【 genre: advanced • original • romance • music • thriller / horror ❙ rating: mature ❙ ooc thread 】♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥W E L C O M E ♥♥ T O ♥♥ C A M P♥♥ ! ♥♥♥♥Fortissimo Academy; a perfect place where the four seasons conjoin, sway, and dance under the swells of music. Whose music you ask? Why, the students and faculties! Think of the entire school as a large practice ground made just for you! You can go to the small green hills and belt your heart out, or you can go to our little flat grounds, and play any instrument to your heart's content. Want some peace quiet as you compose? Many of our current composition teachers have found themselves out in the cool green trees for inspiration, and even relaxation. Current upperclassmen looking for something to do may sign up to be counselors and other members of staff at our luxurious summer camp! The seasons of study are on hiatus as this sizzling summer of love heats up with our yearly summer camp invitations! From the recently enrolled youngster to the veteran academy adult, all are welcome to take a well deserved break from creating melodies by sunlight, canoeing through tranquil rivers, and enjoy roasting marshmallows by moonlight. ♥♥♥♥C U P I D ' S♥♥B R E W !♥♥♥Word is, at Clayborne High, you just have to make them drink it. At Newman Institute, the rumors say that the recipient will want no one else but you... forever. Somehow, you have finally found the link to the rumored site! Well, 'found' is a bit of a stretch...You notice it in your bookmarks one day. You doubt this site, which when fully loaded is simply a pastel pink background and nothing else, can even do anything for you. Still, your hand drags your mouse up to the address bar to make sure you typed the website in correctly when suddenly white letters in spidery font began to a light themselves on the bright background. ❝Forlorn lover...seek no more, for we, the witches three, have what you want. You believed true love will slip away without a moments haste unless you chase them down with a drink. A brew to be more technical, with our magic words and five ingredients, your chosen mate will want nothing more then to be yours for a lifetime.❞ ❥ Please do not join if you will not be consistently active. I will not harass you about posting. If you drop off of the face of the earth, I am erasing your characters and they will have never existed. I will not talk to you about it or ask you about it. I'm not going to force anyone to be here if they don't really care enough to keep me updated. It is as simple as a talk. No exceptions, minus emergencies or in-advanced requests for short breaks. Right now, 4 Days in-real-life will be equal to 1 Day RP time. There will be a posting requirement. For instance, in 100 Days you have to post once every 48 hours (once every two days or more) or you're kicked out. How often you'll have to post will depend on what everyone's 'availability' is on their OC sheets. Before we start the role play, I will, of course, let you guys know what the posting schedule will look like. This is to ensure we stay consistently active and actually finish the role play. Anyone not okay with this should not sign up. ❥ If you join, please be willing to collaborate with the story line. Contribute. Don't just follow my lead. Throw some plot-twists in there. Have fun with it! This is a collaboration. Thinking of it as writing a story together. To elaborate on this, please be creative. I understand everyone has different creativity levels and I don't expect all of you to be like ... crazy geniuses, but please try. Don't join just to go with the flow.❥ NO MARY-SUES OR STUS. No sugary sweet perfect characters who always try to do the right thing and are pretty much angels with some troubled orphan past that's only made them stronger or given them a hero complex. Please, stray from cliches. Try to make an actually...interesting, dynamic character? ❥ Please do not kill or injure anyone without legitimate reason. Also, on this note, no god-modding. If you fight someone or go to hurt someone, always give them the chance to defend themselves or retaliate. Same on the opposite way. Please don't insta-dodge everything. ❥ You should know your character's bio. I really hate bios in role plays, but if it helps you to figure it out, then I suggest you write it down somewhere.❥ You may have as many characters as you want. Please keep your character sheets SHORT. There is no need at all to write fifty paragraphs. Use all of that creativity and time in the actual role play, not in sign-ups. I want to get to know your character because you showed me, not because you told me in a character sheet. <3❥ Cybering is not allowed, but mature, suggestive scenes ARE. If you write anything highly sexual or highly graphic / disturbing, then please, please, please put a warning at the top of your post. You will never be required to partake in a 'mature' situation, or to read them. So please, for the sake of those who would rather not, warn. ❥ Ages for students must be 12-18. For camp counselors or staff, 18-35. ❥ One liners are allowed, only scarcely (if you have writer's block, or are really, really pressed for time). I am not requiring unnecessarily long posts, but please make an effort.❥ I reserve the right to add or subtract from these rules. I will always alert you all if I do.
♥♥♥♥W E L C O M E ♥♥ T O ♥♥ C A M P♥♥ !
I've been asking so many people but no one has known the answer. What's the name of this song? I think I will literally go insane if I don't figure it out soon. Nobody wants that, please help. //gross sobbing edit; i have been helped thank u
Thank you to everyone who participated. I wanted to do a cheesy introduction but I didn't have time. Basically, though, thanks. I know KHVC has been on hiatus for a little bit, so for those of you who jumped right back in for the test run and showed your support, I genuinely appreciate it with all of my kokoro. Stickers and cookies for all of you. Spoiler 1. Swing Life Away x - Amethyst 2. Confrontation x - Tummer 3. Simple and Clean x - Heart 4. I've Got a Dream (Orch. Ver.) x - Fearless 5. Only You x - PaW 6. Toxic x - HoT 7. Moonlight Densetsu x - Shadow_Rocks 8. Somewhere Out There - Fork & Mish 9. Roads Untraveled - Tummer 10. Make a Man Out of You (parody)- HoT Thanks also to everyone who mixed with own. Amethyst, Tummer, Fearless, PaW, Fork & Mish. Any rude comments will be deleted. KN should be starting in about 6 minutes.
【 genre: advanced • original • romance • music • thriller / horror ❙ rating: mature ❙ main thread 】♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥W E L C O M E ♥♥ T O ♥♥ C A M P♥♥ ! ♥♥♥♥Fortissimo Academy; a perfect place where the four seasons conjoin, sway, and dance under the swells of music. Whose music you ask? Why, the students and faculties! Think of the entire school as a large practice ground made just for you! You can go to the small green hills and belt your heart out, or you can go to our little flat grounds, and play any instrument to your heart's content. Want some peace quiet as you compose? Many of our current composition teachers have found themselves out in the cool green trees for inspiration, and even relaxation. Current upperclassmen looking for something to do may sign up to be counselors and other members of staff at our luxurious summer camp! The seasons of study are on hiatus as this sizzling summer of love heats up with our yearly summer camp invitations! From the recently enrolled youngster to the veteran academy adult, all are welcome to take a well deserved break from creating melodies by sunlight, canoeing through tranquil rivers, and enjoy roasting marshmallows by moonlight. ♥♥♥♥C U P I D ' S♥♥B R E W !♥♥♥♥Word is, at Clayborne High, you just have to make them drink it. At Newman Institute, the rumors say that the recipient will want no one else but you... forever. Somehow, you have finally found the link to the rumored site! Well, 'found' is a bit of a stretch...You notice it in your bookmarks one day. You doubt this site, which when fully loaded is simply a pastel pink background and nothing else, can even do anything for you. Still, your hand drags your mouse up to the address bar to make sure you typed the website in correctly when suddenly white letters in spidery font began to a light themselves on the bright background. ❝Forlorn lover...seek no more, for we, the witches three, have what you want. You believed true love will slip away without a moments haste unless you chase them down with a drink. A brew to be more technical, with our magic words and five ingredients, your chosen mate will want nothing more then to be yours for a lifetime.❞♥♥♥♥N O T E S !♥♥♥♥This is an OPEN role play with no SLOTS. Anyone can join at any time. However, there will be kind-of pairing involved in regards to whose characters crush on who. Technically, they can say 'no one', but too many of those will mess everything up. So I'll allow two characters to not have a romantic interest. Keep in mind that most these pairings / romances will be UNREQUITED. There is no need for a love potion if that person loves you back already. Therefore, if you join WITH someone and have each other as 'crush', it's not usually going to work. Joining with another will just mean that you have decided before signing up that you would have a crush on their character. If you are smart about it, you CAN both like each other, but you would have to do an immensely good job of neither of them knowing that the other liked them. ♥♥♥♥S U M M A R Y !♥♥♥♥For all of you as sick of the theatrics as I am (or anyone who doesn't understand), here you go. Please read the thread, though. If you don't and ask me a question that's answered already I will smite you:❥ You are a student at Fortissimo Academy, a prestigious school of music. You play an instrument or sing, anything musical. ❥ The Academy starts from middle school (grade 6) and goes up to University. You usually enter into the academy via invitation. You can either live on campus or live with your family, on your own (if you are 18+). ❥ Every Summer, there is a musical summer camp where the students from the academy are invited to go spend their vacation. Lots of standard camp activities along with musical ones. Cabins, dining hall, a giant lake. You have to take a ferry to get from the city to the camp. It's surrounded by water. Fun. ❥ That's all more of the setting, though. The main plot is basically a twisted love story. I'm anticipating the role play to start out pretty innocent, and kind of fall into something deeper and kind of crazy. Cupid's Brew is a love potion. If you say yes to Cupid's Brew in the character sheet, it means that your character has purchased a bottle and plans to use it on someone. Not everyone has to. The side-effects of this potion? Well, you'll seeeeee. ❥ Please do not join if you will not be consistently active. I will not harass you about posting. If you drop off of the face of the earth, I am erasing your characters and they will have never existed. I will not talk to you about it or ask you about it. I'm not going to force anyone to be here if they don't really care enough to keep me updated. It is as simple as a talk. No exceptions, minus emergencies or in-advanced requests for short breaks. Right now, 4 Days in-real-life will be equal to 1 Day RP time. There will be a posting requirement. For instance, in 100 Days you have to post once every 48 hours (once every two days or more) or you're kicked out. How often you'll have to post will depend on what everyone's 'availability' is on their OC sheets. Before we start the role play, I will, of course, let you guys know what the posting schedule will look like. This is to ensure we stay consistently active and actually finish the role play. Anyone not okay with this should not sign up. ❥ If you join, please be willing to collaborate with the story line. Contribute. Don't just follow my lead. Throw some plot-twists in there. Have fun with it! This is a collaboration. Thinking of it as writing a story together. To elaborate on this, please be creative. I understand everyone has different creativity levels and I don't expect all of you to be like ... crazy geniuses, but please try. Don't join just to go with the flow.❥ NO MARY-SUES OR STUS. No sugary sweet perfect characters who always try to do the right thing and are pretty much angels with some troubled orphan past that's only made them stronger or given them a hero complex. Please, stray from cliches. Try to make an actually...interesting, dynamic character? ❥ Please do not kill or injure anyone without legitimate reason. Also, on this note, no god-modding. If you fight someone or go to hurt someone, always give them the chance to defend themselves or retaliate. Same on the opposite way. Please don't insta-dodge everything. ❥ You should know your character's bio. I really hate bios in role plays, but if it helps you to figure it out, then I suggest you write it down somewhere.❥ You may have as many characters as you want. Please keep your character sheets SHORT. There is no need at all to write fifty paragraphs. Use all of that creativity and time in the actual role play, not in sign-ups. I want to get to know your character because you showed me, not because you told me in a character sheet. <3❥ Cybering is not allowed, but mature, suggestive scenes ARE. If you write anything highly sexual or highly graphic / disturbing, then please, please, please put a warning at the top of your post. You will never be required to partake in a 'mature' situation, or to read them. So please, for the sake of those who would rather not, warn. ❥ Ages for students must be 12-18. For camp counselors or staff, 18-35. ❥ One liners are allowed, only scarcely (if you have writer's block, or are really, really pressed for time). I am not requiring unnecessarily long posts, but please make an effort.❥ From now on, please don't crush on your own characters. Get involved with some other people, yeah ?? It's a role play ... ❥ I will be asking you to resign if you do not seem to be attempting to follow the guide I've posted. ❥ Random siblings / best friends for life popping up out of nowhere is not okay. If someone makes a new character it's cool to make them friends with someone else or whatever but being super duper close with a new character you never mentioned is like ??? ❥ Being creative also encompasses being original, obviously. That means with what you write and contribute to the RP and what characters you make. In other words, making carbon copies of existing characters or taking their quirks or what makes them stand out is not okay. Maybe you don't understand why from one perspective, but let's say you have a character who only speaks in caps / yells what they say. That's their quirk. Now, let's say someone comes along and makes a new character who does the same thing, taking away from what made your character unique in the first place and what YOU came up with. That's not okay, I can't condone intentional or unintentional copy catting to an obvious degree like that. Be CREATIVE. Be ORIGINAL. Don't steal quirks, man. ヽ(#`Д´)ノ It's redundant and also just inconsiderate [ though I understand that a lot of the time it's a subconscious thing so fix it if someone calls you out on it ]. ❥Use your characters! I allow you all to have as many as you'd like because I trust you to be responsible and know where your limit is. Don't keep stacking on new characters if you're not using the ones you have. If you want to abandon a character of yours and convert them into an NPC or unexist them, that's fine by me, but don't have 50 characters and use like 2. ❥ I reserve the right to add or subtract from these rules. I will always alert you all if I do. Code: [Font=Calibri][color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Full Name[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Appearance[/b]: (HQ, medium-large sized picture only.) [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Age[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Likes[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Dislikes[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Weaknesses/Fears[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Strengths/Talents[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Personality[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Sexuality[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Favorite Color:[/b] [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Instrument(s)[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Crush?:[/b] (You can wait to see who else joins) [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Cupid's Brew?:[/b] Yes / No [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Availability:[/b] [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Other:[/b] Jayn Sebax TwilightBlader D i n n y mindstorm787 Chrome Dokuro The Hero of Time hyuge-chan Cstar Twilight_Nobody13 MoK Saxima Roxas-Ventus Cookiie Chie FuzzyBlueLights Beau Bite The Dust What? Prince_of_Hearts Myst Cal noghiri al215 Skyheart Maka Synk ❥Full Name: Noëlle Marilyn Chambers ❥Appearance: ♥ ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Hand Written Letters ✿ Knitting ✿ Cooking ✿ Painting ✿ Animals ✿ White Noise ✿ Kitchen Gadgets ✿Technology ✿ Fiction ✿ Weed ✿ Books ✿ Music ✿ Climbing Trees ✿ Swimming and Athletics ✿ Tongue Piercings ✿Hats ✿ Glasses ✿ Gore ✿ Kittens ✿ Pictures of People ✿ Reminiscing ✿ Working Out ✿ Bubble Baths ✿ Children ✿ Lingerie ❥Dislikes: People Who Stutter ✿ Overly Shy People ✿ Overconfidence ✿ Jocks ✿ Hypocrites ✿ False Romantics ✿Interruptions ✿ Closed-Minded People ✿ Girly Girls ✿ Butch Girls ✿ Flamboyant Gays ✿ Hair Extensions ✿Feminism ✿ Social Rights Advocates ✿ First Person Shooters ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Heights ✿ Allergies ( bees, peanuts, spider bites ) ✿ Drowning ✿ Splinters ✿ Diary Being Stolen ✿ Needs Time to Fully Understand Things ✿ Over-Complicates Events With Few Details ❥Strengths/Talents: Music ✿ Hiding ✿ Spying ✿ Upper & Lower Body Strength ✿ Physically Fit and In Shape ✿Running ✿ Hunting ✿ Puzzles ❥Personality: Social, thoughtful and pleasantly opinionated, Noëlle is a somewhat stubborn girl with a passion for life and a thirst for experience. She is usually open minded and experimental, but with certain people or triggers, Noëlle becomes rather short and seemingly judgmental. She is creative, with high expectations from herself and those close to her, especially with music; expressing her deeper desires through songwriting, composition and personal journalism. It annoys her when other's keep secrets or put on a facade, but she often goes quiet if asked about anything she feels is too private regarding herself. Some of what she does or tells others can come across as hypocritical, but she honestly believes everything that she says--in the moment that she says it. She does not deny that she is ever-changing and at times feels unsure of her true self. Other Traits: Quirky ✿ Prideful ✿ Sensual ✿ Protective ✿ Hot-Headed ✿ Somewhat Flirty ✿ Competitive ✿ Sensitive✿ Dedicated. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual, Pan-Curious ❥Favorite Color: Pink. ❥Instrument(s): Voice ✿ Harp ✿ Ukulele/Guitar ❥Crush?: Bryan Chambers ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes! ❥Availability: 4pm-11pm on days I work. All day on days I don't.❥Other: #YOLO ❥ Full Name: OLIVER JOSEPH GRANT. ❥ Appearance: http://puu.sh/2XIuw.jpg ❥ Age: TWENTY-ONE. ❥ Likes: SWEETS ⟳ WARM SHOWERS ⟳ BEING PRAISED ⟳ FEELING USEFUL ⟳ GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE ⟳ TECHNOLOGY ⟳ MOVIES ⟳ GOING OUT ⟳ WORKING ⟳ CHILDREN ⟳ FLIRTING ⟳ COMPLIMENTS ⟳ MAKING PEOPLE LAUGH ⟲ ANIMALS. ❥ Dislikes: CRY BABIES ⟳ UNREASONABLY STUBBORN INDIVIDUALS ⟳ HIGH AMOUNTS OF LOW SELF CONFIDENCE ⟳ HOT WEATHER ⟳ STUDYING ⟳ PERSONAL QUESTIONS ⟳ LOUD NOISES ⟳ RUSHING INTO THINGS ⟳ BORING OR PREDICTABLE PERSONALITIES ⟲ HIGH AMOUNTS OF RESPONSIBILITY. ❥ Weaknesss/Fears: HIGH PRESSURE SITUATIONS ⟲ UNFAMILIAR AREAS ⟲ CROWDS ⟲ BEING IGNORED / FORGOTTEN ⟲ ANYONE BECOMING OVERLY ATTACHED TO HIM ⟲ ANYONE AS STUBBORN AS HE CAN BE. ❥ Strengths/Talents: MUSIC ⟲ THINKING THINGS THROUGH ⟲ PROBLEM SOLVING ⟲ FIT / ATHLETIC BUILD ⟲ QUICK FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSES ⟲ HIGH DEDUCTION SKILLS AND A DECENT AMOUNT INTUITION ⟲ EXCEPTIONAL SOCIAL SKILLS. ❥ Personality: OFTEN BLUNT AND TO THE POINT WITH THOSE HE IS CLOSE TO, HE HAS AN OVERALL FUN AND MILDLY ENERGETIC PERSONALITY -- WHEN COMFORTABLE AND IN SOCIAL SITUATIONS. IT TAKES A BIT OF WORK TO GET INTO PERSONAL CONVERSATIONS WITH HIM, BUT HE'S A GREAT LISTENER AND CASUAL CONVERSATIONALIST. HE IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS ABOUT WHAT HE DOES, AND WHEN HE PUTS HIS HEART INTO SOMETHING IT BECOMES A TOP PRIORITY ... HE'S A BIT DRAMATIC, TREATING 'KEEPING PROMISES' AS URGENT AS SURVIVAL. HE HOLDS A MEAN GRUDGE AND ONCE YOU MAKE IT ONTO HIS 'DISLIKE' LIST, YOU'RE NOT LIKELY TO GET OFF OF IT. HE HAS A SARCASTIC SENSE OF HUMOR AND IS EXTREMELY AMBITIOUS. WHEN HE WANTS SOMETHING -- HE WANTS IT. THOUGH HE ENJOYS THINKING THINGS THROUGH, HE IS RATHER IMPATIENT WITH THE FINAL RESULT AND IS LIKELY TO UNINTENTIONALLY FORCE THINGS INTO BEING. SOMETIMES THAT BECOMES RATHER EXTREME ... OTHER TRAITS: DETAIL ORIENTED // HEAD-STRONG // SOMEWHAT EMPATHETIC // SOMEWHAT SELF-RIGHTEOUS // A JERK, AT TIMES // PLAYFUL // DEFENSIVE ❥ Sexuality: HETEROSEXUAL, IF ASKED. ❥ Favorite Color: #DD5659 ❥ Instrument(s): DRUMS // GUITAR . ❥ Crush?: Mary J. Taylor ❥ Cupid's Brew?: YES. ❥ Availability: SAME. ❥ Other: ❥Full Name: Why full? Is this optional ... ? [ Dakota Scarlet !] ❥Appearance: I'm not really comfortable with this ... [ x ] ❥Age: 23 ❥Likes: Privacy, maybe ... Cookies and Cream ... ❥Dislikes: Um ... You? Ahaha! ... Wrong answer? Sorry. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Eeeh ... [ The Government, intrusive figures of authority, paranoia, anti-socialness. ] ❥Strengths/Talents: Nnnn ... [ Researching, staying out of trouble ] ❥Personality: ... ❥Sexuality: I'm not really interested in anyone like that ... What is that? Asexuality? ❥Favorite Color: ... Gray. ❥Instrument(s): Voice, guitar, viola, flute. ❥Crush?: That's private ... [ Frederick "Freddie" Anderson, Torvald Tannhauser -- Light crushes. ] ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ... ❥Full Name: ( Ava May Thompson ! ) ❥Appearance: ( Cheese ! ) ❀ ❥Age: ( I am seventeen, going on eighteen ~ ♪ - that doesn't really sound right. ) ❥Likes: ( I like a lot of things, I guess? Mostly reading with a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. I really love lazing around and being cozy, too. ♥ My favorite season is Spring and - uh. I guess I really like to study and learning new things. [ Yes, I suppose that means I enjoy school. Don't tease me about it or I'll gut you. ] ) ❥Dislikes: ( That's a hard question. I mean, usually when I come into contact with something I'm not fond of I just move on and avoid it in the future. No need to dwell on it or add it to some ever-growing list of 'dislikes'. If I have to pick, I suppose I get rather annoyed with certain types of people. Incompetency is a big turn off. So are people with extremely low amounts of confidence. Unreliability is a major one too, I think. ) ❥Weaknesses/Fears: ( Such a personal question ... Let's see ! I think I have trouble reading people sometimes. Specifically with people who keep things to themselves often. I have no idea what you're feeling if you don't tell me ! I've been told I have a short temper, and I have little restraint when expressing myself - which has gotten me into worlds of trouble in the past ... Hmm ... I have a fear of the unknown. If I can't easily calculate an outcome it just - ugh, it's just so annoying ! At times, I think I have the habit of over-simplifying humans ... As if everyone should be a certain way? I don't know if that makes sense, but I think you could call it - in it's most extreme form - dehumanization. I'm easily able to detach myself, in most cases. Maybe that's a good thing but I think it hurts people sometimes and it probably hurts myself, too. I'm also pretty verbose if you can't tell. ) ❥Strengths/Talents: ( I like this question better. I'm great with organization, and presenting myself. I've got a strong sense of leadership and I find it easy to adjust to new surroundings and circumstances. I consider myself a jack of all trades ... sort of. It's not hard for me to learn a new skill or talent once I research it and dedicate some practice time to it. I think I'm pretty decent at most things, though I guess that sounds conceited. The two best things are adaptability and leadership. Yeah. Let's go with those. ) ❥Personality: ( Confident, fiery, rational and just a tiny bit pretentious - I guess. I suppose I can be aggressive or, uh, sassy at times, if you push me. But I'm a friendly person until I feel you don't deserve it. Sometimes I can be a bit of a tease, when I'm comfortable enough with you. I guess I mean that in a playful way and also sexually? But I don't usually mean anything by it, in any case. ... Usually. ) ❥Sexuality: ( Heterosexual. I've been curious at times but I don't think much will come of that. Most people have those moments, growing up. ) ❥Favorite Color: ( #b54141. ) ❥Instrument(s): ( ... Flute, primarily. Basically everything else common on the side, including vocals - though my range is really limited. I should practice more ... ) ❥Crush?: ( Ah, sorry, that's really none of your business. ) [ Feall Isbrea ]. ❥Cupid's Brew?: ( Should you really be asking about something like that? )[ Yes. ]. ❥Full Name: Sebastian Sonata ❥Appearance: Hazel eyes; brownish/black hair; slight frame; wears suits most of the time, with a slightly leisure style. 5'7" ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Writing; Drawing; Singing; Music; Performing ❥Dislikes: Being in the crowd; being called a "Creep" ❥Weaknesses/Fears: He has an irrational fear of the dark, and to a lesser extent, heights; his slight frame (Makes him less appealing); High notes (He has to belt them, otherwise they're shaky.). ❥Strengths/Talents: Despite his slight frame, he has an above par amount of strength and fitness owing to two years of Weightlifting; He has a grand affinity for the stage and plenty of natural talent; he can modulate his voice to many different sounds, resulting in spot-on imitations and zany cartoon voices; He's pretty good at disguises. ❥Personality: He's very bright, but generally keeps to himself. He adores Music and the Stage, having an affinity for acting. When he falls for someone, it's usually head over heels, and deep; trying to take in the personality as well. He has no preferences on height in a girl, and a (somewhat) broad spectrum on weight (Slight, like him-Slightly chubby). ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Purple ❥Instrument(s): Voice (Baritone); Piano; Guitar; Can pick up anything else and get a less complicated melody out of it. ❥Crush?: Elisa Mulshine ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: I'm involved with one other RP, and I'm starting my own, which both are pretty grand in scale. This shouldn't stand in the way very much though. I am nearing College, but I'm pretty good with time management, so I've taken steps to avoid becoming one of those people who disappear when life gets hectic. I'll be very committed and I'll be available well within the boundaries given. I live in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, just for reference. ❥Other: A Role-play that involves halcyonic school-based settings, dark Gothic undertones, Romance (Especially Unrequited love!), and Music? I fell in love with this the instant I saw this; very well mapped out, and I liked the video; very professional. ❥Full Name: Stratana Aria ❥Appearance: A natural beauty queen from her head to her toes. Fiery red hair that glistens at shoulder length, a slim waist, 26 DD bra, perfect row of white, straight, even teeth, glistening green eyes with a mane of blue around the pupils, long legs, thin, toned figure, a cute heart shaped head, and a wardrobe as expansive as money can buy and designers can appease with. ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Being doted upon; Clean everythings; Daily Showers; Gourmet Food (A little bit too much for a girl who seeks to maintain a trim figure); Personal Exercise; Performing; She's a color aficionado (She has an affinity for shades, hues, tones, etc...) ❥Dislikes: Cleaning; Manual Labor; Performing in Sports; ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being seen as "imperfect" (This entails bad hair days and acne in the short run, and weight gain in the long-run.); She exercises to stay fit, not to strengthen, so she is rather physically weak; her myopic perception ❥Strengths/Talents: Money (The world's most kickass super power); pushes boundaries; her appearance ❥Personality: Stratana is the sort of girl who incites the notion that talent is wasted occasionally on the mindless. She is a spoiled rich girl whose singular area of brilliancy comes out in Music. In normalcy, she's a noticeable snob and is, in fact, very rude. She doesn't hide it behind a facade at least. However, in Music, she becomes someone else without realizing it; someone much better and more human. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Violet ❥Instrument(s): Piano; Violin and its relations; voice (Soprano) ❥Crush?: Crush? She has no heart!; at least right now. Who's she going to fall in love with? Herself? HA! She will eventually have one though. ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: See "Sebastian Sonata" ❥Other: Basically everything you see here is the kind of girl I've either been tricked by or learned to avoid and wished the most for them to learn to be wiser. This is my source material for playing this character, as I have to put myself very far outside myself to do so. I know she seems like the Mary Sue version of a rich snobby girl you see on TV, but this is familiar and realistic territory to me. I plan on using every detail. In short, she's a sort of "Poetic Justice" device. ❥Full Name: Sean Fugue ❥Appearance: Well-built, broad shoulders and chest, sturdy six pack, strong jaw and chin, hooked nose with a slight bulb, thick, muscular limbs, 6'5". He has fierce brown eyes that are of such a hue, they almost look red, and his hair is a vibrant shade of black, with thick bushy eyebrows on his cromagnon brow. He's a big hulk, box-headed (Double Meaning) brute, basically. ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Women of every shape and size he finds pleasurable; drinks he knows are bad for his health but he drinks in excess anyway (Alcohol, Liquor, Soda); Sports; Weight-lifting; Irish Culture; eating (He never stops) ❥Dislikes: Other men horning in on his action; British Culture ❥Weaknesses/Fears: His crude sense of humor; his jealous nature; his fingers and hands are big and meaty and clumsily, so he can't play many instruments with much grace; can't control his strength, meaning he can't take things lightly ❥Strengths/Talents: He's as strong as an ox and slightly brighter, he can bench 250 lbs, among other athletic accomplishments; his booming voice doesn't have much of a higher range, but he can sing louder than most with an unsettling sturdiness ❥Personality: Fugue is the sort of guy who easily makes Quarterback by showing up to tryouts, between his prodigious strength and his prolific height. He's very well aware of the fact and utilizes these looks and his charms to woo women. He's somewhat of a massive womanizer, and has no scruples about seeing more than one at a time. He despises "odd" people, whom he sums up generally in weaker people and homosexuals. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Toad Green ❥Instrument(s): Voice (Bass II); Tin Whistle; Double Reed; Pan flute; Snare drum; Bagpipes; guitar (All his instruments are much larger than most of the same variety, owing to his larger size.) ❥Crush?: Pierce; Samantha; Stratana ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: See "Sebastian Sonata" ❥Other: Like Stratana, I want to see this guy change; he may or he may not. I normally don't do stock photos, but this is a stand-in, just for in case I don't find the time to draw him myself.The same explanation goes double for Stratana. I want to draw them because a.) Stratana does not look that shy and b.) Sean is bigger, more inflated, and a bit more thuggish-looking. ❥Full Name: Alice Brumal Requiem ❥Appearance: ♫ ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Edgar Allan Poe; Tales from the Crypt, The Walking Dead; Saw movies and all scary movies, but especially Saw; Evanescence, Coldplay, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Avril Lavigne (HER IDOL) , Paramore and the like; philosophy; theology. ❥Dislikes: Panic attacks; being so incredibly tall; talking to crushes. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Nightly fits of uncontrollable terror; being called a giant freak; ❥Strengths/Talents: Her mind; writing; can easily notice a lie; writes down her feelings in original songs and poems. ❥Personality: Brooding but social, Alicia is an oddball who sees the horrible monsters everyone is, but still tries to uncover the good that exists. She's looked forward to this summer forever, because she promised herself that this would be the year she finally made herself known to her long-standing crush, Sebastian. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual virgin ❥Favorite Color: Black ❥Instrument(s): piano; her voice, which she models after Lavigne's ❥Crush?: Sebastian Sonata ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: ❥Other: My last character for now. Also, she stands at about 6'3". ❥Full Name: Julius S Menon ❥Age: 28 ❥Likes: Having a good time, helping others out, kicking the asses of *******s ❥Dislikes: People doing ridiculous things, selfishness, people ruining his things ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Dealing with sad emotions, dealing with things in a mature and not aggravated manner ❥Strengths/Talents: Great Endurance and strength, combat skills, bringing a smile to others' faces ❥Personality: A quite cheerful guy, but has quite the temper as well. He isn't one to really hold back when it come to his anger. He is a bit cooky and random but overall he is a really nice person once you get to know him. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Silver ❥Instrument(s): The Triangle (main instrument), The Cowbell (secondary instrument), his yelling voice (third instrument), Violin ❥Crush?: Nobody ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: My time-zone is eastern time so I will be fairly available during the day and mostly late after 12 ❥Other:N/A ❥Full Name: Jonathan Menon ❥Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/765085 ❥Age: 21 ❥Likes: His family, sleeping, relaxing, company, smiles ❥Dislikes: His family, Unnecessary work, being yelled at ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Disappointing others when they really need him ❥Strengths/Talents: Physically strong and being quite cunning ❥Personality: Jonathan is a relaxed individual, who tended to go with the flow and have a great time. He tends to overreact over things and can get emotional quick, but he knows exactly when to be serous and when not to. He has inherited his family's anger issues, but tries his best not to let it out like his brother. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: White ❥Instrument(s): Guitar & Flute ❥Crush?: Estelle, Noelle ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: See Julius ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Elisa Mulshine ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: blogging, people from the internet, roses, romance, pastel colors, sleeping pills, pleasant/cute things, eating disorders, cats, crosses, art, making her own accessories, bones, grunge ❥Dislikes: eating food, sports, crowds, not being liked, stress, meat, exercising, low grades ❥Weaknesses/Fears: rejection, being alone, going over 45kg, not being able to handle her emotions, is easily influenced ❥Strengths/Talents: singing, crafts, academics ❥Personality: Elisa likes to please people and enjoys getting along although she feels awkward and anxious when she's around others and tend to keep to herself more, unlike her online persona which is completely opposite. She's anorexic and gives a great deal for her weight making her incredibly self-conscious. ❥Sexuality: Bi-sexual ❥Favorite color: Baby Blue ❥Instrument(s): Voice (mezzo soprano); Piano ❥Crush?: Bryan ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: My timezone is UTC+8 and I am going to be busy these next two months with review and art classes in the summer but I'm going to make it a point to go online everyday, knowing myself. If ever I won't be able to go online, it's probably because I'm up in the mountains or in the beach but I'll definitely say if I have a road trip and how long it will go on for (usually just 2-4 days). I will be starting my senior year come this june, which might make me more busy - but I will still try my best to go online then. ❥Other: She is about 5'1" in height and weighs about 95lbs // Jayn this is so perfect I couldn't not join all your hard work in this is beautiful everything is beautiful ahh ❥Full Name: Tucker Knowles ❥Age: 21 ❥Likes: sports, being around people, helping others, performing in front of crowds, parties, risks, casual hugs ❥Dislikes: negativity, anything that's suggestive/sexual, rainy days, doing nothing, television ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Intimacy in relationships, technical things, incapability to stay still ❥Strengths/Talents: sports (especially soccer), performing on stage, knows how to work an audience, strong/athletic ❥Personality: Tucker is incredibly charming, innocent, well mannered and all about fun. He loves sports, always needs to have something to do and loves surrounding himself with people. He is an all or nothing type of guy with absolutely everything, including relationships. Many girls have wanted him but when he likes someone, he makes sure she knows by sweeping her off her feet with countless love songs, notes, and gifts. He is incredibly sweet but strictly draws a line with what he does in a relationship - even kissing for him is a huge deal. He even doesn't like seeing others kiss, make out or anything, not even in films or tv. He absolutely can't deal with intimacy, which causes most of his relationships to fall. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Orange ❥Instrument(s): Voice, guitar, drums ❥Crush?:[/b] will search for one dun dun duuun ❥Cupid's Brew?:[/b] No ❥Availability:[/b] see Elisa Mulshine please! ❥Other:[/b] He had a traumatic experience hence his persona but that's a surprise mwahahah ❥Full Name: Adrian Veltran Gloval ❥Appearance: Slim frame, pale pinkish skin, cold yellow eyes, wears a black and purple hoodie, red and black shirt with a strange red symbol on the front, black sweat pants. (CLICK ME!) ❥Age: 15 ❥Likes: Gossip, jokes, academics, chess, swimming, fighting, exercise, singing, dancing, drawing ❥Dislikes: Any type of negativity that makes him snap, low grades, and stupidity. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Not finding love, falling in a hole so deep that he can't dig out of. ❥Strengths/Talents: Swimming, strategics, computer work, fighting, singing, drawing, dancing ❥Personality: Cold and Quiet, listens to conversations, knows right from wrong. Say anything bad about his love interests and he'll snap. He does have a second personality. That second personality is yet to be seen. ❥Sexuality: Hetrosexual ❥Favorite colors: Red, black and purple ❥Instrument(s): Voice (Tenor); Guitar; Piano; Violin ❥Crush: Pierce Anastasia Mhenjer ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: North America, Eastern Time. 12:54 pm as of this post. I am avaliable most of the time. ❥Other: Is known to be one of the Apathy Twins. ❥Full Name: Tonitrui Veltran Gloval ❥Appearance: Slim frame like Adrian, but has an orange eyes. Wears a blue T-shirt with grey skinny jeans. wears a lighting bolt-shaped necklace. (CLICK ME!) ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Gossip, friends, shopping, ❥Dislikes: Any type of negativity that makes her snap, perverts, and stupidity ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Not being the big sister for her younger brother, being a liability. ❥Strengths/Talents: Fighting, having snappy attitude, tempered with loyalty and respect, riot controller/control freak ❥Personality: If Adrian wasn't the only person who would be cold, Tonitrui is a human hurricane. She can snap at whoever she chooses. She may be a bit of a hothead, but when it comes to her brother or her friends, she sees sense when it comes to being picked on, and besides, no one can get past her if they challenge her authority or the ones that she loves. ❥Sexuality: Hetrosexual ❥Favorite colors: Light Blue, White and Yellow ❥Instrument(s): Voice (Alto); Organ ❥Crush: Alex Rhodes ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Check previous post. ❥Full Name:Samantha Martins ❥Age: 20 ❥Likes: Dancing • Nature • Dressing Up • Rain • Clouds • Lounging Around (Though Sometimes Does Sports and The Like • Taking it Slow • Teaching ❥Dislikes: Buzz Kills • School/House Work • Being Rushed ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Never Amounting to Anything • Can't Handle Things If Too Much is Happening At Once • Doctors ❥Strengths/Talents: Can Easily Talk To People/Small Groups • Can Read People Fairly Well (When Focused) • Can Mask Stress Well When It Isn't Too Much ❥Personality: With some things Samantha will not change her opinion but is open to nearly everything else. She likes trying new things (when it pleases her) and enjoys company, though tries not to make too many strong bonds since it can overwhelm her so most friendships comes and goes. Is normally easy-going except when faced with a fear or something she dislikes. Dislikes may receive a tantrum while fears normally cripple her (she can work around doctors so long as they're not examining her or anything if she knows them. If not then no. Also anything past check-ups and she can't handle it well). ❥Sexuality: Pansexual ❥Favorite Color: This Blue ❥Instrument(s): Major is flute, though got the basics down for must wind instruments. Can sing well but not exceptionally so. ❥Crush?: Aislin ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: EST; normally throughout the day but sometimes turn nocturnal. ❥Other: N/A ❥Full Name: Allen Faust ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Everything Horror Related × Messes × Pranks × Scaring People × Paint × Reactions To Being Scared × Shy People × Chaos ❥Dislikes: People Who Don't Scare Easily × Being Mocked/Looked Down At × Stuck Up People × Extremely Bright Places × Being Told What To Do × Order ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being Controlled × Being Buried Alive × Being Thought of As Ugly × Being Laughed At ❥Strengths/Talents: Thinking Ahead × Plotting × Learning About People ❥Personality: Loves scaring and being scared, though cannot handle his greatest fears which are being buried alive and completely controlled. Though he loves controlling others and having everything act out like a play of his own design. ❥Sexuality: Unsure ❥Favorite Color: This ❥Instrument(s): Piano (not the most diverse when it comes to music) ❥Crush?: Pierce ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: EST; normally throughout the day but sometimes turn nocturnal. ❥Other: Up until the start of the RP Allen has had a different crush for every month and only just now set his eyes on Pierce. If this one lasts or not depends on what happens, naturally. ❥Full Name: Alexandra Brians ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Playing guitar, drawing, singing, slow dancing, animals, rock music ❥Dislikes: Bullies, pink, hunting, generic teenager music ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being left alone with no family, losing her friends, or getting so depressed she closes herself off. She's also afraid of the dark. ❥Strengths/Talents: Singing, playing her guitar, drawing, and making friends. She's also pretty good at cooking, though she doesn't really enjoy it an awful lot. ❥Personality: Fairly quiet around strangers, but a really obnoxious and silly girl around her friends or people she feels comfortable around. ❥Sexuality: Lesbian ❥Favorite Color: Deep Sky blue ❥Instrument(s): Guitar and voice ❥Crush?: Elisa ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Everyday from 4-10 PM MST, and Weekends from 12 PM to 10 PM MST ❥Other:May introduce her a brother soon, not sure yet. ❥Full Name: Natalie Williams ❥Age: 14 ❥Likes: Playing her Bass, Doctor Who, Anime, Pokemon, Fezzes, Bowties ❥Dislikes: Bullies, animals, exercise. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Fire, sudden loud noises, drowning, Lightning. ❥Strengths/Talents: Bass, drawing, singin, and baking. ❥Personality: Kind of flirty, but a bit reserved at times. Also reckless. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual. ❥Favorite Color: Emerald Green ❥Instrument(s): Bass. ❥Crush?: Sebastian ❥Cupid's Brew?:No ❥Availability:Same as Alexandra ❥Other:N/A ❥Full Name: Sarah Coleman ❥Appearance: Sarah ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Music, acting, reading, computers, and writing short stories. ❥Dislikes: People and school ❥Weaknesses/Fears: being made fun of for being Ginger, driving ❥Strengths/Talents: Piano music, ❥Personality: She's kind of a *****. She loves leading people into bad situations and enjoys seeing them freak out when they can't figure out how to escape, although she wouldn't go so far as to kill or someone intentionally. She's not horribly loud, but she's not the quietest either. She's also fond of making new friends, but it's not on her priorities. ❥Sexuality: Bi-sexual ❥Favorite Color: Dark Orange and Magenta ❥Instrument(s): Piano, Voice ❥Crush?: Natalie Williams ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as Natalie ❥Other:N/A ❥Full Name: Lillian Hikari ❥Appearance: Here ❥Age: 14 ❥Likes: Card Games, animals, running, drawing, computers and Digimon. ❥Dislikes: Bullies, people who don't care about anything, sudden noises, work, heat, walking, being treated like a regular person. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: small and dark places, thunderstorms, fire and abandonment. ❥Strengths/Talents: Insensitive whining, picking out clothes, and she's really adept at climbing trees. ❥Personality: Lillian is the kind of girl who really cries and whines at any sign of work or effort. She's really sincere with everything she says, but at times it comes off as insensitive. ❥Sexuality: Bi-Curious ❥Favorite Color: This one ❥Instrument(s): Le Piano ❥Crush?: Zoey ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: all day everyday for now until school begins, in which case it'll become the same as Natalie and my other characters' availability used to be. ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Pierce Anastasia Mhenjer ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: movies ⚜ popcorn ⚜ hair accessories ⚜ boating ⚜ gardens ⚜ turtles ❥Dislikes: creepy bugs ⚜ monsters ⚜ ghosts ⚜ scary stories ⚜ marshmallows ❥Weaknesses/Fears: walking through the dark alone ⚜ thunderstorms ⚜ bugs crawling on her ❥Strengths/Talents: playing the piano and flute ⚜ swimming ⚜ gardening ⚜ hair dressing ❥Personality: tender and soft spoken. she mostly keeps to herself out of embarrassment. her weird quirky side tends to get the best of her and she doesn't know how to express it properly which leads to misinterpretation.this causes awkward uncomfortable situations that usually just lead to her wanting to run and hide. ❥Sexuality: Unknown ❥Favorite Color: #CD5C5C Indian Red ❥Instrument(s): Piano & Flute ❥Crush?: Adrian ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: 4-12 am CST (2-10pm PST) ❥Other:Making a second character tomorrow. ❥Full Name: Erik Riley Winst ❥Age: 25 ❥Likes: song writing & poetry ☼ sun(sets/rises) ☼ shade ☼ trees ☼ hammocks ☼ docks ☼ beaches ☼ baseball ☼campfires ❥Dislikes: people calling cigarettes: cancer sticks ☼ students talking in class ☼ clutter ☼ grading assignments ☼being the bad-guy ❥Weaknesses/Fears: getting too angry with students ☼ taking things too seriously ☼ being viewed as a fake or superficial ❥Strengths/Talents: attention grabbing ☼ writing songs & poetry ☼ leading ☼ running ❥Personality: Erik tries to keep things as low key as possible, but always seemed to find himself causing a stir among others. He enjoys teaching, but has a short temper with students. He runs a lot of the stereotypical camp events that the lamest counselor always seems to be in charge of, but loves it regardless. He hardly notices how attractive people think he is, because he would rather shove his face in a notebook than watch others stare. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: #9OEE90 Light Green ❥Instrument(s): Piano ☼ Violin ☼ Voice (Tenor) ❥Crush?: Samantha ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Same as above ❥Other: Counselor ❥Full Name: Maria Hartwick ❥Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1417522 ❥Age: 20 ❥Likes: Awkward Moments ☙ Interrupting People ❦ Calligraphy ❧ Staying up Late ☙ Gossip ❦ Mother Earth ❧ Reality TV ☙ Dance Clubs ❦ Flashing Lights ❧ Sneaking out at Night ☙ Adrenaline Rushes ❦ Scary Movies ❧ Being the Center of Attention ❥Dislikes: Quiet People ☙ Running Long Distances ❦ Being Sweaty ❧ Working Harder than she has to ☙ Swimming ❦ Being Ignored ❧ Cuddling ☙ Wearing Pants ❦ Getting Caught ❧ Being told what to do ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Swimming ☙ Running ❦ Spiders ❧ Being Crushed to Death ☙ Going Bald ❦ Deciphering Riddles ❧ Getting Lost ❥Strengths/Talents: Calligraphy ☙ Sneaking Out ❦ Public Speaking ❧ Dancing ☙ Flirting ❦ Reading Maps ❧ Exceptional Memory ❥Personality: Bubbly and outspoken. Maria likes to take charge and be the leader in everything she does. She hates when people ignore her and will often times cause uncomfortable/awkward moments with others just to have her presence noted. She's not afraid of interrupting someone, and even enjoys doing so at times. Tends to play up the dumb blond act, but with her it is just that--an act. Maria is a rebel with a pretty face that uses her looks to get by. ❥Sexuality: Bisexual ❥Favorite Color: #ffa07a Light Salmon ❥Instrument(s): Voice ( Soprano One ) ☙ Alto Sax ❥Crush?: Noëlle ❦ Bryan ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Same as Others ❥Other: Mostly Jazz Music ❥Full Name: Ryder Ambrose Duvont ❥Appearance: ⌨ ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: DARKNESS ☃ HORROR MOVIES ☃ VODKA ☃ BEACHES ☃ SNOW ☃ PILLS ☃ ARGUING ☃ GAMBLING ☃ ELECTRONICS ☃ NATURAL DISASTERS ☃ SHARKS ☃ SKATEBOARDING ☃ SWIMMING ❥Dislikes: KARMA ☃ SPRING ☃ SWEETS ☃ MYTHOLOGY ☃ PASTEL ☃ PLUSH ☃ ROMANTIC COMEDIES ☃ HIBACHI ☃ POETRY ☃ DISNEY ☃ MONOPOLY ☃ PHOTOGRAPHY ☃ GOSSIP ☃ BEING MISTAKEN FOR HIS TWIN ☃ GETTING TEASED ABOUT HIS FEMININE FEATURES ❥Weaknesses/Fears: BEING BURIED ALIVE ☃ EXCESSIVE SUNLIGHT ☃ SOLO PUBLIC PERFORMANCES ☃ SPIDERS ☃ SCORPIONS ☃ FLOWERS ❥Strengths/Talents: SKATEBOARDING ☃ SWIMMING ☃ CARD GAMES ☃ DRINKING ☃ WINNING ARGUMENTS ❥Personality: HAVING BEEN BORN WITH RATHER GIRLISH LOOKS AND A HOMOSEXUAL TWIN BROTHER, RYDER HAS ALWAYS TRIED TO PARTAKE IN THINGS THAT MAKE HIS ACTIONS SEEM LESS GIRLY THAN HIS APPEARANCE. HE MADE THE CONSCIOUS DECISION TO BE ABOUT AS OPPOSITE HIS TWIN AS POSSIBLE, EVEN IF HE ACTUALLY SHARES AN INTEREST IN THE SAME THING AS HIM OR AGREES WITH RICHIE'S POINT OF VIEW. HE LIKES TO BE AROUND STRONG, INDEPENDENT PEOPLE TO MAKE UP FOR THE FACT THAT HIS TWIN IS RATHER DEPENDENT OF OTHERS. RYDER HAS A BIT OF AN ANTI SIBLING COMPLEX THAT HE DOES HIS BEST TO HIDE. ❥Sexuality: HETEROSEXUAL ❥Favorite Color: [#8fbc8f] ❥Instrument(s): SYNTHESIZER ☃ KEYTAR ☃ PIANO ❥Crush?: SOPHIE ❥Cupid's Brew?: YES ❥Availability: ☃ ❥Other: TWIN ≫ RICHIE[/FONT] ❥Full Name: Aislin Mullaney ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Constellations, Campfires, Ducks, Collecting Beanie Babies , Writing her own songs, Television, Puzzle games, Sci-fi novels. ❥Dislikes: The color brown, people touching her hair, needless arguments, people who try to hard to be different, feet. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: She is afraid of slugs and spiders, and is allergic to nuts(not tree-nuts) ❥Strengths/Talents: Eating hot/spicy foods, Irish Yodeling, Trivia and Riddles. ❥Personality: Active and social in the daytime, Lazy and antisocial at night. Not reliable it comes to promises and deadlines, and can often come across as "that fairweather friend" ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: This Shade of Green ❥Instrument(s): They are studying general music(So like...everything) but her preference is Percussion ❥Crush?: Erik Riley Winst ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Well, I'm an eastern standard time gal, but I'm willing to suffer pacific standard because I am nice like that... But at the moment my internet access is a bit difficult to get to, but that will hopefully end soon. I am also in theatre so there are those random days I disappear but I don't think I have ever not gotten to anyone when it happens.... yeah, ramble ramble. ❥Other: --- ❥Full Name: Isaac Holden ❥Appearance: Isaac ❥Age: Eighteen ❥Likes: Fencing, Horses, Tattoos, Dogs, Zorbing, Candy, Partying, Cross-stitching, Photography, Experimenting with Relationships(Meaning purposefully making friends or enemies) ❥Dislikes: Mosquitoes, Hangovers, People Crying/Sad, Hardcore-PDA, Awkward Silences. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Afraid of spiders,irrational fear of balloons. Is very Vain and constantly brags about himself and his "accomplishments". Over-emotional. ❥Strengths/Talents: Photography, Tap-dancing, Storytelling, Public Speaking, Multi-tasking ❥Personality: He is one of those kids that at first impressions, comes off as a total ****** and seems to talk about himself a lot. After a while, he tends to come across as a relatively nice guys who cares(somewhat). He rarely is ever quiet, and when he is it means something is very, very wrong. He believes that he can love more than one person at once and things that enough people like him enough for that to be a possibility in life. When he drinks he is a stupid drinker, and often does dare-devilish things under the influence. ❥Sexuality: Polysexual (Has a strong belief in Polygamy) ❥Favorite Color: #4654b8 ❥Instrument(s): Harp, Bass Guitar, Voice(Countertenor) ❥Crush?: ---chuse4meplz ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes (He bought it when he was drunk, thinking it was cool. Has a plan on using it on -insert a crush here-) ❥Availability: (We've already discussed it) ❥Other: He is a "casual drinker" not an alcoholic. or so he claims ❥Full Name: Samuel "Sam" Burns ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Sunbathing, piano, thunderstorms, napping, S&M, rock music, electric guitar, teasing ❥Dislikes: Waiting, Individuals who keep him waiting, being ordered around, People who underestimate him ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Dying without leaving something behind, burning out, creepy children. ❥Strengths/Talents: piano, electric guitar, S&M, wood carving, magic tricks ❥Personality: Aloof and generally lazy. Hidden behind a warm smile is a chilly darkness. Sasori takes great pride in his art and thoroughly enjoys the subtle dark moments when he can tie someone up. ❥Sexuality: Bisexual ❥Favorite Color: Red ❥Instrument(s): Piano, electric guitar ❥Crush?: Tucker ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: EST, normally on every day almost all the time (I have no where to go) ❥Other: N/A ❥Full Name: Alex Rhodes ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Violin, Clear Skies, Relaxing Music, Stringed Instruments ❥Dislikes: Dark Skies, Very Loud People ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Thunder, His own shyness, Tends to stutter at times ❥Strengths/Talents: Kind-hearted, Has a good memory, Always willing to help ❥Personality: A very quiet person who tries talking to other people, but ends up chickening out halfway through ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Gold ❥Instrument(s): Violin ❥Crush?: Alexandrea ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: I'm online most days of the week. ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Shane Riley ❥Appearance: Shane ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Eyepatchs, Soul Eater, Somewhat quiet people, His cellphone, Tarot Cards ❥Dislikes: Extremely loud people, Black outs, being without his cellphone, getting a bad fortune ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being without his cellphone, being without technology, power outages, ❥Strengths/Talents: Tech savy, okay with computers, quick learner ❥Personality: Shane is the kind of boy who'll get distracted easily if you leave him alone long enough with his phone. Otherwise, he's acutally a good listner. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: This ❥Instrument(s): Drums, piano ❥Crush?: Zoey ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as Alex ❥Other: ❥Full Name:Leon Kreuz ❥Appearance: ✵ ❥Age:18 ❥Likes: Mysteries ✵ The Cold ✵ Calming Noise ✵ Reading ✵ Libraries ❥Dislikes: Being Uncomfortable ✵ Not having Glasses with him ✵ Being bothered with something stupid ✵ Overly nosy people ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Nearsighted ✵ Becoming Blind ✵ Somewhat Clumsy ❥Strengths/Talents: Determination ✵ Being able to concentrate through most things ✵ Stamina ✵ Is able to pick a lock ❥Personality: Unlike the figures that he admires, Leon is neither a Hard-Boiled or a calm level headed detective. While it would be accurate to say that he’s the average amount of being calm, which leads to varying reactions depending on the situation, and somewhat frantic whenever his glasses are missing. Granted because of his admiration, he tends to do a lot of thinking at times. Aside from all this his own personality is summed up as a kind and overall cheerful boy unless he’s annoyed, then he might not be as sociable. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Silver ❥Instrument(s): Trumpet ❥Crush?: Sophie ✵ Zoey ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Same as Alex ❥Other: Is Alex's cousin and rarely does he pick a lot ❥Full Name:Sophie Nico Bennett ❥Age: Nineteen ❥Likes: Music ♤ Sweets ♤ The outdoors ♤ People ♤ Cutsy-ness ♤ Bright colors ♤ Chaos ♤ Dusk ♤ Nighttime ♤Writing ❥Dislikes: Group projects ♤ People ♤ Organization ♤ 'Plain' humans ♤ Snobs ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being in love ♤ Being betrayed ♤ Has CTS in right wrist ❥Strengths/Talents: Creating trouble ♤ Spreading rumors ♤ Manipulation ♤ Swimming ❥Personality: Elegant, but erratic. Loves to observe other people, and is very attuned to her senses and thrives on chaos; takes great pride in persuading even the most staunch of people, and generally loves to stir things up. She is hard to predict because she sometimes shows deep regret for her actions and can even be caring at times, and in others ruthless and unsympathetic. She has a tendency to sexualize things needlessly; she seems obsessed with pleasure and sensation, showing more of her hedonistic nature. She especially enjoys melodic music, in contrast with her otherwise violent and chaotic personality. Once she believes that she owns something, she becomes extremely possessive of it. Other traits: ♤ Rational ♤ Understanding ♤ Calm ♤ Self-preserving ♤Competetive ❥Sexuality: Pansexual ❥Favorite Color: Sea foam green ( #3AC79D ) ❥Instrument(s): Violin ♤ Cello ♤ Sings ♤ Is versatile with other instruments ❥Crush?: Sean, Tucker, Pierce, Quentin. ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes. ❥Availability: Already involved with 100 DAYS, but other than that, I don't have anything else going on in life. My activity all depends on my daily motivation. I also like spending a lot of time doing stuff with Makaze, so that might interfere sometimes, but if I'm hard-pressed to post, it'll get done. ❥Other: Nothing I can think of. Sophie is a bit short for her age, but don't underestimate her ability to destroy you. ❥Full Name: Bryan Edward Chambers ❥Age: Twenty-One ❥Likes: Sports ♛ Sunshine ♛ Drawing ♛ Running ♛ The outdoors ♛ Having fun ♛ Memories ♛ Organization♛ Sweets ❥Dislikes: Arguing ♛ Snobs ♛ Rude people ♛ Anorexia ♛ Rumors ♛ Laziness ♛ Jocks ♛ Rap music ♛ Blood♛ Chaos ♛ Bitter things ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Allergies ( bees ) ♛ Being stung by a bee ♛ Heights ♛ Gets vertigo easily ♛ Being alone ❥Strengths/Talents: Being a diplomat ♛ Athletics ♛ Comforting people ♛ Drawing ♛ Solving problems ❥Personality: Thoughtful, caring, and open-minded, Bryan is a big brother through and through. He deals well with stressful situations, and can relate to others emotionally in any way that they need. He is protective of his campers and is little sister, Noëlle, and generally anyone younger than he is. Bryan is very athletic and loves to be outside and playing around whenever he has the free time. It annoys him when people keep secrets and don't open up to him, even though he's often secretive of his own feelings himself. One of his great loves is to draw that which accompanies his music and its mood. His best efforts are sometimes wasted on when he tries to brave his worst fears, and dislikes that he can't really overcome them, despite helping others with their fears. Other Traits: Smiley ♛ Cool-tempered ♛ Creative ♛ A little dense ♛ Understanding ♛ Sweet ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual // Bi-curious ❥Favorite Color: Dark Forest Green ( #134C07 ) ❥Instrument(s): Saxophone // Bass // Guitar // Kokyū ❥Crush?: Elisia / Sophie / Tucker ( curiosity! ) ( These are all very light crushes! ) ❥Cupid's Brew?: No. ❥Availability: See Sophie Nico Bennet. ❥Other: Bryan's height is set at about 6'3 and he is able to pick up just about anyone. #SENPAI SWAG ❥Full Name: Quentin Carlyle Freeborn ❥Age: 20 ❥Likes: Dancing ◆ Singing ◇ Cappuccino ◆ Painting ◇ Fantasy ◆ Soliloquy ◇ Cooking ◆ Riddles ◇ Romance ◆Novelty ◇ Spontaneity ◆ Sensuality ◇ Femininity ❥Dislikes: Waiting ◇ Routine ◆ Repetition ◇ Tea ◆ Principles ◇ Heat ◆ Smoke ◇ Alcohol ◆ Masculinity ◇White Noise ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom ◆ Drowning ◇ Misjudgment ◆ Imprisonment ◇ Heat ◆ Static ◇ Gambling ❥Strengths/Talents: Well-read ◇ Music ◆ Seduction ◇ Eloquence ◆ Intuition ◇ Puzzle Solving ❥Personality: An avid artist with a deep love for human emotion. He has a fluid disposition that keeps him from getting stressed, but he gets bored easily and must keep himself busy or he will throw a tantrum. He is driven by a fear of it. When all else fails, he gambles. He is intelligent but does not know how to make use of his mind. He has romantic notions about the human condition and love and projects those notions onto real people. He loves sex and incorporates seduction into all of his relationships with women. He is very forgiving, but it is not in him to pull his punches when angry. He loves exceptions; his favorite people are exceptions in talent, personality, and luck. He seeks out the most novel people and latches onto them for as long as they hold his interest. He desires a romance that will never get old. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Dark Blue ❥Instrument(s): Lute ◆ Voice ◇ Piano ❥Crush?: Noëlle and Sophie so far. Feel free to pair him up if you have anyone else/any better ideas. ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes. ❥Availability: See Sophie. ❥Other: ❛❜ ❥FULL NAME :: LUCAS R. CYGNETTE ❥APPEARANCE :: ☂ ❥AGE :: 24 ❥LIKES :: STORMS ♠THEATER ♠BOOKS ♠MUSIC ♠SKETCHING ♠THE OCEAN ♠FORESTS ♠NIGHTTIME ♠EARLY MORNING ♠ORGANIZATION ❥DISLIKES :: EXCESSIVE HEAT ♠BOREDOM ♠AUTHORITY ♠CHAOS ♠IMMATURITY ♠COMPLAINING ♠LOUD NOISES ♠WHITE NOISE ♠PRESSURE ❥WEAKNESSES/FEARS :: LOSING PURPOSE ♠BOREDOM ♠IMBALENCED RELATIONSHIPS ♠SOCIOPATHIC TENDENCIES ♠BECOMING COMPLETELY APATHETIC TO LIFE ♠RATHER DEPENDENT ( NEEDS DIRECTION / TO BE TOLD ) ♠CRIPPLING FEAR OF NEEDLES ❥STRENGTHS/TALENTS :: GOING UNNOTICED ♠FANTASTIC MEMORY ♠ATHLETIC ♠OBSERVANT ♠APPEASING PEOPLE ♠DOES WELL UNDER PRESSURE ♠GOOD WORK ETHIC ❥PERSONALITY :: THE SAFE ASSESSMENT IS THAT LUCAS KNOWS HOW TO WORK PEOPLE, AND HOW TO APPEAL TO THEM.AUTHORITY IS SOMETHING THAT HE DISLIKES, AND RATHER PREFERS MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND COOPERATION. HE FINDS DUTY IN MOST THINGS, AND WITHOUT A DIRECTION IS LOST, SOMETHING HE FEARS. HIS MOST SALIENT TRAIT IS THAT HE IS CORDIAL; UNDER THAT, LUCAS TRULY CAN'T STAND OTHER PEOPLE THAT HE DEEMS BORING, AFTER A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIME. THE APPEARANCE OF HIS PERSONALITY AFTER THAT IS RATHER COLD AND CALCULATING, BUT HE IS A GENERALLY ( OUTWARDLY ) WARM AND SERVING PERSON. HE SHOWS LITTLE REGRET FOR HIS NEGATIVE ACTIONS, COMING OFF AS SOMETHING AS A SOCIOPATH, BUT HE MOSTLY STRIVES TO MAINTAIN AN IMAGE OF CARING. ❥OTHER TRAITS :: COOL ♠THOUGHTFUL ♠QUIET ♠PRACTICAL ♠OUTWARDLY REMORSELESS ♠INTELLIGENT ❥SEXUALITY :: PANSEXUAL ❥FAVORITE COLOR :: WHITE ♠DARK SLATE TEAL { #366662 } ❥INSTRUMENTS :: HARP ♠CELLO ♠SITAR ❥CRUSH :: TORVALD TANNHAUSER ❥CUPID'S BREW? :: YES. ❥AVAILABILITY:: 3 DAYS ❥OTHER :: BIRTHDAY IS ON JANUARY 13TH ♠HEIGHT IS 6'2" ♠SISTER IS FATIME CYGNETTE Full Name: Lorenzo ishimoto Age: Sixteen Likes: Games Science Art Cats Anime Music Technology reading jazz techno Dislikes: People who think there cool dogs drugs rainbows math bullies Weaknesses/Fears: Spiders OCD-obsessive computer dissorder not compulsive The dark spider webs Strengths/Talents: Music Acrobatic Intelligent Good at video games Running Hunting Personality Lorenzo is a very intelligent boy for his age. He became intelligent because he plays a lot of video games. He played video games since he was 3 years old. He also became too much into video games. Because of that that is now his weaknes. When not playing games he is very nice to people who are nice to them.He says that violence isn't always the answers of solving your problems Other Traits: Sometimes acts shy Sexuality: Heterosexual, Favorite Color: purple Instrument(s): Guitar Crush?: Alexandrea Cupid's Brew?:no Availability: on Saturdays Sundays and Fridays Im on the computer but on Monday tues wed Thursday I'm on my ipad at 2:57 pm-10:30 pm Other: MMMMMM RAINBOWS ❥Full Name: Emalynn Andrews ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Success, Money, Good looks, Piano, Composing, Sound of rain, Babysitting ❥Dislikes: Distractions, People who waste talent, When things do not go as planned, Tears, People who are spoiled, Sympathy/Pity ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Supernatural, Horror movies, Large amounts of blood, Too organized ❥Strengths/Talents: Piano, Composing, Planning ahead (anticipation) ❥Personality: Emalynn is self-confident, shallow and will do anything she can to get what she wants. Because of this, what she says and what she really thinks are often two very different things. However, you can always count on her to work hard at whatever she does. She has a soft spot for children. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Lavender ❥Instrument(s): Piano ❥Crush?: Quentin ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: My timezone is GMT -5, but I’m almost always on in the evenings from 7-12 on weekdays. On weekends I’m normally available after 3 PM. ❥Other:- ❥Full Name: Shouta Mikaze ❥Appearance: sure let's use Gareki ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Video Games, Anime, Manga, Rock Music, someone who he can make fun of without getting them too upset, cosplay~, loves cooking, digital art~, animals (except bugs and reptiles), someone adorable and kawaii, but strong. ❥Dislikes: Annoying people, spicy and bitter food, classical music ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Death, getting hurt, bugs, reptiles ❥Strengths/Talents: Can cook, plays bass/guitar, sings, part-time assistant for a shoujo manga-ka (yes, shoujo) who happens to be attending this school (not putting details about this person) ❥Personality: Sadistic type. Loves picking on people, but mainly picks on the people he knows that won't take his jokes too seriously. Open on the outside, but has his own secrets. Stylish and up to date with whats in and what's not in fashion. Weird habit of always following his horoscope. ❥Sexuality: Don't know yet (will decide as story goes on) ❥Favorite Color: Black ❥Instrument(s): Bass, Guitar, Vocals ❥Crush?: (You can wait to see who else joins) ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Should be everyday. Same as Cookiie, but not as late. ❥Other:January 12, Capricorn, Nickname : Shou ❥Full Name: James I. Westerfield ❥Appearance: http://goo.gl/ZSB61 ❥Age: 14 ❥Likes: Maturity, suits, sterile environments, observing, eating, cooking, predictability, facts, being alone, ironing ❥Dislikes: Being surrounded by people, cheery and bubbly things, bright colors, incompetent moments and people, being outsmarted, blushing, making mistakes ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Snakes, youth, overweight, not knowing adult-like things, running, getting dirty, blushes easily ❥Strengths/Talents: Stealth, deduction, false innocence ❥Personality: Amiable, friendly, grinning,nearly undetectable and underlying hostility, he's warm on the outside but cold on the inside. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual. ❥Favorite Color: Gold. ❥Instrument(s): Voice, Piano(beginners) ❥Crush?: Emalynn Andrews ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: My work schedule is usually from when I wake in the morning, to 2-4PM EST. Basically, anytime after 4PM EST, I'm available, though, only on my Android. ❥Other: He likes secretly likes puppies. ❥Full Name: Zachary B. Masterson ❥Appearance: http://s188.photobucket.com/user/deven5/media/PixivId894885full1005878_zps7a08ba70.jpg.html ❥Age: 19 ❥Likes: Games, bracelets, chains, piercings, obscure cultures, ****s, interesting things, fire, lazing about, anime, books ❥Dislikes: Boredom, high energy people, bright colors, ballet, people who fit a mold, difficult puzzles, being looked down upon, manga, metal detectors ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Being alone, not being good enough for his career, snakes, bad with children, hungry often. ❥Strengths/Talents: Funny, Independent, Determined, Poker face, Good listener, Metalsmith work. ❥Personality: He wants to live another day and will do most anything to make that happen. He will put others above himself, and will always look for the route that benefits everyone, but mostly himself. He will join in on a prank or two and he loves a audience, no matter the stage. ❥Sexuality: Bisexual ❥Favorite Color: Royal blue ❥Instrument(s): Vocals ❥Crush?: Noelle, Elisa, Pierce, Erik ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as James ❥Other: Wants to learn a string instrument ❥Full Name: Ulysses V. Irving ❥Appearance: http://www.zerochan.net/1109555 ❥Age: 20 ❥Likes: Video games, the internet, technology, being alone, winning, practicing, goal completing, being apathetic, reading ❥Dislikes: Being looked down on, harsh criticism, losing, interruptions, dancing, social events, those who dislike video games ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Bad dancer, bad chef, conversation, being laughed at, slight paranoia ❥Strengths/Talents: Being frugal, inner strength, good with technology ❥Personality: Sometimes he can be a little blunt without meaning it. He's mostly indifferent unless it's affecting him directly, so most of the time he will seem like he just doesn't care...because he doesn't. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Black ❥Instrument(s): Bass guitar, Voice ❥Crush?: Elisa, Noelle ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as James and Zachary ❥Other: Has forgotten he has the breeeew. ❥Full Name: Richie Lance Duvont ❥Appearance: ☁ ❥Age: Sixteen ❥Likes: Spring ✧ Performing ✧ Sweets ✧ Mythology ✧ Pastel ✧ Plush ✧ Romantic Comedies ✧ Bubblegum ✧ Hibachi ✧ Poetry ✧ Disney ✧ Foreign Languages ✧ Monopoly ✧ Murder Mysteries ✧ Animals ✧ Older Men ✧ Sweaters ✧ Photography ✧ Gossip ❥Dislikes: Darkness ✧ Horror Movies ✧ Vodka ✧ Monotone ✧ Beaches ✧ Snow ✧ Pills ✧ Anger ✧ Rude People ✧ Arguing ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Rejection ✧ Darkness ✧ Dependent Personality Disorder ✧ The Ocean ✧ Needles ❥Strengths/Talents: Singing ✧ Flexibility ✧ Charm ✧ Fluent in French ❥Personality: Everything about Richie seems great; he's friendly, playful, caring, personable, and humble. He's easy to talk with, and enjoyable to be around. However, every relationship he's ever had as ended horribly for the poor soul. Cursed with Dependent Personality Disorder, Richie has been alone for most of life. As of late though, he's been receiving medication and going to therapy and thus has gained some popularity. ❥Sexuality: Homosexual ❥Favorite Color: Mauve [ #e0b0ff ] ❥Instrument(s): Vocals ✧ Clarinet ❥Crush?: Bryan ✧ Quentin ✧ Tucker ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: I have school Monday through Friday, and immediately afterwards I have track until about 6:00. I also have track on Saturday mornings that last until about noon, so my availability is minimal but I'll try my best nonetheless! ❥Other: - ❥Full Name: Brent Thomas D'Arby ❥Appearance: Here ❥Age: 23 ❥Likes: Hands, Smooth things, Soft things, Cleanliness, Sweets, Junk Food, Cool Temperatures, Sweet Aromas, Vegetables, Meat, Playing Video Games, Most Kinds of Music, Reading, Movies ❥Dislikes: Filthy People, Slimy things, Lazy People, Jerks, Self-centered People, Extremely talkative people, Loud People, Uncooperative People, Disruptions ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Insects, Spiders, Easily Distracted, Extremely Lax ❥Strengths/Talents: Cooking, Knife Skills, Breath Control, Running, Climbing ❥Personality: Easy-going, Not prone to getting angry. He treats almost every situation he is in as if nothing really matters. Even when faced with a threat or a serious situation, he will act in a playful manner. When telling people he doesn't like them, he will have the most sincere smile on his face. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Crimson ❥Instrument(s): Piano (Beginner), Vocals (Baritone), Trombone, Electric Bass ❥Crush?: Emalynn ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Weekdays after around 3:00 PM EST. All day on Weekends. ❥Other: Not much... ❥Full Name: Frederick "Freddie" Anderson ❥Appearance: I'll add it when I finish the artwork ❥Age: 21 ❥Likes: His guitar [Her name is Aria] - Gaming [Prefers Fighting Games] - Drawing - Manga - Comics - Anime - Martial Arts - Movies - Fiction - Music [Duh] - Surfing the Internet ❥Dislikes: People touching his stuff without permission - Germs - Smudges on his Guitar - Annoying People - Being Interrupted - Incompetent People - Self-centered People ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Aria [His Guitar] Breaking - Dying - Leeches - Irrational whenever his Guitar is involved - Scatter-Brained ❥Strengths/Talents: Physically Fit - Quick Reflexes - Problem Solving - Timing things - Quickly Analyzing Situations ❥Personality: For the most part, Freddie is a laid back guy. He tends to get along with people quickly and is quick with a joke. However, whenever someone tries to do something to his guitar without his permission, such as touching it, he will get very anxious and jittery and lose his temper quickly. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Crimson ❥Instrument(s): Guitar [Left-handed] - Voice [Baritone] - Piano [Intermediate] - Drums - Electric Bass [Left-handed] ❥Crush?: Noëlle ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as Brent. ❥Other: Though he writes and plays guitar and bass with his left hand, he does other things, such as throwing and playing tennis, with his right hand. ❥Full Name: Torvald Tannhauser ❥Appearance: ◊ ❥Age: 24 ❥Likes: Marxism ◊ The Proletariat ◊ Working-class individuals ◊ Communism◊ Left-wingPolitics◊Marxist Economic Theory◊Long Speeches◊ Dramatic Flair◊ Revolutions◊Equality◊Fairness◊ Oncology◊Medicine◊Healing Others/First Aid◊◊Human Experimentation◊ Theatre Groups◊ Orchestras◊ Swing Ensembles◊ Dadaist Art◊ Socialist Realism◊ Socialism◊ Acting◊ Masks◊ Black Gloves◊ Combat Boots◊ Ibsen's Plays◊ Opera◊ Fire◊ Trains◊ Children◊ Vegetables◊ Tennis◊ Cats◊ Conducting◊ Playing the trumpet◊ Painting◊ Artsy people◊ Yelling◊ Standing on things ❥Dislikes: Capitalism◊ Stalinism◊ Maoism◊ Twisting around what "Communism" actually is◊ Moderate Political Beliefs◊ Moderate Opinions◊ Lack of "fire" in one's soul◊ Boring People◊ Cancer◊ Cancer Surgeons◊ The Bourgeoisie◊ Rich People◊ Arrogant People◊ People Who Care Little about Working-class individuals◊ Dogs◊ Silence◊ Paper currency◊ Nationalism◊ Fog◊ Multinational Corporations◊ Hats◊ Bow ties◊ Meat ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Snakes◊ Spiders◊ Dogs◊ Water◊ Paranoia◊ Swimming◊ Others' deaths◊ His origin◊ His own hypocrisy◊ His identity◊ His weak ability to socialize◊ His potential failure of a working-class revolution◊ ❥Strengths/Talents: Speeches◊ Yelling◊ Acting◊ Good with animals and children◊ Medical prodigy◊ Puzzle-solving ability◊ Abstract thinking◊ Trumpet and conducting◊ Leading others ❥Personality: A larger-than-life, fiery young man who enjoys standing on tables. Torvald's entire character is dictated by the radical, passionate, and revolutionary. A highly eccentric yet talented medical student specializing in cancer, he does not take liberties in letting the world know his extreme political beliefs and his prophecies of society's economic collapse; his voice can be typically heard from meters away, as it appears he is in a perpetual state of yelling, and prone to exclaiming large, hammy speeches. He seems to change around animals and children. ❥Sexuality: Pansexual ❥Favorite Color: Socialist Red ❥Instrument(s): Trumpet (can also conduct orchestras) ❥Crush?: --- ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Four Days from the table sort of thing. ❥Other: When he meets new people, he asks them to call him "Tannhauser". To give out his first name is a grave sign of trust. ❥Full Name: Fatime Cygnette ❥Appearance: ⌘ ❥Age: 15 ❥Likes: Books ⌘ Poetry⌘ Reading⌘ Birds⌘ Painting⌘ Sketching⌘ Trees⌘ Big cities⌘ History⌘ Bones⌘ Observing others' relationships⌘ Quotes⌘ Lyrics⌘ Singing⌘ Piano ⌘ Theatre⌘ Rugby⌘ Programming⌘ Silence⌘ Water⌘ Monkeys⌘ Eggs⌘Anonymity⌘ Crowds⌘ Atheism⌘ Minimalism⌘ Philosophy⌘ Monochrome⌘ Impressionist artwork⌘ Chopin's music⌘ People⌘ Games of chance⌘ Dogs⌘ Fog⌘ Detective shows⌘ Sweet foods⌘ Dresses ⌘ Disorder ❥Dislikes: Non-readers⌘ People who forsake relationships⌘ Misanthropes⌘ Vegetables⌘ Pastel colours⌘ Rainbows⌘ American Football⌘ Surgery⌘ Staying in one place for a long time⌘ Elaborate artwork⌘ Spanish⌘ Bitter foods⌘ Rain⌘ Her old house⌘ People who talk too much⌘ People who think their opinions are important ⌘Cats ⌘ Swans ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Her terrible memory⌘ Cats⌘ Swans⌘ Bright locations⌘ A lack of reading material⌘ A lack of things to quote⌘ Being without her electronic devices⌘ Inability to communicate using her own words ❥Strengths/Talents: Deep thinker⌘ Extensive knowledge of books⌘ Fairly fit from rugby⌘ Down-to-earth⌘ Childlike wisdom⌘ Extreme determination⌘ Very quiet ❥Personality: A greyscale girl, cast in black and white. Fatime is a cunning, quick-witted, mousey individual, who prefers to watch over others from the perspective of an experimenter rather than someone who directly engages in socialization. Although she generally comes off as warm (though at times a bit abrasive too), she is often cryptic and quiet, preferring to watch others tumble over understanding her statements. This is because she does not say a word for herself. Instead, she solely quotes passages from books, poetry, and song lyrics to communicate, amusing herself at the confusion and disorder of others. Because of this, she typically carries around a bag filled with books, along with her e-reader; a device as black-and-white as she is. ❥Sexuality: Bisexual ❥Favorite Color: Black, Grey, White ❥Instrument(s): Singing voice, piano ❥Crush?: Sasha ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Four days (same as Torvald) ❥Other: (I am going to be using a mix of real and fictional books/poetry/etc for her statements) ❥Full Name: Sasha Tayes ❥Appearance: c: ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Electro music, video games, candy and sweets, potatoes, computers, casual clothing, cold weather, art, Photoshop, piano, violin, chicken, turtles, sales, huskies, cheesy romance novels/movies/animes, firearms, and magic tricks ❥Dislikes: Gossip, bitter foods, hipsters, overly religious people, anything requiring major physical activity, expensive items, homework, raising her voice, and overly dramatic people (on purpose) ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Bees, socially awkward, lack of confidence, little patience ❥Strengths/Talents: Expert artist/photoshop user, gamer (yis), good debater, can cook better than the average person, passion for music, and a tech geek ❥Personality: Somewhat of an odd girl. Instead of going out, she likes to stay in and stick to her computer and games. She dislikes public interaction mostly due to her socially awkward stance in life, but she longs for it. Most of the times, she is a warm hearted girl, but spends most of her time observing how people interact from afar (this gave her a stalker-like title). After many observations she got curious in romance, but refused to use the Cupid's Brew since it wasn't really "true" love. She's always wearing something very simple or casual most of the time due to her liking simple clothing. Never leaves the house of wherever she is without at least one electronic device. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Teal ❥Instrument(s): Piano, Violin, somewhat with a litle vocal ❥Crush?: Ethan ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: UTC - 7. Being a high school student and now going into collage, I'm gonna have a lot of things going on, especially during summer. Weekdays, I'm usually available from 2-9 PM. Weekends, 8 AM - 10 PM though I might have some stuff in between such as work and service at my local church on weekends. ❥Other: Considered a stalker to many people. So after a bit of moping (which was a lot in fact. I'm still not quite over it) I decided to make a new character and continue on this RP. I have learned the hard way that the character personality I enjoy making and playing the most utterly fails and burns in this RP. Because of that reason, I shall create a better character (or characters per say) for this RP in order for this to never happen again. ❥Full Name: Mark Tayes ❥Appearance: Spoiler ❥Age: 22 ❥Likes: Basically everything his sister likes, music, hanging out with other people, eating, jokes, pretty girls, riddles, web blogs, reading, and his Beloved Sister, Sasha ❥Dislikes: Sly people, backstabbers, blood, death, mistreatment of animals, and people who talk down onto others, especially on his sister ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Always worrying about his sister, broken promises, and darkness ❥Strengths/Talents: Optimistic 99% of the time, very friendly and sociable, not offended very often, smiles more than a 6 year old on a Christmas morning, and respectful ❥Personality: Mark is what people would say the person they want to be. A person who is always happy, never talks bad about people, loves his family with care, sociable, and just all round a bundle of joy to be. His happiness didn't start from a good beginning though. After his mother and youngest sister was killed, he swore to make sure his other sister would not share the same fate. After being distraught, from their deaths, he promised himself that he would do anything to make his sister happy. Under all his sore and broken heart, he covered it all up with a newfound optimism, knowing that he would keep his promise until the day he died. Other than that, he's someone that can end a world war with a smle and even cure cancer with it (not seriously, but that would be cool). ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Lime Green ❥Instrument(s): Violin ❥Crush?: Celosia 'Cel' Callegari (It's gonna be subtle though) ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Same as Sasha ❥Other: Do not expect a happy end once he finds out the truth (maybe a depressing end) I may or may not make my secondary character later after seeing how this works out ❥Full Name: Xara Tracy Crimson ❥Appearance: ❥Age: 16 ❥Likes: Singing, Anime, Being alone, Sleeping ❥Dislikes: Arguing, Lying, The color Orange ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Afraid of Insects, Birds, Death ❥Strengths/Talents: Is a powerful singer, Makes friends easily, Plays guitar well. ❥Personality: A shy girl who only wishes to have time to herself. She also is curious. She is kind to others but has a distaste to talking for long periods of time with them. ❥Sexuality: Homosexual ❥Favorite Color: Purple ❥Instrument(s): Guitar ❥Crush?: Natalie ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Everyday almost. Sometimes weekends I will not have access to a computer but that is rare ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Ethan Michael Prince ❥Appearance: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdw645OcxA1r3sb6fo1_500.png ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Video Games, Girls, Horses, Dancing ❥Dislikes: Cheating, Large Breasts, Board Games ❥Weaknesses/Fears: A sucker for flat chests, cant hold his own in a fight, water ❥Strengths/Talents: Smart, Creative, Gentle ❥Personality: A nice guy who has a somewhat girly side to him. He has an obsession with women however. He also keeps his girly traits a sectet ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Black and Green ❥Instrument(s): Vocals and Piano ❥Crush?: Maria ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as Xara ❥Other: ❥Full Name: Seraphina (SARO-FE-NA) ♫ Evangelina (AV-A-JA-LINA) ♫ Carosella (CAR-O-ZELL-A) ❥Appearance: ♫ ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Talking ♫ Books ♫ Anime ♫ Disney♫ Music ♫ Singing ♫ Boys ♫ jewelry ♫ Broadway ♫ Water ♫ Cooking ♫ Painting ♫ Fiction ♫ Bubbles ♫ Children ♫ Flirting ♫ Sweets ♫ Making People ♫ Laugh ♫ Sarcasm ♫ Having Fun ♫ Gaming ♫ Games ♫ Computers ♫ ❥Dislikes: Mean Girls ♫ Loud noises ♫ Early mornings ♫ Dancers ♫ Girls who flirt with everyone ♫ Friends who never call or talk to you ♫ SPIDERS ♫ BUGS ♫ SNAKES ♫ Cleaning ♫ Liars ♫ Little crying babies at performances ♫ Girls who are prettier than her♫ ❥Strengths/Talents: Singing ♫ Piano♫ Violin ♫ Flirting ♫ Kissing ♫Modeling ♫ Sports. ❥Personality: ♫ She tends to have a different ‘Personality’ depending who she’s with. Around most people, she is always complimented on her beauty. She has an overactive imagination.She is very proper, and very wealthy. She is a perfectionist that tries to be good at everything, and normally is. She has a reputation for her beauty and her narcissism, but is very humble about it (Mostly). She has a strong sense of justice and generosity. it's hard to see what she is really like, because she hides her emotions. It’s also hard to talk to her, unless she is interested in you. Because she is on her social high horse, she will not talk to just anyone, you must impress her, or be very good looking. ♫ ♫ Around other girls who she feels are threats to her, she is Jealous, competitive and will pick fights with any other girl prettier than her to get back on top. She is Manipulative. When aggravated or feeling threatened by other girls she is described the most as a domineering woman of strong personality, who does not ask, but tells, she has sharp wit and sardonic remarks ready to spite them on purpose. ♫ ♫ Around boys that she fancies she is displays childish and playful behavior, laughing and giggling excessively, she is very flirtatious, and uses her beauty to her advantage. She is very good at getting their attention single or not. ♫ ♫ Around her friends, she’s extremely loyal to her friends. She is very proper and polite. She constantly thinks positive and is therefore highly optimistic. She is hot headed. She loves to talk. She is very sarcastic. She loves music. Laid back and almost passive to those she likes, or refers to as good company. ♫ If you can dig through her other personalities, you can find that she is a little shy. She does seem to express emotions more and is always happy to be with her friends. However, she is somewhat emotionally fragile, and is scared of falling in love and getting hurt. With all these layers… who knows what the summer will bring. ♫ ❥Sexuality: ♫ Heterosexual ♫ ❥Favorite Color: ♫ Pink ♫ AKA (#fb74a7) ♫ ❥Instrument(s): ♫ Her Singing voice ♫ Piano ♫ Violin ♫ ❥Crush?:♫ Tucker Knowles ♫ Bryan Edward Chambers ♫ Ethan Prince. ❥Cupid's Brew?:♫ Nope ♫ ❥Availability: ♫ 3:40-9:40 EST time Sunday-Thursday. 3:40-11:00 on Friday. 