, bullies, working, being bored Weaknesses/Fears: Being ignored, people forgetting him, being alone Strengths/Talents: Acting, playing jokes on people, running, flirting Personality: The ultimate flirt, Matt thrives on the attention, love him or hate him, he doesn’t care as long as you notice him. He will do anything to get a reaction and loves a good practical joke. He’s all for the fun and games but crack him open and who knows what lies beneath. Sexuality: Unknown but he'll flirt with anything with a pulse Contact Information: Favorite Colour: Blue DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Cherno Plume Age: 17 Likes: Poetry, dancing, board games, climbing/hiking, puzzles, big coats, the cold, autumn, sweet food, vegetables and legumes, coffee, math and science, graphic design, Kantian and post-Kantian philosophy, clean rooms, left-wing politics, video games, anime Dislikes: Spicy food, all meat except fish, arguments, pastel colours, revealing clothing, arrogant attitude, history, Descartes philosophy, unclean rooms, anarchy, the colour black (ironically) Weaknesses/Fears: Fear of: eventual failure, inability to comprehend a situation, spiders, rats, wasps, contagious diseases, the dark, his mother and father, the state of his own body Strengths/Talents: Facing immense obstacles and challenges, analytical and abstract thinking, problem-solving, can play the trumpet very well Personality: Cherno is a quiet and sneaky, yet kind-hearted and careful fellow. He is typically pensive and melancholy, but this hides the burning flames of enthusiasm for his various interests, and he can get quite vitriolic, angry, and opinionated at times. He often spouts slightly sarcastic comments with a sweet smile. He is a neat freak obsessed with puzzles, typically carrying a Rubik's cube with him, and is slow to judge others. He gets very nervous around his fears, and any mention of his parents either shuts him down or flusters him. Sexuality: Demisexual Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Marigold Roncesvalles Age: 13 Likes: arguments, showing off her tough attitude, flowers, pretty dresses, art (especially post 1900s modern), the colour white, spicy food,classical music, rock music, cats and kittens, volunteering, small animals, piano music, rap music, kindness shown to herself, hugs, tears Dislikes: math and science, the cold weather, ice, big coats, her locket, the people she knows, people in general, peace and calm, teddy bears, violins, sweet food, smoking, stuck-up arrogant people, the colour black, the person who gave her the locket, her family, herself, showing mercy to others, children, blood Weaknesses/Fears: the colour black, anything related to her past, showing mercy, showing self-restraint especially in terms of violence or substances, set rational paths of thinking especially with deductive reasoning, unable to see herself in a positive light, other people she does not know, her own sense of identity, the dark, being cold, being alone, fearing people will leave her, kindness shown to herself, her self-noted characteristics of inadequacy, claustrophobia, arachnophobia, hugs,blood Strengths/Talents: Arm-wrestling, speed, cunning, sharp thinking, wit, strength, street smarts, ability to handle most technologies well at first glance, good directional and navigational sense, extreme survival skill, good at cooking, art, and poetry, creative, very good acting and pretending skills, inductive reasoning Personality: Marigold Roncesvalles is what you could call a tough cookie. Strong and determined of mind, she takes the world with a rough, adventurous, and extremely callous attitude, showing little mercy from the little it has shown her. She is blunt and straight to the point, and often gets into - and enjoys - fights, with which her cunning deceit, trickery, and swiftness she often wins. However, she is slow to win the affection of anyone, and because of this and her past she often has enormous insecurities and problems in herself and her own conditions, often manifesting as another side of her. Sexuality: ??? Contact Information: Tumblr Leitmotif Style: Here DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Olivia Toska Suchet (оливия тоска сушзт) Age: Fifteen Likes: tea | white wine | opera & theatre | classic literature | rain | philosophy | animation | worldwide cultures | westerns | languages & linguistics | poetry | desserts | fencing | tango | martial arts | boxing | mechanical repair | law | animals | detective and mystery stories | orphans | homeless people | mythology | witches | board & video games | umbrellas | dresses | art | her mother and step-father | the mountains Dislikes: coffee | red wine | calculus | arguments | raw meat | excessive sunshine | heat | blood | romance stories | cooking | tight clothing | arrogant people | murder | irresponsible people | puzzles she cannot solve | events beyond her grasp | her father Weaknesses/Fears: heights | eclipses | blood | puzzles she cannot solve | events beyond her grasp | laziness and fatigue | her occasional lapse in memory | tenuous relationship with her father Strengths/Talents: artistic skill | persuasive negotiation skill | fencer | boxer | practitioner of jeet kune do | deduction ability | observational talent | calm under pressure Personality: A student at Brookridge Academy for Excellency, her family is intertwined with the history and development of Brookridge. She reflects a manner of nostalgia -- her etiquette is what one may consider very "ladylike" and "delicate", and she seems to give off an aura of a past Victorian era. She is very calm under a majority of situations, and is extremely effective in hiding her true emotions from others. Despite this, she gives off an aura of pleasant, quiet, and mildly positive, yet melancholic comments -- one could even call it wisdom. However, she is decisive and ambitious, and a practicioner of many systems of defense that she considers integral to her personal philosophy of protecting herself and protecting others while pursuing a truth. Sexuality: Bisexual Contact Information: tumblr Leitmotif: Here Full Name:Temperance Renee Spike Age: 17 Likes: swing sets, parks, music, sports, cheer leading, boys, shopping, Greek mythology, social networking, texting, playing with her dog, curly hair, her name, romantic comedies, love stories Dislikes: the dentist, academia, fighting, guns, know-it-all's, dirt/looking grungy, negative people Weaknesses/Fears: spiders, needles, dying, going deafness, being dumped, failing school-she's horrible in class Strengths/Talents: flexibility-from cheer leading, history class, making people smile, being a leader, working together, standing up to people that talk about her Personality: Temperance is that popular girl everyone loves to hate, liked for all the wrong reasons. She hates school, but fears flunking; loves mythology, but despises the thought of being lumped in with all the "weird-o" kids in school. She loves being the happy-go-lucky popular junior, even if everyone talks behind her back. she's not afraid to confront them, to tell them all off. She can be indecisive, but so are most people. She doesn't feel as explicit as people say she is, but her actions do tend to be frowned upon. Sexuality: heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Heidi Layne Age: 16 Likes: puppies, horror flicks, glitter, aliens, cartoons, mystery novels Dislikes: doctors, hospitals, boxes, plastic bags, the shade white, drapes Weaknesses/Fears: Fears- doctors & hospitals, syringes, belts & straps Weakness- diagnosed schizophrenic Strengths/Talents: her bubbly personality tends to be infectious and lifts spirits. even though she has a frail body, it is filled with strength when she panics. Personality: giggly and playful, heidi likes to laugh and finds most things funny. when she's under control and not having an episode, everything is fun. Otherwise, she's constantly panicking, never knowing who to believe or what is real. Heidi will often times act out in violent fits of rage unless medicated properly. Sexuality: heterosexual Contact Information: tumblr full name: marina sario age: 17 likes: boys, flirting, tarot cards, divination, palm reading, sex, sparkly things, dressing up, costumes, wigs, upbeat personalities, tennis, shopping, cleanliness, organization, her