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  1. Menos Grande
    I think he trained his heart just like Sora did at KH 1, his travel made his heart strong enough so that he could take the keyblade back from Riku.

    Axel had been exposed to both Roxas' and Sora's Keyblade (by that time his "new heart was awakening") . Being a Nobody is a living proof that your heart was strong (had a strong will), when he became human (Lea) he was half way done in his path to be a keyblade wielder.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 26, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. Menos Grande
    Game of power, felling young/desired again, younger people are normally more beautiful than their older counterparts , fetish, etc.. I am not saying it is the "right thing to do", but I acknowledge there are reasons, as for most bad behaviour in life like drugs and crimes.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  3. Menos Grande
    I made my apartament in there and put some arcade machines some time ago.. never figured the reason of the game if there is some way of leaving your apartament like second life or such..
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 24, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande
    Basicaly this, while I don't think she should have been arrested (as they were not underage or compelled). But the law and punishment exists to protect all the children, maybe if she got away with it other teachers could try to use this as a loophole. But even if there was some punishment It could be doing some kind of social work.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  5. Menos Grande
    Playing on all difficulties was a bummer :(! I am having nightmares about playing BBS 9 times in 2.5.. good thing the game is short.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 23, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  6. Menos Grande
    Your personal identification is a different matter than what are you atracted to. So if you view yourselve as male and is atracted to a female you are "straight".

    I think they could change the nomenclature, you could be" androtrophy or ginotrophy", and you can perceive yourselve as male or female, if you slipt things like these it gets easier to distinguish.

    ---side note--

    While I am pleased to treat anybody as they chose to be seen as, like if they really insist I could call them "Queen of Irland", even though I know, and you know they are not. So I have no problem in calling a transgender person He or She, but I personaly only consider a "he or a she", if they made all the transition (implants and genitalia). So I consider BS that show "The pregnant man" (A transgender woman that didn't change her sexual organs, for me personaly is still a woman, even though I will treat her as he if asked).

    Surely we don't know what to expect when seeing strangers, and our reflex is to treat them as the sex they apear to be, but I think is disloyal to not disclosure this information if you have some intention of dating someone, or compete with someone (A transgender woman could compete in the olympics against other women?), and such things.. but outside these treat them as they liked to be treated, like you hope they will treat you like you want to.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 22, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  7. Menos Grande

    I much prefer I got 3, ps3s.

    The First Xbox buyer didn't seemed so excited as the Ps4 guy
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  8. Menos Grande
    Gummi ships. Please! Most mini games of the series are terrible, but Gummi Ships are just...
    But I loved the board game from BBBS spend more time there than playing the game, also you received real gameplay bonus in it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Menos Grande
    Sora , Riku and Kairi are aliens, they are from another world ... there are worlds with dragons, magic lamps, living objects.. and you bother with big shoes? It is like asking "Why do asian people have 'closed eyes' " , when we could just ask "Why do westerners have wide open eyes?". Some times things don't need to be functional or have motives, if it works is fine...

    but answering your question.. Yes Sora has big shoes because of Mickey.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Menos Grande
    By the KH's mythology it was stated that the first Keyblade wielders forged their keyblades to resemble the X-blade.. so it is possible to "artificially forge one Keyblade", In the series he have saw it happening when Riku/Ansem/Maleficent made the Keyblade from the princess' hearts .
    (Or maybe someone really did "touch" the X-blade , and thus became the first master )
    Also one could argue that the Keyblade flow from Kingdom Hearts the same way Hearts come from there, some Keyblade are "World's Keyblades" :

    1) Like every keychain we get over the games

    2)At least Kingdom Key D , was phisically on the Dark realm and was found by mickey.