11:00-11:00 on Saturday. ♫ ❥Other: ♫ My internet bandwidth is going to explode, so I will not be able to start until this Saturday (But I will be lurking XD) and then on Monday I have a school trip and will not be back till Tuesday night, after that everything is as normal. And also, hello everyone :D ♫ ❥Full Name: Estelle Luna ❥Appearance: ☆ ❥Age: 19 ❥Likes: ☆ Books ☆Anime ☆Disney☆Music ☆Singing ☆Drawing ☆ Animals ☆Broadway ☆Cooking ☆Painting ☆Bubbles ☆ Children ☆Playing ☆ Sweets ☆Making her friends Laugh ☆Cleaning ☆Having Fun☆Hand Writing ☆ Writing Stories ☆ Early mornings ☆ Stars and nighttime ☆ Aliens ☆ Doing things for others☆ Taking care of her GrandParents ☆ ❥Dislikes: ☆Water ☆Loud noises ☆Loud people ☆Friends who never call or talk to you ☆Boys who don’t really care about the girl they are dating ☆ taking her hood off ☆talking to people she doesn’t know ☆ being without friends for a long time ☆Not being around animals ☆ being around large crowds☆ Being in a bathing suit ☆ Having a break down when with friends ☆ Her father ☆ ❥Strengths/Talents: Singing ☆ Piano☆Violin ☆ Hand Writing ❥Personality: ☆ She is Shy, secluded individual, she is happy to be with her friends, but is also emotionally fragile, and can become deeply enraged with the right provocation. At times she is deeply confused and lost. She can be very observant and perceptive. She is very quiet, fragile, peaceful, forgiving and generous in personality. She likes to help people; she is trustful, faithful and generous. She is slightly unstable, and a little bit insane. Because of her slight insanity and her fragileness, she can be different then she is normally, she can be cold, cruel, and emotionless . She is a hopeless romantic, and it seems no one is interested in her. She had been taken advantage of in the past, which is why she is a bit traumatized. Even though normally shy and quiet, she can also be loud, and she has very good determination and drive. She has a strong sense of justice and generosity fights to protect those she has come to care for. She is not very confident in her appearance, which drives her to always have a hood on. She is very kind and humble. Very soft spoken and polite. Even though Shy, she can be quite flirtatious. When angered she basically explodes screaming and yelling, she cannot control it, and it scares many. She is very trusting, and likes to believe in the good in others, which again lead to her getting taken advantage of and then later hurt. She is also very good with animals; she had a small, black baby kitty cat named ‘Xion‘ ☆ ❥Sexuality: ☆Heterosexual ☆ ❥Favorite Color: ☆ This blue☆ ❥Instrument(s): ☆Her Singing voice ☆Piano ☆Violin ☆ ❥Crush?:☆ Shane ☆ Aidan ☆Tucker ☆ ❥Cupid's Brew?:☆Nope. Never. No way. Not again ☆ ❥Availability: ☆3:40-9:40 EST time Sunday-Thursday. 3:40-11:00 on Friday. 11:00-11:00 on Saturday. ☆ ❥Other: ☆ She lives with her Grandmother and Grandfather ☆ Full Name: ♦ Celosia 'Cel' Callegari ♦ Appearance: ♦ Age: ♦ 21 ♦ Likes: Talking ♦Sarcasm ♦ Making People Laugh ♦ Reading ♦ Gaming ♦ Storms ♦ Lightning ♦ Anime ♦Metal Music ♦Math ♦Nail Polish ♦Manipulation ♦ Different Languages ♦ Gullible people ♦Getting People Mad ♦ People who are Forward ♦ Paintball ♦ Snakes♦ Fire ♦ Villainesses ♦ Independent People ♦ People She Can Talk to♦ Dislikes: Cleaning♦ Cooking ♦ Working ♦ Stupidity ♦ Responsibility ♦ Girls ♦ Annoying Voices♦ Others Criticizing ♦ Mornings ♦ Sun ♦ Know-it-alls ♦ People Questioning her intelligence ♦ Sob-stories ♦ Her Full Name ♦ weaknesses/Fears: Taking Drugs ♦ Being Hurt By Someone Important To Her ♦ Not being the strongest Female in a group ♦ Strengths/Talents: Sarcasm ♦ Violin ♦ Manipulation ♦Guitar ♦Vocals ♦ Personality: ♦ Cel may be smiling but, she can be undoubtedly cold, ruthless, and uncaring, and appears to love nothing more than to bring other people down. She is a woman of strong personality, who does not ask, but tells. She’s not one to be coy and play games. She says what she thinks, even if it might be not a good time or if she hurts someone, she couldn’t care less. She has sharp wit and sardonic remarks ready to spite others on purpose. Her jokes tend to be more ill-humoured as well, enabling anyone to successfully get irritated, and sometimes if pushed far enough, yell or cruse at her in anger, a reaction which she seems to find humorous. She will also get irritated when pushing the right buttons, she will cringe at the sound of her full name, and respond in a mean and cruel manner to those who use it. Along with the callousness, she displays childish and playful behavior. She, although recognizable with her overall behavior, also appears to have a flirtatious attitude towards some compared to others. She is very forward and isn’t normally shy. Laid back and almost passive to those she likes, or refers to as good company, Cel expresses herself in a dramatized manner. ♦ Sexuality: ♦ Heterosexual ♦ Favorite Color: ♦ Dark Purple ♦ Instrument(s): ♦ Violin ♦Guitar ♦Vocals ♦ Crush?: ♦ Frederick Anderson ♦ Torvald Tannhauser ♦ Ryder ♦ Cupid's Brew?: ♦ Yes ♦ Availability:♦ Same as other characters ♦ Other: Nope ❥Full Name: Kurt Clyne ❥Appearance: ❥Age: 18 ❥Likes: Really new computers, really old computers, guitars, martial arts, and explosives. ❥Dislikes: Premature detonation of explosives, off-key singing, the colour Fuchsia, and people who think there is an “any” key on their keyboard. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: He fears being fully alone, and being unable to fix a problem. He has difficulty understanding other people in face-to-face conversation, and sometimes locks up. He tends to mumble when speaking or singing, and can be fairly self-conscious about any ability. ❥Strengths/Talents: He holds a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, and is skilled at coding. He's also a decent guitarist, and is fairly good at Tetris. ❥Personality: He is very intense and serious most of the time, although he occasionally goes into bursts of jokes that aren't always funny. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual. ❥Favorite Color: Black. ❥Instrument(s): Guitar ❥Crush?: Xara ❥Cupid's Brew?: No. ❥Availability: MTTh—9PM, PST to 10PM PST, WFS—7PM to 10PM PST (usually, with possible breaks for special events) ❥Other: Wears T-shirts and cargo pants year-round, in all weather. ❥Full Name: Aidan Samarost ❥Appearance: Around 5”10 in height with long black hair, blue eyes, thick eyebrows and light stubble around the mouth and chin black in colour. ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Gaming (Particularly of the RTS genre), singing, musical preferences include rock, power metal and orchestral and soundtrack. People who will sit down and talk about something interesting and slightly weird (Often on the subject of Religion, the universe or psychology). Also likes honest people. ❥Dislikes: Arrogance, Dishonestly, Lies, Ignorant people, overly unkind people, cats. ❥Strengths/Talents: Is pretty good at gaming and has a decent singing voice. Is a little sketchy on the guitar, but tries. Is half decent at Tetris. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Lacks physical strength. Fears rejection. Pride can be easily wounded and can easily be upset, though usually won’t show it until later on. ❥Personality: Aidan is usually a nice person with a good, if a little bizarre sense of humour. He is quite disapproving of certain modern phrases and some kinds of joke and comment that he deems immature. He is quite judgemental. Aidan also has a temper, and can be easily roused to anger. He doesn’t take jokes directed at his character well, and will respond with a harsh comment, often either sarcastic or rude. If he is really offended by what is said, then he will resort to violence quickly. He is quite sarcastic and will make jokes, often at other’s expense, however he often doesn’t mean it harmfully and can be misunderstood as genuine malice. To counter this, he usually says joking afterwards. He will also believe himself superior if he sees others acting stupid and will mark them down as idiots in his mind, despite that not necessarily being true. He is very sceptical and doesn’t always believe things at face value. He will demand proof. When it comes to relationships, he’s even more sceptical, usually believing it’s some kind of trick being played on him for some reason. He’s not afraid to be blunt and rude in rejecting someone. He will be honest, often brutally. He also prefers to be told the truth. If someone lies about not hating him when they do, he will hold it against them more if he finds out than if they straight up told him. Despite all that, he does genuinely care for friends and will support them in his ways, often by being as honest as ever and pointing out how bad things aren’t and any advantages to the situation. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favourite Colour: Blue ❥Instrument(s): Singing voice, acoustic guitar and electric guitar ❥Crush?: Maria Hartwick ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: 6pm+ GMT all week up until 9pm GMT (11pm GMT on weekends) ❥Other: Owns a fairly powerful gaming computer where he spends a fair bit of time when he’s not doing music or reading. ❥Full Name: Dennis Baker ❥Appearance: Here ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Anime, music, gaming, hanging out/talking with his friends, cooking, sugar (has quite the sweet tooth,) hero figures, and bike riding. ❥Dislikes: Arrogance, narcissism, horror-genre, all forms of drugs, lying, people who constantly bottle up their feelings ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Death, loneliness, failure. Not as heavy things include being a terrible artist and can be forgetful. ❥Strengths/Talents: Due to riding his bike nearly everywhere he's quite fast on his feet. Has the habit to remember random details at random times. ❥Personality: While Dennis does enjoy talking to people, he has trouble talking to people he doesn't know. This leads to him awkwardly standing by and never really contributing to a conversation unless prompted to. Despite his social awkwardness he is optimistic most of the time and tries to be as light hearted as he can be. However, when things go wrong he has the tendency to blame himself and is very hard on himself for any and all of his failures. Finally he has the habit of being lazy and procrastinating ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Azure ❥Instrument(s): Vocals, drums. ❥Crush?: Sasha ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: Weekdays I'm not on from 7am-3pm because school. Other than that I'm free as a bird, all in the EST timezone. ❥Other: Despite being of age, Dennis hardly ever thinks of driving anywhere seeing as he mostly relies on his bike to go everywhere. ❥Full Name: Evan Allen Walker ❥Appearance: This ❥Age: 23 ❥Likes: Clouds, Rainbows, Rollerblades, Paint, Mirrors, Ice Cream, Dolphins ❥Dislikes: Giraffes, the government, Television, Giraffes, Airplanes, Driving, puzzles, trains, sunscreen, and Giraffes. ❥Weaknesses/Fears: Indifference to pain, factories, Giraffes, trains, rash behavior ❥Strengths/Talents: Kickboxing, Rollerblading, Indifference to pain, strangely perceptive. ❥Personality: Evan is the type of person who is extremely carefree. He goes about living his days without worry, and will often get excited over minor things. In addition, he is often unable to express any kind of emotion relating to sorrow and doesn't really have a clear expression to distinguish his anger from his usual state. Due to his indifference to pain and carefree persona he often times ends up doing things without thinking of consequences. ❥Sexuality: Pansexual ❥Favorite Color: Rainbow ❥Instrument(s): Lyre, Banjo, Glass Harmonica ❥Crush?: Lucas ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: Same as Dennis ❥Other: Family Friend to the Bakers. ❥Full Name: Zoey Amber Kline ❥Appearance: Take A Peek! ❥Age: Sixteen ❥Likes: ♧The story of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland ♧Hot chocolate ♧Domestic animals of all kinds ♧Vintage items/antics ♧Strange fashion ♧Fireflies ♧Journals ♧Fun pens ♧Starry nights ♧Thunderstorms ♧Swimming ♧Dancing ♧Music of all kinds [Almost] ♧Graveyards ♧Ghost stories ♧Old houses ♧Comic books ♧Video games ♧River pebbles ♧Paint ♧Books ❥Dislikes: ♧Songs that are flat and have no feeling in them ♧Snakes ♧Sharks ♧Crocodiles ♧Politics ♧Math ♧Bananas ♧Rude people ❥Weaknesses/Fears: ♧Being in small, tight spaces ♧Blinded in her left eye ♧Doesn't do well in big crowds ♧Gets anxiety attacks from time to time where she completely loses focus and gets frozen in fear ♧Has a fear of blood ♧Scared of the ocean ♧Tends to procrastinate a lot ♧Tends to get sidetracked and forgets often ❥Strengths/Talents: ♧Easy to talk to ♧Senses the vibes of emotions in a room [which can also be a weakness] ♧Being versatile with instruments ♧Pushes herself to work as hard as she can ♧Sketches ♧Notices little details ♧Awesome at laser tag despite her little handicap ❥Personality: Zoey seems pretty outgoing when you first meet her. She's not usually afraid to talk to people one on one, and likes to be friendly and respecful to everyone she meets. Sometimes she can be rather random, loud, and/or obnoxious to try to lighten the mood or cheer someone up or just cause she feels extremely happy. She tends to lift others up, but at the same time doesn't see what she amounts to a lot and loses sight of that. If Zoey has a problem, she usually keeps it to herself and tries to focus more on the present than herself so she won't worry other people. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual, bisexually curious ❥Favorite Color: Porphyrous [AKA Purple] ❥Instrument(s): Alto-saxophone, trombone, recorder, flute, piccolo, and some piano ❥Crush?: Ryder ❥Cupid's Brew?: Yes ❥Availability: I live in Pacific Time Zone. Mondays, no can do. I got therapy and will be out and about all day (unless I take my iPhone with me, but it'll be very hard to reply). Wednesdays I can try to reply, but I'll be busy most of that day. Every other day, late afternoons to evenings I'm available since I hardly sleep. I work in the morning to the afternoons and take a bus home (which takes about an hour). But I'll keep to the replying rules, no worries. ❥Other: She likes to draw pictures for friends. •//Full Name//• spaces Freya Smar..it's not that weird, is it? Stop laughing. •//Appearance//• spaces ~♪•♫•♪~ •//Age//• spaces Seventeen, why do you need to know this? Is this some sort of social studies project? •//Likes//• spaces Cold weather..being alone. Salty and savory foods. People not asking me a bunch of stuff about myself. •//Dislikes//• spaces Sweet things, overly sensitive guys, girls who think that they're owed the world just for existing. •//Weaknesses/Fears//• spaces I can't do tight spaces or boats...I don't like a lot of people. •//Strengths/Talents//• spaces I can run, I've run for as long as I can remember, my parents keep telling me I should join track but, I don't see the point, spaces it's not like the coach knows any better than I do. •//Personality//• spaces Asking someone to describe their personality will only get you their perfect vision of themselves..[Quiet, composed, spaces but more often than not she is incredibly bitter/angry at most people just for existing. She keeps a tight lid on her emotions, spaces but occasionally she cracks and has a violent outburst.] •//Sexuality//• spaces I'm straight. •//Favorite Color//• spaces Sky Blue •//Instrument//• spaces Bass, both traditional and electric. I enjoy the way the sound vibrates your whole body, and you can feel it in your core. •//Crush?//• spaces That's not really any of your business, and I'll kindly thank you to be done with this ridiculous interview. [Tucker Knowles] •//Cupid's Brew?//• spaces Yes •//Availability//• spaces Work is hectic, sometimes I don't get home until after 8-9 PM, but rarely ever before 6. Weekends are mostly free. •//Other//• spaces W E E B S L A N G ♦ Full Name: Feall Isbrea's the name. ♦ Appearance: (just imagine him happy) ♦ Age: 18, this past Wednesday ♦ Likes: Sweets, Girls, Games, Food...most things, you know? ♦ Dislikes: Guys, sour or bitter things, overly sensitive girls... ♦ Weaknesses/Fears: Commitment...I'm not really into taking initiative, either, I guess. ♦ Strengths/Talents: I guess I'm pretty friendly, and get along with most people, and I'm pretty dexterous when the need arises...if I'm not feeling too lazy. ♦ Personality: Laid back, content, happy with most things, I don't need a lot. ♦ Sexuality: Straight as they come. ♦ Favorite Color: #B57641 ♦ Instrument(s): I can play the piano, I suppose I can sing okay, too. ♦ Crush?: Ava May Thompson ♦ Cupid's Brew?: What do you know about that? [Yes] ♦ Availability: See Freya Smar ♦ Other: ❥Posting Schedule !!❥ BAD END 1 !! ❥ Arc II !!❥ Arc III !!❥ BAD END 2 !! ❥ Love Map !!❥ Groups !!❥ JUDGEMENT !!RP Brainstormed - 2/23/2013Trailer Finished - 3/5/2013Thread Posted!! - 4/1/2013Post Schedule Posteed!! - 4/20/2013 Calm Down: An Announcement! - 5/16/2013
[Font=Calibri][color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Full Name[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Appearance[/b]: (HQ, medium-large sized picture only.) [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Age[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Likes[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Dislikes[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Weaknesses/Fears[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Strengths/Talents[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Personality[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Sexuality[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Favorite Color:[/b] [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Instrument(s)[/b]: [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Crush?:[/b] (You can wait to see who else joins) [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Cupid's Brew?:[/b] Yes / No [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Availability:[/b] [color=#F2C9C9]❥[/color][b]Other:[/b]
Yooo. I was thinking about maybe having a KN around...March 30th, maybe? Somewhere around there (I'll let you guys know for sure lol). My schedule is kind of weird now...But before I do that I kind of want to gauge how many people would be interested. That would influence if I'd do it and what kind of KN it'd be, yadda. So if you would be interested in participating, please let me know. Things have been really dead lately so I don't know if there's anyone even around to do this with. I'll also see how I feel about doing this and depending on the turn out and how things go with it, I'll decide whether or not I'm ready to bring it back as a regular thing.
