Most of my work is done either maintaining/separating/ identifying flies or at some computer (reading articles, writting stuff). So when I am at a computer is easy to pass time (the dificult thing is to have your job done). When I am with my flies I just have to focus so I don't screw up.. But I also like to re imagine my previous conversations "I should have said that, not this" or think about by next conversation, or even think "ohh.. how cool it would be if I had super powers , then I would be much more interesting." At my lab we are allowed to listen to the radio while working (as long it is at a low volume), and we have another room where we can study or use computers, in this secondary room we also can use headphones.
Ni no kuni : the wrath of the white wich!
I prefer the Re:chain over the gba one... but I put a emulator on my phone and like to play it when I have nothing to do.. but would not trade the full console experience over the GBA. But if you have a big screen and a Ps3 go for the 1.5 , not only there are more games in the bundle but the Ps2 version doesn't look good in big screens.
Just happened again :
Dragon Fantasy book! Doing the Minecraft + pokemon quest ! Loving it! Can't wait for the sequel two days from now.[DOUBLEPOST=1378595576][/DOUBLEPOST]Dragon Fantasy book! Doing the Minecraft + pokemon quest ! Loving it! Can't wait for the sequel two days from now.
So there will be 4 cars at your house? Do you know that we reached the world's quota of CO² Last month? I find amusing that everybody "wants to have a car" than ***** about the traffic.. maybe we should have less cars and use more public transportation?
I think sony's people should chill out, the worst enemy from Xbox, is microsoft themselves, looking back all their falls were made by themselves , Sony don't need to push them in the hole.
I would get venusaur, as he got "thick body" being resistant to fire and ice! Also is pretty hard to find a plant pokemon with good stats.
I think anyone is able to beat Sora, as much as he can beat anyone.. his victory/defeat must be ideological not only "by power", as Sora says his friends are his powers whenever he feels left behind , alone , etc.. he is most vunerable! Or when he have to chose between his life or his friends. Because his friends are his power, he can always count on them coming back to save him aswell , but he could be trapped in a Ventuslike situation.
If I remember they had to cut the number of countries by half because they couldn't make so many Xbox at time! (not to mention with all the changes that will come in place). I am surprised that Brazil will have it at day one!(with voice commands!) And more surprising japan wont have it! I know Xbox doesn't sell at all in japan, and yet is a major market for games.. they probably will hold grudge towards it.
I wouldn't mind if U.S. took that role (that aparently already uses like it is theirs) of "World police", and spread the American imperialism, If they had done it like UK. You see things LOOK better now, but they aren't When the British were spreading their imperialism all over the world, all their polices would be towards "to good of all", so they could make polices that would hurt UK economy to warm up the world's economy and other things like that.. U.S. Doesn't make concessions, they didn't go with Kyoto's Protocol (and neither at Brazil +20). And to my knowledge the only treaty that they follow to is the Genebra's one... and that is only valid on "U.S. soil" so they will bend it to their will whenever a new war approaches. So , no they should not police the world as they can't be trusted with that power, and they have misused it! I think any intervention should come from united nations , if not it will be just like Afghanistan all over again, give some rebels arms and hope they don't turn in everyone else after.
It seems that it isn't happening as much! But I'll keep watching !
I have mix feelings about it.. while I see this as the next step towards the "Virtual reality" (A true VR, like Matrix or such, not just AR), and that I would really love (If you watch Sword art online you know where I am getting at). It seems to me that these technologies like Oculus/Kinect/moves/etc should be financed to that end, the middle course doesn't appeal to me.. Like it will be strange to use a glass and won't be able to see the controller (I know we don't focus on the control when we play, but I've experienced that playing/typing in the dark makes me miss more words/commands). The other thing I don't like about it, is that the screens shouldn't be flats like they are in FPS, our range of vision isn't just 180º we can also see things close next to us and under us , I think these visions should be improved
Ok I'll do that! Thanks for the assistance with the topic, the same problem happened, just that I can't delete a Topic (?)!
The user @Mako, has brought to my attention that I double post a lot, and that I should tell about it in here, so here is how it goes: It is something with the site! I click on "Post comment", and wait a while, than the button comes back to the normal color, but the post still isn't posted! So I click again until finaly I am redirected to the post, by this time there are 2 of them.. I normally edit it, but whenever I forget doing it it stays double, luckly the site has a auto merging feature! My internet is good, and I don't have this problem in others sites!
As I've always played kingdom hearts with Dual Shocks for dozens of hours I fail to see your point.
When KH III is out it will be years from another KH, so I wouldn't mind if they give us some DLC over the years to give the game some replay value.. "Play as chain of memories", new disney worlds that weren't there before (with some sort of mission in it).. view old worlds that aren't there etc.. I wouldn't like that they made a game and then made some sort of TRUE ENDING at a dlc.. that would suck, as you wouldn't get the whole story from what you are buying.. but if they add new contents that don't obscure the global plot, or that is essential to understand it great! Don´t like locked content as well.