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  1. Menos Grande
    it seems it was Playstation NOW if you look in your SEN account it should show you that you are renting through Ps now. It is strange my acc is north american (I actually have one o each) but can't see it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 14, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  2. Menos Grande
    This option doesn't appear in my Ps3.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  3. Menos Grande
    I think this isn't the first instance of the awakening of a "Snow Queen" in the world of frozen, the Trolls seemd to know pretty much everything about her powers (they knew that she could be born with, or cursed with them, how to cure Anna and other details about it).
    Even humans seemd to know some of the "ice powers", and related it to a curse.
    Maybe another snow queen (or many) have awaken in this world, and it was always though as a dark omen, because they always made an "eternal winter scenario", maybe some time in the past there was an evil snow queen like in the original story.
    I think this world can be expanded if they need it, with a true evil queen or something like that.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Menos Grande
    Well.. It is a tricky thing... Kishimoto leaft it open so it could go either way... I could see Obito using Madara's Sharingan/Rinnengan to pull of some Izunagi, and them when Madara got it back it would be useless. Yet, Madara already has a Rinnengan, and his mangekyou is eternal so there is no safe way to test it, the only ones with EMS are Madara and Sasuke, Obito never had brothers to exchange eyes so his Mangekyou isn't eternal, Kakashi having a equal MS, and losing sight also makes clear his MS is a "normal" one.
    The problem is, that as you stated EMS are promised to be eternal, but to me the act of losing one's sight is a byproduct of abusing of a power you are not entitled to handle, something like a "God's curse", the eye is physically able to see it, is only that your vision is sealed away (if not, Sasuke could not use Itachi's eyes, as he was blind already by the time he died).
    In izunagi/izunami scenario was a even deeper taboo, not only he got the cursed chakra from the Uchiha (by killing friends), he uses the power of god "Ominiton" the power to bring ideas to the real world, only does with Rinnegan can pull that off with impunity, because they combine the power of the body (Senju), and the mind (Uchiha).
    For a Uchiha (or non Uchiha) , use the Izunagi (while not the Izunami) it is necessary to have some Senju's cells.. but if they applied themselves properly maybe they would have awaken the Rinnegan, making it possible to use Ominition without any problem.
    Therefore, If you are talking about Madara's EMS probably he won't have any problem if he uses the Izunagi (The Rikkodou sennin used this power to create the bijuu). Sasuke however would probably go blind, but he has what it takes to use them, he saw both Itachi and Danzou using them, and now he has the Senju chakra from Shodaime hokage, and maybe some from Kabuto(and that's how he is healing him). With that said, he also has the necessary to awaken the Rinnegan, if that is the case he will be able to use Izunagi's power "ominiton" without any backfire.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Menos Grande
    Ahhh I love anime ost =). Probably could pick some of Naruto's ost as I've seen it grow, but I think it will grow even further in me once it is over... For me now, If there was only one ost to save, it would be Rurouni Kenshin (samurai x) , all of them make me so nostalgic, but not only that I can feel a deep catarse in it, when it was over I wasn't even just sad , by that OVA ending in that Kenshin died.. I was sad that there would never be another Samurai X for me.. and I crave for it! Because of that I will leave this awesome song:
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Music
  6. Menos Grande
    His eyes were yellow a trade mark from those consumed by darkness, so probably he wasn't immune to it, even though at some point his heart became "pure darkness"
    without light in it (maybe he splited just like ven?)
    He says he splits his heart in 13 dark hearts to balance the 7 of pure light.. by using logic his heart now should be pure darkness.. or maybe because it is not pure he needs more dark hearts than light ones? Though a pure dark heart should be as rare as a pure light one.

    Ps.: another cool thing, is because they stated that nobodies grew a heart, that explains why they need black coats to protect themselves against darkness if it only erodes hearts.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 13, 2014 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Menos Grande
    Brave and frozen would be good movies for KH, the problem would the ambigous villian in both movies.. but as long there is a main villian of the game he could always send heartless in there so we fight it, just like at KH 2 Maleficent was behind almost all the villians trying to make them heartless, different from the previous game where all villians worked together.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. Menos Grande


    Only inovations I want:
    1) Aiden drops the gun.. he is a hacker.
    2)He should be fat, that would be hilarious! Also while he is showing his hacking skills, no tiping rubbish in 10 seconds, I want "uhm... so this code doesn't work" while eating pizza.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 9, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  9. Menos Grande
    It is my second least favorite Jojo, but it is still awesome!
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 8, 2014 in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Menos Grande
    My opinion is that in times of peace, no one should be forced to serve in the military (so only if you apply to it), but at times of war men and women both should serve, your friend's comment doesn't makes sense, like some one would bomb another submarine because their are on their period. Statistically speaking men are usualy more prone to violence in driving and other aspects of civil life, so one should expect that statisticaly women will be equally more pacifist in chief positions, being emotional isn't the same as being violent, violent people are violent even if they do not "lose their heads" while being violent, if not there wouldn't be sadics and psychopaths.
