My girlfriend doesn't play more than 5 minutes with me, trying to find one to play games might not be wise, people don't are what you expect , but you love them the same ;~~
Never cared about Metal gear, until phantom pain! Now I can''t wait!
I think you eat more in this time frame than I eat the whole day >O!
Maybe you are biased and only look for supernatural things in animes? I don't think it is bad, when you are seeing something to have fun you like to have your imagination go wild, and supernatural things are cool because they don't exist in the real world, so we need to be filled in fiction.
I think everyone has to learn to "live by themselves" to love "themselves before loving others" and stuff like that, It is only that this is difficult depending on your personality, I for instance, I don't bother "not talking" when I don't feel that is necessary, I am an Introspect person. My sister can't shut her mouth, It seems like it physically hurts her not to talk, or someone talk to her.. when those around don't respond to her eagerness to speak and communicate her feelings, she often get depressed. Not saying that being introspect person is better, and that introspect people don't get depressed.. but I think that as an advantage we really start to appreciate being alone, and thus liking ourselves (it will be unbearable to be alone, If you don't like yourself first!). So thats a lesson that I try to pass.. I do fine on my own, and without even noticing I start to attract people to me(If I like myself, probably others will too). I never though that I would go so far in life, I couldn't even imagine having a girlfriend when I was a teenager, but now I have one and love her.. I could have gone into that self pity route hating my lonliness and myself for that matter, but because I didn't things got better by itself. I woul suggest that you embrace your lonliness and see the bright side of it, If you are alone there are no outside expectations of you, the pressure is weaker and you say what pace will your life take.. you can spend time doing "selfish" activities, and start to like yourself... eventually friends will appear (of course If you are out there in the world).
So it is basicaly another video game, if it has it's own OS and stuff.. I wonder if the titles will be compatible with the Windows version (that everybody already has), or they will have to get the games again.
When I was a kid I would always eat amanditas (that are like a chocolate cookies that are awesome): while watching garfield
I'll probably have 2 kids if possible, sure it is not always good, but I like the idea of leaving something behind when I am dead a way to achieve "imortality?", not only my genes, but my teaching and way of thinking and values, sure they can rebel , but I will have make the best I could with what I had.. also I think is one kind of experience I would regret not living it when I was old (a good thing to have when you are old, is kids to take care of you).
See it, it is a series that it is acutally better on the anime than the manga.. In the manga the drawing is ugly and all characters are alike what makes it difficult to care with a character before he/her death .. the anime will end in a huge clifhanger, what will inspire you to read the manga, and by that time you will know the plot so you will enjoy more the manga if you ever read it.
Because I am brazilian, and our currency worth half of the dollar, at the same time the prices of theaters are made to fit the "minimum wage" that in here is R$636 , that would be close to $300 of dollar, no point to charge more to see the movies if people can not pay the price, overall the profit comes from the great number of people seeing the movies + the ads. The joke is that while our movies are cheaper, our games cost $100 dollars.
tickets here are close 2,50~5 dollars, with it is 2D, 3D can be way more expensive.
I just meant that Goku is stronger than the sun, not that he will blow up the sun, His power level isn't limited to the current level of energy of the sun (like superman, he is just a battery). Goku can use the energy of the entire universe, Superman can't use better stars than the sun as only "yellow sun" energy works on him.
I think in most part of the game he is a newbie, so he doesn't know how to make those! After that he was always doing missions so They would open the portal while saying "go do your job!". But since he starts working alone he had to make those to come back to base, so I guess is not that he couldn't do those (if this is what are you implying). Naminé also had some problem to make dark corridors at the begining but eventually she learned and saved Sora & Cia at the end of KH 2.. Roxas also uses the corridors before fighting Sora, so he has the ability.
Bergamo makes me think.. don't know the origin of this name, but could mean "orange" or tangerine (also know as "bergamota" in some locations?) don't know what it stands in japanese. Looked online and found a town with this name "Bergamo", but as Lily is a flower, bergamo could be a fruit?
original: Menos Grande default: Menos Grande I try to keep the same nickname over all foruns, I am "Menos Grande" since 2005, previous to that I was Kraken no Isaak (saint seiya), and before Hades, and even before Dragão negro (Cego) that would be Black Dragon (blind) , from the black knights.
Using 3D maneuvers in 3D >_<! I am kinda jealous of this and Pokemon :(! But at least I can play Madoka and Jojo in my Playstation.
I already played the japanese version >(.. It will be great to understand the game now, so I probably will end up getting the american version as well (How they will license all those names? Killer queen / Ac/DC, cars , etc...?). I hope the Japanese DLC works on the american one (but I will not count with it). Maybe I end up with the double of trophies
I always hear people saying good things about it, but I got bored when I was "decorating my bedroom" , I'll try come back to play more in it just because it is free ;~~
It seems that they made new locations within the worlds since I stopped playing, but no new world available.. maybe there are new keyblades? New powers as well.
But aren't Amaura and Tyrunt from the Kalos region? Or they are fossil's from elsewhere that were brought there to be studied? I guess the "mega evolution" will be the plot of the game, since the stones for mega evolution are from Kalos, the pokemon that live in there are "adapted to this country radiation" so they would not MEGA EVOLVE in there, and if they did no one would notice because they live in the source of this power and probably don't need to use a rock to mega evolve.. unlike foregers pokemon that never received such "radiation" and thus change their phenotype by receiving for the first time. It probably works like Deoxys that changed forms in Kanto/Houen