And to all a good night! Still eating leaftovers.
All animes since El Hazard that are slice of life.
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Spoiler: You shall not pass! I liked the movie.. but need some help with big Tolkien fans... when Legolas' father talks with Thorin about a deal, he asks him to find "seeds of pure light"... maybe this was a teaser for Simarilion? The description seems like a silmaril to me, we knom that there were 3, one is a star the others are forever lost in the deep sea, and at the nucleus of the world (below a mountain?). Also all Elfs and Valar are always looking for them. Maybe peter is planning to do a silmarilion trilogy after the hobbit ends?
The problem of this many pokemons is that the objective of "catching all" got lost , most players will never have them all, even at the first two generations it wasn't easy to have all nowdays is almost impossible... maybe this problem will be mitigated by "PokemonBank", but how it is now it is impossible to have all. You just got overwhelmed by their number just like the number of animals in earth, if this is the new thing it is ok, but because they still sell it as one of the games objectives
There is time travel so there is possibility of multiple endings. They already did something of the sort at Kingdom hearts re:coded.
Trying to have a "heart" is a selfish reason, you are not making others lives better with it, so is not in any way a measure "for the greater good" (they couldn't argue that they are saving people or worlds with it). Being selfish by itself isn't bad, yet doing selfish things at expense of others is.. for their "selfish dream of a heart" they destroyed a lot of worlds, and made a huge number of people become Heartless and nobodies "Just because", and if they know that "being without a heart is bad" why they are making new nobodies? There is no way we could think them as good, feel empathy for their condition does not excuse their behavior.
My dream came true. Play as Donald, the motive I began playing KH, and the only good thing about 358/2 days.
In this version Walter White suffers an accident in his meth lab, transforming a peacefull cnemdophorus in the TERRIBLE t-rox Godzilla! To ensure his family survival he alies himself with the government to stop this terrible beast >_<! Yankees don't you get it that godzilla is one of the good guys? They should change his name to GOODzilla: I wish that at the very end Godzilla saved a child from the TRUE EVIL MONSTER FROM SPACE >(! Godzilla came to protect the pure heart japonese children living at NY. --- Truth be told, I think they are only re-doing Godzilla again because they didn't get the rights of " Earth Defense Widow" She protect us from the terrible Kaijus: If only they did't had a side effect on her: Doctor "You are a magnificent pervert" *Dies*
Starting phrases like this always remind me of this: In an Ideal world, there would be no need for someone "get out of the closet" because society would not force anyone be, anything that they are not. We (of course) do not live in such world. We live in a world where most of homossexual (not to mention trans, bi, and travestis) live in fear, they are bullied, they are hated towards, not acepted by their own parents, and this will probably continue as statisticaly they will "always be 10% of the population", they are "doomed" to be a minority, and not only that one that most people can't even relate to because every other person will inheritably be "normaly attracted to the oposite sex, not even figuring out how could some one chose to be like that" (Like this was a choice). So it helps all the little homossexual Jims out there to know that their heroes (celebrities) are gay like him, if this loved person is gay and it is okay, maybe it is okay for him being gay as well. Violence towards minorities are always bigger than against the "major population" (even when the "major" isn't really more in numbers, but in saying what is normal and what it is not). Can you live telling, that if we don't speak about racism/sexism/homofobia it will eventually desapear? Sure, many people do it like Morgan Freeman (and I don't think he is a racist for chosing this approach). Yet you should understand , why people try to make a "safer world" for others come out as well, It may be not the best way, but it has its merits and it points out that this hate exists even when people try to hide it. Basicaly let people do what they want to do, if they are not hurting anyone they are free to pursuit happines, and being accepted is a part of being happy because seldom most people can be happy alone. ---- About reproduction... sure, but the world is already crowded, do we need more people? Even if we did, why would you force other people to reproduce? Why do you care if they reproduce or not? Priests do not reproduce, some people can't reproduce, and some straight couple chose not to have children. The problem of the world is that they care to much about other peoples lives... you are against gay marriage? Don't get married with someone of your gender. You're against abortion? Don't have one... why do you care how the others live? It seems to me that people feel that if those things become accepted they will be forced to do it because this is the "norm" now. You don't need, so rest assured and let other people live like they want.
Spoiler: Entropy Bebe <3 ! Who would thought that for Sayaka become a decent mahou shoujo, she would first need to become a witch hehehe?These Incubaters means trouble! I thought that as Homura became "The Devil" she would be making the contracts this time around... It was good seeing the Incubators getting owned By Madoka & Homura so that learn their leason and stop bullying little girls!I liked how things developted , but I think many people were in doubt about Homura's actions, she would be saved and alongside Madoka for eternity, alas she prefered to "save" Madoka from a Martyr's Life by capturing her.. her love for Madoka was so great that she became a devil to "save Madoka" (giving her back her life and the whole world) , and thus becoming a selfish Devil (unlike Madoka a unselfish god), even though being saved by Madoka would grant her "a happy ending".. Madoka is god still, so nothing stops her from returning to godhood, but when this time comes She and Kaname will be enemies /o\! The fight between Homura and Mami, was one of the best moments of the movie! There is no fight at DBZ or Saint Seiya with that much depth and impact! To look for something alike one would have to look in animes like Jojo's Bizarre adventures, yet there is one distinction! In Jojo whenever something over the top occurs the character explains what they did, this fight "Homura XMami" , was so crafty and inteligent in both ends and suported by various things established over the series that is a work of art on it's own! Everyone was first thinking when the first trailers arrived "WTF Mami can freeze time?" Seeing the movie we notice that Mami uses her "strings" to capture homura (touching her in the process): Both of them were equally matched, Homura only tricked Mami because she had knowledge of infinity timelines and knew details about the nature of a Mahou Shoujo's Body (zumbie)ps.: What the **** they are hunting nowdays? Witchs, nightmaries, demons Moiras? Liked how it ended, It is wierd but I think the anime's ending also worked, but now that I saw the movie I can't live without the new ending
No one likes it :(! It seems there is a problem with even numbers and Windows. My cousin got one... there is no drive for our printer so she can't print anything.. not even trying to install it on "compability mode" does the trick.
I Liked spider man movies, the problem is that he didn't felt like a spider man.. they focused so much of "Peter Parker's crappy life" that they forgot the joker personality of spider man, to this day I only record one joke in all 3 movies (that in the elevator )... this new movie even though wasn't that good did make more Jokes... but I felt that If they were not going to kill Gwen they could give us more depth to the scene where his Uncle Ben dies... In the first trilogy Ben's death was powerfull and a big factor to the spider man persona(Like the comics), I even liked Ben as Peter's conscience at Spider man 2.
pre-ordered KH 1.5 remix in july, got it without artbook or the theme :(.
I liked the game concept, thinking of buying it... (and here we... go!)
When I first read "I could stand to change some things", I was thinking about rebelling against the system fight for your rights or whatever.. but it was about a room, I think I am quite biased.
Some public schools in Brazil demand you to have "religion classes", I am fine when this is done by some catholic school , as you knew what you were signing up for.. but I curious how they handle these crazy ideas like evolution or gravity.. That being said, most "religion classes" are BS (in here), they are only trying to convert you to catholicism (Which is the major religion in Brazil), if they are really "religion" and not a "catechism" they should though us the history of religions starting with some really old ones to the modern ones... that I could acknowledge as a real class and not a "payed ad class"
Yeah Lord Eternal is like a meme in here, he became famous at a game forum telling about his dream with Entei saving him from a dark cave "It is everything fine now". Though even him didn't get any game, as sony forgot to send those meaneless things see it here . Also those numbers are for the whole country Sony says they will send 2 games for christmas, most of them will come some time in 2014 .. that is a bumer I got a Ps4 in Chile, but I didn't think it wouldn't be any game available so I didn't pick any (also there is a limit of how many you can spend in another country without taxes). Stor CONSOLES(number) Games Fnac Paulista 8 None Sony Style Shopping Cidade Jardim 2 for sell 1 (to show only) None Sony Style Bourbon Shopping 1 for sell 1 (to show only) None Livraria Saraiva Shopping Center Norte None None Loja 9 None None UZ Games Shopping Morumbi None None UZ Games Shopping Anália Franco None None UZ Games Shopping Vila Olímpia None None UZ Games Shopping Eldorado None None
Meanwhile zero ps4 are sold in Brazil
Again Brazil's government site spilled out a week ago spoiling the surprise.