body, talking, seasonality tv, her family's wealth, helping people, her school, yoga dislikes: poor people, ugly clothes, unsatisfactory sex, other girls, people calling her easy, disorganization, dirt, clutter, doubters/unbelievers weakness/fear: having her advances rejected, emotional attachment, becoming a lower class citizen, snakes, boats strength/talent: seduction, divination, healing the mind, body, & spirit; tennis, flexibility personality: marina is a major flirt that often seems self-absorbed around other women, but a great listener among men. She loves dressing up and practicing her "psychic" abilities. She thoroughly enjoys having sex and likes to provide men with an outlet--whether it be some to listen or someone to sleep with, is completely up to them. She hates being around other girls and often times grows catty. She is an excellent secret keeper, keeping all of her clients darkest secrets sealed tightly inside of her. She loves to learn things about other people, but rarely reveals details about herself. sexuality: heterosexual contact information: Full Name: Bernadette (Bernie) Engel Appearance: click Age: 16 Likes: FOOD (native cuisines & dessert) → American holidays → outdoors → all the seasons → swimming → warmth → cuddling → stars→ fire → flowers → turtles Dislikes: dead things → scary movies → misinterpretation → sharp objects → pork Weaknesses/Fears: dead things → failing dreams → misinterpretation → getting cut Strengths/Talents: Foreign Language → cooking → botany → swimming → gardening Personality: Bernie is a very outdoorsy girly-girl. She likes cooking and gardening, is studying to become a Botanist, and cuddly atmospheres. She will often times get cuddly with people without permission, which tends to get her into a spot of trouble. She is studying abroad, due to her love of America, and fears getting into trouble because of ignorance. Sexuality: bisexual Contact Information: tumblr Favorite Color: thistle #D8BFD8 DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Anthony Evans Appearance: [S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#ffffff]This[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Age: 15 Likes: [S][S][S][S][COLOR=#ffffff]Silence - Games - Things Going as Planned - Music - Playing Guitar, Though is A Novice - Fiction - Bright Outlooks On Life[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S] Dislikes: Loud Places - Feeling Cramped - Being Rushed - Criticism - Real Life - Rude People - Dancing Weaknesses/Fears: Claustrophobia, and does not work well under pressure. Strengths/Talents: Without a time limit or pressure Anthony can pretty much get any project done and have it done above standard. He's skilled in many areas, though a master in none. Personality:Sees life as a game and so he's constantly trying to 'level up' and gain new skills, which currently is playing the guitar. Some would call this a mental disorder, but to him it is simply the power to see 'beyond the veil.' Though he always moves on to the next one before fully learning whatever he's doing and can have a short attention span, only focusing during certain moods when he's 'in the zone.' Sexuality: Demisexual Contact Information: [S][S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#ffffff]Tumblr[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Favorite Color: Red DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD [S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#c0c0c0]Full Name[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S]: Elizabeth Marie Evans Appearance: [S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#ffffff]Here[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Age: 17 Likes: Coffee ◦ Rain ◦ Poker ◦ Reading ◦ Clouds ◦ Strolls ◦ Belts ◦ Boots ◦ Zippers ◦ Pretty Things Dislikes: Bright Sunlight ◦ Small Children ◦ Eavesdropping ◦ Being Interrupted ◦ Being Talked Down At ◦ People Who Beat Around The Bush Weaknesses/Fears: Can't Accept When She's Wrong ◦ People Thinking She's Stupid ◦ Needles Strengths/Talents: Has A Perfect Poker Face ◦ Quick At Making Up Her Mind and Accessing Situations ◦ Recovers Quickly From Bad Situations/Emotions Personality: Blunt and quick to the point, making her seem like someone who doesn't enjoy talking much. And while she may dislike long conversations about the same topic it's not entirely true, the conversation simply has to be interesting. Though she does start a lot of them, especially when she has a thought or something she wants to point out. Other than that she's a rather passive person, flowing through life on whatever may carry her. Sexuality: Homosexual Contact Information: [S][S][S][S][S][COLOR=#ffffff]Tumblr[/COLOR][/S][/S][/S][/S][/S] Favorite Color: White DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Sofiya "Daniel" Volkov Appearance: Here Age: 17 Likes: Cats › Layer of Clothes › Dark Places › Usual Places › Praise › Smoke › Owning Things Dislikes: New Environments › Spotlight Stealers › People Calling Her Out on Her Hypocritical Nature › Challengers Weaknesses/Fears: Commitment Issues › Narcissism › Pyromania › Kleptomania › Remembering The Past Strengths/Talents: Singing › Getting Away With Theft › Excellent Pickpocket › Hiding Her Russian Accent (Expect When Angry) Personality: Daniel, as she prefers, thinks highly of herself though still sometimes has bouts of self doubt and depression in which she doesn't even have the energy to move. Though most of the time she roams the streets as if she owns everything, having few friends who she hangs out with and spends most of her time setting fires and stealing from stores, gas stations, and taking whatever else she can get ahold of. And despite hating people challenging her she loves proving herself to be the best at whatever it may be. If she loses, a wicked display of anger is sure to follow. Sexuality: Pansexual Contact Information: Tumblr Favorite Color: #EED5D2 "Misty Rose" DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Elliot Anderson Age: 16 Likes: Blood ∙ Science ∙ Experimentation ∙ Psychology ∙ Masks ∙ Gloves ∙ Medical Related Things ∙ The Color Black ∙ Colorless Things Dislikes: Humans ∙ Interactions ∙ Demons ∙ Spirits ∙ Magic ∙ Things That Cannot Be Scientificity Explained ∙ Categories∙ Labels ∙ Names ∙ Physical Contact ∙ List Could Go On Forever Weaknesses/Fears: Darkness ∙ Physical Contact ∙ Physically Weak ∙ Breathing In Evil Air Strengths/Talents: Scientific Genius Personality: Even though he has a passion for hating nearly everything about humans he loves studying them and their insides. Learning makes him happy as does being able to do as he pleases. Other than that he is normally either thoughtful, bored, or numb. Sexuality: Asexual Contact Information: Tumblr DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Hazel Aiken Appearance: Here Age: 14 Likes: Sunlight • Moonlight • All Forms Of Weather • Sounds • Voices • Music • Animals • People • Learning • Dresses • Dancing • Games • Helping People Dislikes: Being Thought As Helpless • Being Trapped Inside • Complete Silence Weaknesses/Fears: Losing The Last Bit Of Her Sight • Heights • Clowns Strengths/Talents: Strong Willed • Heightened Sense Of Hearing Personality: As she started losing her vision Hazel became more appreciative of everything and started trying her best to help others and everyone kept stopping to help her. She hates it when people baby her, feeling like a burden to everyone. However despite her love of others and desire to help them she gets shy and nervous around most people. Sexuality: Unsure Contact Information: Favorite Color: #9932cc DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Allison Feng Zhao Age: 17 Likes: Games, friends, sweets, ice cream, making people happy Dislikes: School, homework, being a failure (I mean what?) Weaknesses/Fears: Staying in the fail zone, being such a fail, dishonoring the family, failing school Strengths/Talents: Faking being calm, sometimes being the comedic relief(depends on person), being super loyal to friends. Used to play piano a long time ago. Also used to take Latin, but can't remember a whole lot. Personality: Allison is the jokester of the groups that she is in. She tries hard to try to cheer up people by making them laugh at how insanely awkward she is. If this fails, doesn't matter, she woud just try talking about