    So one could conquer one of those "natural Keyblades" , become worthy of it and thus a "true keyblade wielder". Also the world doesn't necessarily had the "same laws" as it has today, when the first Keyblade wielders appeared the world was one, so perhaps it is much easier to get the keyblade than the game make us belive, it only that the Keyblade wielders did so much damage to the world that the ones that remained started to control who could use them to ensure another keyblade war never happend again.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 19, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Menos Grande
    Shin Senkai Yori, Psycho pass, Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magika.. I've found Kill la Kill funny.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Menos Grande
    I like Sora as a zero, not a hero. I don't think he was chosen, but became "the one"... but let's wait.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Menos Grande
    -If Terra-Xehanorth unlock the original 6's members hearts, transforming them in nobodies, then why they are loyal to Xemnas, and they call him The Superior, showing how much respect they have for him? Shouldn't they be suspicious of him?
    Probably they didn't knew they would become nobodies.. they gained power using darkness, becoming a nobody was a side effect, probably not even Xehanort knew about nobodies, he just was using the darkness to make people lose their hearts so they can be filled with his own, not until after they discovered they have become Nobodies, by that time they had to trust Xemnas (the one who knows most of the misteries of the heart) to "fix them", half of the org was also controlled by Xemnas because of they had Xehanort's heart inside of them.. but the other half had their own agenda (as seen in CoM), but used the organization to achieve their purposes
    -If "Ansem" SoD opens relatively easily the door to kingdom heart, then why Xehanort needs the X-blade? And if in BBS the X-blade was created from the light and darkness of Ventus and Vanitas, then why now to create the X-blade a new keyblade war is needed? I just don't understand
    Both of these attempts didn't work, sure we could argue that it didn't work because the heroes of the light were there to stop him, but we could also argue that it didn't work "because it couldn't work", if you do not achieve kingdom hearts by the "right way" maybe every attempt is doomed to failure, Ansem SoD was crushed by the light of kingdom hearts, the X-blade was broken by Ventus.. after all this Xehanort made a plan that is more suitaible to happen, but that was only possible after he recovered data from this other attempts, much of the information of the "Keyblade war" is lost so he had to make experiments.

    -If Terra (I mean Lingering Will) hasn't a heart, but only a mind, then why he can wield the keyblade?
    The Keyblade is show to have some kind of "will", it changed hosts in KH I (from Sora to Riku, than back), so It is possible that the Lingering will and the Keyblade will was the same, that is also why the Keyblade has gone to the dark realm to protect Aqua.
    -Why after the explosion of the machine for encoding kingdom hearts, Riku return normal and Ansem is sent to the realm of darkness?
    "Anything can happen" we can't know unless we know all the "science of kingdom hearts universe" something that I accepted as true is that: Riku had already accepted his darkness and had domain over it, Ansem like everybody else that had been exposed to the darkness could wield it, but was "slave to it", the machine made the "darkness go back to the realm of darkness", so Ansem was lost in it, Riku who was in control of his own only lost his form as Ansem.. you could also argue that the effects of the explosion were more severe in Ansem because he was closer to it than Riku
    -How was Xehanort's Heartless able to mantain is own mind?
    It is stated by CoM and other games that Sora and Xehanort were capable of maintain their minds because they accepted the darkness, they became heartless of their own volition so their hearts were not lost, even though covered in darkness other people were devoured by darkness against their will.
    -How is possible that Roxas and Naminè co-exist with their somebodies? They are also special nobodies, the first is able to wield the keyblade and the second can modify the memory of Sora and of the people linked to his heart. Plus they are the only nobodies who can fell real emotions since they was born.
    Your question anwnsers by itself: They were special. Sora had two hearts so one of those was kept by Roxas (ventus' heart) and the other became a heartless, Kairi's heart was freed as well ,but she didn't had darkness in it so she could not become a heartless.. because she was one with Sora by that time his "heartlessfication" made freed 3 hearts and made 2 Nobodies, all of them were linked together.. because Naminé was Kairi's nobody , but she was Sora's as well she had her power over Sora, and people conected to him.. every nobody seems to aquire some power when they are born, that was Naminé's.
    -Why Roxas loses his memory after being captured by Riku?
    That is why DiZ kept Naminé alive.. after he was finished with her, he asked Riku to kill her (which he didn't), She made the same thing with Sora, Donald, Goofy and Riku's replica.

