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  1. Menos Grande
    That got me thinking.. maybe they take out the "Birth by sleep 2" video sequence, if it is already canceled?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 5, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Menos Grande
    I've often rear around here that CoM>>>> RE:CoM , but I start thinking it was a rumor that someone said once and everybody started repeating after... I've played both, but didn't saw all this genius raw material at CoM that wasn't at RE:CoM if possible could you illustrate with some scene?


    @Peace: I don't think you are "playing it right", when you learn all about the game you don't need to worry that much about the lost cards.. any variation of Potion/Elixir recovers all attacks cards (even the ones used in sleights), you can plan a inside deck as well ( if there was "1-2-3" than put the next "2-1-3" so it stays "2-3-1" when you lose both firsts cards etc..). Also when you already planned your deck you don't need huge HP, you could invest in CP only and never take a hit (as your attacks breaks the enemy attack)... The only problem is when you play as riku and you don't control your DECK, but as he has fewer sleights it is easier to remember... also the 3D aspect of Re:CoM , makes it easier to run while looking for the "right cards" avoiding damage.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 5, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Menos Grande
    I doubt it.. they could have a Xion "enemy card" to finish the room of rewards (chain of memories + 358/2) , but they didn't add her there.. and it would be a minor change just a picture of her, imagine a whole new fight?
    Altough it would be nice since people that "played" 358/2 didn't actually fought Xion, so they could throw us this bone at 2.5.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  4. Menos Grande
    I don't think skye is that great, if I were to compare with other series similar to SHIELD like FRINGE, X files, Homeland, or even investigation series like Law & order, criminal minds or even CSI... I can think of any group in those series that were not WAAAAY better than the Agents of Shield.. the only thing they have in their favour (like I've already said), is that they are in marvel universe! Some day events of THOR and CAPTAIN america can make changes in the series and stuff like that... but the show alone is very weak, all the characters are steryotipes with barely no charisma. But I have to recognize that the last 2 episodes were better than the first 3.
    I do like spy shows, I just think Shield isn't that much as a spy show or heroes show.

    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Menos Grande
    I hope they keep it, since my first KH I've always wanted to play with friends (and now with my girlfriend as well). I think they should do a next step in KH III , though I doubt it.. they could do a optional CO-OP thing with Donald and Goffy (and other disney characters), If you play by yourself it would be like any other KH, but if you had company they could control them.. there is so much potential (not to mention all the conectivity with tablets, vita , etc.. that could enhance co-op activity in the next generation).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 3, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Menos Grande
    Never liked those gummi ships, don't know how to make good ships :(!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Menos Grande
    Now that we are discussing Chain... I never understood the "Fate of Riku's replica".. He starts evil, than he is brainwashed.. then with the help of Naminé + Sora he gets his own motives to exist and seems to be a good guy... but than he snaps and tries to kill the original Riku to become the real deal and dies? I didn't like this outcome, I think he was greatly handled in Sora's path they didn't have to put him in Riku's... they could have put him BEFORE he decides to "be his own person".
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. Menos Grande
    The problem of the series is that their main characters don't have any charism whatsoever.. Maria Hill + Nick Furry were the top two moments of the whole thing.

    I really hope that they construct some kind of villian to end the season.. for now they are doing "Fringe kind of episodes" without the fun of Fringe... the plus side is that it alls occurs in Marvel universe!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Menos Grande
    After playing Re:COM I feel a bit annoyed about playing KH I, because I think everything works better in it. Also I've always loved the card system, after you learn how to use it you become more powerfull that you ever been in another KH game.. also the game gives you a treat and let you play as Riku, that even though uses the same "system" of battle plays a lot different.. If I was to change anything gameplaywise I would shift the order Riku's story is easier than Sora at the begning (even though it gets more difficult in the end).
    Sora starts newbie, and after some sleights is the GOD OF CARDS, Riku starts fairly powerfull, but his cards are controled by the floor, making some floors horrible (like Wonderland).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. Menos Grande
    Time flows different in every world (as Riku said in DDD). If you think about it Cinderela/Aurora should be like 40 now because they appeared in BBS, but at KH I they seem as old as they were in BBBS. Maybe worlds trapped in darkness do not have flow of time at all (thus all destroyed worlds, when they were saved by Sora returned to the point previous to their destruction). If is that right that "darkness stops time flow", it explains why Aqua does not age in the realm of darkness.

    The same thing seems to happens with HEARTLESS, when they are saved by the keyblade (and their nobody if they have one), they come back being as they were before (maybe because they started living in darkness?), Ventus lost his heart to darkness and was saved by Sora, so maybe when his heart comes back he will be the same age.

    Sora however never lost his heart (even as a heartless) so he never stoped aging.

    As for the organization, we don't see all of them losing their hearts, do we? If I remember only Xigbar, Xaladim and Luxor are show.. maybe they ones that were kids (Isa,lea and the emo one) lost their hearts after?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Menos Grande
    Yeah.. Roxas had ven's heart most of the time, and even though he was conected to Sora, as both of them were "alive" at the same time they started to live different lives, the same can be said of Naminé (that wasn't formed by darkness, heart or light, only nothingness), She lived her life Kairi lived hers, even though at some point they were "together" and it is possible that Kairi remembers what Naminé did, most of the time they were separeted.

