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  1. Deathsight44
    Yep. I see so many families, and I must say that they bore me. So I, leader of the moogle family, have formed a battle arena, where we shall battle, using our special awsomeness that we gain from being in our families, so pick a powre that you can use, AND FIGHT TO THE DEATH YOU SCURVY DOGS!!!!!!!!

    Current Arena Theme: FFA battle to the death (its a free for all bish). Even family members can attack eachother right now
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 15, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Forum Families
  2. Deathsight44
    Located within the midst of niagra falls, behind the waterfall itself, is an evil base, where me and fox-of-light have finally created an army large enough to conquer the world. We are the ultimate moogle couple, and we have assured that none can defeat us, by making a shield that keeps everyone out, and a shield around it that is a shield for the shield, that cannot be destroyed by anti shields. My dooms day device has been prepared to turn everyone in the world into moogles who shall only serve under us, but there is still time for you to be saved from becoming a moogle that absolutely adores me and fox-of-light, the ultimate moogle pair. You must sign up now to join our army, and then, together, you shall help us rule the world, by doing various evil deeds, while at the same time, still becoming a moogle, who will gain many many moogle slaves. Want ur greatest enemy to become ur moogle biach? Now is your chance. Want to get that crush of yours to finally go out with ya? Now's ur chance. SO SIGN UP NOW!!!!!!!!

    Alrite, so ya, I'm just advertising. The real deal is gonna be on the forum families section. B4 I was gonna make it here, but then I considered how awsome it would be if this became an army on the family thread. So ya, if ya want, go to the family section and SIGN UP NOW!!!!
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 14, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Deathsight44
    Ummmmmm, no one post here, no one do nothing. I've got to apologize, cuz I 4got. I am only comen back to the spamboard after many months, and I kinda 4got about that rule, so thnx for sayen somethen everyone. Mods, plz close the thread.
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 13, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Deathsight44
    Here are the rules. You post a word that rhymes with itty. No one can use a word that someone else has already used. The person who posts the last word that can possibly rhyme with itty wins. Be careful though, cuz as room runs out, you will realize the trap that has been set. Oh ya, and it has to be a real word.

    We are on the next round now and the word that you must rhyme with is.........bee
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 12, 2008, 159 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Deathsight44
    I am really bored, so I feel like sharing this little story with you. 2 days ago, there was something blocking the flow of blood in one of the veins on my head, and I thought it was a zit, so I tried to pop it, but nothing came out but liquid, and even though I tried it all day, I couldn't get it to pop, and my head was soar, so I decided to stop. So then yesterday I woke up, to find that it was a lump on my head, and it was feelen really weird, so I went to the bathroom to try to pop it again. So then I started to push on it, and then when it popped, the white stuff came flying out and splattered all over the window, and I was all like "OMG!"
    So yep, that's my story. Why the hell did I do this? Pure boredum my friends.....pure boredum. As a matter a fact, I bet right now that you really wish that you didn't veiw this thread. BUt you know what? Its to late now. MUYAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAA. And so now, you have all fallen for my evil plan, and for the rest of the day, you'll be trying to keep your lunch in your stomach, remembering to yourself "Omg, that son of a biach friggen grossed the hell outa me. CURSE YOU DEATHSIGHT44. I SHALL HAVE MY VENGENCE!!!!!!!"

    Or somethen like that, ^_^
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 12, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Deathsight44
    Playing a nice calm game of tiddlywinks? (God I am so bored right now, and I see other people maken threads like these, so I guess I'll just go with the crowd)
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Apr 8, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Deathsight44


    Pete and Repeat are stranded in the oceon in a boat. Pete falls out of the boat. Who's left in the boat?
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Mar 25, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Deathsight44

    Crimson Moon

    Crimson Moon

    ((Hate to have to post this on here, but there is no other way. VARNOR, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, THEN CLEAR YOUR PM SPACE!!!!!!! I CAN'T SEND A THING TO YOU UNTIL YOU DO!!!!!))

    ((note, this thread has a bit of back round which sounds similure to the christian religion, but it has no actual history of anything that may have been taught within the christian religion, except for a few things))
    ((Also, I just thought this whole thing up a little while ago, so I might be adding some things on. I will be waiting awhile, as usual, to get a few bio's first, and then I will start.))

    At the begining of time, stood a one all powerful force, God, who created the planets, the universe, life, and life energy, which flows everywhere around us. It was in doing so, that God created what was known as life, for he realized without it, he would be the only being in exsistance, and there for, his efforts would go to waste. And so, he created the first races of life, which exsisted in the realm of God, heaven. He created those that are known as the angels, each one with a different charecteristic of God, and yet, at the same time, almost as powerful as the one who had created them. God had a miscalculation though. One of his many angels, the one known as Lucifer, betrayed him, bringing many others to his side, believing that the just ways of God, the ways that were meant to keep life stable, and unharmed, were the wrong ways to use life. From his own veiws, he believed that life was not meant to be kept stable, but to be disrupted, and to be faltered. It was this very idea itself, this very thought, which gave Lucifer his power, and God saw this threat, and so, he banished Lucifer, along with all of his followers, giving him the title of Devil, so that all will know of the one who was banished from the heavens. Lucifer travled with his followers for years, until he realized a different realm, the realm of hell, exsisted. At first, barely anyone had known of it, but it did indeed exsist, which was the other side of the universe of life. The only way to reach the gap, which lead to hell, was to go to a small green and blue planet. It was here where he could enter this land of death, fear, horror, and all other monstrosities of the universe, which were created to stand side by side to Gods 'utopia' . And it was here, where Devil began to create beasts of death, called demons. And so, 10 earth revolutions later, the Devil had an army of beasts created from the darkest depths of the earth, and he lead this army to the Heavens to destroy God, though God fought back, with his own force of angels. And for centuries, war raged on between the two, both forces evenly matched, until, God and Devil finally came to a resolve. They both agreed to a special deal, a deal which none could break. In this deal, each side got something good, but at the same time, something bad. On this very planet, the planet where the gap to hell stood, both God and Devil would be able to place some form of life, no matter what it may be. And so, it was then, when God created the very first humans to live on this planet, though back then, they were refered to as niandratals, also known today as cavemen. The devil on the other hand created very similure creatures, which were the first vampires on earth. Normally, this would appear to be unfair, since vampires had improved speed, as well as heightend senses and reflexes, but they helled weakness to the sunlight, as well as the sign of God. The other part of the deal though, was that Devil would be forced to stay within hell, unable to spread chaos, while God could not assist the humans, and he would have to stay in Heaven. And so, life on earth began, as well as the begining of a deal, which binded the forces of heaven and hell to where they originated.

    It is now Thousands of years later after that day. Much has changed since the very begining. THe original intent was for all humans to be good and all vampires to be evil, but things changed over these many years, and both races of creatures inherited feelings of good and evil. The world is highly advanced, weapons are highly improved, and technology, though it still has limits, is extremely advanced. All technology runs off of an energy scource which flows in the universe, the original life energy which God had created. In this world as well, humans have become dominant, though they still live in fear of vampires. And so, racism has grown between the two, none of them trusting the other. Vampires are presented amongst humans as beasts of evil, and there for, only hate can be shown towards vampires. And amongst all of this, evil forces stir. For you see, after all of these years, the deals binds have weakend. The devil has grown tired of being trapped in hell, and so ever since just a few centuries ago, he has been working on a plan to get out, and so, he has found one, due to the deal being weakend. For each full moon, the energy upon the earth weakens, though it makes vampires stronger, as well as the devil and his army of demons. And only 5 years ago, Devil was able to force out a demon of darkness, which has slithered into the human world. God took great alarm to this, and due to the fact that he governered all life, he came up with a plan, while the devil was still plotting. And so, before the demon came, he did the best he could to send a message to the leader of a town, a holy village some refer to it as, and this message told the profit of a prediction, the prediction of an angel being born on earth. This angel would be born in that very village, born with the symbol of the sun on its stomach. But it would have to be protected, because at some point, when the angel would reach the age of 16, the village would be attacked by evil forces, and God left it at that. And so, the years went on, and the Angel was indeed born, 16 years ago. And so, it is now, today, on this very day, when the Angel shall turn 16, and the events that fate has planned for the world are about to unfold. Though what is going to happen next, all depends on who gets involved in this twisted fate, which shall soon, depend on every living being in the world. Though one must be careful, for after all, those who choose to assist the Angel as well as God, will soon to be up against an entire army.

    Alrite then peoples. So basicly, this thread is a little religious, but, it is still a fantasy kind of an rp. At the moment, in this reality, not much magic exsists. The only magic that is really around is the life energy that flows through the universe, and is used to power technology. But with the events about to happen, many new things are about to be introduced to this world. So here is the deal. There are quite a few ways to start off. One of the ways is to be someone who might be visiting the village that the Angel lives in, though no one actually knows that she is the Angel that legend always spoke of, or atleast, no one but the village leader. Then, there is a way of starting out as a travler who is headed towards that village (btw, its called the village of tarnish). Now also, if you have a bad guy, then if you don’t choose one of those methods, then just pm me to figure out where you start out (like I said, only thought this up a little while ago). And finally, if you have a good, vampire character, then if you don’t choose one of the first 2, then, you can have your character positioned where my vampire character is, though, then they will have a special job, which I will pm you about. Alrite, so then there ya go. Any more questions, then just pm me. Oh ya, and you should all know the basic rules as well, so make sure that you act like you would act on anybody elses thread, got it.

    Bio Format: (up to 3 charecters)

    race: (vamp or human)
    side: (Good or bad)

    (And by the way, the angel charecter is up for grabs. But, know this. There is a good chance that you will have your angel bio turned down, but, everyone who wants the charecter, post the angel bio's, and I will see. There will be quite some time until the rp begins, so over that time is when I will be deciding which bio will earn the title as the angel)

    Charecter list:

    name: Koichi (koa-ee-chee)
    age: 16
    race: human
    gender: male
    weapon: Dual guns, which can pack quite a punch, as well as anouther, currently unknown weapon.
    personality: Hyper, fun loving, out of control guy, who doesn’t listen to anyone, and does whatever the heck he wants. Though sometimes it is a good thing, he has a habit of fighting first and asking questions later, making it very hard to negotiate with this knuckle headed, obnoxious human being.
    history: Koichi used to belong to the village of Tarnish, his father being the leader, but then one day, he and his brother set off to travel the world and see what there was to really appreciate about the world, but then one day, he got into an accident, though he never talks about it. He lost his arm in it, though luckily, that was what his brother was from. His brother was a well trained mechanic, and so, he fixed him up a special piece of technology, which many had only theorized about, called at tarjin, which was some what of a mechanical arm which could be modified to connect to the different cells and nerves in the human body. Not only that, but if used correctly, it can be used as a weapon. His brother was a total genious for making such an invention, and one day, this was recognized, so his brother was requested to come to a meeting amongst a group of men, though before he left to this meeting, he asked his brother to go back home to see their father. Apparently those were his last words, since the group of men murdered Koichi’s brother on that day, and stole all of his notes on this bit of technology. By the time Koichi got the news, he was already to far away to do anything, and so he did what his brother had asked him to do, and he began to head home to see their father. And now, he is almost there
    side: Good

    name: Saku
    age: 17
    race: vampire
    gender: male
    weapon: Dual swords
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: He’s cold to most, and never lets anyone in on his personal feelings or anything. He doesn’t speak much, and is ruthless against all who get in his way. He also rushes to conclusions, so he is not someone who many can expect to get along with
    history: His entire life, he has been hated and runed by humans, and so he has gained a deep hatred for them. They even killed his parents during a night rade. And so one day, when he was all alone, a rouge vampire came up to him, extending his hand to him, requesting for his help, and ever since then, he has been loyal to this rouge vampire ever since. Besides that, there isn’t really much to tell that you won’t find out soon enough.
    side: Good
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Mar 18, 2008, 223 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Deathsight44


    (Just so you all, I won't be starting it until later on during the day, so think up ur bio's well and stuff. I know it is a pain in the ars, but I have my reasons. So till then, just make up ur bio's. Besides, you'll definatly need the time if you are going to read this, cuz there is a lot that you gonna have to read, but plz, plz, be patient)


    People panicked, running in huge crowds, past what appeared to be a group of people walking forward, carrying various weapons. “Tgh. Looks like there’s another one. Yo Steve, you wanna take care of this one? By the looks of it from here, it doesn’t seem that big.â€

    “Ya, sure. Might as well†Steve said, as he squeezed what appeared to be a gem attatched to a necklace that he wore around his neck, as suddenly, a great light began to come from his body, as what appeared to be a brownish armor formed around his body, and wings began to sprout from his back. The wings were a bit scaley, not like angel wings, but more like armored dragon wings. He helled what was a giant spear, double edged, and he quickly began to fly up into the air. “Shouldn’t take long†he yelled down as he began to fly forward.