something or other. Until she runs out of things to talk about. Then it's just a forevermore awkward silence. However, the truth of the matter is, she has insanely varying levels of self confidence that fluxuate constantly. Thus, she ends up lying to people whenever they ask how she's doing. She will always say, "I'm all right." It appears that she trained herself to do this. Granted she's only like this AFTER she's acquainted with you. Before, she tends to be quiet and aloof. But if she finds an opening to speak/introduce herself without actually introducing herself, she will act on it. Nobody notices the "cool kid" hanging in the back. She also tends to take most everything seriously. If you say you've been possessed by a demonic being and nobody believe you, you poor thing, then by god, she will believe you. Tentatively. Until it becomes relatively clear you're not screwing with her. Because of her gullibility, there have been many a time that she was tricked. People these days lie like it's the truth. Sexuality: Straight? Could potentially be bi later on depending on what happens? Who the fudge knows? Contact Information: DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Bronagh(pronounced bro + nah) D. Williamson Appearance: Here Age: Fifteen Likes: Singing, Theatre, Gardening, Reading Books, Meeting new people, going strange places, moon and sun patterns, riding bikes, sunsets and sunrises, and walking down the beach. Dislikes: Homework, Stuckup people, Stubborn people, Artichoke, Brussel Sprouts, Reality Television, and Rap music Weaknesses/Fears: Fear of thunderstorms, wasps, and giraffes. Is not physically fit or at good terms with her mother. Strengths/Talents: Decent at writing, great at fishing, surprisingly good at rapping Personality: Bronagh is a very enthusiastic and outspoken person when she knows someone, but when she doesn't she comes off as very shy. When she is taught something and is certain she is right she is stubborn about it and refuses to believe the other side even if she's proven wrong. Although she will crack a joke at anyone, she is not quickly willing to "open up" to a person because she is worried she will be hurt, like she was when she was much younger Sexuality: Demisexual Contact Information: Favorite Color: Orange DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD Full Name: Jessie Edwards Appearance: Jessie Age: 16 Likes: History, helping others, animals, candies and cakes, tea(all types), making friends, learning about cultures, sketching Dislikes: Young kids, their voice, when people call her a guy, people overusing the words "sorry, like, and good", arguments Weaknesses/Fears: Never being accepted, getting trapped in a small space, getting in an abusive relationship. Is a recovering Agoraphobic. Strengths/Talents: Finding out information, knitting, recovering from a mistake, accepting being wrong, holding her own in a debate Personality: Due to being a transgender, Jessie often had swings where she will seem either "more girly" or "less girly" depending on the day. When "more girly" she tends to be more social and friendly, trying to be everyone's friend. When she is "less girly" she tends to hide in her room and read her history books. No matter which mood she is in though she is willing to help out anyone with almost anything. Sexuality: Pansexual Contact Information: Favorite Color: Yellow Full Name: Benjamin "Ben" Ross Age: 16 Likes: Reading, history, quiet Dislikes: Sports, humid weather, noisy crowds Weaknesses/Fears: Insects and spiders Strengths/Talents: Strong memorization skills Personality: Quiet and reserved, Ben is more likely to sit in a corner reading than to be socializing at a party. He openly shows his disdain for people considered "popular" in school, knowing that they wouldn't notice him. Despite this, he can be quiet outgoing with people he considers his friends. Sexuality: Bisexual DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEAD DEADFull Name: Isabella Belmonte Ortiz Appearance: here Age: 15 Likes: mythology, fairy tales, medieval history, snow, winter Dislikes: being ignored, humidity, rain, her family, the holiday season Weaknesses/Fears: being alone, unable to swim, spiders Strengths/Talents: knowledge of certain myths, self-sufficient, cooking Personality: Due to her past experiences, Isabella has a bit of an attention problem. However, due to her quiet nature, this tends to manifest itself as bitterness rather than outright anger. Despite this, if she gets involved enough with what she is currently reading, she will be too caught up in it to care about anything else. Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: tumblr Favorite Color: Light Blue [/url]✖ 100 Days Map ✖ Table of Contents ✖ NPCs Spoiler ✖ RP Brainstormed: 10/2/12 ✖ OOC Thread Created: 11/6/12 ✖ Main RP Thread Up!: 11/12/12 ✖ OPENING 1 is posted! xxx ✖ DAY ONE RECAP: 11/16/12 ✖ R.I.P, Thomas Adams: 11/16/12 xxx ✖ Announcement: 11/16/12 ✖ Nifty Calendar shared!: 11/17/12 ✖ Announcement: 11/18/12 ✖ Map of Coy City is done!: 11/18/12 ✖ DAY TWO RECAP: 11/18/12 ✖ DAY THREE RECAP: 11/22/12 ✖ DAY FOUR RECAP: 11/25/12 ✖ DAY FIVE RECAP: 11/28/12✖ DAY SIX RECAP: 12/1/12✖DAY SEVEN RECAP: 12/4/12✖ Announcement: 12/7/12✖ Flood House Statuses: 12/9/12✖ DAY EIGHT DAY NINE RECAPS: 12/10/12✖ DAY 10 RECAP: 12/13/12✖ HALF EXTENSION #1: 12/13/12✖ DAY 11 RECAP: 12/17/12✖ Announcement: 12/17/12✖ DAY 12 RECAP: 12/20/12✖ Announcement: 12/24/12✖ AWARDS #1: 12/26/12 xxx✖ ARK 2 STARRRRTO: 12/27/12✖ OPENING 2 is posted! xxx
[size=2][b]Full Name[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: (HQ picture only.) [b]Age[/b]: [b]Likes[/b]: [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]Weaknesses/Fears[/b]: [b]Strengths/Talents[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]Sexuality[/b]: [b]Contact Information: Favorite Color:[/b] [/size]
★ KH-Vids: The Musical ★MAIN THREAD (x)Phase One: Plotting (x)Phase Two: Screenplay (x)Phase Two: Logo (x) In this thread, we will be voting and recommending people for the main characters in the VN. In other words, we will be using this thread to choose what members are in the VN as main characters. As you guys should know now from the plot, there are several different main characters. Please keep in mind that everyone you will be recommending will have a voice actor and also be represented not just with acting, but with singing and detailed artwork. (We will most likely be casting understudies as well for the voices and such.) Here are the main character needed: ✿ An unbanned member. ✿ A normal member. (Male headcanon, but go ahead and nominate female--if you must.) ✿ A premium. ✿ A staff member. Other members will also be represented and added to the VN, of course, but figuring this out is our priority for the writing process. Please read the PLOT if you have not already. Seriously, it matters. Read that thread. Recommendations Rules Recommendation Form MUST have been an ACTIVE member for at least a month before now, and onward. MUST provide a reason as to why said member should be the part. The member you're recommending fit the role. (For instance, if you recommend a member for the 'premium' member, the member you recommend should be premium.) Gender does not matter unless stated otherwise above. You may either nominate another member or yourself for one of the main character slots. You are to identify which character you want and why you feel that that person/yourself would be a good fit for them. Code: Recommending: Why: If you see someone whom you feel really fits the role, we ask that you “LIKE” the post of the user who recommended them (this IS the voting process, so LIKE a post you agree with, please). Multiple recommendations for the same person will be deleted, so only recommend someone who hasn't been recommended. You can like multiple posts. At the end of a week or two, we’ll be determining who shall be which based on the amount of community support (likes). You MUST provide a valid and detailed reason for your recommendation. If the reason is not valid ("they are cool" "i should be this character because im da bess") then your post will be deleted. Please do not recommend more than one person in one post. Post again with any new recommendations. (If you need me to post so you can 'double post' let me know) Thank you, and good luck!
Recommending: Why:
Because I was told I'd have to show my face if I posted this in PYP. <3 I cook a lot so I will use this thread like...all of the time. It doesn't have to be something you've cooked!I was pretty bummed because I didn't do anything for Halloween and loneliness yadda, yadda. Instead of spiraling into depression, I did the next best thing ... Made some comfort sweets. Donuts! Yay! I didn't get the camera until after the dough was in the oil, so... Spoiler Donut holes. <: One derp one, but I fixed it. Spoiler Frying them on my crap stove, awww yeahhh. Spoiler Not too appealing to me at first. Bread with holes. Spoiler ...Then the sugary goodness happened. TADA. I made the glaze. Some are double dipped in the glaze. The donut holes are filled with strawberry topping, and the other ones are dipped once on one side with powdered sugar on top. I'm not sure if I'll actually eat these (may just give them to my family), but making them definitely cheered me up. Sorry if this thread exists already!! If you let me know, I'll merge them.
I know this is a little sudden, and strange, and random and aiohaiohiogha...And I'm actually legitimately afraid of posting it here in the spamzone for everyone to see...This is so bad, I'm shaking right now...But I really can't do this anymore? I don't even know. I just. Really need to tell you something, and I'm really sorry, but it needs to be said here. Everyone needs to know, not just how I feel, but the conclusions I've come to about myself and how I feel about you. I've had a lot of trouble with my sexuality since age 11. My feelings are pretty confusing. I go back and forth between males and females and while I've tried to suppress it (see: FuzzyBlueLights), I've realized that the only reason I've been clinging to males is because of pressure from family, some friends, and society. This is really hard for me to say, and really embarrassing and nerve-wracking but...Misty, you've helped me realize that I may actually be a lesbian...I've never really felt the way I feel for you for anybody else. Especially not a man. I don't know. It's really hard for me to accept and I don't even know when it started. I used to be afraid of you, not just before I became a staff member, but also a bit into it. You always seem so serious and intimidating. It wasn't until recently that I discovered how gentle you really are. I admire a lot of what you do and I hope to have your skill and competence someday. You're the reason I decided to learn HTML and the reason I try to be the sort of staff member that I am. That admiration and intimidation started to turn into infatuation at some point...I don't know. Every time I see you log on, I get excited. Whenever you message me on Skype or something, my heart starts pounding in the best way. I have honestly never felt this way before for a male. Everytime the feeling for you swells up in my heart, I try to force it down and ignore it. I've been fighting it for so long, I'm so scared of everything...But not anymore. I really want you to know. I really need to be brave right now. Please, understand that. You're just so amazing. Talented, pretty, funny, intelligent. I love your sense of humor, and your... interesting taste in music, haha. Just everything... I spoke with Fuzzy about it last night, and he just wants me to be happy. Now that you know...Now that everyone knows...Maybe I can stop pretending to be who I'm not. Maybe I really can finally find my own happiness. I've been bottling this up for so long and struggling so bad with everything. I love you, Misty. I'm eternally grateful to you. The things you've taught me...The time I've spent with you on staff. Even if you don't feel the same, I need you to know that. You mean a lot to me, and I'll never forget you or all that you've done. Thank you so much.
Dedicated to the beautiful couples of KHV!! Specifically, Cookiie and What?, Misty and RvR, LilBueno and Arch, Stardust and Sabby, Bushy and Dark, Saxima and I...The list goes on. (Greater_Bloo & Tummer in the beginning. Sorry for mistakes. Don't bug me about them, plz. Not yet. xD)
Should be airing soon. Spoiler Seasons of Love / Janson Livin' on a Prayer / Midnight Once Upon a December / Fearless 1000% Love / flowergothic Mirai Chizu / Cookiie This Love / Jayn Final Distance / Chevalier Blow Me Away / PaW Kryptonite / Amethyst I am the Walrus / Forsaken What Have You Done? / Moshi What is this Feeling? / Mish Poor Unfortunate Souls / Krowley Kimi Ga Iru Kara (English) / Anzu_100 YMCA / Bushy Just going to say and remind now that it takes A LOT of courage to get on here and do something like this. Any rude posts will be mercilessly deleted. Thanks to Janson, Cookiie, Chevalier, PaW, Amethyst, Forsaken, Mish, Krowley, and Anzu for mixing their own. I apologize for any mistakes, I've been out of it this entire week. Karaoke Night will probably run every two weeks or so.
★ KH-Vids: The Musical ★MAIN THREAD (x)PLOTTING THREAD (x) Hey guys. So as you all (should) know by now, we're currently finishing up the first phase of the musical. Yay. The next step is to start writing the screenplay. In order to do that, it's time to vote on the plot that will be used for the musical! Please read through all of the plots throughout and keep everything in mind before making your decision. Please remember that the time spent further developing the plots was meant to wrap up the plots, so all plots presented are as they are with minor adjustments, so...also keep that mind. This is the plot we'll be working on for the rest of the year. This is important stuff! Vote responsibly! Feel free to post in this thread with any reasons, comments or questions. The following are the links back to the development thread. Good luck, and please vote! Even if you had nothing to do with the plot developments and even if you won't do anything else with the musical at least vote! The affects the game players just as much as the developers, it helps a lot. ★ Jiku's Plot ★★ Jayn's Plot ★★ Janson's Plot ★★ What's Plot ★
Deadline: October 29thStatus: OPEN!KHVC Rules and Information | Tutorials and Resources Notes & News (READ!!!!) ★ Shorter deadline, yes, but the video needs to be up on the 31st and I need that extra time. Please don't join if you're going to have to drop out, or "maybe" will have to drop out. I need everyone who joins this particular chorus to turn their lines in, EARLY and only on time if they MUST. No drop outs. I want to remind you guys that singing lines seriously takes less than 10 minutes out of your day in most cases unless you're OCD about things. |: It's not that difficult, please just get it done. ★ I always forget to say this, but please don't pick a lot of duets for your lines. x_x Like, seriously, moderation. And remember to avoid picking line after line (line 1,2,3,4). That's annoying. Try to space yourself out more. ★ Everyone who voted for this song is lame. Thank our precious Mishu for buying the instrumental as promised, though. ★ You can sing the backing track "aaaaahs and oooooh he did the mash" crap if you want. Not sure if I'll include it. If enough people do it, then we'll use a version of the instrumental without the backing track. ★ The rules have CHANGED since Still Alive, please re-read them if you have not. ★ You may have 4 parts all together with one solo included in that number. This may change. ★ Make sure you TIME and SING to the PITCH of the INSTRUMENTAL. NOT THE ORIGINAL. DO NOT SING TO THE ORIGINAL. >:L ★ If I don't have a rendered picture from you (no background) GET ME ONE. ★ MP3s only, no ZIP files, ONE file timed to the instrumental! A few of you sent me one file, but it wasn't timed to the music, you did your lines back to back. That is a no-no! When you send your lines, they should be spaced out in time to the music, not just one file with your lines after one another. ★ Please email all lines to; as an attachment. No more links, please. Sorry, but they're giving me issues. ★ Your lines are due BEFORE the listed date. If you have to drop out, don't join. This is tempt for this particular chorus. The Song Spoiler Instrumental: Original: Lyrics & Parts Black Lines = EVERYONE records that part. ...This is not optional. :C Unless there's an emergency. { ♥ } = Duets. TWO people can claim that part. [ ] = Solos. ONE person can claim that. Only ONE solo per singer. This MAY change depending on how many people join. // = Anyone can sing/optional/adlib. [1] I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight [Judge, PaW] [2] For my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly to my surprise [Midnight, Mish, Beau, Fearless] [3][He did the monster mash] [Neku] [4][It was a graveyard smash ] [Beau] [5][It caught on in a flash ] [6][He did the monster mash] [paw] [7]From my laboratory in the castle east To the master bedroom where the vampires feast [What?, Beau, Moshi, Fearless] [8]The ghouls all came from their humble abodes To get a jolt from my electrodes [What?, Midnight, Saxima, Amethyst] [9][They did the monster mash] [Fearless] [10][It was a graveyard smash] [Amethyst] [11][It caught on in a flash] [12][They did the monster mash ] [13]{ ♥ } The zombies were having fun [Neku, Moshi] [14]{ ♥ }The party had just begun [Ameythst, PaW] [15]{ ♥ }The guests included Wolf Man [Neku, Beau] [16]{ ♥ }Dracula and his son [Judge, Mish] [17]The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds [What?, Midnight] [18]The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five" [What?, Mish, Saxima, Moshi] They played the monster mash It was a graveyard smash It caught on in a flash They played the monster mash [19][Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing] [Saxima] [20][He opened the lid and shook his fist And said, "Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?" ] [Judge] [21]{ ♥ }It's now the monster mash And it's a graveyard smash [Saxima, Fearless] [22]{ ♥ }It's caught on in a flash It's now the monster mash [Judge, Moshi] [22.5][Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band And my monster mash is the hit of the land] [Midnight] [23][For you, the living, this mash was meant too When you get to my door, tell them (Boris) sent you] [Mish] Then you can monster mash And do my graveyard smash You'll catch on in a flash Then you can monster mash ParticipantsLight Pink = Lines in.Red = Mixed JudgeWhat?Midnight StarMishNekuBeauSaximaMoshiPaWFearlessAmethyst
Deadline: October 20thStatus: CLOSED!! KHVC Rules and Information | Tutorials and Resources Notes & News ★ You need a new render if you haven't gotten me one already. ★ Lines split by gender. I know, so taboo, oooh gender roles i'm so bad hhurr. If you want to sing either part though, that's okay, so long as you can make your voice deeper / higher to fit the role (if it doesn't fit then I'm sorry but I'll tell you. Choose wisely LOL). Either gender can be Timon and Pumba, though. ★ There are voice acting parts this time around like with Be Prepared. If you take them GET INTO CHARACTER, PLZ. SHOW SOME EMOTION!! Also, if you have a voice acting part then you can only have one other line, minus the full chorus ones. If you want one of them (Timon or Pumba), just say so with your other line. ★ The rules have CHANGED since Still Alive, please re-read them. ★ You may have 4 parts all together with one solo included in that number. This may change. ★ Make sure you TIME and SING to the PITCH of the INSTRUMENTAL or ORIGINAL if they are the SAME. ★ If I don't have a rendered picture from you (no background) GET ME ONE. ★ MP3s only, no ZIP files, ONE file timed to the instrumental/reference song! A few of you sent me one file, but it wasn't timed to the music, you did your lines back to back. That is a no-no! When you send your lines, they should be spaced out in time to the music, not just one file with your lines after one another. ★ Please email all lines to; or post a download link in the thread. ★ Your lines are due BEFORE the listed date. If you have to drop out, drop out TWO DAYS prior at the latest. Please help me out by giving me enough time to work with your dropping out, if you must do so. The Song Spoiler Instrumental: Original: Lyrics & Parts Black Lines = EVERYONE records that part. ...This is not optional. :C Unless there's an emergency. { ♥ } = Duets. TWO people can claim that part online. [ ] = Solos. ONE person can claim that. Only ONE solo per singer. This MAY change depending on how many people join. // = Anyone can sing/optional/adlib.♂ = Male ♀ = Female [Timon/Greater_Bloo:] I can see what's happening [Pumba/Tummer:] What? [Timon:] And they don't have a clue [Pumba:] Who? [Timon:] They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two. [Pumba:] Oh. [Timon:] [In a sarcastic mock-French accent] Ze sweet caress of twilight [Back to normal, but still sarcastic] There's magic everywhere And with all this romantic atmosphere Disaster's in the air -- Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings [1] { ♥ } The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things [Janson, Moshi] [2] ♂ So many things to tell her But how to make her see [GB, Judge, Beau, Droid] [3] ♂ The truth about my past? Impossible! She'd turn away from me [Judge, Beau, Droid, Blayn] [4] ♀ He's holding back, he's hiding But what, I can't decide [Fearless, Janson, Midnight, Jayn] [5] ♀ Why won't he be the king I know he is The king I see inside? [Jayn, Janson, Midnight, Moshi] [6] Can you feel the love tonight? The peace the evening brings [Heart, Fearless, Midnight, Moshi] [7] The world, for once, in perfect harmony With all its living things [Heart, Janson, Moshi, Mish] [8] { ♥ } Can you feel the love tonight? You needn't look too far [Heart, Fearless] Stealing through the night's uncertainties Love is where they are [Timon:] And if he falls in love tonight It can be assumed [Pumba:] His carefree days with us are history [Timon and Pumba:] In short, our pal is doomed! ParticipantsLight Pink = Lines in.Red = Mixed JaynHeartFearlessGreater_BlooJansonTummerMidnight StarMoshiMish JudgeBeauDroid
Please actually listen to the songs you don't know. Popularity contests are seldom fun, think before you vote. The Oogie Boogie Song The Ballad of Sweeney ToddMonster MashDead is the New AliveCreepy DollFriend's on the Other SideRemains of the DayKidnap the Sandy ClawsNightmare on My Street
Hey, hey. So, I'm looking at all of the KHVC stuff to do and I laid out a schedule to let you guys know what'll be up for the month. 10/13 - 10/20 Can You Feel the Love Tonight + Halloween Poll 10/13 (or early 14) - 10/27 Karaoke Night 10/25-10/31 Halloween SongBetween the 20th and the 27th I may launch another Duet Roulette. This schedule may change, but I always like to leave one for the holidays. Pink dates are when the threads will be posted. The red ones are when they'll be finished and released. Remember I need new renders from /everyone/. I've cleared my hard-drive of all KHV Chorus related media (and freed up about 40gb) so yeah, get those to me whenever. Private message (with render somewhere in the subject) or this thread preferably. Refresh yourself on the rules if you haven't already and please follow them, I meant it when I said I'd be forcing myself to be stricter with them! c: If your render doesn't meet criteria (posted here) I'll replace it with a similar one that works. If you've said you want to help with animating or mixing, then please APPLY. Your offer is void otherwise. I like to talk one-on-one about the application and stuff.