This is long overdue but I'm genuinely curious so if you've got the time, feel free to express yourself. Two questions. 1. Here on KHV...basically the same people make role plays regularly. I'm wondering why some of you avid role players don't usually make your own? There's nothing wrong with preferring to join, but I'm curious to understand your perspective. I get really excited when I see someone who doesn't usually do so in the RPA actually trying to make their own RP lol. It adds variety and results in more active RPs on the site. (As of now there are only 12 that aren't at risk of being locked shortly.)If you DO make role plays, what inspires you to make them as opposed to (or in addition to) joining other's? 2. When it comes to fully Original RPs, there are only 3/12 that apply. This is, again, a preference that there's nothing wrong with, but I'm wondering what draws you personally to role playing non-original characters as opposed to creating an original role play?If you DO make // join Original RPs, what draws you to do so as opposed to (or in addition to) making/joining non-original role plays? You don't have to reply to both. No pressure, I'm just genuinely curious! (Please no one chew anyone out for their preference or opinion). I will answer my own questions, too, once/if someone else does. v:
INTRO So, I'm planning on making a horror puzzle RPG thing...Before I do that, I wanted to make a lighthearted test game to get familiar with this engine/software. That means this is super basic and I spent approximately two days on it (and like 5 minutes thinking up some stupid plot). I may make a second test which will elaborate on this one and also have a fully customized menu and parallax map. ETC. Decided to post it here if anyone would like to test for me! I played through it like ten times and it's extremely simple, but getting input for outside sources would be super swell, so if you have the time... It is extremely short. Took me about 5 minutes to play through--though that's with me knowing what to do, so maybe a bit longer. SYNOPSIS Jayn lives with her big brother in some kawaii pixel house. She has to finish some chores before he gets home from work. If you don't know me well enough, player discretion advised... DOWNLOAD V1 (+ This if you don't have it.) V2 (no extra download) KEYBOARD CONTROLS X = Cancel (when a menu is up) // Menu (if you need to save) Space, Enter, Z = Confirm Arrow Keys = Walk WALKTHROUGH If you really need one...lol. Spoiler 1. Go inside and get the empty water jar from the ... china cabinet thing. 2. Get some water from the pond outside. 3. Water the plant. 4. Go into the hallway and into the first door. 5. Wash the dishes and obtain WET RAG. 6. Go dust the books out in the hall. 7. Enter your room and go to the light in the corner to read your diary. 8. Game over. CREDITS Bedroom Lighting - KHAS Some tilesets - Celianna Window Light Rays - ZAI Some music - Joseph Gilbert PLANS Basically, if you run into any major issues like bad lag, or glitching or system incompatibility, multiple items when you already obtained them, the game not launching or ...anything horrible like that, let me know! Remember, stay on the technical...Creatively not a lot went into this, but before I devote my time doing something elaborate, I need to make sure the program, compatibility and game packaging works for me. Things I plan on changing already...SPOILER WARNING. Spoiler - Learn how to create a border around the maps. - Add more detail and utilize map space better. - HOW 2 MAPS?? - In the bedroom the room is SO DARK. Learn how to work the lighting script a bit better. - Learn how to customize the menu and take out all of the extra crap (weapons, skill, etc). - Learn how to customize the main menu to whatever I'd like. - 'Flip through...' the dialouge box there is really distracting and not what I wanted. - When reading the diary the light effects still apply. No. - (+Monochrome) Walk to door = Auto Open or Walk to door = Confirm Key...One or the other unless special case. // Chairs weird can walk on top of them doushite. - (+Bushy Brow) Auto pause when inactive window. // Chairs weird can walk on top of them doushite.
★ KH-Vids: The Musical ★MAIN THREAD (x)Phase One: Plotting (x)Phase Two: Screenplay (x)Phase Two: Logo (x) ★ What Is This? ⬊ The KHV Musical is a site-wide collaboration that will be worked on over the course of the next year. The project will bring together various creative sections of KH-Vids and will ultimately result in an actual musical that will be released to the public September 2013. The musical will feature original artwork, original music and lyrics and an original screenplay. It will be showcasing the various voice talents of our very own KH-Vids members, and there will be auditions held for parts starting in May! The musical will be compiled in the Visual Novel software Ren'Py, and there will also be a watchable Youtube version, and perhaps a Livestream of the play-through at some point. The estimated run time is 45 minutes to an hour, or so, but there is not fixed time. ★ Timeline ⬊ Late September - October: Characters, Setting, Story/Plot - COMPLETED! November - December: Screenplay, Logo - LOGO COMPLETED...1/7 PARTS COMPLETED! January - February: Concept and Character Art. March - April: Music & Lyrics May: Casting June: Audio Production //Singing July - August: Production ★ Phase 3:⬊ Calling all ARTISTS! Hey there! While the writers finish up their screenplays, we're going to go ahead and get started on the art. For now, we will be focusing on the art of the main characters. What we basically need are rough sketches/character designs that will be voted on via likes (if you like what you see, hit the like button). We will focus on this for a couple of weeks...Anyone can submit a design for a character (for any of the main cast) at this point. If you make multiple sketches, please post each individual sketch into a new post. The second stage is to have the winning sketches inked and eventually colored. Let me show you an example process! x Sketch x Lineart (ignore the mask lol) x Color That being said, the ideal art will be digital. However, the concept art can be scanned. So what first? Concept art! From January 4th to January 18th, please submit character design sketches here. These sketches can be messy, if you want, but you're basically just outlining what the character will look like and wear. Something like this. On January 19th, we will decide on final concept art for each main character. From January 20/21st to January 31st, we will be working on clean sketches. (Such as the one in the 'sketch' example above). From February 1st to February 15th, we will be linearting. From the February 16th to February 28th, we will be doing the final coloring. Rules ★ Concept art can be scanned, but the clean sketches, linearting/inking, and coloring MUST be digital (unless you have an amazing quality scanner). ★If you provide any art, you do not have to do all of it. For example, if you're only able to do the lineart, but you can't do anything else, it's okay! Just sign up for that part of it. ★The clean sketches of the main characters should all be done by the same person to retain style, if possible. ★Please base your concept art on the descriptions given below. (If someone says they want long hair, please don't draw them with short hair). ★Your character does not have to look exactly like you irl, if you're one of the characters to be drawn for. Just not super anime bright blue hair and red eyes pls. ★The deadlines are important!! Please follow them and finish your part on time! Characters Aaliyah Fearless Kitty Psychedelic Jayn Edit; Submit what you'd like. I don't have a headcanon so loool. Gender; Female Height; 5'5" Hair Style; Choppy and kinda long, like to my shoulder blades in the back and kinda framing my face a little in the front. I have bangs too. It's mostly straight-ish because I straighten it, but it's a little curly-ish at the ends. I'll draw a quick reference when I have time. Hair Color; Dark Brown Skin Color; PALER THAN A FULL MOON. I literally use the lightest color makeup they make. I AM IRISH WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME. Eye Color; Dark Blue Outfit; Idfk. Will post options in reference pics which will be drawn when it's not stupid early in the morning. Anything Else; I AM THE CARD GAME KING idfk it's too early for this sh*t Gender: Female (bahaha) Height: 5'6 Hair Style: My hair is pretty wild and wavy...curly. Like you will lose a hand if you touch it. So I tend to straighten it...and then put it up lol. At the moment its layered n' choppy and reaches past me shoulders. To be honest, I don't mind either way if they draw me with wild curly hair or up in a ponytail. Hair colour: Medium brown (?) with a hint of red Skin colour: Peely-wally. Milk bottle. Ok, not as white as a milk bottle, but I'm pretty pale. Eye colour:Blue but there's a teeny-weeny wee bit of green in there (if you want me to be specific) Outfit: Uhhh, I'm a jeans/t-shirt/hoodie type of lass. Though not skinny jeans. They feel so tiiiiiiight! I'm pretty lax in the way I dress. I'll see if I can find a picture or something as reference. Anything else: I HAVE A BODY CHISELED BY THE GODS! Gender: Male Height: 6' - 6'2" Hair style: curly, jewfro, but i can get bad hat hair and it gets flat and sometimes it parts to the side because i have bad hat hair and i brush it with my hand until it stays that way until my next shower Hair color: black Skin color: part white part middle eastern Eye color: brown Outfit: um... i have this bright blue shirt with grey stripes. it's long sleeve. also dark blue jeans that's faded and has some brown tint to it. Anything Else: i also have a beard. kinda thick (not by too much), but not long. i also wear glasses. Gender: Female (Most times). Height: 5'7" Hair style: x Without such a blunt cut for the bangs. My bangs are more side swept, longer. Hair color: Dark brown. *Sobs* So boring, desu. Skin color: x | x A bit lighter than Merli, a bit darker than the second picture. Eye color: Light brown. Outfit: x | x Something like those. Anything Else: Always a bow in my hair. Never not a bow. Always. If you (the artist) need more clarification on something, ask me! Contributing Artists Please post here if you are planning on contributing something. Whether it's lineart, concept art, clean sketches or coloring. I will add you to the list and alert you when that part comes up! Jayn { Concept Art / Lineart } Llave { Concept Art / Clean Sketches / Lineart / Coloring } What? { Concept Art / Clean Sketches / Lineart } HoT { Concept Art } Fearless { Concept Art } Dinny { Concept Art / Clean Sketches / Lineart / Coloring } Cherry { Concept Art / Lineart } Chie {Concept Art / Clean Sketches / Lineart / Coloring }
Merry Christmas, KHVC. https://www.box.com/s/0rmf4fwr5py1u986ls3w Spoiler Ho, ho, ho... Shake up the happiness Wake up the happiness Shake up the happiness It's Christmas time [1] [There was a story that I was told And I want to tell the world before I get too old] [2] [And don't remember it, so let's December it And reassemble it, oh yeah] [3] [Once upon a time in a town like this A little girl made a great big wish] [Janson] [4] [To fill the world full of happiness And be on Santa's magic list] [Jayn] [5] {♥} Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Tummer] [6] {♥} Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Midnight Star] [7] Come on all, it's Christmas time [Fearless, Excasr] [8] {♥} Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Judge] [9] {♥} Wake it up, wake up the happiness [10] Come on all, it's Christmas time [Moshi] Ho, ho, ho, Ho, ho, ho, It's Christmas time [11] [At the same town miles away A little boy made a wish that day] [Midnight Star] [12] [That the world would be okay And Santa Clause would hear him say] [13] [I got dreams and I got love I got my feet on the ground and family above] [14] [Can you send some happiness with my best To the rest of the people of east and the west] [15] [And maybe every once in a while You give my a grandma a reason to smile] [Moshi] [16] ['Tis the season to smile It's cold but we'll be freezing in style] [Judge] [17] {♥} And let me meet a girl one day That wants to spread some love this way [Tummer] [18] {♥} We can let our souls run free And she can open some happiness with me [Janson, Fearless] [19] [Shake it up, shake up the happiness] [Jayn] [20] [Wake it up, wake up the happiness] [21] Come on all, it's Christmas time [22] Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Janson] [23] Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Excasr] [24] Come on all, it's Christmas time [25] [I know you're out there I hear your reindeer] [Ameythst] [26] [I see the snow where Your boots have been] [Fearless] [27] I'm gonna show them So they will know then [Chevalier, Midnight Star, Judge] Then love will grow in They believe again [28] Shake it up (shake it up), shake up the happiness Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Excasr] Come on all, it's Christmas time [29] Shake it up, shake up the happiness Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Chevalier, Moshi, Midnight Star, Fearless] Come on all, it's Christmas time Ho, ho, ho, Ho, ho, ho, It's Christmas time [30] Shake it up, shake up the happiness Wake it up, wake up the happiness Come on all, it's Christmas time [Judge] [31] Shake it up, shake up the happiness Wake it up, wake up the happiness Come on all, it's Christmas time [Janson, Excasr] Ho, ho, ho, Ho, ho, ho, Ho, ho, ho, It's Christmas time Some people sang parts that weren't taken / their's. Not sure who's singing what anymore, lol...But here's what it originally was. And now I can sleep.