    “Yo man, are you ready or what?†aaron asked, looking back at Nick, who was skating towards him. They were both at the edge of what appeared to be a large hill, 3 others next to them.

    “So punk, you think you actually a got a chance of beating us this time?†one of the boys next to them asked, a grin on his face. They all looked around the age of 17. “You can back out any time wuss. Wouldn’t want to rough up your pretty little face†the boy said, lauphing.

    “How about you shut up already. Are we gonna race, or what†nick asked, looking straight down the hill. Nick looked down, and squeezed his necklace, which had a oddly shaped, clear chrystal on it, which he had been given as a present from his grandpa on the same year that his grandpa had died. But he then shook his head, to get his head in the game.

    “Ready†aaron said.

    “Set†the boy said.

    “Go†nick said, as they all began to charge down the hill on their roller blades. Nick went down the hill at a high speed, the wind hitting his face, as he moved into second place, aaron heading into first, and the three others in last. The one who appeared to be the leader of the three though grinned, as he made a signal to one of the lacky’s, as the lacky began to move upward. “Sorry, but I think that 5 is a bit to much of a crowd, don’t you?†he asked, as he grabbed Aaron from behind, and began to lean to the right, where there was a large truck with a ramp at the end of it, as they both took the path, rolling right off of the ramp, flying through the air, only to land in a garbage can. Already, two out of the race, leaving only Nick to fair for himself. The two guys then began to move up towards Nick, going side by side against him. They both began to bump against him, trying to make him trip up and fall.

    “Dammit, what the hell!†Nick said, as he tried to keep his cool and keep from being tripped. But his eyes then widend, as they began approaching a cross way, where a traffic light stood above. It was red. Nick tried to move out of the way, but the two kept at it, not allowing him to get out of the way. “Please stay red, please stay red, please stay red, please stay red…†nick muttered, only to get the exsact opposite, as the light turned green, and the cars were beginning to move forward. At that moment, the two bullies rolled off to the sides so they wouldn’t move into the traffic, lauphing at what they had done. Nick tried to stop, but knew that he was going to fast to do anything now, as he dove straight into the traffic, cars trying to avoid him, one of them smashing into eachother, and beginning a chain of accidents. A car then came driving forward towards him, oddly the only car in the lane that he had been going down, and quickly reacting, he jumped in the air, as he rolled right on the cars hood, jumping again onto the very top of the car, and then hopping off of the car as he kept on moving. He looked around to see if there were any more cars coming, but he saw none. He then grinned, as he turned around while roller blading backwards. “Holy **** that was close†he said, as he roller skated backwards, making a turn. Freaken psychoes almost got me killed. Good thing I kept my cool†he muttered to himself, as he passed by two signs unable to read them. Apparently though, the signs read one thing, given the reason why so little cars had come the way that he had been going. He then turned around, as he could feel himself coming onto another hill, only to see in terror that he had been approaching a construction site, at the end of it, a large gap. Irony of it all, the signs he had passed were a warning to all, reading “Warning, Bridge Construction site up ahead. Turn back nowâ€. It was to late for Nick, as there was not other place to stop, since he would only trip up, and get himself seriously hurt. He looked around, but with not enough time, he had to keep speeding up or risk tripping. He was approaching a giant ramp, which was supposed to be the beginning of the bridge.

    “HEY KID, GET OUT OF HERE!†one of the construction workers yelled.

    “I CAN’T STOP!†Nick yelled, approaching the bridge. “ohhhh SHIIIIIIIT!!!†he yelled, as he went straight up the bridge, going at to fast a speed due to the angle of the hill, and with that, he went flying off the ramp, looking down at the giant area below him. It was all water, and from the height that he was at, if he hit that water, then he would die from impact, and if not that, then he would die from drowing. He then closed his eyes, and it seemed to him as if his whole world was over. What the hell. I spent all this time trying to live it up. I’m almost 17, but I mean, already, I’m gonna die. I... I don’t wanna die, Nick thought to himself, his eyes shut.

    Construction workers looked down, but then, they all back away, as a blinding light flashed. But it didn’t keep them away for long as they went over towards the ledge again, to see that Nick had completely disappeared.

    It’s all over. It’s all over. It’s all over. It’s…is it over yet? Nick thought as he peeked open one of his eyes, to see himself on a large grassy field, loads of wind mills standing around the area, not to many people in sight either. “Am I in……Heaven?†he muttered. From behind him though, a large roar could be heard, and he turned around instantly, only to see what appeared to be some sort of a giant dragon. It was creepy really. The thing was the size of a house, but it was extremely long, skinny, like a snake, though it had giant wings on its back, no arms and legs. It had 4 eyes, reptile like eyes, and its teeth were huge, and it was heading straight for Nick.

    “Guess not!†he said as he began to make a run for it on his skates, moving as fast as he could. The giant dragon didn’t lose any speed though as it approached. But luckily, a giant pile of boulders caught Nick’s eyes, and he quickly started moving towards there. The dragon like creature inhaled, and then, let out a giant breathe of purple fire, and with that motivation of inspiration, Nick boosted his speed, quickly sliding into a small gap in the boulders, to hide from the dragon. He then backed up to the far end of the corner, and closed his eyes fearing for the worst.

    “Dam. Why can’t the locals just realize that when there is a dragon comen, they should friggen LEAVE!†Steve grumbled to himself. He then grinned though, looking at the size of the dragon, not impressed by its size, as he began to spin around his double edged spear.

    The dragon took no bother to Steve, as it began to raise up his body, preparing to destroy all the boulders. Nick took the opportunity now that it wasn’t sticking its head in the entrance anymore, and made a run for it, only to witness steve, as he flung his spear, as it still spun in the air, and tornado like winds formed around it, as it pierced into the snake like dragons skull, and air pressure that had been sharpend was sent through the dragons body, and suddenly, due to all of the energy being flooded into the dragons body, it exploded, as blood, guts, skin, and organs flew everywhere, raining it on the fields. Nick looked around, horrified, as Steve landed on the ground, holding what appeared to be a chunk of its brain. “Ya know, where I come from, the brain is the healthiest part of a dragon that you can eat†steve said, as he made the disgusting act of taking a bite out of the chunk of brain in his hand.

    Nick turned a little green, as he then feinted, totally blown away by what had just happened. And sadly for Nick, it was just the beginning of what was to be a world of overwhelming events and possibilities.

    Alrite then all. Now that you have seen the main story, allow me to explain this strange world. This is the world of dragonia. It is a parallel world you see, parallel to earth. Dragonia revolves around the use of energy, using it in all forms of technology, warfare, and every day life. But there is a problem in this world. You see, there is a large beast that exsists in the world, called the hive. The hive is responsible for creating what most people know as dragons. These dragon creatures live for one soul purpose, and that is to destroy all of man kind. The hive itself, creates these creatures from the souls of spoiled human souls. In a sense, one might say that the hell on this earth is the hive, as it turns all evil into monsters, forced to serve under it. But there is more to it. There are humans in the world, each with different reasons for doing so, that have willingly joined the hive. Most who go to the hive end up dieing horrible, gruesome deaths. But those who are worthy are granted the a special power, which is the power of the dragoon, which gives people the same power as these dragons, except it is more humanized, more energy related. Now, as for how energy is used, to go more into detail, is that it is used for magic. It gives many the ability to enhance abilities, powers, and such. Weak human beings are usually only able to harness it through machines, using it as a scource of power to keep machines working. But back to the point, dragoons basically are known for causing havoc and terror. Worst of all, they are lead by one person. He goes by the name of Kira. His true goals are unknown, though from what can be told, he has no problem with assisting the hive in its wish to destroy all life. What can make this all even worse? Humanity itself, should be working together in an attempt to destroy the hive, but instead, man has become greedy, self centered, not caring for those around them. 2 groups of people have formed. There is one group, the Shigate group, which relies on energy standards, believing that technology will only make things worse, adding power to the hive, by saying that all it does is make people rotten and evil, and there for, most technology is banned, except for technology which can heal people, and be used for medical purposes. On the other hand though, there is the Hasabe organization, which focuses purely on technology, using it to its fullest, focusing mostly on defenses where its fortress is, only sending small groups out at a time as patrol. Now, barely anyone knows the where-a-bouts of this base, and so no one knows much about these people. But the main thing though is that they are known as terrorists, always attacking members of the Shigate group, and all of its people, who are spread across the world of Dragonia. Now, normally, one would not think that people would be spread out across the world, under such harsh conditions, but, the world has people guarding it. True dragoons, people who can be depended upon, to fight off against these threats. It all started many centuries ago, when the first two dragoons in the world were formed. Both beginning to be under the influence of the hive. But one of the two, began to see the error of his ways, as he saw the faces of the people that he had killed in his conquest for power. And so, one day, he confronted the hive and the other dragoon, and a great fight began between the two dragoons, going on for years upon years, as the two showed great displays of power, since they both had gained the most power, being the first dragoons to ever exsist. One dragoon, helled a necklace, which allowed them to turn into the dragoon of time, while the other, transformed into the dragoon of space. When both of them tired, the dragoon of space finally stabbed the dragoon of time straight through the heart, as he fell to the ground, dead. The dragoon of space then took the time dragoons necklace, which helled a black chrystal in it. He then used both powers to their full extent, using his own life energy to power both, creating two portals. One chrystal, leading into the depths of time, hundreds of years into the future, and meanwhile, the other one, leading into a portal which travled through layers of space. He then threw both necklaces into each portal, so they would both be gone forever, and with that final action, he died, in peace, knowing that he had kept the world safe. Many years after that though, the hive created more dragoons, though they were never as powerful as the originals. And as the years went by, man kind finally used technology to kill these dragoons. But then, when a dragoon was killed, its necklace fell to the ground. Most of them would simply turn to dust, while others, would stay hard, and a new holder would harness its power, only for it to be passed down generation after generation.