    The rape is a problem, but it will happen no matter if women are or not in the military, is something that we should try to educate the whole society about so that the next generation does better than this one.
    Also no power should be able to judge its own, this always leads to corruption.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 7, 2014 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. Menos Grande
    It's looking beautiful, though I didn't like the "slim batman", the previous Arkham/Batman was full of muscle to sell us the idea that he is BATMAN, he broke free from his chains using his strenght! It isn't something I can see this new batman doing.. batman needs its muscles because he is not a super being, outside this I love it.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 6, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  12. Menos Grande
    The "voice in your head" isn't the same the other people hear, partially because of the effect that your voice has while reverberating in your head, and also because your muscle doesn't respond as much as your brain, It is something that you notice when you are trying to learn a new language or has had a stroke that numbed your voice through some paralisys you always sound better at speaking foregin languages at your head, that what you really sounds like that is because while your brain quickly learns a information the translation to your muscles lag behind, so even though you know how you should sound like doesn't mean that you are able to sound like you should. When you are speaking your mother tongue this effect isn't so easy to spot because you are speaking for so much time that your muscle/brain had time to catch up with each other
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  13. Menos Grande
    if chrono cross is correct we made god as a computer called FATE that would secure our survival and guide us for eternety at chronopolis... but that evil dinopolis tried to crush humans because we are basicaly a parasitic life in the planet.. (so we are the bad ones?) ... so FATE makes people to ensure FATE's survival (if there is no human, no one will make fate).
    Them again it is possible that your sans pun is correct.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Menos Grande
    I thought you were talking about equilibrium of classes in one rpg, thus the more complete rpg party... not the "like more those characters" so I can't say.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  15. Menos Grande
    I think that is not that he couldn't do it, is more because the ps3 hadn't have the horse power to do so much fuzz in his powers, but the flying aspect and attack are the same.. even the "disapear" seems like the powers from fire that cole got on infamous 2.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  16. Menos Grande
    The problem is... if you don't want that they receive much, don't buy their products (t-shirts, balls, ticketd, etc..) or even boycott them, yet that money would go to some other entertaiment, like video games or whatever... people chose what they want, and how much they want to pay for it, if they stop paying obviously the atheletes will not receive as much as they do.
    The thing is, because this "sport" exist a lot of people make their living from this, and jobs are born, etc.. So in a way they are helping, don't think if there were no football, there would be no huge salaries like musicians or others... it is not just because "we don't spend the money on sports, that it will go to education". Sports are not like the "government" that has X money to spend on Y things (so we can take security and put more money in education/ health etc...) private money does not work like this if there was no footballers maybe there were more Britanney Spears... that would receive too much "just to sing". The problem is not that they receive huge salaries (but I agree that they should pay more taxes for it), the problem is that normal people decide where they put their money on, and normally it aint for saving the children in africa or the cure of cancer is for "fun stuff".. but even this can make jobs for normal people so I don't see the problem .
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  17. Menos Grande
    I am still thinking how are the conduits alive? These neon powers sound just like cole's powers with different collors
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Gaming
  18. Menos Grande
    Even though I agree it is too much, and even though I think our money should be better spent ad split....
    I can't agree with you guys. The sports are "entertaiment shows" just like rock concerts , it sells tickets, it sells advertisement , people that are fans buy it, and think it is ok! The teams are not public, they are private... so they are providing a "entertaiment show", people are willing to buy it.. why they shouldn't ? If they were not there, this money would not circulate, they made a necessity, the demand was good... it is not like they are using your taxes for paying the athletes and even though they receive a lot, I think the team will benefit even more. Sure we should spend more money on science and essencial stuff, but that is not what people chose to spend their personal money on... so I can't put my values in others and tell what they should or should not do with their money.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 27, 2014 in forum: Discussion
  19. Menos Grande
    I've never been able to read a full story from the guardians of the galaxy.. I've tried many times when they were in the middle of a saga, but it is useless I give up reading them in the second page... so I don't expect anything from this movie, so It will probably be better than what I think.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 26, 2014 in forum: Movies & Media
  20. Menos Grande
    Welll truth been told, I've never liked Stig, for me that ending of GOW III killed the franchise even more than Mass effect III.. not only it was not fitting it also made them "liars" as it was no the last game as advertised... only chronologically.
    That being said.. I think it is good to know when to stop an idea, and when to go after it... I have major problems leaving bad projects what leads me to a destructive way, and time lost.
    Post by: Menos Grande, Feb 26, 2014 in forum: Gaming