Basicly, what was the first thing you thought was gonna happen when you started playing as Roxas? When I first started, I was at first afraid he might be a new main charecter, and we would end up stuck playen as him. I also thought he would end up goin off with Sora as a companion or somethen like that. Wasn't to sure since I didn't know much about kingdom hearts or anything back then :sweatdrop: how bout you guys?
Who here got Spore, or more so, the Galatic edition?!?!?!??! CUZ I SURE DO KNOW THAT I DID!!!! (party song) Seriously though, this is to discuss Spore. Many people have just recently gotten it, and so now that we are almost all fresh to this game, I think we should be able to have a place to chat about it with eachother, ya know what I'm sayen? Start bringen somethen up, and let's get talking then. How about we start off with what kind of creatures you are expecting to make. Have you made some already and want to talk abouts them? Perhaps they were inspired by something?
Has your ass ever gone numb before? Mine has before, and I've godda tell ya, it feels weird when you can't feel your own ass there! (I'm bored, so....)
Ok, I gots mehself a problem. See, normally whenever I spoke with someone new, then if I didn't know if they were a guy or a girl, then I would always check. But now that I've checked, there is absolutely no way to confirm whether they are a guy, and not for nothing, but I hate asking people if they are a guy or a girl. So my question is, is their still a way to check, or is it now impossible due to the recent update? o_O Lol. They've got a whole bunch of these episodes, and I had no idea ^_^
What do you prefer more about the Kingdom hearts Legacy. Do you like the gameplay, or the storyline better? this is the link to my first amv. Rate it, comment on it, tell me what you think. Given the type of song that I used, I wasn't able to do as much as I had hoped for, but, given the kingdom hearts scenes that kh-vids provides, I did what I could (and in my oppinion is the best version of that song that you gonna find when you type in kingdom hearts just like you)
((If you are joining in late, then if you are an oracle, then we'll just have to say that you escaped differently. I'll figure somethen out ^_^ )) The year is 2012 within the world, and things have not truelly changed all the much. World war 3 had broken out 3 years ago, once terrorist activity began to kick up once again, and also due to corruption within the United States, and their new crusade in order to ‘spread democracy’ to every nation, and in doing so, America has become terribly corrupt. Fossil fuels are becoming rare, slowly disappearing, which raises prices for it, making people begin to riot, and such. The second Great Depression has also begun, putting the country in turmoil while money is wasted on war. Things such as tanks, jets, and other tools of war are soon to become obsolete, and there for, the government has began experimenting on the next step of war machines. People began to suggest ‘why not take the next step? Why not take things a step further, and create something that doesn’t need fuel? Why not create the perfect soldier? It has been suggested on things such as tv shows. Why not make it a reality? And so, they started be recruiting more people for the army. A good 50 were drafted by the army, only to end up being tricked by their very own country. They were split into 2 groups though. The first group was sent to be experimented on, and once the process was completed, then they were imprisoned within the perfect cell, putting them all in total solitary confinement. Each one, having some form of memory loss, whether it be the tiny details, to only being able to remember your childhood, to not even knowing your own name. As for the other group, it is not certain what happened to them at the moment. Though now, this thread shall begin to take place at exactly 3:00 AM in the morning, whether you are awake or not, as the sound of a scream can be heard down the hall way, followed by a sickening sound, and a tearing noise is heard. 2 gaurds go running past your cell, and you can only imagine what exactly is going on, as more noises can be heard down in the hallway. And then, you can only sit there, as you hear loud thuds on the ground, and a heavy breathing, followed with the sound of something heavy being dragged on the ground. And you only sit there, and pray within your confinement cell, that this thing, whatever it may be, does not kill you next, as you hear the footsteps get lighter, and farther, as they carry on down the hall. And you are left at this precise moment in time, and this is where your legacy begins….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alrite, so that basicly described the whole thing. World is in a lot of turmoil here, haven some issues, right? Well thanks to what’s been goin on, things are about to get worse. Now, I’m gonna give you the rules, as well as a few things that’ll clear some of the stuff up. Oh ya, and also, it is gonna be taken place in New York city, alrite ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: No godmodding I am actually ok with cursing, even if you use it a lot. Just don’t over abuse, like using it in EVERY single post. Not for nothen, but it gets annoyen…. Keep it all pg13. Kiss, hug, do whatever. If you wanna do anything beyond that, then sure, go ahead, whatever, cuz unlike most people, I don’t believe in that kind of stuff bein perverted, but just do a time skip or somethen, will ya, cuz we don’t want younger audiances learning to far ahead of their time, lmao Ok now, there are 4 different kinds of charecters in this thread. Civilians, which are just normal people, obviously, who simply live in New York city. Next comes military officers, which basicly work for the military, and