    So now, here comes the part where you all come in. Now that you understand what this world is all about, you can finally learn what role you play in it. You are one of the dragoons, that is a part of a special squadron, or will soon become a member of that squadron, which is after Kira. Kira is not one to travel in groups, and causes only as much destruction as he pleases, and so, this squadron was made to chase after him, in order to capture him by any means nescasary. Why do people even do this? Simple. The Shigate’s leaders have ordered to, and in the Shigate group, whatever they say goes, since most people believe that without them, they would not know where to go or what to do. Most of you are rookies, but you have special things that you can contribute to the group, using your special dragoon abilities. But, from what you have just read in the very beginning, I am certain that you can now see, that soon, interesting events are about to happen.

    Alrite, now I am certain that you all know the rules by now, so don’t be noobish. Though I am going to stress this. DO NOT POWERPLAY OR I WILL GET A MOD!!!!!!

    Alrite then, so here is the bio format

    Dragoon Armor: (if you don’t post what your dragoon armor looks like in your appearance, then post it here. IT doesn’t have to have wings, cuz we’ll get the idea)
    History: (optional)
    Reason for joining the squad: (optional)
    Current dragoon abilities: (you can still learn more dragoon abilities as we progress)
    Usefulness: (post here what your character can attribute to the squad. You can just say that your character is good at fighten if ya want, but if there is something that they are specificly good at, such as tracking or something like that, then post it here)

    Now, you don’t HAVE to be a member of the squad, and once the game starts, then you’ll have to start off in the area that I tell you to, and then end up joining the squad, but until then, you’ll have to wait and some how run into the squad. Also, you can be a part of the Hasabe faction, or one of the dragoons that serve under the hive, but if you want to join one of those groups, then you’ll have to pm me, ok.

    Character list-

    Name: Nick
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Appearance: [​IMG] (of course, he doesn’t have those wings that r in the pic)
    Dragoon Armor: [​IMG] (wings are black, with purple linings)
    Personality: Loves to fool around, does whatever he wants, outgoing, and usually doesn’t let things bother him. He does have some buttens though that if pushed, he can get pretty pissed
    History: Just a normal guy, living a normal life, everything going fine for him, until when awhile ago, his grandfather died, after giving Nick a special necklace with a weird black chrystal in it. Ever since then, his life has been going pretty smooth until he got challenged along with his friend to a race down the biggest hill in his home town by some of the toughest kids in the area, and after accepting, he raced them, only to end up only dieing, though some how, he suddenly ended up in a strange new world, called dragonia, only to be chased after a dragon, almost eaten, and then have the pleasure of watching it get torn to shreds by some weird guy who can fly. WHOA!
    Reason for joining the squad: trying to find his way back home, after arriving to this strange world.
    Current dragoon abilities: none at the moment. Doesn’t even know that he can turn into a dragoon
    Usefulness: just a fighter. He doesn’t have any special skills

    Name: Steve
    Age: 21
    Gender: male
    Weapon: double edged spear
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Dragoon Armor: [​IMG]
    Personality: a little immature for his age at some points, but, he is still serious when he needs to. He likes to help people whenever they need the help, and will do anything to protect an innocent person
    History: When he was young, his own family was killed before his very eyes by one of the hives dragons, and after that, but, when his father was killed, a necklace dropped, containing the power of the dragoon, and when he received it, he dedicated his life to helping others
    Reason for joining the squad: to help in the greatest way that he can. By helping to keep the hive at bay
    Current dragoon abilities: wind slash, tornado spear
    Usefulness: using his wind abilities, he can make vibrations of air pressure in different directions, and, if it hits something large, such as a dragon, then it will bounce back, sort of like a bat sonar. In other words, he is a tracker, and can warn them of the direction of where the dragon is coming from.

    Name: Blaine
    Age: 47
    Gender: male
    Weapon: long sword (3/4 the size of sepheroths you might say)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Dragoon Armor: unknown
    Personality: Cold, harsh, doesn’t take any bull. He prefers not to fight either. It is not wise to get into a fight with him, because he WILL win. He does not have a problem with killing either
    History: totally unknown
    Reason for joining the squad: still unknown
    Current dragoon abilities: unknown, completely
    Usefulness: He is the leader. He don’t have to be useful as long as he can lead

    Name: Kira
    Age: unknown (looks 17)
    Gender: male
    Weapon: at the moment, know weapon (weapons will change over the course of time)
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Dragoon Armor: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cruel, heartless, and completely cold. No one knows much of him, but he is said to be a sick, horrible, and twisted person
    History: unknown. All that is known is that he is the most feared person in the hive army
    Current dragoon abilities: unknown
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Feb 29, 2008, 61 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Deathsight44
    I myself wont be posten, but this thread is for the public. The super bowl is on right now, so might as well have some where open for people to talk about the game while its goin on, ya know.
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Feb 3, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Deathsight44
    On youtube, look up prototype, and watch the many demo's they have for this game. I have read about it, and by the sounds of it, it sounds pretty kick ass
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Jan 28, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming
  12. Deathsight44
    Worst place to put this, but this is the only place that I could think of putting it. ALrite, here is the deal. My 2 nephews just got into star wars, see, and they got a blue and a green light saber, and they both begged me to bring my red one. here is the problem. I never put the batteries in, and now I don't know where the hell to put the dam batteries. can someone help me with this dilemma?
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Jan 19, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Deathsight44

    7 Dragons

    Long ago, in a far away land, on the world of gaia, exsisted many types of beings, but mainly, the animals, the humans, and the dragons. Now, animals were not very special, yet appreciated, and treated as the worlds guides. Humans are the ones said to be connected with the outer world, and yet, have a very small connection with the flow of chi which is within their body. Chi is the one thing that allows them to do super phenominal feets, though to accomplish any connection with this chi, they must go under a path of pure and strict disciplen, and such a task has not been done more then once. Chi is also refered to as chakra. Then, of course, the dragons, are said to be mystical beings, that are from what is known as the outer plain, or the plain of the dead, and have a connection with the physical world, there for, allowing them to exsist within this world of the living, the world of humans. Now, humans are special beings, since they have a certain social order. The upper class of society would be the royals and preists, which have total power and respect. Priests do much preaching and also help in making plans for wars and battles. Royals are kings, queen, princesses, princes, and all royalty is taught in the ways of martial arts, whether they be male or female. Next comes the middle class, which is made up of merchants, and all other normal folk. Half of this population is made up of warriors, and all warriors know the skills and knowledge of martial arts, though there is not one same martial art. And finally, the lower class, made up of the streets rats, and the slaves. These days, slaves are even taught the skills of martial arts, but special measures have been taken so that way if they are to rebel against their masters, then they will have no chance of freedom, since the punishment for such a crime is death on sight. And so, this is the world which our story will take place, and which destiny's shall come together, and intertwine with eachother, for a great threat approaches this world, and threatens the plain of the living itself.

    Long, long ago, around 200 years ago, there was a man, named Katakura Morisane, who lived in the town of mashzing. He was a monk. At the age of 7, his parents died, and it was then that the monks had adopted him, to teach him in there laws, and disciplin him to be a monk. By the age of 10, he had finally learned almost every story, and had a fascination with chakra. He learned of the 7 different gates of chakra, which varied from going from bottem to up from the feet, to the pelvis, to the stomach, to the chest, to the neck, to the forhead, and to the crown of the head. Katakura, in his anger, determined that he would go under the nescasary disciplen in order to learn how to control these chakra's, and he did just that. For the next 20 years of his life, he travled the world, seeing different sites, and even meeting dragons along his path, which helped him and directed him in forms of training, which would increase his spirituality. As he travled, he became calmer, more patient with life, though as his patience grew greater, his happiness grew less. It was low, but a small part of him began to hate man kind, though he tried his best to ignore this hatred, since he originally wished to gain this power to protect them. It was at last, when he finally came to rest at a cave one day, now a 30 year old man. He sat down, in the darkest section of the cave, and lighted some sage, in order to clense the air. As he meditated, the air became thin, and uneasy. And before him, as if straight from the shadows, a large dragon, purple scaled, long, red whiskers, glowing eyes, and a body which appeared to go on endlessly, dissapearing in the shadows from which he came. The dragon said to him "Are you the monk called Katakura?", and the monk replied "Why yes, I am. Please, if I may ask, what brings you here dragon?" The dragon replied "You are the one who I have chosen. You, a mere human, have been the first to have the will power, and the spirit to undergo such great disciplen, and under the law of my kind, you have the right to gain access of powers which you deserve. Your spiritual chakra is as great as a dragons, and because of this, I shall now grant you what you desire. Now tell me Katakura. What is it that you truelly wish for. Search deep in yourself monk, and tell me what you truelly desire" the dragon ordered. Katakura waited, and he knew that he should instantly go for the chance and gain the power to protect people. But, the dragons very presence there, almost as if poisening the air, began to polute his thoughts, bringing up his thoughts of hatred. The dragon breathed on him, with its odd, lizard like grin, for it knew what it was doing, and it knew what the answer to his question would be. "I have decided dragon. I wish for the power to destroy this world of humans. I desire the power, to turn this into a second plain of the dead. Grant me this power dragon!" the monk ordered. "Your wish is my command" the dragon said, and suddenly, as its body turned pure black, it flew forward, and as if Katakura's very forhead was some sort of an absorber, the dragons very body entered into Katakura, through his forhead, large waves of darkness and spiritual chakra, entering into his body...
    On that very night, he arrived back at his old village, and it was their, where is reign of power began...

    Kona (coa-na):

    200 years later...

