OOC: Of course I don't know what you sound like, but I have an idea of what everyone sounds like based on how they act. I even have a voice actor list of people who would play the UO (if it was a cartoon or something). And I'm not going to reply to that stereotypical Nulix answer. BIC: Xane waited for Xardius to order them to move on ahead.
"Let's go for it," Xane said. "Quickly." OOC: Again, I have nothing right now. And that's a terrifying thought DK...
"Then let's get goin'!" Xane nodded in agreement. OOC: I've really got nothin' right now. Unless Jaxed posts something. Also I'm finally on a computer with sound!!! I heard Jaxed and Nulix's voices! Excuse me while I chuckle loudly at them...for being nothing like I expected.
OOC: Didn't I mention that I was on vaction? Anyway, I'll be more active soon. And, uh, WUNT!
Nodding, Wing tossed the Virus chain to Wing. "Seeing as I'm the only one here without Phoenix powers, you'd probably protect the Virus chain better than me," Xane explained.
OOC: On vacation I miss alot of things. Also, WUNT. BIC: "It's either Xardius or Wing, Vecked," Xane answered, wiping a streak of blood from his chin with his left arm. His right arm was broken from Scourge's attack.. "They can probably slice the universe in half or something." Taking an unimpressed look at the ruined surroundings Xane said, "Figures they'd blow the place up..."
OOC: ...Yeah, you're right on that one. Best to continue the rest of these conversations in a P.M.
OOC: Clide, Ryan, Rock, and maybe that Riaes character. Everything else looks too cutesy for me (and my voice).
OOC: And you got the lead? With a whiny comic relief voice? That's pretty good I guess. With this slow computer I'm on, I've only just got up tothe villains. Since, most of the characters look a little too...Kingdom Heartsy to me, I only plan on voicing a select few characters (if I can...).
OOC: Damn. Don't have a recorder out here ('cause I'm on vacation). I'm pretty sure I can make a good voice for a few of those characters. Do you know if theres a deadline? And when you say record yourself, do you mean that you have to make your own video to audition?
OOC: Seeing as I'm on a computer too slow for youtube right now, how do you audition?
"Sound good enough for me!" Xane shouted, charging at Scourge, his fists raised. Reaching the former hero, Xane unleashed a barrage of punches aimed at his chest. *** Tul Raijin turned to look at Enigma. "I'm leaving for Ceegum soon," Raijin answered. "I have a few contacts within the Sora System that can set me up with a pretty good job there." *** "You..." Pharell said to Darxess, finally taking a good glance at Orb. "You're Darxess. The founder of the Ultimate Organization." OOC: I wanna be a voice actor too! What's the name of the site?
OOC: I'll look at the vid later, Darxess. I'm on a different (slower) computer than I normally use. BIC: Pharell said, following Darxess. "Oh, no you don't" Pharell said, drawing a pistol and pointing it at Darxess' head. "You know something, bounty hunter. Do you have any connection to the U.P.A or the Ultimate Organization?" *** "So, what's the battle plan?" Xane asked, raising his fists up. "If we have one..."
OOC: Hold up. No arguments.If anything, the Retlaw Search wasn't epic. The story really didn't get officially epic until the arc where we finally defeated the Knights. Anyway, I've gotta go for about a half an hour.
OOC: *cough* My upcoming plot...*cough* But, seriously, I'm trying to learn from mistakes that we've made in the past for my plot. I'm also trying to get new people, to expand the cast a bit. But, let me PM you about that...
Hidden is online a lot, actually.
OOC: Yeah. But, I doubt the battle's just going to begin and end in one post, Nulix.
OOC: Um. You talked to...Should we be afraid? BIC: "I used to to think that way," Tul Raijin. "But seeing as my mind is no longer clouded, I can safely tell you that it is wrong. At any rate, you seem determined enough. Pass." Tul Raijin stepped to the side, allowing for the UO to enter the doors.
OOC: Ask DK. Tul Raijin's not even fighting, he's just holding up for Scourge. Though, from what DK says, the Scourge fight is pretty long.
OOC: The only character I have outside of the Brotherhood battle is Pharell, who's going after Skinnar, anyway.