warning: images...images everywhere. check back at about midnight my time (around four hours from now) for your gifts, mmkay. They'll turn into links to your presents. Also, these aren't all of them. There will be more here on Christmas on my coast). Happy Holidays. (note this is somewhat of a response thread to here). Edit: Wow okay my family actually interacted with me this Christmas. I will still post to say when I am finished, but more gifts are still in progress!! <33
https://www.box.com/s/a2t1m5h9x5mk4qr4fw6n Spoiler [1]Where are you Christmas Why can't I find you [moshi, Fearless] { ♥ } [2]Why have you gone away [HoT,] [3]Where is the laughter You used to bring me [Jayn] { ♥ } [4]Why can't I hear music play [Amethyst] [5] [My world is changing] [moshi] [6] [I'm rearranging] [Jayn] [7] { ♥ } Does that mean Christmas changes too? [Janson,] [8] Where are you Christmas Do you remember [HoT, Cherry] [9] { ♥ } The one you used to know [Jayn, Fearless] [10][I'm not the same one] [Janson] [11][See what the time's done] [idek] [12]Is that why you have let me go [Amethyst] ooooh [13]Christmas is here Everywhere, oh [Jayn] [14]Christmas is here If you care, oh [Janson, Amethyst] [15] { ♥ } If there is love in your heart and your mind [moshi] You will feel like Christmas all the time [17]I feel you Christmas I know I've found you [moshi] [18]You never fade away [Jayn, Fearless] The joy of Christmas Stays here inside us [19] [Fills each and every heart] [Amethyst] with love [20]Where are you Christmas [HoT, Fearless,] [21]Fill your heart with love [Janson, HoT]
Deadline: December 23rdStatus: OPEN!KHVC Rules and Information | Tutorials and Resources Notes & News (READ!!!!) ★2/2 Christmas songs. I haven't forgotten about KHV Rhapsody. It's taken me so long not just because I'm lazy, but because lines of all of the technical issues, and my being sick. You're not forgotten. I'll have something out shortly. The mix is done. ★ Sorry for formatting. Xenforo can burn. ★ I'm not sick anymore! I may do a harmony reference. Maybe. ★ You may have 4 parts all together with one solo included in that number. This may change. Please only pick ONE-TWO duets. ★ Make sure you TIME and SING to the PITCH of the INSTRUMENTAL or the REFERENCE. You may be able to sing to the original, I can't tell if they're different yet...To be safe you should always try to sing to the instrumental. IF I CAN NOT LINE YOUR VOCALS UP WITH THE INSTRUMENTAL CORRECTLY, I WILL /TELL YOU/ AND I WILL NOT USE THEM. ★ If I don't have a rendered picture from you (no background) GET ME ONE. ★ MP3s only, no ZIP files, ONE file timed to the instrumental! A few of you sent me one file, but it wasn't timed to the music, you did your lines back to back. That is a no-no! When you send your lines, they should be spaced out in time to the music, not just one file with your lines after one another. ★ Please email all lines to; chorus@kh-vids.net as an attachment. No more links, please. Sorry, but they're giving me issues. ★ Your lines are due BEFORE the listed date. If you have to drop out, drop out TWO DAYS before the deadline. The Song Spoiler original: instrumental: Lyrics & Parts Black Lines = EVERYONE records that part. ...This is not optional. :C Unless there's an emergency. { ♥ } = Duets. TWO people can claim that part. [ ] = Solos. ONE person can claim that. Only ONE solo per singer. This MAY change depending on how many people join. // = Anyone can sing/optional/adlib. Ho, ho, ho... Shake up the happinessWake up the happinessShake up the happinessIt's Christmas time [1] [There was a story that I was toldAnd I want to tell the world before I get too old] [2] [And don't remember it, so let's December itAnd reassemble it, oh yeah] [3] [Once upon a time in a town like thisA little girl made a great big wish] [Janson][4] [To fill the world full of happinessAnd be on Santa's magic list] [Jayn] [5] {♥} Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Tummer][6] {♥} Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Midnight Star][7] Come on all, it's Christmas time [Fearless, Excasr][8] {♥} Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Judge][9] {♥} Wake it up, wake up the happiness [10] Come on all, it's Christmas time [Moshi] Ho, ho, ho,Ho, ho, ho, It's Christmas time [11] [At the same town miles awayA little boy made a wish that day] [Midnight Star][12] [That the world would be okayAnd Santa Clause would hear him say][13] [I got dreams and I got loveI got my feet on the ground and family above][14] [Can you send some happiness with my bestTo the rest of the people of east and the west] [15] [And maybe every once in a whileYou give my a grandma a reason to smile] [Moshi][16] ['Tis the season to smileIt's cold but we'll be freezing in style] [Judge] [17] {♥} And let me meet a girl one dayThat wants to spread some love this way [Tummer][18] {♥} We can let our souls run freeAnd she can open some happiness with me [Janson, Fearless] [19] [Shake it up, shake up the happiness] [Jayn][20] [Wake it up, wake up the happiness][21] Come on all, it's Christmas time[22] Shake it up, shake up the happiness [Janson][23] Wake it up, wake up the happiness [Excasr][24] Come on all, it's Christmas time [25] [I know you're out thereI hear your reindeer] [Ameythst][26] [I see the snow whereYour boots have been] [Fearless] [27] I'm gonna show themSo they will know then [Chevalier, Midnight Star, Judge] Then love will grow inThey believe again [28] Shake it up (shake it up), shake up the happinessWake it up, wake up the happiness [Excasr] Come on all, it's Christmas time[29] Shake it up, shake up the happinessWake it up, wake up the happiness [Chevalier, Moshi, Midnight Star, Fearless] Come on all, it's Christmas time Ho, ho, ho,Ho, ho, ho,It's Christmas time [30] Shake it up, shake up the happinessWake it up, wake up the happinessCome on all, it's Christmas time [Judge][31] Shake it up, shake up the happinessWake it up, wake up the happinessCome on all, it's Christmas time [Janson, Excasr] Ho, ho, ho,Ho, ho, ho,Ho, ho, ho,It's Christmas time ParticipantsLight Pink = Lines in.Red = Mixed JaynChevalierMoshiJansonMidnight StarFearlessJudgeTummerExcasr
Deadline: December 16thStatus: OPEN!KHVC Rules and Information | Tutorials and Resources Notes & News (READ!!!!) ★ 1/2 Christmas songs. I haven't forgotten about KHV Rhapsody. It's taken me so long not just because I'm lazy, but because lines of all of the technical issues, and my being sick. You're not forgotten. I'll have something out shortly. The mix is done. ★ Sorry for formatting. Xenforo can burn. ★ This song is sad and pretty dramatic. Please have emotion in your voice when you sing, haha. ★ You may have 4 parts all together with one solo included in that number. This may change. Please only pick ONE duet. ★ Make sure you TIME and SING to the PITCH of the INSTRUMENTAL or the REFERENCE. NOT THE ORIGINAL. DO NOT SING TO THE ORIGINAL. >:L IF I CAN NOT LINE YOUR VOCALS UP WITH THE INSTRUMENTAL CORRECTLY, I WILL /TELL YOU/ AND I WILL NOT USE THEM. ★ If I don't have a rendered picture from you (no background) GET ME ONE. ★ MP3s only, no ZIP files, ONE file timed to the instrumental! A few of you sent me one file, but it wasn't timed to the music, you did your lines back to back. That is a no-no! When you send your lines, they should be spaced out in time to the music, not just one file with your lines after one another. ★ Please email all lines to; chorus@kh-vids.net as an attachment. No more links, please. Sorry, but they're giving me issues. ★ Your lines are due BEFORE the listed date. If you have to drop out, drop out TWO DAYS before the deadline. The Song Spoiler original: instrumental: https://www.box.com/s/q4ahgqb0fezxp9t603ha <--the final one will have better quality. Lyrics & Parts Black Lines = EVERYONE records that part. ...This is not optional. :C Unless there's an emergency. { ♥ } = Duets. TWO people can claim that part. [ ] = Solos. ONE person can claim that. Only ONE solo per singer. This MAY change depending on how many people join. // = Anyone can sing/optional/adlib. [1]Where are you Christmas Why can't I find you [moshi, Fearless] { ♥ } [2]Why have you gone away [HoT,] [3]Where is the laughter You used to bring me [Jayn] { ♥ } [4]Why can't I hear music play [Amethyst] [5] [My world is changing] [moshi] [6] [I'm rearranging] [Heart] [7] { ♥ } Does that mean Christmas changes too? [Janson,] [8] Where are you ChristmasDo you remember [HoT, Cherry] [9] { ♥ } The one you used to know [Jayn, Fearless] [10][I'm not the same one] [Janson] [11][See what the time's done] [12]Is that why you have let me go [Amethyst] ooooh [13]Christmas is hereEverywhere, oh [Jayn] [14]Christmas is hereIf you care, oh [Janson, Amethyst] [15] { ♥ } If there is love in your heart and your mind [moshi] You will feel like Christmas all the time [17]I feel you ChristmasI know I've found you [moshi] [18]You never fade away [Jayn, Fearless] The joy of ChristmasStays here inside us [19] [Fills each and every heart] [Amethyst] with love [20]Where are you Christmas [HoT, Fearless,] [21]Fill your heart with love [Janson, HoT] ParticipantsLight Pink = Lines in.Red = MixedGreen = Probation JaynMoshiJansonAmethystHeartNekuHoTAnzuFearlessCherry
If you're having a hard time voting, consider these things; Which song would be the best for a /chorus/? Which song won't run Jayn into the ground? (Which song is the shortest, which song is the most straight forward). Which song fits the 'Christmas' theme the best? (This song goes up on the 25th. It is THE Christmas song.) Fairytale of New York x Baby it's Cold Outside x Shake Up Christmas x
Should be airing soon. Spoiler Carnival of Rust / Tummer Paradise / PaW Lights / Amethyst The Call / Fearless Titanium / Heart Irony / Anzu No Pain no Gain / Jayn Renai Circulation / Cookiie Ichirin no Hana / Moshi Take On Me / Janson I See the Light / Maka Nobody Else But You / Forsaken & Mish Just going to say and remind now that it takes A LOT of courage to get on here and do something like this. Any rude posts will be mercilessly deleted. Thank you to everyone who mixed their own! (Everyone minus KH530). Karaoke Night will probably run every two weeks or so.
What's on your Christmas List this year? Assuming you could have anything realistic, what would you want? Doing something with these? PFFF. I'm not going to do anything with them, nope not at all. Just curious.
Sorry I'm sort of late, but HAPPY DECEMBER! I know everyone who hates this month or doesn't celebrate Christmas probably wants to kill me, but I'm in the holiday spirit and I want to share this ~December Magic~ with you all. Welcome to Chorus Carolling 2012 (thanks for the name What?)! If you come up with a better name for this project then BLESS YOU. Basically, Winter Break should be coming up for most of you who are in school currently, which gives us a bit of an activity boost. For anyone who has extra time to put forth, this project is actually pretty simple! All you have to do is sign up like you do for Duet Roulette and, well, like always, sing! Unlike DR, though, the singers aren't randomized, there won't be a video, and there are no (or very few) solo lines depending on how many people sign up. Instead it will work like this; Sign up here if you want to be a singer. People can request songs (either publicly or privately for a surprise) for us to sing for a specific member or group of people. (such as a forum family or members in a specific thread) Kind of like a sing-a-gram. For instance; Then from the members on the singer list, I'll select how many I think should sing that song (moving down the list linearly). Afterwards, I'll send those involved a PM with the original song, instrumental and lyrics (who sings what), deadline, you guys sing it and send like always, then I'll mix it and send it off to Misty or whoever. Along with just sending a song to someone, you can include a special holiday message! (you're a supah fly mama is...not a good example of this). Yes, you can send a song to someone if you are a singer. As for what type of songs you can request to be sung, they are limited to holiday songs. ...But there are A LOT OF THEM. You can specify how you'd like the song to be sung ("Be silly / sing badly"), and how many people you want to sing that song if you care (though not who, mind you). You can also ask for us to sing a parody version of a song (keep it simple). These songs we do I'll try to put on the next KN radio. Our Christmas Edition. * u * RULES ❅ Please request a song to be sung for active members only, and link to their profile when you request it. ❅ Nothing malicious, please. For example, if you've just recently broken up with someone and you want us to sing Last Christmas to them ... no. Lol. No drama pls. ❅ Please find the instrumental and the original version on YT or buy it on iTunes/Amazon before you request it. ❅ Deadlines will be significantly shorter than KN or KHVC ones. They'll be around DR length. Just a few days. ❅ That being said, if you can't sing when you're called on, I'll just move down the list. SO SAY SOMETHING. Don't just message me like three days later all "JAYN GOMEN NE I CNT" say something when you get the message. There are NO drops outs or extensions allowed. It's literally just like DR, haha. If you can't do it, I'll move on. Don't say you can if you can't or you're going to procrastinate. ❅ To add to that, please only sign up if you're an active member. If you're planning on disappearing or something from KHV, don't sign up. It's fine to sign up later on and to get your name taken off of the singer's list later if you suddenly get busy. Please ask me any questions you may have either here or elsewhere and I'll answer them ASAP. Read before you ask though because if you ask me something I've already answered, I swear. >:L SINGERS Spoiler: Form Absolutely Cannot Sing: (Any genres/languages/tempos/ranges that you won't be able to do.) Anything Else: ❅ Jayn ❅ Moshi ❅ Fearless ❅ Janson ❅ Heart ❅ Amethyst ❅ PaW ❅ Mish ❅ Tale_Wind❅ Tummer❅ Mish❅ TFXTTD (not spelling that out, nope.)❅ Anzu❅ darkhorseD❅ Cherry❅ Maka PENDING REQUESTS Spoiler: Form To: (Link to profile(s) or thread) Song: Original/Instrumental: Number of Singers: (If you don't care, that's fine) Holiday Message: ❅ All I Want for Christmas is You; TO (???) FROM (???) -- COMPLETED!! ❅ I'll Be Home For Christmas; TO (The Hero of Time) FROM (Heart) -- COMPLETED!! ❅ I Celebrate the Day; TO (???) FROM (???) -- COMPLETED!! ❅ Walking in a Winter Wonderland; TO (???) FROM (???) -- PENDING ❅ I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas; TO (???) FROM (???) -- PENDING
Please don't be mean. As some of you know...I don't even know how to say this, lol. But my mom knows about my internet life (understandable because I've literally been on the internet since I was like 6). She asks about you guys all of the time, she listens to KHVC, she's spoken one on one with some of you members that call me... She made an account here WAY back when and wished someone I was close to a happy birthday for me (because there was no internet at home, but she had some at work), she bought me a slice of cake/said congrats when I became staff (and when I was promoted she was like YATTA!), ETC. So um. She's been asking me to let her sing for KN and KHVC for a while, you know, to bond and whatnot...But I never let her because I'm evil, obviously. Today she kind of forced me to let her record something and asked if I'd put it up. She thought it was fitting. https://www.box.com/s/qyit5nf48vv37zmgqck0
Hi. 12/1 (possibly 12/2 --*cough* possibly 3rd omg photoshop y ) ~ New Event Launched!! 12/1 - 12/7 ~ Finish KHV Rhaspsody (not enough people joined so Anzu and I will fill in) 12/8 - Karaoke Night 12/9 - 12/16~ Christmas Song #2 12/9 - 12/22 - Karaoke Night (Christmas Edition!) 12/16 - 12/25 ~ Christmas Song #1 I know that seems backwards, but the most anticipated song will be released on the 25th. If you want a new render for Christmas, get it to me before the 8th. If you legitimately want to help with anything (mixing, animation, whatever) then you need to apply. I keep saying that but people keep just telling me "hey yo jayn if u need help i can help" instead of actually filling out the forms. As stated previously (over and over again), your offer is void. I will not ask you for help, even if I really need it, unless you actually apply. There's a reason for that and I'm happy to share it...elsewhere.
If you don't know the song, listen to it before you vote.If you guys end up choosing some super traditional boring song I will massacre you. <3 Only because I love you. I think we got a total of 2 Christmas song suggestions this year. Wow. I'm not going to put links to the traditional songs because most of us know them...What? Lazy? Me? PFFF. Cold December Night x Christmas Time is Here xShake Up Christmas xLast Christmas xFairytale of New York xBaby it's Cold Outside xWhere are you, Christmas? x