    "Mommy, why is daddy leaving?" Koana asked. "Shhhh, shhhh. We have to be quiet, or else the soldiers might catch us. Just shush for now" Koana's mother said to him. "STAY AWAY FROM MY HOME!!!!" Koana's father yelled, as fighting could be heard. Koana's father let out a yelp, as he was beheaded. "Come on, I think I heard some folk in here" one of the soldiers said. Feet could be heard running up the steps. "Listen, Koana, I need you to do me a favor, and take this. This has been passed down in our family for the last 2 generations. Take this stone, and never get rid of it, no matter what. NOW HIDE!" Koana's mother yelled, as she gaved Koana the stone, and Koana quickly ran and hid under his bed. Right then, the door was kicked open, as 2 soldiers came inside, and quickly grabbed his mother by the arms. He wanted to do something, but could not, and stayed silent. A man, with white, long hair, in a generals outfit walked in. "Ahhhh, it appears that this town does have some form of a beautiful woman after all" the general said. "Kiss ass" koana's mother yelled as she spit in his face. The general whiped the spit off of his face with his white glove. "Now now, must you resort to such disgusting behavior. Of course, if you truelly do wish to resort in such disgusting acts....." the general started to say. "Men, take her with the other women. She will serve as fine entertainment for the men" the general ordered. "Right away sir" the men said, as they began to pull away Koana's mother, as she kicked and screamed. "MAMA!!" Koana yelled, as he got out of the bed and tried to catch up to her, but then the general grabbed him, bringing his arm around his neck, and holding him into the air. "Now now boy, no need to rush. I've been looking for a good training dummy to practice my martial arts on. How about you" the general said, as Koana struggled. Koana then thought fast, and bit down on the generals arm, as the general yelled in pain, and dropped Koana, and koana quickly made a run for it. He ran out of the house, searching to see if he could find his mother. The houses in his village were burning, and screams could be heard as men, women, and children alike were killed, while others were dragged out of the house, males and females being seperated by the armies. Koana ran as fast as he could, heading into the woods, just trying to run as far as he could, and never stop running, never looking back, until he finally stopped,and looked at the stone. He clutched it in his hand, as tears began to slowly roll down his eyes, but then his eyes widend, and he began to scream, as the stone began to infuse itself into his hand, and then, it literally began to crawl up through his skin, and he soon fell, falling unconcious, near a dirt road. And for that night, the one nightmare was over, though soon, a new nightmare would begin.
    In the morning, a rich man in a carriage was strolling by, when he looked out his window, and saw the boy unconcious on the ground."STOP THE CARRIAGE" the man ordered, as he stepped out of his carriage as soon as it stopped, and walked down towards koana. "wake up boy" the man ordered, as he kicked koana, and koana waked up suddenly, in a panic. The man grabbed him by the shoulders and said "Boy, where are your parents!", and koana calmed down, and stayed silent for a moment. "I......I don't know" he said, as he was slowly starting to cry, but then was slapped across the face. "Shut up boy. If your parents are not here, then you have simply been abandond. I have had use for a slave as well. Now come boy. Come" the man ordered. "You are now my property. GOT IT!" the man yelled, as he grabbed koana by the arm, and began to drag him to his cart, as he kicked and screamed. He then threw Koana in the cart, and said to the driver "TELL NO ONE IF THIS. GOT IT!", and the driver shook his head, as the man got into the carriage, closed the door, and they continued on, to where Koana's new home would be for the next 10 years.....

    For all of you who don't get it, here is a breif explanation for it. This guy, katakura, who was a monk, and when his parents died, he had a part of him that wanted to protect humans from evil, but also, a side of him that wanted to kill all humans believing that they were evil. So he went on a pilgramage, and what do ya know, a dragon finally excepts him as being able to hold the power of a dragon, so it entered into him. So now, it is 200 years later, and, in fact, he is alive. He is the leader of a giant army, and he has his very own kingdom, and his goal is to take over the world. His true intensions are unknown at the moment, but he has been causing havoc throughout the world. And also, though no information will be given out on this, it appears that there are some sort of stones with special meaning to them. All will be explained in due time, but until then, let's get going in the rp. We will be begining in the dynasty of Tamesuke


    Now, you won't be getting the stones at first, but you will be getting them over time, as our travles continue onward, ok.

    Stone list:
    Name: Support (taken)
    location of chakra gate: feet
    controls: earth and fear
    Increases: physical strength (person gets stronger)

    Name: Sweetness (taken)
    location of chakra gate: waste
    controls: water and guilt
    Increases: emotions (makes person more emotional)

    Name: Pride (taken)
    location of chakra gate: stomach
    controls: Fire and shame
    Increases: ego (makes person more egotisticle)

    name: Love
    location of chakra gate: chest
    controls: air and greif (as for the air part, it makes the persons body a lot lighter, as in if they were to jump in the air, then it would sort of be like gliding in the air, and in a sense, flight for a very short amount of time, as well as faster on ground)
    Increases: sociality (makes person more social)

    name: Truth(taken)
    location of chakra gate: throat
    controls: electricity and deception
    increases: intuition (able to understand things clearer)

    name: Knowledge (taken)
    location of chakra gate: forhead
    controls: light and loniliness (by light, it means basicly that the person is some what in a way, holy, as well as the fact that they can heal)
    increases: intuition (can feel sometimes when something bad might happen soon)

    name: Chi (taken)
    location of chakra gate: the crown of the head
    controls: air pressure and attatchment
    increases: willing (by this, I mean the person is more willing to listen to others, and put them before himself)

    Bio Format:

    stone: (optional)

    Charecter list:

    name: Koana
    age: 17
    weapon: no weapon
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Very kind, always willing to put others before himself. He has a bad habit of taking everything that people say to be serious, and he also has a bad habit of being a worry wart, though when he has to fight, he becomes a completely different person.
    Alliance: good
    stone: Chi (obtained)
    history: Well, his history has already been explained, but this will explain everything else that has been going on. For the past 10 years, he has been the slave to a very rich man, and over those years, he had been taught how to use martial arts.

    name: Katakura
    age: 227 (ya, this part will be explained in due time)
    weapon: twin blades with spikes on them, sort of like a saw, on both sides
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold, cruel, likes to play with his prey. He is not one who you would want to be stuck with, because though he may have a kind apearance, he is pure evil. Apparently though, no one has seem him in years, though no one knows why.
    Alliance: Evil
    stone: none
    history: His history has already been explained, and though there is more to it, that can wait for later

    name:Ryuu Katsuo
    weapon: unknown
    Personality: He's a restless person he never stays on the same place very long. He acts like he's normal but still you can see he's carrying a heavy burden. He is a great listener and can easily understand how people feel.
    Alliance: Good
    stone: Truth (obtained)
    history: Little is known about him. except that he's a lonely traveller, he travels from city to city to help people with their problems. He is called "The fallen man" by those who are old. but no one wants to explain why.

    name: General Osamu Ichirou
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality:he's diabolical, cunning, and have a cruel sense of humor
    stone: pride (obtained)
    history:Osamu has been a cruel person sins birth, as a child he was living with his rich parents. he's favourite hobby was to torture his slaves. In the end he killed his parents and took control of their fortune. later he became the general of Katakuras forces, and is one of his most loyal servants

    name: Blade (Real name will be revealed later on)'
    age: 18
    weapon: Swords
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Very calm guy who is a complete mystery
    Alliance: Good
    stone: Support (not obtained yet)
    history: A warrior who goes to each village to hone his skill in the blade. At times he will help the innocent

    name: Stephen
    age: 13
    weapon: hands and feet
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: usually uncaing
    Alliance: good
    stone: pride (not obtained yet)
    history: his father has a martial arts dojo and he trains every day for 16 hours striaght. He can spar with the best of the warriors in Gaia.

    name: Jasmine
    age: 16
    weapon: Sais
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: Very Sweet and kind, but very quiet and doesn't talk alot.
    Alliance: Good
    stone: Love (not obtained yet)
    history: Her mother was died when she was 13. She sent her to his devious uncle who wanted to kill her for her money. She managed to get awa, but know she is very confidental about what happened in the past.

    name: Kain Redgrave
    age: 19
    weapon: A Shikomizue
    appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He's usually a quiiet, respectful person. He tries not to get in other people's way, but he'll tell them to stand down in a fight.
    Alliance: Good
    stone: (optional)
    history: A year ago, he was training to be what som people would call "a modern samurai". When he was returning from a training session, he found his dojo burned down with his master in it. Because of this, he became a Ronin, getting jobs as a bodyguard to protect people as a means of redeeming himself for failing to protect what was important to him.

    name: Nate
    age: 16
    weapon: A sword that is black and ha chipped away some but is very stronde, has a silver hilt with blue tribal colors going down the bade
    appearance: Instead of hat picture him with head band

    Personality: A little quite but violent
    Alliance: nuetral
    stone: (optional)
    history: unknown, even to him.

    name: Ayami
    age: 17
    weapon: None
    Personality: Kind of quiet, and very very intelegent. She knows just about everything about everything.
    Alliance: Good
    stone: Knowledge
    history: Ayami and her brother lost their mother to an illness when they were very young. Their father was arrested for murder when sarah was ten years old. Together they have been living on their own. Now she works at the library in town trying to earn enough money just to stay off the streets.

    Name: Alec
    Age: 20
    Aliance: Good
    Stone: None
    History: Like his sister they lost their mother and in a way, their father too. He works at the blacksmiths shop, making weapons and he's actually very good with them. The best weapon he had ever made he uses himself. He's very protective of Ayami and is always suspicious of anyone who goes near her.

    name: Alex
    age: 17
    weapon: Sword
    Personality: kind
    Alliance: good
    stone: (optional)
    history: no past at all.

    name: Carver
    age: 18
    weapon: No weapon
    Personality: He's strong willed and has a strong sense of justice. Despite this he tends to work as some sort of mercenary. He often tends to challenge people on the street to fight. He also gives pointless long winded speeches before a fight. This is due to his desire of wanting to become wanting to become the world's strongest fighter and he often tries to prove that he is.
    Alliance: Whichever side pays him.
    stone: (optional)
    history: He plans to pay for his own fighting tournament that he holds in his home town every year. It was hard to get money to fund it earlier and to make it worse, his funding was cut this year. He aims to get money by working as a mercenary. And by doing so he gets absorbed into the conflict.
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Jan 14, 2008, 533 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Deathsight44
    (Just so you all know, I accidently placed this in the wrong section, and I have requested that this thread be placed into the fantasy rpg section, so I am only warning everyone ahead of time, ok)

    (Now before you read, let me just say, that I am not exsactly making this intro very neet, so plz bear with me. Also, might want to make a sandwhich, because I mite right quite a bit. Bare with me here, because I am experimenting with a new form of roleplay, so before you decide not to join, just read the whole thing through, and once you have read the entire thing, then, decide whether you want to join it or not, ok. Also, just so you guys know, I will be treating this sort of story like. Once we are through with one section of the thread, then I will be creating a new thread, which will be ch.2 of the thread)

    Welcome to the world of Parona, a world where magics are measured by ones imagination, technology is as vast as ones creativity, and species are as different as the human genders.

    Parona is filled with many types of kingdoms, and the planet is almost the size of the sun, maybe even bigger. Many of these kingdoms are run by different races, though the most common kingdoms are run by the humans.

    Now most of them are at war, and many races have allied themselves with eachother. But these wars go beyond what one would wish to picture. They take place not only on the planet, but within the dimensions of hell and heaven themselves. THe world is corrupt, and filled with fools. THe heavens are filled with beings of light, and nobility. The race of angels watch over the world. THen, there is middle parona, which contains all of the races which carry both good and evil within their hearts. And of course, last, is the realm of hell, which lays within Parona, under its very crust, where demons watch over the world, causing it to slowly rot. IN this world, humanity has mastered both the art of magic, and technology.

    Now I know that this is a lot to take in, but bare with me here.

    At the moment, the world is in great trouble. Lately, a disease, ahs been going around. It is an unknown virus, unknown origin, and it travles through the air. Apparently, whenever a person catches it, they appear to go bolistic. At the moment, this entire epidemic is being blamed on a specific race. This race, is called the bloodlings. THey are rare to find, and they are unknown in every aspect. All that people know is that they appear to be human, but have red glowing eyes, as well as a strange tattoo like mark. All that is known is that they came from the hell dimension, and entered into the middle Parona. So now, what does that have to do with you? Well I'll tell you. Kingdoms from across all of earth will have set up large rewards. Kings and queens alike are creating high rewards for the capture of these bloodlings. THey are small, and hard to find, and if one, just one, is captured, then ones rewards can be some of the greatest riches in the lands. But be warned, for with so many different races, there are bound to be different dangers lurking at every corner, and one new adventure standing infront of anouthers end. BUt the question is, how will you become involved. How will you help to alter the destiny of the people of Parona.