[ game ends 10/31. private message me with questions! oh, and you guys get a prize from staff for completing it. ] ✖Commands xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSave > Saves the game. Only available in some instances.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxLoad > Loads the game from the last save. Only available in some instances.HP > Tells you your current HP.xxxxInventory > Checks your inventory.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSearch > Allows you to search rooms and some objects. It's cold. So cold that you can see every breath before you puffing out rhythmically in a thick, white cloud. The sky is dark, and the streets are nearly empty, now cleared of all of the earlier activity from the Trick-or-Treaters. Seeing them all going door-to-door in their festive costumes with their little bags and baskets made you feel nostalgiac, but you were much too old for that now. That's right. You are now past the age of childish Halloween activities! Instead, this year you decided not to dress up. You and your friends spent most of your October nights watching scary movies, partying and cramming for tests in your spare time. This night, however, is different. October 31st. The night of the sleepover. You aren't usually too fond of group sleepovers, but this one is special. You and your friends (mostly your friends) decided it would be exciting to spend the night in a haunted house. Now, there is no guarantee that this house is haunted--and no one really believes that it is, but it's creepy enough and it looks the part. The Chateau Manor sits square on the edge of the city, perfectly placed right across the street from the gates of an old graveyard (owned by the previous residents of the home). The house is huge, and was once quite elegant and beautiful--or so they say. Now, though, it looks like a piece of crap. The paint is chipped and worn down. There are holes in the wood. Collapsed stairs that lead up to a...questionable porch. The grass is dead, patches of dust and dirt clearly visible. It's just a mess. But here you are, going along for the ride as always. You gaze at the noisy teens and young adults before you. Misty and Saxima walk just a bit ahead of you, followed by Krowley and Neku_Sakuraba (with Neku talking Krowley's poor ear off). You're all lead by the ever-cynical Vivi. What a night this will be. []Ask to turn back around and go home. This is a bad idea. []Flirt with the girls. []Ask Neku to stop talking so much. []Flirt with the boys. []Catch up to Vivi.
It's cold. So cold that you can see every breath before you puffing out rhythmically in a thick, white cloud. The sky is dark, and the streets are nearly empty, now cleared of all of the earlier activity from the Trick-or-Treaters. Seeing them all going door-to-door in their festive costumes with their little bags and baskets made you feel nostalgiac, but you were much too old for that now. That's right. You are now past the age of childish Halloween activities! Instead, this year you decided not to dress up. You and your friends spent most of your October nights watching scary movies, partying and cramming for tests in your spare time. This night, however, is different. October 31st. The night of the sleepover. You aren't usually too fond of group sleepovers, but this one is special. You and your friends (mostly your friends) decided it would be exciting to spend the night in a haunted house. Now, there is no guarantee that this house is haunted--and no one really believes that it is, but it's creepy enough and it looks the part. The Chateau Manor sits square on the edge of the city, perfectly placed right across the street from the gates of an old graveyard (owned by the previous residents of the home). The house is huge, and was once quite elegant and beautiful--or so they say. Now, though, it looks like a piece of crap. The paint is chipped and worn down. There are holes in the wood. Collapsed stairs that lead up to a...questionable porch. The grass is dead, patches of dust and dirt clearly visible. It's just a mess. But here you are, going along for the ride as always. You gaze at the noisy teens and young adults before you. Misty and Saxima walk just a bit ahead of you, followed by Krowley and Neku_Sakuraba (with Neku talking Krowley's poor ear off). You're all lead by the ever-cynical Vivi. What a night this will be. []Ask to turn back around and go home. This is a bad idea. []Flirt with the girls. []Ask Neku to stop talking so much. []Flirt with the boys. []Catch up to Vivi.
If you would like to contribute to the plotting and further expand on the story before it's time to vote on which plot to go with for the Visual Novel, please use this thread to do so! Without further delay~ ★ THE PLOT ⬊ (Unrelated to anything: Please remember to like the posts of the plots you like by the 10th!!) Alright...So based off of some of the plots mentioned so far, I present my plot idea for the KHV Musical /dramatica music I have massively simplified some of the overly-complicated stuff so that it's more realistically do-able. NOTE: Not ALL plots are fuses here. Just the once that /CAN/ be obviously and easily fused. / / Main Characters ✿ A new member (original character, most likely). ✿ An un-banned member. ✿ A normal member. ✿ A premium. ✿ A staff member. Why: Representation. Not all staff, not all normies, not all OCs, not all prems, etc. Main does not mean only, it just means maybe a bit more of a key role in the plot or a bit deeper character development. The only real main character, I believe, should be the new member/OC. Fair on all fronts, yeah? Using this random generator, I got a lesbian female for the main character named Aaliyah LOL. I'm just going to use that for now for the purpose of the plot, but things can be replaced/moved around. //Setting(s) ✿ KH-Vids will be a physical place. Fusing this with the school/university idea, I've made a small and unfinished map. Spoiler As you can see, it's almost like a university setting. Similar. Also, I'm kind of joking about the whole ominous staff thing. The playground is separate from fun and games. Instead, it's a literal field just a bit away from the buildings going South, where games are played and stuff. It's set up a bit like a camp. Allow me to explain. (Note: These aren't the actual names for all of this places yet, hah.) Staff Headquarters ➛ Obviously the place staff hang out, discuss issues and make major decisions. I believe there should be sleeping quarters here for them too, just to spice things up. I put trees around it because I think it would be really cool to expand on the hidden-ness of it and make it seem a bit cut off from the rest of the forum, in an exciting way. Traversing though a dark, thick forest and arriving at the Staff HQ sounds neat. /imagery Registration ➛ Another obvious place. When arriving to KH-V, new members register here at the registration office. Members leaving will also have to put in a resignation/departing notice here and physically 'leave'. Banned members or exiled members are just ... kicked out and unable to return for ... some reason I don't care to think up at. Living Quarters ➛ Sort of like dorms. A physical building with bedrooms and stuff. Everyone gets their own room. Banquet Hall ➛ We eat here. No matter what drama is going on, we have three scheduled times. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. We can eat there or in the Playground (not pictured) during those times. Community Center ➛ This is where events take place. Things like Mixtape Mania, KHV Chorus, Podcasts, and other things. We'll of course have to expand on how these things would go physically. For instance, KHV Chorus would obviously be a choir, etc. Should also have a mini-theater for KHV Movie anime/night, etc. There will also be a counseling office there. (Help with Life). Prem Hangout ➛ I think this building should, in honor of our beautiful prem section, pretty much be empty and terrible LOL. Some raggedy couches, dust piling up. Barely anyone goes there. Creativity Corner ➛ Where our creative members roam. The RPers (or actors), the singers and artists, writers... There should be a lot of art rooms, and computer rooms here with graphic programs. Studios for recording and composition, instruments, a stage, etc. Interests ➛ Where are quirky and knowledgeable members hang out. A debate hall and discussion hall, video game rooms, a library, maybe some more computer rooms and other interest-related ones. Hacks & Codes ➛ Pretty much a building with even more computer rooms (LOL) and ... stuff on hacking, I don't know anything about this section tbh. Fun and Games ➛ And here we have pretty much the Spamzone. Loud, obnoxious (in a fun way) and very borderline. In summary, a large hang out room. Snacks, chairs and couches, music, partying and fun. We also have Forum Families -- or in other words, along with the large lounge in the front of the building, we have multiple rooms for 'rent' where groups of people (family) can go to talk and mess around , yadda. //Member TypesHere is my idea of how to present us as physical members. Instead of posts, I believe we should receive physical coins or currency. You get them by engaging with the community. Attending events, and talking to certain people. Those with over $1000 become premium members and can exchange them instead for a badge or license that states so. They then get special access to the Prem Hangout and also some Prem-exclusive events held in the Community Center. Banned (banished/exiled) ➛ Banned members are those who have done something bad or