    For most nobodies is different, their hearts are taken by the heartless and their "spirit and body" remains as a nobody, when both are reunited they recover their original form, but keep their experiences of being a nobody, for Sora his heartless was more "him" than his nobody, something that usualy doesn't happens.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Menos Grande
    Anti form did saved me against Demyx, anti-glide and a lot of cool abilities are available in this form! The only problem is that you need to come back to normal only to deliver the finish blow.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Menos Grande
    Sora was weak at game one (he wasn't even entitled to the keyblade), If you pick Sora at game one you will see that his movement is horrible, his attacks were terrible as well (his combos), after a lot of power ups he becomes strong enough even though his moves are still off.

    Since game one was stated that people could kill heartless , but they would return if not stoped by the keyblade. The danger that the heartless represent was more due to:

    1) They prey on people's hearts , and even worse world's hearts.

    -> It is like this.. a normal zombie is weaker than a regular person (not a child like Sora), but zombies infect others thus becomes a threat... heartless could even destroy the entire world if they find the "keyhole", making them a time bomb in any world that they arrive.. also Heartless prey other dark hearts and thus become more powerfull classes.

    2) They don't need to rest, they don't need to "care over their lives", they can come back if killed with more among them.

    In KH2 Sora was older, more experienced and more powerfull all his moves are faster and better, I also think that the heartless appeared somewhat weaker... but that was only to show a major threat the "Nobodies" , if they are only born from strong hearts/wills it is clear that they should be stronger than "most heartless".. but even the nobodies didn't become the major threat that the heartless were because they didn't steal hearts.
    As for Kairi she never fully control her powers, but she did something with the Unversed that attacked Aqua, didn't become a heartless while walking at the dark corridors with Axel he said "you are impressive a normal person would already be turned into a heartless by now", She recovered sora from his heartless form, and she and the other princesses kept the darkness of the final keyhole with their hearts.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 1, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    I am trying the 15 hours trophy( Speedster ) at beginner difficulty. I am currently at Halloween town "evil playroom" with 5:11 h of gameplay, no idea if with my pace I'm gonna make it in time! Also I am at level 27!

    The problem is I am playing PROUD at the same time (level 32), but at proud i am getting some issues, so I'll probably level up a bit before continuing... the thing is I don't wanna die in my beginner save, as I am also trying to get undefeated, so I have some questions:

    1) Do you have some level predictions (what should be my level at -insert a world- ) ?

    2) There will be some time for level grinding?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Menos Grande
    Also whenever you Level UP always pick "learn sleight" (if available!), using chests cards (calm bounty, false bounty, etc..) once in every world will unlock you new cards and sleights, all the next will be old cards you already have (but can be better than the ones you have).

    When possible make moogle rooms, buy everything you can (start with the more expensive decks), sell what you know you don't want to buy new decks.

    Start making fun dekcs!

    There is the SUPREME DECK:
    ALL SONIC BLADE! As sonic blade needs to have 20-23 total value it will probably break 95% of all the enemy's attacks (even sleights, even at bosses), for all "floor bosses" (riku, organization) is THE BEST deck ever! Inside the worlds will kill almost everything as well.. but some flying enemies won't be in its range.. even though because all cards are high value you probably can use this deck to attack them without worrying about break cards.

    As only attacking seems boring to me I do a mix of magic/attack sleights for the floors:
    Mega flare (Kills everything that isn't immune to fire magic/or shields it )

    Quake/Shock impact ( Simba's sleights are great!)

    Lethal flame (it is awesome, and it casts stop!)

    Blitz (It will kill the flying /imunne heartless).
    Tornado (it will kill magic imune heartless, but won't stand much damage against most bosses)

    Raids decks are great as well! But as your character becomes stationary it will lose some experience over time.. but it can be a great starter deck!


    As for "map cards":

    1) always use: Premium cards/White rooms/Black rooms all of them have a high chance of giving you premium cards , that are cards that are cheaper CP (thus allowing you to carry more).. they can't be reloaded, but that is fine! you need sleights don't you? So put the first card of you sleight to be a PREMIUM CARD (as it would be one time use only anyway!).

    (By the way, even with a full premium cards deck it is possible to recover your deck by using POTIONS they will recover cards that you used on sleights/ or premium cards).

    2) Even though the best fighting bonus comes from GREEN CARDS, save all of them that you can , because at the last 3 floors they won't fall at all! THis is gonna make opening treasure rooms too dificult!

    3) Almight darkness/bootomless pit/ and cards that have "darkness" on it will make it easier to get ENEMY CARDS (that are by far the most difficult to have ).
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  16. Menos Grande
    true, but by the same tought 358/days didn't need to exist as well, we knew everything that we should about Roxas/Axel by the end of KH2, and also it takes the "awe" factor away of "why I am not playing with Sora" if you play 358 before KH 2..
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 30, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Menos Grande
    I've watched 4 episodes and all I can say is this:
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. Menos Grande
    Naminé had too much power, Sora has most of Roxas abilities, I hope some of Naminé's powers go to Kairi.
    While i like the comparison of Sora's forms and the armors, I would not call them only "noob" things, because even though he is self taught, his cloths were given by Yen sid/the 3 fairies. Yen sid is a Keyblade master after all, maybe his cloths are the new trend among keyblade wielders?
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Menos Grande
    Iron man 3 looked better than it was on trailer also, lets wait.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 25, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Menos Grande
    I hope my body can take this!
    This is great! I think even though there were some problems Utada thought that it is impossible not to work for disney, as they currently owns the world.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates