I blame you for cars in other countries having the steering wheel being on the wrong side..
okay.. thanks I'll check.. yeah.. that's why he keeps coming to me..
35868 Meh back hurts..
I blame you for all my vids containing my friends and I beating the hell out of each other getting deleted.. lol
I blame you for emos..
okaay. .
Well, if they don't, God knows what American fans shal do.. With already 2 games(I believe) were Japan Exclusive..
some kid told me that his bro's friend is working on Kingdom Hearts III.. I asked him what it was called he said Kingdom Hearts III I told him no, there isn't a Kingdom Hearts III in the making, and if there was, Square obviously wants it kept a secret, and his brothers friend should be fired. He just said, "Oh well he is!!" than I asked him, "Is he in Japan?" and he said no. I said " I think they usually make in in Japan first, then release it in U.S" Him:"Well this time it's U.S first!!" Me:"Sure, the Kingdom Hearts Games currently being made are: 358/2 days, Birth By Sleep, and Coded, and they're being release in Japan first.." Him: "NOO!! IT'S KINGDOM HEARTS 3, IDIOT!!" Me: "Whatever.." and I just walked away.. and now he's coming to me about this saying he'll email me pics of it.. I just keep laughing at him, and he keeps coming back, I need help, need info on 358/2 days. I need all the info on the game, that Square has released to us..
Dang.. one of my favorite companys.. wow..
umm.. what?
lol.. owned!
you da kid..