committed a crime. As punishment, Staff has ... pretty much kicked them out of KHV. Alt Accounts ➛ Member who were either banished or gone for a while, returned with a new 'alias' and in some cases a disguise or a new look. Very mysterious, usually. Normals ➛ Obvious. Members who haven't gathered enough coins to become prem, or don't want to. Premiums ➛ Members who have been around and earned enough coins to get their Premium License (or badge). Sectional Moderators ➛ Moderators who usually stay in one area of KHV. For instance, you would be most likely to find What? working at the Registration Office. Super Moderators ➛ Staff members who wander around in all areas of the forum. There's no definite place to find them, but they're usually around somewhere keeping things in check. Admins ➛ Misty and RvR will mostly be found at Staff HQ keeping things in check from the top. Sometimes they'll make appearances in other places, but there's always someone back at HQ. Note: You can tell who is staff by the color of their clothes. //InspirationOkay, so here are the main things that I will try to fuse and summarize in this plot, along with my own ideas. This is in no way official, just my idea and attempt to gather some of us together and bring some unity about before the 10th. One by one, they approach their professor for advice on their problems, ranging from anything like relationship problems to fears of financing their studies to suicidal thoughts. Troubled by the students despair, the professor decided to turn the class into a support group. (Janson) So what if we were to write a story about a member who has just joined the site and being taken around the sections of the forum, where people apparently break out into song, and he gets to know the culture of KHV. The songs could be about certain sections, members and/or memes of the forum. (GS) My only idea is a world set a bit into the future. Where the Kingdom Hearts series has finally stopped without their ever being a conclusion. (FuzzyBlueLights) announces the cancellation of the KH series and that KHV is being shut down since the for it have been cut off. Members are starting to leave, friends are saying goodbye, loves that have formed are being tested, groups say their finals farewell. Some characters still linger for a bit finishing up with KHV before it's finally shut down. Now at this point, a new member joins KHV, the Protagonist, who starts talking to the clicks and people who are all giving up on the site. The Protagonist resolves to help bring the site back up, and proposes....(PaW) Also, there's a side plot with two members in love who are dying to meet each other (because every musical needs a love song). (Tummer) Anyways we'd explore how the site activity is influenced by their everyday life and how their everyday life in turn goes through some dramatic change due to their time spent online. All the musical numbers would be representations of online communication to create a distinction between the online world and the real one. ... (Jiku) The classes could easily tell each other apart by the color of their workclothes (which will be just the member/staff team colors (white for Regular Members, pink for Preminum Members, red for Moderators, etc.)) (Flowergothic) OC has become a “Returned” - a free member after dropping his permaban sentence due to the appeal passing by one vote of an unknown staff member, the Savior, who constantly haunts OC as the “granter of their freedom”. Though OC is technically free, their “Returned” status makes them a social outcast. (What?) //Plot SummaryI'll go into great detail about some things. Others I'll rush through just to get the point across and move on, heh. Basically... KH-Vids is a place on the Internet. Our story follows a new member, a premium member, a staff member, a normal member and a returned banned member. There are two major settings. One is, obviously, KH-V. The other is our physical world. The only members to be shown off-site will be our main ones. Events on the site will be dramatized and translated into physical happenings (KHV Chorus happening will be translated into a physical choir, and so on). We'll start with the new member (original character) and in the physical world. Aaliyah (15), is struggling in the physical world. Her parents are going through a divorce, her grades are slipping and she's being bullied (because she's a lesbian according to this generator). To deal with what's going on at home, Aaliyah has formed a semi-unhealthy habit of neglecting her responsibilities to cruise the Internet, play video games and make AMVs. She's really passionate about this, btw, over 5k subs on YT and everything. A girl that she has a crush on (also her best friend) has introduced her to the Kingdom Hearts series and encouraged her to play the games, especially the first two, since they're her favorite. Upon finishing the games, she's decided she wants to make an AMV for this girl's birthday. She Googles 'Kingdom Hearts Cutscenes' and is brought to our very lovely KH-Vids. This is our first introduction to KH-V as a physical place. Aaliyah steps foot in KH-Vids, and wanders around the site. She views members interactions, and just kind of gets a general feel for the place. Initially, she's not considering actually joining, but as she flails around looking for the Cutscene Archive (not pictured), What? steps in and directs her to the Registration Office, unintentionally guilting her into signing up with his babbling on (<3) about how great new members are, and how wonderful the forum is, yadda yadda [#1]. She's greeted pretty passively by other members and logs off feeling pretty neutral about the site. She falls asleep listening to her parents fight. A day or two later, Aaliyah logs on again. She had been so swept up in joining KHV that she never downloaded the cutscenes. When she arrives, the forum is in a bit of a panic. It has been announced thatKingdom Hearts won't be continuing as a series, and that there will not be a conclusion or ... well, anything more to it. Let's just say Nomura has a break down or something and ragequits, LOL. In this flurry of events, it has also been announced that KH-Vids is being shut down. The owner no longer thinks he'll make a profit off of the site, considering what it's based off of is now dead, and no one from KH-Vids has enough money to buy it from him. The owner is very seriously considering a deal with someone who wants to make it into a porn site. Aaliyah is kind of thrown into an awkward position. KH-Vids doesn't really mean much to her at the moment, and she's finding it hard to empathize, due to her 'real life' problems. She considers leaving, heading back to the Registration Office to 'depart', but she stumbles upon a staff member. Staff is in a meeting right now at HQ, but this staff member seems to be in an emotional fit. Instead of being at HQ, staff member is sitting on the grass in the Playground area fuming or crying (depending on which staff member it is). They express how much KH-V means to them [#2], and their determination to keep the site up. They say that staff is currently discussing the shut down, but they'd rather avoid talk of giving up. They ask for Aaliyah's help, and once again guilted, she agrees to do so. The staff member brings them to HQ and is at first met with rage and 'y u do this tho', but after expressing themselves, they get staff support to try to keep KH-V alive. They come up with a plan to raise money to buy the site from the owner. During dinner that night, staff make the announcement. Most members are either neutral or supportive, but there's one member (the unbanned) that's raising a fuss for some reason. They're completely against trying to raise money to keep the site up. They believe that if it's time for the site to go, everyone should just let it go. [#3] Unbanned logs offline. The story is now taking place from Unbanned's point of view. We get insight on their at-home life which is pretty ... bland, to say the least. They're not in a very good spot, financially. We later learn through Aaliyah's prodding (back on site) that their hesitance to raise money comes from the fact that they don't have anything to contribute. They feel that whoever donates will be hailed as the 'saviors-of-KHV' or something dramatic like that, and they feel a bit ashamed that they have nothing to give. Aaliyah assures them that that won't be the case and says there are many way to help such as being positive and supportive, BLAH MORE DETAIL NEEDED END ARK. After that resolution, Aaliyah has another problem. She's feeling pretty depressed about things and has found herself logging onto KH-V a lot more often now to escape from her physical troubles. It seems her best friend has obtained a boyfriend, which depresses her in more ways than one. Her father has also left the house and her mother doesn't know if he'll return. The staff member from earlier suggests that she visit the counseling office. She doesn't want to, but is eventually roped into it by the unbanned member (she is now friends with both of these members). The head of the counseling office is a premium member. Not officially, but the premium member lurks around enough to practically be moderator there. Aaliyah vents to the premium member, and premium member gives advice about being happy, persevering and keeping your chin up. [#4] Aaliyah feels a bit better (or at least functional) and leaves to participate in a game at the Playground with unbanned member and staff member. When she leaves, premium member logs off and we now get a glimpse of their at home life. It is riddled with busy! Not negative or bland like before. They're juggling a lot with school and work and friends, and KH-V is more of a way to unwind after their busy days. When we're back online, we're in the perspective of Aaliyah who's sitting in a meeting with the other members discussing how far they've come with donations and how much more money is needed. At this point, we're almost at our goal, but time is running short. During the meeting, a member suddenly stands and runs out of Community Center crying. A normal member stands up, but hesitates, sitting back down and sighing dramatically. After the meeting, Aaliyah and Premium member approach the normal member, who is still sitting down as everyone else leaves. They ask him what's wrong, and the love story begins. Apparently, he's decided to donate money that he's been saving up to KH-V. The money was going towards meeting his long-distance girlfriend (crying member) over the summer. She's crushed, but not against it. Aaliyah and premium member try to cheer him up and he's grateful, but still bummed. He explains his long-distance romance. [#5] He eventually logs out and we see some nice long-distance relationship stuff such as him having a talk with his girlfriend, asking if she was okay from earlier when she logged off. They talk, and eventually come to understand that it'll all be okay. With his donation, KH-V reaches it's goal! Premium member, unbanned member, staff member, normal member and Aaliyah are now really good friends at this point. Everything is great and the site is bought successfully. Happy number. [#6] We return to Aaliyah's life at home. Things aren't magically fixed (though her dad does return home), but throughout her experience she has gained the confidence and strength to continue with her life without sinking into ultimate despair. She realizes that no matter how alone she may feel, she never is. It's a simple matter of logging on. / End. Now at this point I'm thinking it is only the end of Act 1. If so, then Act 2 should expand on the return of the KH series / the road trip or appeal PaW suggested. However, I am also thinking it could act as left room for a sequel to expand on that! I think we should leave room for a sequel and end it here, because this is a really BASIC skeleton of my idea, and we already have 6 original song numbers to be composed, five main characters to expand on, and much more to add--For instance, we will most likely add onto community events and happenings around the forum... Also, the numbers = potential musical numbers.
(Unrelated to anything: Please remember to like the posts of the plots you like by the 10th!!) Alright...So based off of some of the plots mentioned so far, I present my plot idea for the KHV Musical /dramatica music I have massively simplified some of the overly-complicated stuff so that it's more realistically do-able. NOTE: Not ALL plots are fuses here. Just the once that /CAN/ be obviously and easily fused.
Hey guys, Jayn here posting Jiku's plot! If you would like to contribute to the plotting and further expand on the story before it's time to vote on which plot to go with for the Visual Novel, please use this thread to do so! Without further delay~ ★ THE PLOT ⬊ Alright, gonna rearrange some of my original ideas to put them into a more coherent form for those who liked it already and want a more detailed/explicit form to work with. Premise: This site remains a website we visit. The windows into the story will be three main characters. A new member, a veteran member and either an old member, returning old member or a banned member(there's a lot that can be done with this third person but it is difficult for me to express exactly what). The real world still exists as just that and our characters live in both. Each character is presented with a real world problem and the overarching site problem. The site problem and the real life problem develop simultaneously until experience with one helps the character solve the other and take that back to their final remaining problem. This should be more fun for most people because it's more of an exaggeration of what is rather than a totally fictional setting with random cameo appearances and shenaniganry. Storytelling: I have two options here: 1) we do this in three acts(or routes) and have each act dedicated to one protagonist showing a linear progression from new to old and reviewing the same online events three times from different perspectives, showing something about how information and perspective mean everything. This allows us to keep their real world events nice and neat and separated. It does mean going through some of the same material over again so it might hinder the whole musical aspect since the musical bits are the online bits which are all in common. It might serve as motivation to have each person's online activities more distinct than I'd initially thought. 2) we do this all in one go and bounce around from protag to protag from scene to scene, like a book or play might. Now this allows everything to happen once and only once. But we only get each event from one perspective or a group perspective possibly. This might make storytelling a bit less personalized for each of the characters. It also makes time management a little different. Characters: While pretty much all participating members are fair game for fixtures, we need protagonist(s). Everyone seems awfully taken with the idea of an original character and I understand why. However, the proposed storytelling method has this new member accompanied by a veteran member and another character. The veteran member should be someone who is well known here but doesn't necessarily need to be an old member. Their role in this is to provide perspective from someone who is a part of the the main community already and sees things through that perspective. The third member is a bit of an issue for me because there needs to be some kind of balance to the new member. The veteran is more of a middle ground. This third member needs to represent the side of the side that is both older and less likely to be a part of every change. Someone who is clearly a little out of step with the current mainstream but more in touch with the core of what it is to be a member here. All of the characters can technically be made up but I would only suggest that the new member be made up. The other two would need to be picked based on the actual person's willingness. Though I suggest asking directly rather than letting people volunteer, at least for the third spot. The idea with the spectrum of characters is to best show the site how we see it. To best make this something that we can look at and have someone to identify with or root for. In many ways it's just as much about perspective of the viewer as it is the perspective of the characters. Tone: I don't like "dark" or "gritty" I like comedy and barring that realism. I'd prefer we try to keep this more or less reasonable. It can have ups and downs but there is no need to have one outweigh the other in a significant way. Set: The Real- it's the real world. Each character has to deal with it every day and there will be scenes dedicated to important parts of it. The Site- it's where the main story occurs. Instead of just putting a pure text wall down we can play with the setting since a lot of what goes online is abstract and subject to more imagination than the real is. So we can take a background skin from the site to start with and then embellish upon it and work with it to make a little make believe world. Within that world we have all the sections, each with their own flavor and corresponding change in art style or design. The musical numbers happen here so we have a reason for people to be bursting into song (the reason being because it's a world of pure imagination but whatever.) The Megachats- I've decided I would really like to have a few scenes where people go off site to talk. Things are wilder here, a lot more things can happen and a lot more characters can talk disjointedly. So we keep the same idea as the site but maybe make the thing exclusive to a few musical numbers rather than main dialogues. The idea here is to show the full spectrum of events that go into what makes things happen on the site. Dialogue: Carried out normally in the real and the site. Carried out through music on the site and megachat conversations. This is just the simplest and most coherent way to go about this. Art: The characters will have real world versions of themselves that are more or less true to form. However, they will also have online versions of themselves which will be decided by the artists or by committee as we progress. Music: As with all musicals each number should progress the story and tell you what the singers are feeling or thinking. Plot: A kid in, let's say middle school, joins the site one day. He or she will travel around the site and through a musical number discover what it's all about. This kid becomes a regular to escape the real/have fun/be themselves/find themselves/whatever their real life deal is. There is a huge to be determined problem with/on the site. The new member follows the development and handling of this issues and possibly helps to solve it. A member who's been here for a bit and is all up on the latest trends and gossip is visiting the site when the nonspecific issue arises coincidently with a personal problem. They fight with both issues and with the help of music they succeed. Nothing for the last undecided guy, sorry. Specifics(?): I'll leave all those up to you guys. This is all I have to say.