    Alrite, you got the story down, so now I am just gonna tell you straight forward. Basicly, there are a lot of kingdoms, surrounding this giant world, and they are all in a panic, because there is this big disease going around, and causing citizens to go insane. Its bad for them, its bad for others, and the higher ups are doing the only thing that they can, and that's pointing the finger at the one race that they don't understand, which is the bloodlings. Now, the reason I am starting things out like this is because in all honosty, I don't have a very good idea of what the plot is going to be. Why? I am experimenting, and hoping to see how successful this thread will be, because when you guys make your bio's, then, instead of posting them, you are to pm your bio to me. I know it sounds odd, so here is the thing. If you think that you want to some how effect the events that are to come on this thread, then pm what you have to say, and then, whatever you wish to try to do, which will deeply involve your charecter, in some way. If you don't want to have some big role for your charecter, then you don't have to say anything.

    Now, here is anouther thing. Tommorow, I will be adding a list of races, as well as a charecter list. You are completely aloud, when you make your bio, to make up your own race. If you do make up your own race (at the moment, the main races are humans, angels, bloodlings, and demons), then, you will be able to control that kingdom, and you will decide what that kingdoms fait shall be. Since there are only 4 main races so far, then, if you want to, you can state that your race is elf, dwarf, or something like that. Now of course, if you don't want to be in charge of a new race's kingdom, then, you can give me control of it.

    So now, basicly, you are to create your charecter. It can be anything from someone stuck on the streets, to a low life theif, to a mercenary, to a princess. Right now though, their is one main event occuring in all of the kingdoms, and that event would be the signing up of the great bloodling hunt. Hunters are gathering, and preparing to hunt after these bloodlings. So at the moment, that is the one thing that most of you should be concerning yourselves with.


    Now I am sure that you are also wondering "THis seems like a really weird roleplay. THis guy doesn't exsactly know what he is doing, does he", so, allow me to explain. No, I do not know what I am doing completely, because I am experimenting with the idea of equality. I am trying to try a theory of mine, where it is not the creater of the thread who leads it, but instead, all of its members have equal power, though I will be the one who simply helps to orginize things.

    Now don't get me wrong, I do have a storyline planned, but when you join, then, once you have told me your ideals for the thread, and how you want to somehow have an effect on its story, then I will be able to edit the story line, specificly to fit it so that way, everyone on this thread will be able to play some special role, instead of being excluded from some special parts, as I have noticed in some threads.

    So now, let the thread finally begin. And remember, when playing this thread, expect this unexpected. I will do what I can to keep this thread as unpredictable as possible. This is an unknown world, where the impossible IS possible. Remember that.


    Kingdoms: (by the way, when you make your bio's, you are aloud to suggest a new type of kingdom, for any race, and the kingdom that you suggest, you will get control of, unless you wish for me to control it, ok. Also, when giving a name of a kingdom, you must put down a description of it, and what its technological status is)(Also, many towns do not have any special advancements in technology, nothing like flying objects or anything, though transportation and guns are, in fact, available. As time goes on, new pieces of technology will be added onto the mechanics list)

    Interracial kingdoms (kingdoms that are not run by a specific king, but are more of like area's where different races meet for trade and such).

    Flounder: One of the central kingdoms, where many of the hunters have been gathering. It is a hot spot for hunters since that is where pubs seems to floarish. It is also believed that since so many races go there, it is easy for bloodlings to hide amongst them.technological status: normal

    Human Kingdoms:

    Valgonia: A wealthy kingdom, where there are only 2 social classes. There is the rich, and the poor. THe poor live on the streets, while the rich live in fancy homes. This kingdom floarishes purely from trade, since their vast amounts of rescources are cherished by most kingdoms, and is needed. Technological status: normal

    Angel kingdoms:

    Paradise: THe city of angels. No man has ever ventured here, but it is legen that when you die, then, your soul is sent here, to some form of a "garden", where souls flourish, and ones wildest dreams can come true, putting one in complete harmony and relaxation. technological status: slightly advanced

    Demon kingdoms:

    Satan: A dark kingdom within the depths of hell. During the day, it appears as if it is a ghost town, but at night, it comes alive. Crime flourishes, and humans down there are tortured, and treated as slaves. Many demon kingdoms capture lost humans, through unknown methods, and enslave them, to everlasting torment. Besides that, nothing is known about this city. No one even knows of its location. Technological status: Poor



    Humans: The most basic race. Humans are creatures which are both masters in magic and technology. THey don't need to much of an explanation

    Angels: Beings that live in the heavens. THey weild the gifts of light, and they have a grand duty to watch over the earth, and help to guide the souls of the dead. It is very rare to see these beings actually on earth.

    Demons: Dark creatures, which live in the demensions of hell. They capture humans, and enslave them, making them serve and do drueling tasks. Demons are known for starting wars, and using the dark arts, constantly plotting for a way to cause termoil on Parona.

    Bloodlings: An unknown race. Nothing is known about them, except for the fact that they have the appearance of a human, except for the fact that they have red eyes. If one is caught, then the catcher could gain great riches, whether the bloodling be dead or alive. It is believed that they are terrible creatures, which care only for themselves, and live for the thirst of blood.
    Now there is more to be known about these people. In order for them to stay strong, they must drink the blood of humans, or else they will slowly begin to weaken. They can stay at full strength without drinking human blood for 3 days maximum. Now also, a bloodling, whenever their nails grow into claws, will be able to get a trait from anything that they attack, as long as that things blood touches the bloodlings hand, and the hand is able to absorb it, of course, they can only learn one thing though. There are 4 catagories in which they can gain. 1. They can gain a skill, such as "the ability to sing really good". 2.They can gain a trait of knowledge, which can be of importance in a persons mind, or they can gain one of that persons bad habits. This can also help a person to learn something such as a martial arts style. 3. They can gain a physical feature, though this one is only temporary, for about 3 days straight. For instance, if they gained the trait of large physical strength, then for 3 days, they would be super strong. 4. They will gain a power, something completely unique. Such as if a single person had the ability to transform into a shadow creature, then that bloodling has a chance to gain that ability, though once they get a new ability, then they will lose the other one.

    Mimics: The name given to a believed to be extinct race. Of course, their true name is not known, so others simply became careless and gave a name to them. Nothing is known about them. They were given the name since it is legend that they can turn into any being or beast

    soul collectors:An ancient race which practice necromancy, its a big part of their culture. they look like most humans except the symbol on their forehead that they have been gifted with the power of necromancy

    technology: (this is a list of all of the known bits of technology, so that way you will understand what kinds of items people use amongst themselves. It will slowly be updated over time.)

    Guns: yes, there are guns, though nothing fancy like bazooka's and stuff. The best you are going to get will be from a hand gun, to a shot gun, machine gun, or sniper rifle. That is it though

    (By the way, in the bio, there is a skills section. There is one thing that I want to make clear here. For normal magic, such as a fire ball or something like that, it will not cost anything, but for powerful magic to be used, there must be some sort of an equal cost. For instance. If you were to have the power to bring someone back to life, then you would have to die (this does not count for someone with the gift of necromancy), got it. AND DO NOT FORGET TO PM ME YOUR BIO'S. IT IS BECOMING ANNOYING ABOUT HOW PEOPLE JUST POST THEIR BIO ON THE THREAD. IT IS BECOMING A CONSTANT PROBLEM AND I WOULD PREFER FOR SUCH A THING NOT TO HAPPEN AGAIN!)

    race description: (only if it is a new type of race that is not on the list)
    skills: (the skills that your charecter posseses, that sets him or her apart from other charecters and people, plus, how these skills are used)

    Charecter list: (even though I told you guys to pm your bio's to me, I will be putting down the charecters name, user, age, and appearance, as well as their weapons. People can learn of eachothers charecters history over time. Also, I am going to be putting a special status informer at the end of their bio's, so that way others can get a sense of what that person basicly is. You will get what I mean when you see it)

    user: deathsight44
    name: Zane
    age: 17
    race: Bloodling
    weapon(s): claw shaped gauntlets, sort of like cat claws.
    appearance: [​IMG]
    skills: His skills are unknown. Since he is a bloodling, his skills cannot be put into complete detail for awhile. All that is said is that some people believe that he has the ability to steal a persons very soul (don't worry, that's not his power)
    status: Bloodling on the run

    user: xendane
    Name: Chronix Gear
    Age: 17 1/2
    Weapon: a big, BIG sword with two gears on the blade that spin around when activated. Uses of this blade are Magi-Tech Buster Techniques, such as Tech Flare.
    Race: Human
    Appearance: Has white hir that goes down to shoulders that parts off and covers left eye, wears nothing but blue clothes, has green eyes, black dress shoes and a real bad attitude at times.
    status: A reject experiment from Paradise

    user: hitna3510
    name: Lynn
    age: looks 16
    race: Unknown (for now, we will call them mimics, since that is the false name society has given to them)
    weapon(s): (can create weapons by her own will)
    beast forms appearance: (imagine it with red eyes and that it has wings as well)
    status: the murderer with no memory

    user: twilightblade
    name: Blade
    age: 18
    race: human
    weapon(s): Mostly Huge swords and other blades like kunais
    status: an unknown travling swordsmen

    user: kairigirl22
    name: Diana ( Princess Diana)
    age: 17
    race: Human
    weapon(s): None
    appearance: [​IMG]
    skills (these skills are only listed because this fact is known to many people): Diana has a family secret. The women of the family have the ability to speak any language including the language of animals.
    status: the princess with the gift to talk the universal language

    name:Cid Fulon
    race: SoulCollector
    race description: An ancient race which practice necromancy, its a big part of their culture. they look like most humans except the symbol on their forehead that they have been gifted with the power of necromancy .


    weapon(s):Book of souls (contains tons of necromancy) and a dagger, you know just in case


    status: traveller with a dream

    name: Aya
    age: 18
    race: Blooding
    gender: Female
    weapon(s): Bow
    status: the cold hearted bloodling

    Name: Xidar
    Age: 22
    Weapon: A long sword
    appearance: White hair neatly tied in a small ponytail, bangs held back by a red headband, red cape over red plate armor over chain mail over leather armor, black boots, purple piercing eyes, and a smug grin that he wears ALL THE TIME.
    status: mr.happy

    Name: Ora
    Age: 19
    Race: Angelman.
    Weapon: Broadsword Scimitar. That's like a scimitar fused with a broadsword.
    Appearance: Short, neck length spiky black hair, green eyes from exposure to extreme magics, black sleeveless zip up sweater, black fingerless gloves, black wings with red tips, and the kind of guy who looks like he doesn't care, but turns out to really care a lot.
    status: the master infiltrator

    Name: Theo Thenero
    Age: 17 or 18
    Weapon: Cobalt, his zigzagged wood and copper sword. It looks flimsy, but it is a strong weapon.
    Appearance: Where a black shirt under a white tuxedo with golden buttons, black slacks and white boots, black fingerless gloves, and he has a black tattoo of a half moon next to his left eye, and shoulder length Moby-style white hair. Theo is very black and white. Calm and laid back type.(OOC: (Moby style hair looks like a lower case M from my perspective.)
    status: Mystery


    RULES: THese are very important, and they must be read. So listen up, and listen good.

    1. I have a 3 strike rule. If these rules are broken 3 times by a person, then I will have to insist that they leave the thread.

    2. Every charecter you make must have a bio for it. If you do not make a bio for it, then you will not be aloud to use it, unless it is a minor charecter which will plan on killing off quickly, for example, an evil minion, or something like that.

    3. No god modding. You may not control anouther persons charecter without there permission. You may not say something like "the fireball hit, and knocked the man out", unless the charecter is one of your own. Otherwise, the person who controls that charecter will be the one to say whether they are knocked out or not. ALso, that means that you cannot control the people within a persons kingdom. Say in the kingdom of flounder, which I control. You will not be aloud to control the gaurds actions without my permission. If you want to control someone within this kingdom, then you will have to make your own charecter for it.

    4. No power playing. Do not make your charecter all powerful. You must follow exsactly what your bio says, and if your charecter is some how going to become stronger then he is, then I must be informed about it. If they have something that makes them tough, such as their race, then you must describe in the race description what that is. For instance, bloodlings are known to be able to take stab wounds (though since they are revolving around the main section of the story line right now, that cannot be revealed), but that does in fact indicate that they will be able to withstand most wounds, depending on their current condition.

    5. Teleportation is something that may only be done with special machines, known as zigarians. One must pay to use one, and they will only teleport you to places that have a zigarian there. If you do in fact use a teleportation spell, then your charecter will be completely wiped out, since using the laws of physics, one would have to be close to fainting after using magic to deconstruct millions of human cells and atoms, along with that persons own magic abilities, then transport them through the air, and then perfectly re-construct them in anouther area, which you would have to think about. Teleporting about 10 people will also bring upon a persons death, ok.

    6. You must use detail. Sure, you can use one line posts, but you cannot say something like "Annoymanus walked around in the castle and said "I wonder what is going on?" ", unless you already said how you got into the castle itself. Such things do not bring upon common sense, since if a person was to enter into a castle, then they would have to walk through gaurds, gain permission, and all of that.

    7. Remember, you are aloud to create a kingdom, but if you wish to create a kingdom, then you must first post the kingdoms name, and write down a description of it, so that way I may add it to the list. You are not aloud to just suddenly say that there is a kingdom without giving me the name, or else I will have to take control of this kingdom myself, and you will not gain the right to control it.

    I know that the rules seem a little strict, but they are, in fact, reasonable, and simply so that way whenever we roleplay, things will make sense. If there is anything that you wish to suggest to me about the thread or the rules or any section what-so-ever, then please pm me.
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Nov 8, 2007, 1,127 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Deathsight44

    Death Note

    ( Hello all. I am bored, and lately, I have been obsessed with death note, so I thought to myself "What if there was a thread about death note", so, I ended up making this. SO all are welcome to join, such and such)

    It is the year 2030, which is far from the kira incident, when most have forgotten about it, and they do not even speak about it any more. Most detectives have deleted the files on Kira, due to there fear of him, and now, he is only a legend within the world. Technology has not changed to much, and the world is currently back to its old ways. Crime, killings, stealing, government corruption, the whole bit. Even within the death god world, the only thing that has peaked anyones interest is ryuk, and how famous he has become, along with the story of the new world, which was what they called the death note experience down on earth. Of course, events are about to begin, destiny is about to take motion, and a new kira shall rise. But who will it be, or, who will they be. Only time will tell.

    (I know, not the greatest begining line, but so far, I have only made this thread since I had the idea stuck in my head, so bear with me peoples, because I am about to explain how this thread works)

    There are only 3 charecters aloud per person, and there are 3 different kinds of bio's that may be used. A person may not use the same bio twice. You can either be a civilian, which is a normal civilian of the city, but has the oppurtunity to obtain a death note. Your second choice is to be a death god. Now, whenever someone create's a death god charecter, then, that only means that there is anouther oppurtunity for someone to gain a death note, but here is the catch. If you have a civilian charecter, and a death god charecter, then you are not aloud to let your own death god give yourself a death note. Your death god must give someone else a death note, while someone else's death god charecter must give you a death note. The last choice would be an officer, meaning that you will serve under the law, and your purpose will either be to help kira, or to try to stop kira.

    Now, I myself will not be creating a citizen, but I will have an officer, and a death god. If you do not know what the rules of the death note are, then look it up on google, and try to see what you can find out. Wikipedia does not have all of the rules either, so you might want to check out some other sites. This thread will be a battle of wits, and everyone may only abide by the rules which the death note will allow. There will be no special powers which are not used within the series, just so that way everything is kept fair. This will be a pure battle of wits, and you will have to make sure that you are not caught as Kira. Detectives, do not always try to catch one of the kira's, by using a highly unlikely fact, or something like that. You will need to have hard evidence that someone is kira, in order to get the police to go after them. Now, here are the bio's.

    Civilian's bio

    appearance: (a pic would be nice)
    line of work: (what job does your charecter have. Depending on the job, it can make all the difference if you are one of hte lucky few to get a death note)

    Death God's bio (Note, all death gods have atleast 1 death note. the human carry's a spare. if the death god loses his, then, he/she will die. )

    appearance: (you might wnat to use a pic for this)
    reason for coming to the human realm:

    Officers bio

    ranking: (could be a normal officer, could be a detective, could be the cheif of police, or it could be a top private eye, just like L)
    family members: (if you plan on involving family, then put them down in your bio, but otherwise, you won't really need this part)

    (I am going to give this thread some time, and when I come back, which will be after awhile, we will begin. I will add bio's to the bottem when I come back as well. To add onto that, I will slowly list the death notes rules, so that way others will be able to learn them)

    Death note rules (note that there are 66 rules total)

    The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

    This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

    If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the subject's name, it will happen.

    If the cause of death is not specified, the subject will simply die of a heart attack.

    After writing the cause of death, the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

    This note shall become the property of the human world, once it touches the ground of (arrives in) the human world.

    The owner of the note can recognize the image and voice of its origianl owner, i.e. a god of death.

    The human who uses this note can neither go to Heaven nor Hell.

    If the time of death is written within 40 seconds after writing the cause of death as a heart attack, the time of death can be manipulated, and the time can go into effect within 40 seconds after writing the name.

    The human who touches the Death Note can recognize the image and voice of its original owner, a god of death, even if the human is not the owner of the note.

    The person in possession of the Death Note is possessed by a god of death, its original owner, until they die.

    If a human uses the note, a god of death usually appears in front of him/her within 39 days after he/she uses the note.

    Gods of death, the original owners of the Death Note, do not do, in principle, anything which will help of prevent the deaths in the note.

    A god of death has no obligation to completely explain how to use the note or rules which will apply to the human who owns it.

    A god of death can extend his life by putting human names on the note, but humans cannot.

    A person can shorten his or her own life by using the note.

    The human who becomes the owner of the Death Note can, in exchance of half of his/her remaining life, get the eyeballs of the god of death which will enable him/her to see a human's name and remaining lifetime when looking through them.

    A god of death cannot be killed even if stabbed in his heart with a knife or shot in the head with a gun. However, there are ways to kill a god of death, which are not generally known to the gods of death.

    The conditions for death will not be realied unless it is physically possible for that human or it is reasonably assumed to be carried out by that human.

    The specific scope of the condition for death is not known to the gods of death, either. So, you must examine and find out.

    One page taken from the Death Note, or even a fragment of the page, contains the full effects of the note.

    The instrument to write with can be anything. (e.g. cosmetics, blood, etc) as long as it can write directly onto the note and remains as legible letters.

    Even the original owners of Death note, gods of death, do not know much about the note.

    You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to fillng in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name.

    Even if you do not actually possess the Death Note, the effect will be the same if you can recognize the person and his/her name to place in the blank.

    The Death Note will not affect those under 780 days old.

    The Death Note will be rendered useless if the victims name is misspelled four times.

    "Suicide" is a valid cause of death. Basically all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something "unbelieable to think of".

    Whether the cause of the individual's death is either a suicide or accident, If the death leads to the death of more than the intended, the person will simply die of a heart attack. This is to ensure that other lives are not influenced.

    Even after the individual's name, the time of death, and death condition on the Death Note were filled out, the time and condition of death can be altered as many times as you want, as long as it is changed within 6 minutes and 40 seconds from the time it was filled it. But, of course, this is only possible before the victims dies.

    Whenever you want to change anything written on the Death Note within 6 minutes and 40 seconds after you wrote, you must first rule out the characters you want to erase with two straight lines.

    As you see above, the time and condition of death can be changed, but once the victim's name has been written, the individual's death can never be avoided.

    If you lose the Death Note or have it stolen, you will lose its ownership unless you retrieve it within 490 days.

    If you have traded the eye power of a god of death, you will lose the eye power as well as the memory of the Death Note, once you lose its ownership. At the same time, the remaining half of your life will not be restored.

    How to Use It XIII

    You may lend the Death Note to another person while maintaining its ownership.

    The borrower of the Death Note will not be followed by a god of death.
    The god of death always remains with the owner of the Death Note.
    Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.

    How to Use It XIV

    When the owner of the Death Note dies while the Note is being lent, its ownership will be transfered to the person who is holding it at that time.

    If the Death Note is stolen and the owner is killed by the thier, its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief.

    How to Use It XV

    When the same name is written on more than two Death Notes, the Note which was first filled in will take effect, regardless of the time of death.

    If writing the same name on more than two Death Notes is completed within a 0.06-second difference, it is regarded as simultaneous; the Death Note will not take effect and the individual written will not die.

    How to Use It XVI

    The god of death must at least own one Death Note. That Death Note must never be lent to or written on by a human.

    Exchanging and writing on the Death Note between the gods of death is no problem.

    How to Use It XVII

    If the god of death decides to use the Death Note to kill the assassin of an individual he favors, the individual's life will be extended, but the god of death will die.

    The dead god of death will desappear, but the Death Note will remain. The ownership of this Death Note is usually carried over to the next god of dath that touches it, but it is common sense that it is returned to the Great god of death.

    How to Use It XVIII

    Only by touching each other's Death Note can human individuals who own the Death Note in the human world recognize the appearance or voice of each other's god of death.

    An individual with the eye power of a god of death can tell the name and life span of other humans by looking at that person's face.
    By possessing the Death Note, an individual gains the ability to kill and stops being a victim. From this point, a person with the Death Note cannot see the life span of other Death Note owners, including him/herself. But, it is not really necessary for the individual to view the life span of him/herself nor other Death Note owners.

    The god of death must not tell humans the names of lifespans on individuals he sees. This is to avoid confusion in the human world.

    CHarecter list: (will be updated once a day)

    death god

    name: Chaos
    gender: male
    (note that his appearance is of the four armed creature in the back, accept it is a male, not a female.)

    personality: Usually laid back, a bit lazy, complains when he doesn't get any apples, since he picked up the habit of eating them. When he is ordered to do something by a death note holder that he respects, then he will not put up a fight against the owners wish. If he even finds a death note holder worthy, he will take there side.
    reason for coming to the human realm: He pissed of the shinigami king after trying to steal a death note from him, and was banished to the human world, just recently. He has just arrived to earth, and is meant to travle throughout the human world, all alone. But he will soon change that
    history: He barely has any history. He was known as a trickster and a manipulater throughout the shinigami realm, and when he met ryuuk for the first time, and was told about the story of Kira, he was intrueged, almost in complete aw about him, so then one day, he tried to steal a book from the death god king in order to create anouther kira incident, but failed in doing so. He had wanted to create various Kira's. But now that he is stuck on the human realm, he does not know what he will do

    death god
    appearance: [​IMG]
    (i couldn't find a good picture of a shinigami so i used this) with the added black wings of a shinigami
    personality:silly little shinigami that looks alot more like a human
    reason for coming to the human realm:she wants to recreat the Kira days
    history:Ririn spent alot of her time watching the humans. One thing that amused her was the Kira years. It looked like alot of fun! (has two deathnotes)

    Name: Isabella ( Bella)
    age: 17
    gender: Female
    appearance: [​IMG]
    personality: Bella is kind of shy but can also have a bad temper if you get on her bad side. She's aslo really stubburn.
    line of work: She doesn't have a job, just school.
    history: She doesn't really have much of a history. Just a normal girl

    Name: Theodore Mikou (T)
    Age: 19
    Gender: M
    Personality: acts like L but his emotions get in the way of his judgement often. keeps a drawing pad with him always
    Ranking: Private investigator
    Family: orphan, grew up in Watarti's school
    History: successor to Near
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Oct 14, 2007, 524 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Deathsight44

    Post here to show her that she has made you happy because she told me that she wants to make everyone happy today
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Aug 27, 2007, 90 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Deathsight44
    Current town: Tokyo, Japan

    (Before I say the story, I say this. I have written a lot down here, so you might want to read every bit of it once in awhile. Don’t read for to long, or else you will probably hurt your eyes, lol)

    (A second note. The town we will be beginning in is stony point. Under the name stones of fate I will have down the town and country that the people are in, since they are only beginning in the town of stony point in new york state. At some point, they are going to end to leaving, so I am informing you all of this right now)

    Story of the stones of fate…….

    Long ago, before the age of man, even before the dinosors, just around the same moment the earth was created, 1 meteor stood there, in the middle of the very universe. It was an old meteor, made of such materials that not even the wisest of men can even begin to hypothesize of. That meteor was so old that it ended up literally blowing up. But, the center of the universe had a sort of hold on the rock, as if it was in place. Due to this, the fire from the rocks explosion was literally frozen in place, as soon the remaining crust became the surface of which the fire of it stayed on. This was the sun. The explosion itself, being frozen like that, and causing a sort of damage to the universes central hold, caused other meteors to come near by slowly, and they soon began smashing against eachother. Over time, all of these meteorites began to form, and soon, atoms combined, causing volcanic eruptions, then water flows, and other things, all due to the colliding of atoms from different area’s of the universe. Now, once the earth was finally completely formed along with other planets, all of these meteorites left remnants of themselves. Litterally, plants, fossils, life, but mostly the very stones around us. The sand of the beach, the very salt that we might even consider only a form of food topping. But there is only 1, special stone out of all of them. One stone from each meteorite, which is unlike the others that came from them. These stones, contain the power of evolution itself. Humans are only weak creatures compared to what is really out there, but whenever one of these specific stones is in a humans grasp, then they may go through the process of evolution whenever they wish it. But sometimes, whenever one stone is used to its full power, it can backfire, and the human shall be human no more, but only what is to go beyond human potential. These stones are hunted for generations now. After all this time, most people have never found them. There are only 4 kinds of people who can obtain these stones really. The innocents, the hunters, the dark ones, and the empowered ones. Which will you be? And whichever one you become, will you join in the hunt for these stones? For once you do, there is no turning back. Of course, one might not have a choice. After all, the stones of fate are not chosen by humans, humans are chosen by them……..

    Clearing everything up: Ok, so here is the deal. A heck load of stones are out there, and it is your job to find them. There are 4 groups. 1, the innocents. They are bystanders who get dragged into this mess by accident. 2. Hunters. They are the ones that have been hunting these stones for ages, generation after generation. 3. The dark ones. These are people who somehow have a mysterious connection to the stones, and they know how to work them not only to maximum power, but they also work towards the goal of world domination. The empowered ones is basicly the government. The basic story goes along mostly with kids that are in highschool, or atleast it begins that way. Basicly, if you want to be with the group most of the time, then you might as well be between the ages of 14 and 17, though that is only a suggestion. You are going to get a wide selection of what kinds of stones you can use. There are major and minor ones. The major ones are the most dangerous. Now, I am gonna have a really long list here since I researched just about every single stone known to man (or atleast every known stone in this book thingy I found). So it will be split up into stones that give you physical abilities, mental abilities, other abilities, and major abilities. Under all of these lists, I will have a character list, which tells what stones have been taken. I know it will take a lot of reading, but don’t worry, we will have time to look for all of these stones, though it will be very challenging. So just look under the section you think the stone you want might be under, and see what you want, ok. Our story begins in current time, 2007. Most characters will be beginning in high school. This will begin in America, in the big apple, new york city. You ready? Then lets get moven.
    When I make my first rp post, then you guys will understand more about everything. Also, as an add on. Do not go trying to be uber powerful or anything like that, ok. Rules go my way, and as you rp, you will slowly learn them. You should know how to rp well by now though.s

    Faction: (innocent, hunter, dark one, or empowered one)
    Culture: (American, Japanese, whichever one)
    Stone: (read list of stones first).
    Appearance: (Use to show what your character looks like if you do not already have a picture prepared.)

    (my bio’s)

    Name: Matt
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: male
    Culture: American
    Stone: agate
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is not exactly what you would call social. He barely speaks to anyone, and can be pretty cold towards people. He isn’t a bad guy, he just doesn’t like to talk. He can be arrogant, stubborn, and he’ll go off and do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He can act like a very dark person.
    History: He has grown up a normal life really. Only thing is that his parents are short on money. They barely are able to keep up and they live in an apartment, which they could lose any day. In the town of Stony Point (I will be using real towns in my rp incase you guys do not know. You can make up ones that your characters are from if you want though), he had just moved, and is going to be beginning school there since summer vacation just ended. Besides that, he has a few bad records for getting into fights with kids.

    Name: Jarrard
    Age: 15
    Faction: innocent
    Gender: male
    Culture: African american
    Stone: Olivine
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is a real bully, and likes to have power. He hates to be the underdog, but he has a few acceptions. If anyone gets in his way, he makes sure that he shoves them out of it.
    History: There is not to much to explain. He has lived a normal life, but has always craved control. He was raised and turned into some spoiled brat, who got lucky and loved to work out. His hobby is taking lunch money from kids. He is your classic bully.

    Age: 17
    Faction: hunter
    Gender: male
    Culture: american
    Stone: amber
    Appearance: [​IMG] (ignore the weapons)
    Personality: He is the kind of guy who intimidates some people, but he stays calm in all situations. He can be a bit manipulative at some points, but he can also be a real good guy. He is a neutral person, neither good nor evil.
    History: As a child, before his parents died, he was taught about the hunters. It fascinated him, and he quickly became one, following his family’s footsteps. Apparently, when his parents were killed though, it was supposed to be just him and his sister, but zed, his sworn enemy, came in an kidnapped her. He now knows nothing of what happened to his sister. He now leads a small group of hunters, which seem to resinate in the town of stony point. Oddly, it is an attraction spot for weird activity, so that is why they mostly resonate there.

    Name: Zed
    Age: unknown
    Faction: dark one
    Gender: male
    Culture: unknown
    Stone: diamond
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: he is a cold ruler, who cares for no life. He enjoys toying with peoples minds, and making them act like meer insects before him
    History: Totally unknown

    Name: John
    Age: 27
    Faction: empowered one (government)
    Gender: male
    Culture: American
    Stone: obsidian
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is an all around kind of guy, but he isn’t some stiff who takes every single thing seriously. He is only serious when it is nescasary for him to be
    History: Ever since he was a boy, he always wanted to help out his country, and protect it. He joined the military, rose through the ranks, and at one point, he ended up going on project S.O.D.E, which is currently unknown.

    Stone system: You get 5 points in taking up the stones. Physical stones take up 1 point. Other stones take up 2. Mental stones take up 3. Major stones take up a full 5. This is to ensure that a person can get more then one stone in the beginning, and they get it however they like, whether it is a handy down or what, but you get the system. Now this is the list. Also, a person can only posses one major stone. Throughout the whole storyline, only one major stone per person.

    ~Physical stones~

    Alexandrite: creates a sword from thin air. Nothing to special

    Alum: super speed.

    Amazonite: luck.

    Apache tear: purifies poisens

    (belongs to john)Asbestos: resistance to fire

    (belongs to john)Aventurine: hawk like vision

    Cats eye: see life in slowmo. Also cat like reflexes

    Chrysoprase: banish evil spirits, strength of a bull along with rage, makes blood generate quickly to recover from blood loss.

    Carnelian: jynx others

    Coal: sends energy through a person, making them hyper, and less stressed.

    Fossil: large strength in legs which allows the person to jump extra high

    Geodes: grow wings whenever activated

    Hardend lava: skin becomes as hot as magma, making punches and kicks deadly

    Hematite: creates a glove around your fist, which will double the weight of any metal if you punch it

    Lapis Lazul: golden touch

    Lepidolite: increase size of body by 3 times its normal size

    Marble: rock body

    Pipestone: Move through objects

    Pumice: eliminates all pain, but that does not mean that it gets rid of wounds. It just allows you to fight to your best, even if you were to have a broken leg. After results can be quite drastic though.

    Rhodonite: drains physical energy when touched

    Salt: the user of this stone can make themselves disperse into salt, and then reform into their normal self. Only problem is that if the person has the stone and is touched with water, then they will be temporarily, but extremely weakend, and will barely be able to move.

    Spinel: can cause paralysis to an opponent

    Salactite: allows your arm to become blade like. Nothing that special, but it is sort of like twin blades

    Selenite: causes blindness

    Sodalite: quick healing

    Staurolite: create a clone, but only one

    Sugilite: Can merge a single body part with a form of metal. From a simple sword, to a machine gun.

    Sulfer: rubber body

    Sunstone: strength increases 20 fold whenever in the sun

    Tigers-eye: the person will be able to make there body more animal like, morphing it so that it will have a certain animals features. Take a tiger for instance. The person will get cat like reflexes, there body will become striped, and there nails will become claw like.

    Topaz: invisibility

    Turqoise: life drain. When something is totally drained, the thing that has been drained turns into dust.

    -Mental stones-

    Azurite: future sight

    Chalcedony: increases rage within a person

    Chrysocolla: can drain memories from enemy

    (belongs to john)Citrine: removes fear from others

    Fluorite: illusions

    Kunzite: give others a feeling of drunkness

    Malachite: 360 degree vision. It is like having invisible eyes revolving around your head, in a sense.

    Moonstone: hypnosis

    Rhodocrosite: love enducer

    Amethyst: chrystalizes weapons. Allowing a sword to become more of like a long, spiked sword, or can be turned into a bladed whip, for example.

    Azurite: an add on to the ember stone. Turns fire into azure fire. 10 times hotter

    Beryl: creates 7 orbs, which can be modified by the whim of it’s user.

    Calcite: creates the spear of Iceland out of thin air. This spear is able to pierce anything, even energy or wind pressure.

    Celestite: grows plants

    Coral: the water add on . Can turn into a pure puddle of water, and move around, such as through cracks in a wall.

    Cross stone: creates a bow of light, which can create arrows of light as well.

    Flint: can relieve another stone of its powers for a day.

    Garnet: repels all insects

    Emerald: teleportation

    Holy stone: power to negate darkness. A light stone adjustment, created to contain the ability’s of the agate

    Onyx: can form clay beasts out of the earth

    Peridot: allows the user to create a parrot puppet, which allows it to fly off, and relate messages. Though it is not battle worthy, it is very useful in some situations

    Petrified wood: Gorgon effect. Turn those with life into stone with a scratch

    Sard: (minor) blow out a special gas from mouth which creates a type of mustard bomb effect, making everyone who’s eyes touch the gas eyes burn, their nostrils will burn, and their throats will burn (not literally, but its like rubbing really spicey spice on all of that stuff).

    Sardonyx: temporary possession

    Sphene: lazer beams. As lame as it is, it causes the person using it to generate heat in their eye, and fire heat beams

    Topaz: magnetism

    Jasper: creates rain

    ********Major stones**********

    (taken by matt)Agate: Gives the powers of darkness. Increases speed, increases strength, allows control over dark energy, is not hurt when hit, can turn into gas form, confusion flash, dark shield, can heal ones wound temporarily. It cannot heal a wound made by a cross, holy water, or any holy weapon. This is a stone which produces pure darkness, and it is nearly impossible to completely tame such a power. Legend says that the original man who utilized its power first, became the captain of the army’s of hell.

    (Belongs to rob) Amber: fire control, strength, speed, alchemy. It was this stone that man used in ancient times in order to form things into swords in such, using its power of alchemy. It is even believed that cave men discovered fire with this stone

    Aquamarine: control over water. The person using it should be able to dodge attacks quite easily, due to the fact that the users body become quite nimble. Light as a feather. The original owner, before dieing, used to use this in order to create fake sea monsters, scaring sailors away

    Bloodstone: blood magic. Can control blood in unimaginable ways. Such a stone gave the original belief of vampires a bit more truth to it

    (Taken by Zed)Diamond: Unthinkable power beyond belief. It is hard to say what it can do. Legend holds that it can bend reality itself. It has always been beautiful, and can be traced back to the babilons

    Jade: control over greenlife (plants basicly). The user can even bring plants to a next evolution, such as a venus fly trap turning into a plant monster thingy. Religious priests who know of the stones may sometimes say that this was God’s tool in order to form the green life on earth, though that could never be proven

    Jet: power over earth. Increase in strength, can feel vibrations on the earth, allowing you to tell where an enemy is, even if hidden, as long as the enemy is standing on the ground. Mighty rulers used this to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies way back when.

    Mica: allows one to gather energy itself, and turn it into a weapon, such as a beam or a sword. The belief of ghosts became more factual when the original owner used it to play tricks on people.

    (Taken by unknown)Mother-of-pearl: creates smaller, monstrofic creatures, which grow at high speeds. They are man eaters, and the person who has this stone must be a female. It is a cursed stone, and should not be tampered with, or else there can be dangerous concequences. Back in the west in ancient times, during a great extinction, people said that devilish bugs called locusts attacked. Apparently, in current time, they say that the bugs look like crickets. Apparently, that is a lie…..

    Obsidian: power of ice. Body will be able to freeze most of the things that can come at it, making it easier to counter. The one named saint nick used this during his times of life in order to freeze chimneys so he could move down them without making a noise (if you guys are thinken about santa claus, then we all know he isn’t real, but nick was one of the saints. Santa clause is just a myth made in his honor)

    (In jarrards possession)Olivine: control of the storm. Power of Lightning. Punches can have static generate around them, and can cause a minor shock to an enemy. Such is only an example of what it can do. It can even redirect lightning itself. Fearsome storms are made with this, and when in the hands of someone who can use it, many hurricanes can be created. Of course, this is only possible in the hands of an expert.

    Opal: can shift the balance completely, in which the user can absorb the attack of another, and then use it against them, in the users own form of the attack. Sort of like a sling shot. This stone created the original idea of the catapult

    (Taken by unknown)Pearl: it can take hold, and obtain a persons very soul, but only one at a time. This stone does not even have any recognition in history.

    Quartz: power of light. Can cure anything, and can create light where there is only darkness. Most darkness cannot stand up to this kind of power. It is said that the holy warrior of God herself used this to fight against the dark forces of hell.

    Ruby: it may seem minor, but this stone, gives the user the ability to see into the past. They will even be able to see there very past lives if they wish. To long a look into the past though can pose a danger to the persons mentality. No real history can be taken of this stone

    Saphire: Sixth sense, mental protection, mind reading, invisible shield, prevents captivity, ability to speak to the dead. This stone gave birth to the belief of psychics

    (taken by unknown)Staurolite: a dangerous stone, which when used, it cannot be undone, but is dangerous. It grants immortality to a person. This person will never die, and after an hours time, any wound can heal. But that is just it though. Because they will never die, they will never reach the after life, destined to live on earth and watch all of its greatest and worst moments. This stone has only lead to dread and chaos, and whoever originally was found with it, is still not known to be alive or dead.

    Tourmaline: power of wind. Can travel at extremely high speeds when stone is being used. This stone is a stone of beauty and its powers can be used for some of the greatest goods

    Zircon: . This is the most powerful stone of them all. It has such power within it, that it will increase any stone that it’s user posses 100 times over. It is so powerful, that if it was to fall into the wrong hands, then the user would have the power to literally rule over the world. If put into the hands of someone who cannot obtain such power, it will drive them mad with power. Such a stone might as well have never exsisted, since it is extremely rare to find even the break off pieces which contain no magic.

    Character list:

    Mine- Matt (age15) (innocent) (owns agate) [​IMG]

    Mine- Jarrard (age 15) (innocent) (Posses Olivine) [​IMG]

    Mine- Rob (age 17) (hunter) (Posseses amber)

    Mine-Zed (age unknown) (dark one) (posseses diamond) [​IMG]

    Mine- John (age 27) (empowered one) (posseses obsidian) [​IMG]

    Kairi22- Lilly (age 15) (innocent) (posseses quartz and holy stone)

    Varnor- Velox (age 15) (hunter) (posseses Alum, Fossil and Fluorite)

    True darkness- Cathy (age 15) (innocent) (posseses saphire)

    Twilightblader- Seth (age 16) (innocent) (posseses Alexandrite, Amethyst, and malachite)

    Silverbullet- Kain (age 15) (innocent) (posseses mica)

    Zexion13- Laulite Ruzuki (pronounced lawleat) a.k.a, Lin (age 15) (innocent) (posseses cat's eye, pipestone, and sodalite)

    True darkness- Kaelyn (age 17) (hunter) (posseses aquamarine)

    Silver bullet- Niyak (age unknown) (dark one) (posseses flint)

    pirateguywithapplepie- El Toro Mal(age 17)(dark one)(posseses chrysophrase)

    pirateguywithapplepie- venture (age 17) (innocent) (posseses Chalcedony)

    pirateguywithapplepie- xane (age 19) (hunter) (posseses Sugilite)
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Aug 27, 2007, 3,335 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Deathsight44
    Anybody ever hear about this scum bag corperation. They have a couple of reveiws on a sight that is suppose to reveiw all buissnesses. Most of them are 5 stars saying that the place is great. The last one though declares that all of the 5 star comments were made by the employees there to make it look good, as he gives it 1 star, along with a link, which shows you about 7 or 8 reveiws talking about how the dog that they bought from the store not only got sick 2 days later, but it either died, got other animals sick and made them die, or was saved after thousands of dollars were put into vetranary help. Worst part, the place refuses to pay for any of the vet bills. Does anyone have any info on this place that you would like to share? The more info, the better story I have that I can send to channle 7 when I get these bastards for the ****ed up stuff they do with these dogs.

    Also, before I wouldn't have totaly have complete trust in all of these comments saying how bad it is, but a friend of mine recently bought a dog from the place, which is now dieing as I type this. SO would anyone like to share?
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Aug 3, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. Deathsight44
    Does anyone ever play this? I just got optinum, but I am maken sure that this sight isn't one of those virus thingy's, so I wanna know if anyone plays this mmorpg
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Jul 26, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Gaming
  20. Deathsight44
    Unknown where the Cursed Wave was born...
    After the stars doth cross the heavens...
    The sky in the East doth darken.
    And air doth fills with mourning.
    From the chosen land beyond the forest,
    A sign of the Wave comes.
    Riding the Wave is: Skeith, the Shadow of Death,
    to drown all that stands.
    Mirage of Deceit, Innis,
    Betray all with the flawed image,
    and did aid the Wave.
    And by the Power of Magus,
    a drop from the Wave doth reach the heavens,
    and creates a new Wave.

    With the Wave, Fidchell,
    the power to tell the dark future,
    hope darkens, sadness and despair rule.
    Gorre schemes when swallowed by the Cursed Wave.
    Macha seduces with the sweet trap.
    Wave reaches the Pinnacle, and escape none can.
    Tarvos still remains with more cruelty to punish and destroy.
    And with the turbulent destruction after the Wave.
    Only a void remains.
    From deep within the void arrives Corbenik.

    Yet to return, the shadowed one.
    Who quests for the Twilight Dragon
    Rumbles the Dark Hearth,
    And Helba, Queen of the Dark, has raised finally her army.
    Apeiron, King of Light, beckons...
    At the base of the rainbow they meet.
    Against the abominable "Wave," together they fight.
    Alba's lake boils.
    Light's great tree doth fall.
    Power - all now to droplets turned in the temple of Arche Koeln.
    Returns to nothing, this world of shadowless ones.
    Never to return, the shadowless one.
    Who quests for the Twilight Dragon.

    The wife buffeted by "waves" turns her back on the field.
    The daughter that waited for the shadows repeated,
    "For sure... For sure I can go home."
    But the girl did not know...
    The truth that waited at the end of the journey
    The eternal mourning of her land.

    In the place of the calamitous, only life was known.
    After the circling stars
    When the eastern dark void, the air full of despair
    In the depths of the divided forest, in the land of Karma,

    Riding fast on the path is Skeith
    Bearing death's shadow, it eliminates all that seek to thwart it.
    The Confusing Mirage, Innis
    Deceives those that see it with illusions, rescues the waves

    The wave soaring high, when its head is smashed,
    A new wave will emerge
    To become Magus's power.
    When questioning the wave,
    Hope's light will be lost when he speaks of the dark future of where
    sorrow and resignation reign.
    Using Fiddlehiem's Technique

    When engulfed by the Waves of Calamity, Gorre will plan
    The sweet snare of conciliation is Macha
    The Waves, an exceeding maelstrom
    Nothing can escape

    When you think you have escaped, Tarvos exists
    To destroy those with his exceeding cruelty
    Upon violent requital, only to remain is the void, the vacant darkness
    is the harbinger that Corbenik is to appear.

    ----Emma Wielant
    Thread by: Deathsight44, Jul 19, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone