Being Japanese is suffering, not only they will have Ps4 after everyone else, but China will get it first.. what a blow in the ego!
The real problem with comics is that they don't have any levels, or respect any continuity, a hero is stronger than another just because "it is their comic, and not the other"... Even though I've read some of marvel's heroes for sometime, it is something that enrages me.. For exemple during the events of the "Dark realm" where there were "DArk Avengers", in there they would have different levels (not only of power, but even inteligence) depending of who's story were at a time Vennon (dark spider man) , was an inteligent man eating guy, and in the other he was some kind of teenage woman that was also stupid (because of the hormones that they've put in him to make him look like black spider man). Osborn was manipulating everyone... just that Draken (Dark Wolverine) was also doing his thing controling feromones (lol). But to put the subject Superman behind, all his power comes from the sun, so if anyone is stronger than the sun is clearly stronger than him.. even at comics this isn't that difficult.
DBZ is to way over the top they are exploding planets since freeza .. so they are at least at a "cosmic level" (Phoenix , galactus, etc..) , which by the way wins from Norse/Greek gods everyday in the weak (marvel rules, not mine). The sentinel almost killed all Marvel heroes + Norse gods. Don't like how the fights go in DBZ(infinite power without any strategics), but even "Superman" never got near the level of destruction of DBZ characters... this in Freeza, where there power levels were only 1000000.
I think the phrase has sense in same gender and opposite as well.. even straight people that are virgin, know that they are straight you don't necessarily have to have sex to know it, before you do your body respond to "a gender" (or it would not be possible to guys have any kind of sex, if you know what i mean).
Great show, It's like Dexter + Lost, but never gets bad :O!
Celebi pç.ç?!! Also they make Dragon type "weaker" than all dragon types get Mega forms? What is up with that? status quo?
yeah i forgot the term for it!(Not my mother language ) I've lions first hand!
I also prefer voices, but if they do use texts it would be good if they make some standards like you said, in Re:Chain at the levels that are "fake worlds" we got fake "dialogs", and not like 358/2 that have no standards at all some were text some were videos.. It could be "only at shops", or talking to NPC for second time (that is not related to the story) , like "Doing some stuff, you don't have heartless to stop?".. It could be voices, but wouldn't be bad if it were text only.
I am loving this game! Look what they did! Tryed and it works ! Cross download both versions! The Rpg aspects are awesome, but the humor and nostalgia are also a seller, one of the monsters (that can be captured by the way) is ROCK MAN (And yes, he has a MEGA helmet!) When I fond the Rock town I could even buy his helmet! they even tease the next game! Spoiler Loving the game! There are 2 trophy related to the Rock man monster (includes capturing one of those). You should play if you have Ps3/Vita.. with these codes they are free!
The time that requires to make a "new game", I wouldn't be surprised if we still have good Ps3 games for the next 3 years .. even though most developers were briefed about Ps4, and what would be in it, they probably didn't have a developers kit for long.. So probably only the "40 games" that sony said there are being made for Ps4, are being made for Ps4.. all the other games were already planned for this generation, and probably it would be more expensive to drop the ps3 by now.. I can see a lot of cross generation games for some time. About Ps4+ Ps3.. with no word as how GAIKAI will work, it is safer to stick with your Ps3 (as Ps4 won't have native backwards compatiblity ).. and there are a lot of great games at Ps3, and Ps4 will have what 8? Probably you won't like all of them, and maybe you will eventually run out of things to play for some time (short time probably). I highly belive that KH 2;5 will be on PS3! Don't quite recall the interview, but If I am not mistaken there were some questions about "Will KH 1.5 remix be in gaikai?" and Nomura wasn't aware of the details.. so It would not be a surprise if they make some plans about making a Ps4 version of the bundle along with the Ps3? And at the E3, Nomura said KH III was the first game that they will make from scratch to the new generation (that they made a new model and stuff) even though FF will be out before as port to next gen, so if 2.5 is out at ps4 it will probably be a port (I think)
"Hey dude.. there is a horse with saddles running in here.. probably someone is out there" "No dude.. the guy would be hanging at the side of the horse? This is dumb! Most likely the horse fled his owner..." "Ohh makes sense, we shouldn't bother than" "Ok" (Perfect stealth)
clearly we've been playing different games, at Kingdom Hearts even your umbrella will develop feelings if you give it a chance it is a game of HEARTS >(!!!
I always played at Proud mode, I'll only play beginner at KH 1.5 because there are some trophies in there that don't stack up :(!
Never noticed until now O_O!
I would realy like if some co-op option was made about Donald and goofie, with there were no players the video game would fill their role like it does already, and If your friends were around you could have a real save systeam "Just heal me when I am without MP" or something.. I think it would be great and funny to play along.. also whenever your friend screw up your gameplay you would both laught and not be angry about it..
You guys are never playing when I try to watch ! >_<! Gonna go elsewhere and wait my copy!
I bought on my vita on a sale for $7 dollars, I didn't play through all, but really enjoyed.. it feels like an Assassin's Creed, but at the same time there are some novelty to it, like having 3 sets of cloths that change your gameplay.. I think it was worth the price! Didn't cleared yet so I can't say my final thoughts , but I think I can say at least it worth! Don't know how much will be this console version though!
In here schools are 7-12h and/or 13-18h. It sucks I would rather if we slept more like you guys.
I think that is obvious that Japan doesn't have the same "importance" that it had in previous years (and previous generations) sure it still is a great place for idea and games, and gaming.. but just looking that Japan won't get a "next generation console" this year (and pretty much everyone else will) shows that.. even countries that are under crisis like some EU countries , and others that don't have a great market (but can expand, unlike japan) like Brazil, are getting Ps4 this year, we can justify however we want it, this would not happen in the Ps2 era.. it was Japan's era. They just focused elsewhere, they could just easily put their console next year or make japan priority, which they didn't as they do not get the money they expect in there anymore.
To think that "game stick" will be way underpowered compared to Ps vita Tv, but work "the same way" in the same price range, just makes me want it more.. but I already have a Ps vita.