I think everything should be said... and yet we need to "make the ideal" before we break the ideal, I don't think is bad to tell the "good side" of your country history, if you are latter told the "truth", because it is easy to say that people were "evil/mad/ignorant" in the past because it is difficult to put one self in others shoes.. we don't really know how it was to live in those times with different morals and ethics... so I don't want to raise children that think "omg, everybody before me were so stupid, why can't they see what was obvious?" Like... we can say about Nelson Mandela's "terrorists attacks" (and why was he arrested), and the person who hears it will no longer pay attention to his pivotal role towards social equality of black and white people at Africa... So I think we need to "make heroes" before "destroying them" so people will not become cynical. ---- As for the "Dark side of my country History"... not many years ago (1964-1985) my country was under a Dictatorship regime done by the army, many latin american countries suffered from this, before that we had a President-dictator until 1945 (that had sent political arrested jews to Hittler ;O). Brazil was not part of any major wars outside our borders, so all our "evil" was mainly done towards ourselves (and our natives) . Corruption is the main problem nowdays even though we are optimistic towards the future.
They gain things , but always pay an huge price for it.. also there is always "fear" even when they already killed 100 titans the next one can kill one important character like it was nothing... also there is all the internal problem of the walls... humans explore other classes like the king and the merchants , even the army that was made to protect humans, is used as power to control others.. the problems are really relatable for countries close to a revolution/dictatorship .. the titans aren't the major problem, like in a zumbie apocalipse the real Threat are the other people.
Riku was still able to use corridors of darkness when in human form(he does it in 358/2), what made him unable to do it was the explosion of Kingdom hearts... normally one would not be "cleansed" like this.. For all we know Lea was not exposed to the same explosion , so even though he is human again his darkness are still there as much as they were just before he became a heartless, I think that Riku's darkness got sealed away just like it would if he had gonne to sleep at the end of reverse rebirth (using the powers of Naminé), yet apparently his darkness still lingered because of the plot of 3D.
Chrono trigger, but will start Cross!
Also it can be played as Co-op! I really like to think this generation will bring back the offline co-op! I love RPGs as well so I'll give it a try!
It is something bad, but it something that might happen.. people do not acknowledge that child are capable of sex, and are sexual beings since they are babies they have curiosity about sex, my little cousin was discovered doing the old "you show me yours, I show you mine" with a little friend of hers.. the problem isn't the porno per se.. the child might as well see his parents doing sex and be curious about it. The thing is: 1) We need more sexual education classes earlier.. it is amazing how much we tolarete violence , but not "love" 2) We need to teach our BOYS, not to rape, and not only our GIRLS not to be raped (don't wear this, do not use make up,don't go out at night etc..). We live in one society that values men using women, and the objectification makes boys thinks that they are intitled to use women as they want... what is wrong. --- And yet, I think a 13 year boy should know somethings about sex , he should know better by now... i've seen porn before that age and never did I rape anybody.
Don't know if Senketsu's hability to absorb life fibers is due to it's special making or because all Kamui are able to do it (never saw Junketsu doing it, but Satsuki doesn't fully fight against gokus like Ryouko)... It is possible, and it makes sense, but also we need to remember that Kamuis are special because they have many of those "Banshi" that most goku uniforms only have one, the bashi is a life fiber that has the will of becoming a cover , so a Kamui must be made of countless gokus that are defeated and assembled together, Gokus on the other hand only have one "Banshi".. so this can be a universal trait of kamuis (to eat others life fibers)...
I picked FF: IX, IV, Tactics, and dissidia duodecim, also thrown some Chrono Cross and Chrono trigger, just because... Now let's start playing >(!
Grudge is like expendables, is a genre for people that like action movies in the 80's where the hero was a brute full of muscle and now every hero is skinny for the ladies..
I am trying to pick some FF to play, any sugestion to what should I get first? (On sale)
Call tinkerbell everytime also try to fly a lot, because the invisible will try to attack you with their circle of fire if you are standing still. Other than that just spam every move and try to call donald and goofy with "/\".
Probably Xehanort only real try was on BBS(that didn't work), than he got Terra's body and started to study the heartless.. when he was born (as a heartless) he time travelled to his young self because he remembered that he had met the "mysterious figure" , young Xehanort and all the others Xehanorts were teleported by him to the future only to forget what they have experienced to continue doing the same thing?
I wonder if it is possible to upgrade the Ps3 version to the Ps4 paying 9 dollars like some games did.
Even though WiiU/Ps3/Xbox360 will get a version, I wouldn't play on them.. as the last video of Ps3's version was awfull.. and Open world was the main limitation of the last gen.
Since my ps3 , my pc isn't made for gaming anymore , so I don't care about a "gaming pc".. in my experience I can't manage that many "gaming centers"
Great fight on 15, and yet we almost didn't get any development (partially because we don't know how much power/influence the nudist beach had before).. also we are back to the school as nothing had happen, but i am awaiting for the whole truth in the next episode!
It is somewhat of disrespectful... and , yet is barely like some religion joke ... I think that as long as the joke does not disrespect "people" , but a subject or objects it is ok..ish. If only because the church has always been in the upper position of society, and most of time as opressors, and I don't have any problem making fun with opressors like:
I don't think their powers will be lost, Like Axel/lea is still able to use dark corridors to move about. Their powers awaken because of the lost of their hearts to darkness, even with their hearts back the darkness still lures in their hearts . In kingdom hearts worlds "magic" exists as knwoledge as well, and after someone discovers how to do (using darkness or light) they will always know how to do it, like the process of learning is the most important thing. Sora still had his magic after he lost the keyblade, Lea still had dark corridors with his heart back.
Some Disney movies with princess don't have princess as the center of the plot like Aladdin (and maybe the lion king)
He also used pretha path from rinnegan without his rinengan. That is not the first time something like this occurs (like Itachi's sealed sharingans). I think that a true Uchiha can use some Sharigan techniques without their eyes , but they have to "pay a price" to do it.. Uchihas that have Senju's chakra/body can use Izunagi (Ominiton) a power that normaly is exclusive to the Rinnegan, but because of it they have to pay it with their eyesight.. because of shodaime's cells and his chakra he already have the necessary things to do some jutsus from the rinengan. About Susanoo there is one more special thing it is a "conditional jutsu" if you use the jutsus from both Mangekyous susanoo will apear even if there is no chakra.