    -How in CoM Sora, Donald and Goofy arrive at Castle Oblivion?
    The castle seems to have some power to attract people to it when they need help... maybe Ventus' body sensed Sora? The same thing happened to Riku and Mickey.
    -Why Xemnas can't use the keyblade? If Roxas who is Sora's nobody can use the keyblade, then Xemnas who is the nobody of a keyblade wielder should be able to use the keyblade too, shouldn't he?
    When Xemnas was born (as Xehanort) he was confused about his identity because Terra and Xehanort were fighting inside of him.. he didn't knew he had the Keyblade even though he used it twice (once to open the keyhole of hollow bastion, and to take the hearts of the organization). We know that Xemnas has some memory of Terra (like his friendship towards Aqua.. but one can say that he only remembers her because she appeared to him after he was born as Terranort).

    Maybe we should consider "Terranort" and "terranort's heartless/nobody" a different being from Xehanort as he is made of Terra as well.. the confusion of these two hearts made a new persona.. even though it shares more traits with Xehanort.. so he doesnt know every time what he is capable of... maybe Xehanort time travelled and said to him of his powers to control the keyblade , but after Xehanort was gone he lost his memories (including of being able to use the keyblade)
    -Why Terra-Xehanort in KH2 has Xemnas voice and red eyes, while in KH BBS he has yellow eyes at first and red eyes after losing memory and Ansem SoD voice?-Why Xemnas when he goes to take Roxas into the organization has YELLOW eyes?
    The eyes are a indication of being dominated by darkness, due to going to the dark realm or other methods.. by the time "Terranort was born without memories"(after he fights with Aqua), he must have been cleared of darkness so that is his original eye color? Or maybe the mix between Xehanort's eyes and Terra's.. but he recovered his yellow eyes after becoming a heartless... I didn't notice the voice though.

    -How can the organization know about Naminè's powers?
    They captured her and made experiments probably.
    -How can Xemnas know that Sora has become an heartless and that Roxas would have born inside Twilight Town?
    Some of Xemnas knowledge comes from the future.. but also all Nobodies are born in "worlds in between" like : Castle oblivion (Naminé), Twilight town (Roxas), and maybe the tower of Yen sid (but we don't hear about any nobody being born here).
    -If Sora becomes an heartless when he unlocks his hearts, then why when Ansem uses the keyblade of hearts on Maleficent she only transforms into a dragon?
    That keyblade had the power to free the darkness of one's heart, by doing in Maleficent she became more powerfull , but Sora used it to take his heart and free Kairi's.. the same logic goes to Master Xehanort taking away the heart of Aurora, but spliting Ventus' heart between light and darkness.. the same tool can be used in two smilar ways.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. Menos Grande
    Xbox did the hard work of digging it's grave and letting the Ps4 go as it pleased. I think only in south america (mainly Brazil and Argentina) will have a paradigm shift, as the Ps4 is ranging from 1250~2000 dollars, actually probably if it does sell out, it wont probably sell many consoles as it seems that they aren't shipping that many.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande
    From your list I just didn't like Dangan Ronpa (the song was good). The trial happenend so fast that there was no time for us to try to guess the culprit before.. they could give us a buffer episode to digest the clues or something.. the finalle was terrible >_>.

    I've much prefered past years Madoka Magika + Psycho pass + Shin senkai Yori , were so great that they made me continue watching animes.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 17, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Menos Grande
    I've heard that if you "restart" the Hades cup the timer freezes , don't know if it is true.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 16, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  17. Menos Grande
    Mixed feelings, I kinda hoped for a new IP from naughty dog for the next gen, but I loved Uncharted.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 15, 2013 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    It is not that one (that one I got), the one I am speaking of is in that room with 5 switchs , on the forth switch there is a buble that leads you to the fifith , from both of them is possible to see the cheast, but not to reach it, I've tried to freeze these bubles as well but I could not reach one of those the other didn't help me.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 14, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. Menos Grande
    I hope someone can help me!
    At this location (waterway close to the final switch that opens the castle door) there is a treasure box just behind the wall in the left, I don't know how to reach it, I've tried to freeze the bubles (in the other side as well), but :
    1) Or I can't reach the frozen buble
    2) Or I can't jump from there to the other side.
    Thread by: Menos Grande, Nov 13, 2013, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  20. Menos Grande
    They do evil things to worlds and people to achieve their goals, so they are evil, it is not even for the "greater good" or something like that, is for their on reasons... feel empaty for them does not excuse them for their actions. Sure many of them could have been misled to think they were doing the right thing (Like Roxas), but even then they are responsible for their actions.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Nov 12, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts