Dragon Fantasy book II (ps vita/ps3) really liking their cameos.. look ROCKMAN/MEgaman: Captured one is on level 60 there is a screat trophy for this!
So the fire type became a Mahou Shoujo.. maybe it was always a psych type? Or it is fairy (new type, new starter).. didn't like any but the Water one (and it wasn't so good!). About all these forms... Nintendo you don't want us achieving 100% on our pokedex ever? That pryorar is a LION there is a female version of it without it's "fur"
I am 25 years old! 22 july is my birthday! (I am old!)
I don't know what to think about this pokemon.. I hope it gets a powerful and big evolution that kick ass... brontosaurus should be big.
At least there is no time trophy in Chain of memories.. but they sure made us play too many times for getting all the trophy! This normally would make me mad, but I genuinely look forward to play this game!
The story behind it makes it shine.. all the emotions that come up when remembering the film.. It's just like the OST before and after you saw the movie.. there is a great power of remembering, and accepting.. not only the words need to be right, but the movie must make sense with it. Tyler Durden's speaches at FIGHT CLUB, some of Clock work orange, and Even Commissionaire Gordon at Dark Knight are great![DOUBLEPOST=1378878935][/DOUBLEPOST]The story behind it makes it shine.. all the emotions that come up when remembering the film.. It's just like the OST before and after you saw the movie.. there is a great power of remembering, and accepting.. not only the words need to be right, but the movie must make sense with it. Tyler Durden's speaches at FIGHT CLUB, some of Clock work orange, and Even Commissionaire Gordon at Dark Knight are great!
I've never seen a Unversed at real life, in Terra's point of view there were no unversed until yesterday.. so It would be as much a surprise as going to a nudist beach by accident .. I would always say "Hey B@@bs!" , just like I would say "Unversed" if I ever saw one..
I guess everything libre said makes sense.. I am a little less worried about my Vita then.. but I would love if they upgraded it so it could do the same things as Ps vita tv, as the hardwere for such is in it already. Because I would LOVE to travel with my "Ps4 in hand" but also be able to play in a different tv , with my friends from another town without the need to travel with the Ps4 itself. But not as much as it would hurt me to buy another ps vita system when I already have one.
Play-asia said me via email that they have already send my copy at least 16 hours ago.. can't wait until I get it >_<! Also bought Diablo III
Japanese people could buy the Ps4 as furniture, they have been doing this with their WiiU and Psvitas alike.. they could support the Ps4 in advance only to get it with everybody else >_<! But I don't understand.. so Japanese WOULDN'T buy Knack, INfamous and others western titles? That's harsh! I thought that by this generation we would finaly have games being launched in every market at the same time, It kills me to wait for my kingdom hearts, final fantasys and such ç.ç.. even Pokemon has a world debut now.
Playstation tv is that Tv that has 3D glasses that shows different images to Player 1 and Player 2. I was thinking about the potential about Ps vita tv.. Vita classic is more expensive , so I think there is space for them both (if sony makes the upgrade at Ps vita)... if you think in it as a handled is the cheapest one being cheaper than the 2DS, and several times more powerfull.. So Vita tv will have some slice of the market of cheap handleds, but it will also have the slice of the "Cheapest HOME CONSOLE!". How can you feel nex gen for $100 ? Sure that if you don't own a Ps4 you won't be able to play all Ps4 games in it (Because you need a Ps4 to stream for you). But vita games are interesting (and some exclusive, and probably more will be made) so it will be a "nex gen experience, with next gen titles at your tv".. They could just make the classic vita a SUPER VITA TV (enabling it with the same functions as vita tv with the advantage of your own screen, with the catch of not being as cheap as PS vita tv)
You guys remember when there were dragons at NY? At the same time there were giant enemy crabs at Japan... If we could only hit the dragons in the bottom for mass damage... Let's see this new AC!
Being japonese is suffering.. they will have to wait for the next gen until next year.. Maybe all japanese kids are grounded ? Didn't expect that from sony being japanese and all.. The whole world will have the Ps4 before them.. just imagine the mass suicide! Oh Mark Cerny how could you allow this? About Soul Sacrifice DELTA, just bought SS.. I hope there will be some dlc for the extra content don't wanna buy a new game. Liked the Ps vita "slim"... have some worries about the Tv, explained at the other topic.
Now that I saw it with caution.. there are my opinions Spoiler: ps vita slim Great ideia, even if it loses some graphic quality (that is too great at vita, but at a small screen size), LCD is more resistent than OLED, so the handled will endure more than our vitas.. it's micro USB cable probably mean that it will work with any smartphone charger! Not to mention it's internal memory of 1 G! My first 2 weeks with my Ps vita were useless.. I couldn't download any game from the PSN, I could not even use my skype! Only when my memory card was here I could enjoy my vita to full extention, so It will great to have a functional vita since day one! Spoiler: PS VITA TV: 1)Can play Psp/vita/1 games at any tv! 2) If you have a Ps4 you don't need to take your console from your house NEVER! Psvita tv will stream your games to any tv with internet (Just like vita!) 3) it will cost $100 so it will be even more affordable than the 2DS! 4) There is no need to buy vita anymore ç.ç _---- I Think that if they try to sell it as a cheaper version of the vita it is ok! (is like half price) But only if sony makes a UPGRADE at vita and make it work like Vita tv (even if only by wifi). If you notice Ps vita has "everything" that is necessary to make it work as Ps vita TV, it has the REMOTE PLAY, and Bluetooth (for controlers).. if they make a firmwere upgrade on vita and let us play like this (hell Psp conected with the tv without need of a console on it), I will know that I can play my Ps4 at any place in the world with internet ... Not sure with you guys noticed, but even though the Psvita tv comes with a dualshock3 bundle they also use D4 with it, probably that would be able to use the touchpad as the "touchable screen"
The only problem with Gamestop is that sometimes they will offer you a "new used game", when the game has few months and give you 5 dollars discount on it.. the developers only make money with the game for the first months, they probably got that used copy for nothing and are trying to sell for a minimal discount, so the one who sold the game lost money, the one who bought saved nearly nothing, and the developers received none cutting their sales by half.. I don't like the idea of buying "new used games" when they are already old and the discount is really good (like 20$) yes, but to save me 1-5$ and the people that made the game receive zero is bad.. Them again that is all the places, but even when re-sell a car or any other thing you are not so ripped off like in game stop!
I still have my game boy color working to this day, you guys need to treat your things better. I must admit if I had a PSP today, I would probably put a homebrew in it so I can play all those wonderfull games, since they don't have trophy support and all those games that never came to US.
When Sora closed all the keyholes at KH I, all worlds came back together , the gumi ships are made from the barriers of those worlds, so All gumi ships were broken?
Don't know why , but I don't have much expectation that any kingdom hearts will be on gaikai (for now anyway), KH BBS never went to the PSN, and I heard that 1.5 won't be on PSN as well, so I find pretty difficult that It will be on Gaikai.
I just realized that I've never played KH I final mix, only KH I, KH II, and KH II final mix.. never had the interest to play KH I again since everytime I got to that Island I just wanna stop playing >_<! I understand why Riku gave in to the darkness only to scape that boring place! 2 days now! But it will be a while until it is delivered here :(!
That sucks! I also have pre-ordered mine, I hope is all in there... but as I am from Brazil even if it isn't there is not much I can do about it.[DOUBLEPOST=1378623214][/DOUBLEPOST]That sucks! I also have pre-ordered mine, I hope is all in there... but as I am from Brazil even if it isn't there is not much I can do about it.