will be after those that have escaped. third up is the oracles, which is the first half that was experimented on. They are refered to oracles, due to their ‘unique’ abilities. Even though what has happened to them is some what unpredictable, the experiments have basicly given them more super human like abilities. More will be explained in the bio’s And then, finally, the Hybrids. Nasty little buggers really. I don’t want to get into to much about them right now, but if you want this kind of a character, then you’ll have to pm me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` bio Name: Age: Race: (civilian, military, oracle) Weapons: (you’ll have to find a weapon through reasonable conditions. You cant just start out with one if you are an oracle, unless ur powers some how have to do with it) Appearance: Personality: Powers: (they have to be explainable in the explanation section) Explanation: (this part is a bit annoying, but, is nescesary. Basicly, since your powers were obtained through science, you have to be able to explain them through science. Take being able to set things on fire for instance. Through a sci-fi stand point, you would have to explain that you set things on fire with your mind more then your body, by concentrating on a certain area, and making it so hot, that whatever you concentrate on sets on fire. If you are doing it to metal, then it heats up a lot. Do it to skin, and it shall begin to burn. Do it to a gas station, and big boom :D . Don’t worry, no big time explanations. Just something brief is all I need. If you want to ask about a certain power that you want to use but can’t find a way to explain how it is possible, then plz say something to me ) History: (civilians and military can put this down. As for oracles, this is a nonnescesity, unless you want to put down what your character is able to remember) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bio list: Name: Eric (real name unknown) Age: 18 Race: oracle Weapons: none Appearance: Personality: Cold towards many others, self centered in many ways, and such, though it is really just an outer appearance. On the inside, he does not like to hurt anyone, fears death, and tries to preserve life as much as he can. Problem is though that ever since he had been experimented on though, he has had a growing blood lust, and has been losing that kinder side to himself. Powers: His body has been altered unlike all of the other oracles, and is no longer truelly human. He can appear human, but his body has gained the ability to morph, and he can control his skin, turning his arms into monster like arms with sharp claws, creating spikes from his back, or anywhere else on his body, the ability to extend his body more then others. Whenever he kills someone, he has the ability to absorb their body, and transform into them, as well as gain memories, and knowledge which they hold. All other abilities are still to come, and have not been discovered yet Explanation: one of the first ones who was experimented on. Unlike most of the oracles, he was taken in with most of the other 25 that were experimented on. His body has been implemented with all new forms of energy, different chemicals, the DNA of recently discovered oceanic species from the deep bottem of the oceon, and because of it, his body has become altered. Further explanation cannot further be provided until the continuousy of the thread History: All memories have disappeared. His only memories are of E.R.I.C, which he took as his name, but otherwise, he is totally clueless Name: Yuri Age: 12 Race: Oracle Weapons: Appearance: Amine/Teens/027650.jpg Personality: Shy, timid and doesn't trust anyone anymore due to her recent expirences and memory loss but when she gets to know someone she clings and depends on them and open up and acts very young, childish, and playful Powers: She is able to move things with her mind and control light. If I'm allowed to I'll have her powers progress through the rp Explanation: If she conserate on something hard enough and picture it moving it shall do so. he whole control light thing is a step up from being able to move things, or her telekiness. Basically she takes the light waves and move them closer together. They normally get hotter or colder, depending on the atmosphere. She can take the light and band them into whatever she wishes, also can cut things, well, she doesn't really cut things it only looks like that. She really takes the heat to burn through the objects. History: Growing up she was abused and normally someone her age wouldn't get mixed up in this kind of thing but her foster father, the one who saved her from her abusive parents, was a sciencist for the goverment. Her father got into trouble with the comdening officer and had to work all night for weeks on end. There was no one to take care of her during his work hours so she would stay with him. He fell asleep and she wondered off and got mixed up with the people who were ment to expirments on. Her memory was then wiped and she can only think of her past through dreams. Name: Rik Echo Age: 24 Race: military Weapons: Not found one that won't break on him yet Appearance: Personality: Arrogant and crude Powers: Uses "the darkness of the elements" Explanation: When Rik focuses his negative thoughts he can alter his dna making a substance similar to a mythical element and project it such as a lightning bolt from a chosen body part such as his index finger. These are projected through a more dark version and has been dubbed "the darkness of the elements", the reason behind this is because Rik uses his negative emotions as a medium for his ability. Anger: Fire Sadness: Water (has not gained) Aggression: Lightning (has not gained) Doubt: Earth (has not gained) Fear: Air (has not gained) History: He was raised in a small village in Japan until the age of 16 when he left for America with a few friends but they where killed in the cross fire of a military operation to kill an escaped experiment. Rik then joined the military to get revenge but he eventually became satisfied with the killing of civillians who rebeled. From this he was promoted and was experimented on with a new experiment that messed up his head making him psychotic but gave him his powers. Name: Blade Age: 18 Race: Oracle Weapons: A huge broadsword Appearance: Personality: Calm and quiet Powers: Energy manipulation Explanation: Blades powers is the ability to control energy particles and merge them together to form differnt things. He can use them to create weapons like swords (but not very powerful ones) , or just use it for attacking purposes like creating beams or use it for defence by creating sheilds History: Has lost a great amount of his memories. He doen't even remeber his true name so he just goes by the name Blade Name: Jordan Rain Age: 17 Race: Military Weapons: a Golden Triton. Appearance: Brown Spiked Hair, White Cloak. Personality: Agressive,but yet caring Powers: Water and Ice. Explanation: It'll be like the ability to control his own molocules. Instead of breathing in oxygen, and breathing out nytrogen (Or whatever it is we breathe out), he be breathes out a type of water vapor which infects the air around him and others, which he has the ability to manipulate by using his arms and mind in unision in order to guide the water (this also means he can turn water into ice). Name: Jessie Age: 15 Race: civilian Weapons: none (for now) Appearance: Personality: She's very bubbly and cheerful, around people she knows but she's quite shy around strangers. Powers: none Explanation: She has no powers History: Just a normal teenage girl, she goes to school and has a family and friends, but she always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Name: Sin Age: 15 Race: military Weapons: his own blood Appearance: Personality: Known as the facilities pacifist and lover boy. Before he became an oracle, he had a bad habit of showing off infront of girls a lot. He has a knack for being pretty mysterious though, which only seems to get people more interested in him Powers: the ability to control his blood, and manipulate it as a weapon. From hardening it to forming it into weapons. Whatever you can think of Explanation: This ability is very similure to that Jordan's ability. The difference in it though is that once he has control over the air around him, he releases his own blood into the air, and because he can large such a large area of moisture, he is able to manipulate his blood once it is in the air. His blood also contains special iron particles within it, allowing him to manipulate it so that it can be used as a dangerous weapon History: Son of the head scientist who had directed the Hybrid experiment. Not too much is known about him, but he was basicly one of the experiments, since he, himself, had volunteered. Name: 107 (no actual name) Age: 12 Race: military oracle Weapons: own body Appearance: Personality: he has a blank personality. he literally feels nothing. Powers: the same as Erics Explanation: just like erics History: son of the head scientist of the Hybrid project, and younger brother of Sin Name: Jarred Age: 16 Race: military oracle Weapons: sword (specially made by the government) Appearance: Personality: Kind, always upbeat, and usually does whatever is told. He does not like any negative moods, due to his beliefs, of how negativity shortens the life, and so he is usually refered to as 'mr.sunshine' Powers: rapid cell repiar (in other words, healing) Explanation: his creation was very different from many of the other oracles. They used special sugar serums, and used it as a virus to infect all of his cells, causing them to work 10x faster then any normal persons cells. By forcing them to work faster, the minute a wound opens, a bone breaks, or any form of injury occurs in the body for that matter, then it can easily regenerate it, though it does need to rest for 5 minutes tops. Unless he is defeated quickly, and has is completely obliterated, he is, in other words, immortal. He literally is the start of mans fountain of youth History: An orphan child. The orphanage which he lived in was going to be run down, but, the government came in, and offered him the chance to save it with this special money offer. The reason why they chose him was because of his unique abilities with a sword, which he used in tournaments to try and raise funds for the orphanage. In doing so, he ended up becoming just anouther oracle Name: Toxin (real name unknown) Age: 22 Race: military oracle Weapons: prefers to use guns, usually colts Appearance: Personality: He usually enjoys hanging around on his own, since he usually gets into fights whenever he hangs around people. He has anger issues, which made him perfect to be a candidate as an oracle Powers: toxin release (he releases toxic gas from his body) Explanation: they basicly messed around with his brains and nerves. By doing what was still experimental brain surgery, they were able to connect his brain to his skin nerves, by using connections which allowed him to smell, so that he may have control over his skin pores. Basicly, he has the ability to control just how much waste he can excel from his body. Usually, it would come out as B.O, but for him, he can excell them so much, and combine so many different bodily chemicles that he creates a poisen toxin from it, while being only able to breathe, but not being able to smell his own waste. In doing so, if he is releasing this gas, then it is very dangerous to be near by him. These gasses that he makes can go from simply being able to knock someone out, to suffocating someone to death. History: He signed up for the army not to long ago, having a long history of anger management. He has no friends, no family, and so he was perfect to be picked up and used for their experiments. It did not take him to long to agree though, since he believed that if he were able to fight, then it would be able to help him deal with his anger management issues Name: Kyle Age: 38 Race: military Weapons: military gear Appearance: Personality: He is a good sport about everything. He seems more like your average joe then someone who is in the military. You would never be able to guess just how important his job is. He tends to be easy about a lot of things, and is a good person at heart, and believes completely in what he is doing. According to him, if you stand and think about what your doing for a second, then you'll end up being that poor unlucky guy who gets hit in the head with a meteor (in other words, he has horrible metaphors as well) Powers: no powers. Perfectly human Explanation: History: he has always been a member of the military, and always has been watched by the higher ups of the government. They had originally wanted to put him through the oracle project, but instead, found an even greater use for him. He was brought into such ranks so that he may be put in charge of all of the oracles, so that he may assist in keeping them in order Name: Shane Age: 30 Race: military oracle Weapons: Appearance: Personality: Is very much of a loner, and does not talk all that much. He prefers to get things done quickly and quietly without any problems. Very anti-social Powers: wind control (or very close to that) Explanation: basicly the same as Toxin's, except whenever he releases gasses from his body, then the gasses evapurate, and all that comes out is strong gusts of air. How those gusts can come out can go from very wide ranges to small, sharp ranges. History: An amnesia patient. No one really knows about his history. Not even himself Name: Daisuke Age: 15 Race: military Weapons: prefers guns Appearance: Personality: Kind, is usually nice to people, helps others out whenever he can. He and Sin are 1 of 3 in a certain trio which they have formed due to their friendships, so he obviously isn't anti-social Powers: electricity Explanation: using the electric currents which are sent through the body, scientists were able to enhance them so they move at a stronger rate, so that not only can he create dangerous volts of electricity within his body, but he can release them as if they were lighting using the pours of his body. The electricity can only hit metal though. Also because of the increased brain activity, he can do things such as wiggling his ears. History: a best friend of Sin's for a long time. When Sin went into the surgery, Daisuke also seemed very aptible due to his lack of family, and so he went in for the experimentation as well since he was more willing then the people who were forced to go through with it Name: Paul Age: 15 Race: military oracle Weapons: Appearance: Personality: Always thinks (and usually is) right about everything. He acts like a complete and total hot shot, in his own stuck up way. Hard to really get along with the kid Powers: the ability to make fire Explanation: by concentrating on a certain area, and making it so hot, that whatever you concentrate on sets on fire. If you are doing it to metal, then it heats up a lot. Do it to skin, and it shall begin to burn. Do it to a gas station, and big boom . History: The perfect candidate for the testings, as well as anouther of Sin's friends. Because of him being such an A student, and being one of the countries "brightest thinkers", they assumed him to be perfect for the testing for the fire ability, since it would take someone of his intellegence to be able to master such an ability. So now he is anouther oracle in the military Name: Experiment 128 "Loose Cannon" Age:unknown Race: (hybrid) Weapons: none Appearance: Personality: sadistic, twitchy, cannabilistic, impulsive, poor grammer, all around not a nice guy Powers: same as eric's (deathsight said so) History: will be explained through out story
(if anyone wants to be the chief of police, then please tell me. I already have so many charecters, that I don’t want to be the one in control of the police) ((Lol, it isn't exsactly well thought out, but I thought I might be able to pull somethen off. it's worth a short, right?)) Ok, so, here is how things start off. It has been 5 years since Hei dissapeared with Yin, in order to fight against the Syndicate. He has not been heard from since, or seen by anyone. But here is the current status of the world. In some countries, things have begun to fall apart, due to the knowledge of contractors being spread through some of them. Contractors of some sort have begun spreading their exsistance, by making groups just like the one that Amber had started oh so many years ago, though by not understanding its true purpose, these groups have been made simply for the soul purpose of giving more rights to contractors then normal human beings, and so much chaos and confusion has swept throughout many nations. Within this confusion. the Syndicate has tried to get control of the situation, but has been having trouble, since they are even low on members. Above all of these new terrorist groups though, there is a specific group that stands out the most. Evening Primrose, or so it is called, the very first orginization to develope and begin all of these upbringings, or atleast, so everyone thinks. Lead by a new leader, who at the moment, has remained unknown. Their true purpose being to go up against the Syndicate, which still remains within the shadows of society, keeping control over most of the area's of government. So with the world amidst in havoc, police trying to keep the chaos under control, terrorist factions attempting to spread the chaos, the Evening Primrose trying to expose the Syndicate, and the Syndicate trying to keep their worldly influencial power, the question is, where do you belong amidst the chaos? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: Must I explain? You can find all the basics on any other old thread really As for specific rules, I'm gonna tell it straight. If you make a contractor bio, and I don't think your power is one that a contractor will be able to use (there are certain powers which will not be allowed since most of the powers can usually be given a certain kind of explanation to how they are used), then I will ask you to change it. Also, if I do not agree with the type of remunition that you choose, then you will have to change it to something more extreme. I don't want people to have to do something that is to simple compared to their power (and no one like Hei who doesn't really have one since he technicly isn't a real contractor). Gots it? (this rule I will be very strict in, so I might ask for an scientific explanation of how some people use their powers. people can use powers from the series also, since people in the series have similure powers as well). Just keep in mind that there is a chance that I will ask you to make a knew remunition, alrite And also, no using any important charecters from the series that are still alive. Probably won't be using any of them all that much, though once and awhile, they may have tiny influences, though they will barely be spoken to, rped as, or even mentioned, unless I feel as if it is nescesary If you want to put down unknown in the powers section, then that is alrite, but as soon as you use one, I am putting it down, and you will not be allowed to change it once used As for everything else, if you need help with some of the things that have to do with Darker than Black, then use this link for more information, alrite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now times for the bio format: Humans: name: age: gender: rank: (this is for members of the police force)(this can also include if you work for a group like MI6 or somethen) job: (if you are a normal human with a normal job) terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also) syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate) appearance: personality: history: Dolls: name: age: gender: terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also) syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate) other: (you might just be some lacky or something of a contractor, so if you are, then put down who down here) appearance: personality: (like you really have one, but list the few things you do have in ur personality) history: (put down in here that you are a doll) Contractors: name: age: gender: rank: (this is for members of the police force. this can also include if you work for a group like MI6 or something) job: (If you are a contractor just trying not to do anything, and live a simple life) terrorist group: (If you are a member of a terrorist faction. The evening primrose counts as one also) syndicate rank: (if you are a member of the syndicate, then you put this one down. Put down what you do in the syndicate) appearance: personality: history: Power: (keep it reasonable, like I said in the rules) Remunition: (keep it just as reasonable as your power. The better power you got, the worse the remunition is. try and keep it weird to. Nothen to weird, but it has to be awkward. Sometimes it can be simple to, such as just having to eat a hard boiled egg, but that will be for me to decide whether it may be your remunition) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ List of Terrorist groups: (members will be listed below) Evening Primrose: Redemption: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bio list: name: Kyo age: 19 gender: male terrorist group: Evening Primrose appearance: personality: The fact that he is anti-social basicly explains a lot about him. He is indeed a member of the Evening Primrose, but he could have just as easily joined in with the Syndicate. He works horribly with others, and if others get in the way of his missions, then he will either attack them for the sake of the mission, or he will simply leave them behind or such if they are hurt. Doesn’t talk much, doesn’t go out much, usually working out. He is basicly a class A soldier right here. history: He has been working for the Evening Primrose for 3 years now. Towards the beginning, they originally recruited him because of his talents, which shall currently remain unknown. He used to have a partner, though he got killed on a mission, though details are not clear. Besides that, there is not to much to go towards his history. Power: currently unknown Remunition: Due to the nature of his powers, this will also have to remain unknown for now. name: Satari age: 30 gender: male terrorist group: Evening Primrose appearance: personality: Unlike many contractors, he is very different. He has no real emotions of his own, but, he wishes that he does, so he pretends to have common emotions, in order to settle his own self. He pretends to be friendly towards others, and wants to be as well, though in all truth, he is simply hollow, or atleast most people would describe it that way history: An early member of the Evening Primrose, who even met Amber, but never really cooperated with her the first time, not wanting to get involved in anything of the sort. Later on though, when the chaos began to unfold, he felt as if he could assist. He is the top scientist within the group, as well as the only contractor within the division which deals with the groups sciences, which are required in order to battle against the Syndicates plans, incase they attempt what they had the last time. Power: the ability to excellerate or rewind time in a certain amount of space, which is highly similure to Amber’s power, explaining why they came to him originally to try and recruit him. Remunition: reversed aging name: Jin age: 24 gender: male terrorist group: Redemption appearance: personality: He appears to very kind towards contractors and dolls, but towards humans, he holds no sympathy for them, and can kill without a second thought. history: Much about him remains shrouded in mystery, but all that is known of him really is his history with the terrorist group, Redemption. He created it, in the belief that contractors and dolls should be able to live in the world by themselves, without humans, since they originally never did anything wrong, and humans simply ended up turning them against eachother, while using dolls as weapons, merchandise, mere tools for every day life. And so now, he has created Redemption, in the hopes of finding a way to destroy all human life on the planet, in order to “Redeme†contractors from the sin known as humanity, or so he would put it. Power: electricity, just like hei’s. He basicly cannot make electricity pass through the air, but instead, through contact with people and objects. Remunition: after he uses it, he has to hang upside down (hands cant touch the ground) for a half hour, and amongst that time, he cannot use his powers. name: Satomi age: 16 gender: female terrorist group: Redemption appearance: personality: certainly is awkward for a doll. She is emotionless like most dolls, lucky enough to be able to talk, and is able to move perfectly. She really does not care for much, though she does show signs of small emotions of which a normal teenage girl would express history: She is a doll (of course). She joined Redemption not to long ago, though it was never originally her will to. Later though, she joined when he sister was taken from the Syndicate, and wanted Redemptions help in order to save her, and they gladly did, not only because of her being useful, but also, because of the fact that she ‘wanted’ something in the first place. And so because of this, the leader, Jin, took the opportunity just how far they can take things with this doll, and so, he literally turned her into one of their field opporatives instead of a doll that can simply provide directions. name: Toazan age: 18 gender: male syndicate rank: figure head appearance: personality: He is kind to most, and appears as if he is always good willed, speaks intelligently, and handles things like a chess game. It is not wise to get to close to him, but not wise to go to far away, since he is always cunning, and plotting. history: An upcoming youth, now famed throughout most of the world, bringing buissness together, giving to charities, and unifying the people. Some people call him a blessing from God himself, since ever since he came into the picture, things have appeared to quiet down a little. Sadly enough though, that is only above the surface, for beneath it, blood is being shed because of these new changes, all for the sake of the Syndicate. That is all that can really be said to describe his history at the moment
Well, I was watching the vid of when Sora and Roxas are fighting, and I remember Roxas saying "Why did he pick you?", and then when he rises into the air and looks down at him, with all the pics of his friends on the thing sora is standing on, he says "So that's why" What I want to know, is who is 'he' when Roxas is talking. At first, I thought maybe it might be xemnas, who perhaps had wanted to sora to defeat heartless instead of Roxas, but that makes no sense, right? What is the difference? Why would the fact that Sora has friends make a difference? can someone help me out on this?
Wow, I just got a really good thread idea while I was hyper. So then, who wants to get the first good deal in our happy hour?
Alrite, so ya, I've got a stalker that hangs out on this forums. Don't know who he/she is, but they know an area that is close to where I live (ya, take that biach. I'm close to that area though. None of the people that I actually knows where my adress is). Alrite, so ya, stalker dude, post on here, will ya? I mean, it can get to be a real friggen pain in the ass when you don't know who the hell the weirdo is thats stalken you Oh ya, and stalker, I'm gonna be moven pretty dam soon anyways, so it isn't like it matters if ya know where I live
Just recently, the fantasy rp section was change to the fantasy/sci-fi roleplay section. I honostly disagree with your decision, and I believe it was useless. there is the roleplay arena for the kingdom hearts threads, fantasy rp area for fantasy threads that aren't rp, you've got real life section, extended roleplay section, crossover roleplay section, and anime/media section. I think what you did was a mistake. Putting in 'fantasy/sci-fi' is a bad name in my oppinion, and really seems to kill the mood of roleplaying. Not only that, but putting down sci-fi really is unnescesary, because people won't really use it for anything else. In my oppinion, you should get rid of the extended roleplay section, because of how ridiculous the thought of it is. I mean, all roleplays are long to begin with, so what is the difference between an extended roleplay, and a normal roleplay thread? Is there any proof that those roleplays even turn out to be longer then the normal ones? Meanwhile, if you were to add in a seperate, sci-fi section, then it might change the mood a little, and people might begin making science fiction threads. In the fantasy section though, only thing your little add on is is an eye soar. If possible, I would like feedback from fellow rpers on this thread that I have made, to see whether you disagree, or agree, because even though it is not a big deal to most, in my oppinion, I believe that it might make things a little more comforatable.
Has anyone seen this anime before? They have the episodes on youtube right now, and it is still fairly new (came out around the same time as vampire knight). It is sort of similure to naruto, but it is a lot more mature in certain manners, and a bit more up-to-date. Tell me, does anybody watch this anime?
At the moment, my weather is really weird. It is all cloudy out, but its like the clouds are yellow. I have a thunder storm approaching also, but it is really weird becuz it is really light outside also. (Btw, for me, it is 8:07 right now. I should be dark out)
Legolan, the planet of war and turmoil. A land which holds both the dimensions of heaven and hell in such close contact. Heaven, the area where the angels reside. Some times though, these angels are exiled for committing evil deeds, and are banished to the realm down below, the realm of hell, where humans reside and have built there societies (in other words, what we might call middle earth is what others would actually refer to as hell). It is here on this plain where human kingdoms exsist, utilizing both magic and technology. Some civilizations technoly advanced enough to built such fascinating machines, while others use magic to bring ease to their daily every day lives. Within this world, there exsist artifacts, known as the God’s Blessings, though most people simply refer to them as relics. These relics come in different forms, some in the forms of weapons, some in the forms of technology, and some of them even come in the appearance of an animal. They exsist here, for the use of the humans, tools made specificly by God as gifts to the humans in order to protect themselves from these fallens angels. But not only are these weapons scarce, but once the humans were granted them, they ended up fighting eachother for them, and once they obtained them, it only lead to wrought and destruction. Humans have now become sickening creatures, every kingdom concerned with their own well being, and attacking any outsiders, sealing themselves within their walls, mostly controlled by totalitarian power. And in all of the confusion, an evil force has risen up from the ashes of the burnt cities, a group of fallen angels. These fallen angels, though indeed evil, find the faults in human kind, and so they have gathered together, and have formed to create a new creation, a………manufactured angel, a being of magic formed from the wonders to technology, and now, these new beings have been controlled by these fallen angels, conquering one kingdom after another, and eradicating every human in sight. In other words, no mercy. And so, in response, some kingdoms have began to form alliances, while others remain the same, isolated, and cold towards the outside world. And our story begins in one of those allianced kingdoms, the Kingdom of Kiroku, where one of Legolan’s finest armies resides. And it is this very army, which you have trained so hard to join, in order to help the alliance kingdoms to save humanity itself from these fallen angels. And it is now, on this very day, where you finally take the test to see if you are truelly ready to join the Grand Kiroku Army against the forces of darkness! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: No Godmodding. PG-13 No killing without the other person’s permission Technology in this day and age is very simple. If you have a cannon, then it’ll look pretty spruced up, like a futuristic cannon, but it won’t have a bunch of little gadgets added onto it. As for things such as robots, they are highly rare, and the rarest of machine type relics, usually terribly small things as well. No laser guns or whatever. Normal guns are aloud, and if they are relics, then they might have a sort of power, but I will inform you whether that power is alrite or not. If I find a certain weapon, or anything wrong with your bio that I personally do not like, then I will ask you to make a new one. Remember, unlike the US, this thread is a dictatorship with me as ruler, so no nooby stuff, alrite. Add into your history (if you are a fallen angel) if you are a member of the army of fallen angels that are trying to wipe out the humans. Last but not least, all angels and fallen angels have an ability, that does not require the use of a relic, but is naturally born. But, in your bio, you must have either a strong naturally born power, or a strong relic, and depending on which one is strong, the other is weak. I personally would suggest a relic which has a weak power that can be used in order to accommodate your natural power And also, as a reminder to the post about this thread being a dictatorship. From now on, if I find that someone is doing something that is impossible for them to do, then I shall put that down as a strike. You get 3 strikes. I have a section prepared for warnings and such as well ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Warning 1= just a warning, no biggy warning 2= banned from the thread for 3 days warning 3= perma ban! I run this thread my way, and my way only. If you have a suggestion, then bring it up, but these are my rules, in order to ensure that this thread does not have any problems Warnings list= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Relic types: Weapon: A weapon, such as a sword, or a gun, can have a special ability, which is not of the users, but simply the weapons. Such as a cannon for instance. If a cannon were to be used, and it were a relic, then it most likely would create a giant energy blast, though the user would not be able to create energy blasts him/her self. Machine: A machine kind of relic usually has something to do with fixing up things or improving a part of your body. If it were a special type of robotic glove or something, then it would most likely increase your strength Animal: Animals are the rarest of all, and usually have elemental abilities, or certain abilities which revolve around a spiritual stand point instead of a physical world type, such as maybe astro projection, being able to speak English, or maybe even turning into a humanoid like creature. Name: Race: (human, fallen angel, or angel (angel charecters can only be used if you have my permission. I will only let certain people use them)) Age: (fallen angels and angels have extended life lines obviously) Appearance: Personality: Natural born ability: (angels and fallen angels only) Relic: (every soldier is given a relic towards the beginning if they have not inherited one within their family already. Remember, it could be a weapon, a piece of machinery, or even an animal) Relics ability: History: Played by: Bio’s: Name: Ren Race: Human Age: 16 Appearance: Personality: A young man, full of energy, and ready for anything., so he sometimes finds himself in. He is some what noble though, and is quite impulsive, doing whatever he feels is right. He only wants the right thing to be done, and to protect others, and so now he is a soldier in training, soon to become a fully fledged soldier. Relic: His relic is a special sword, a small sized katana, with an awkward connected group of gears, which have been pressed together by a metallic seal which surrounds the gears, over the hilt of the sword. Relics ability: Whenever the gears begin to spin, then, the metal blade of the sword begins to heat up to such an extreme, that if it touches another piece of metal, then the metal, as well as whatever is around it, can heat up to the point where it can cause third degree burns to whatever part of your body you touch it with. Whatever is next to it and touching it at the time could either heat up as well, melt, or simply stay the same. History: He has no memory of his past since the age of 14. His last memory is himself waking up outside, and seeing a battlefield, littered with bloody bodies, from both sides of the field. He was dazed at the time, and wandered into the near by kingdom, where he joined in to become a soldier, at first so he could make money to keep himself stable since he had no idea what was going on. Later on though, as he learned of the ways of the soldier, he began to admire them for their courage, and soon, decided to devote himself to become a soldier, in order to protect the kingdom, after learning of the evils which the soldiers were being trained to fight against Played by: Deathsight44 Name: Li Race: Human Age: unknown Appearance: Personality: Mysterious upon all levels. Girls seem to love him because of his cool, mysterious aura which surrounds him, and he is always polite, and appears to always be there whenever help is needed Relic: unknown. Has never revealed it in public History: Shrouded in mystery, his past is as questionable as the meaning of life itself Played by: Deathsight44 Name: Michael Race: Angel Age: 466 Appearance: Personality: Cold, precisive, and direct. A natural born leader, and though he will never let any of his men get left behind, he drives them hard, and tends to drift away from them. He does whatever he must in order to complete his mission, without disturbing his duties from God, and tends to get cold whenever people try to get information from him about God, since they have never actually seen him before Natural born ability: Energy control. He is able to take the energy around him, and give it physical form, and can either blast it at someone, or perhaps utilize it into a sword of some sort. The possibilities are wide, of what he is able to do with the manipulated energy, making it quite dangerous Relic: His relic is a glass eye, which is undoubtly a terribly powerful relic. In order for it to work though, the user must replace their own eye with it, making it a relic with a history of pain to it. Relics ability: The ability of the relic allows the user, to literally, send a type of ‘probe’, or a piece of their soul into another persons body, which can then unify with that persons mind, and literally, collect information. It can even be used to put in new memories, or delete old memories from within the brain. It is not to be used lightly though, for it takes away the life span of the user, 1 day for each minute. It is deadly, yet powerful, since even though it is not useful in the battlefield, it can still be powerful use against more higher up enemies History: He is an angel of God, and a close guardian of his. He had been sent by God to help the humans not to long ago, and in an instant, was brought up to be one of the highest ranks in the Kiroku, due to him being an angel. He has only been around for a full year now, but has been most efficient in his methods, and merciless against the fallen angels. Besides that though, he does not have to much of a history Played by: Deathsight44 Name: Ryo Race: Fallen angel Age: 35 Appearance: Personality: Cold towards everyone and everything around him, not caring for what gets destroyed in his path, and only doing what he feels is justice. He does not hesitate to kill, and does not care who he kills. He certainly is no fan of any of the kingdoms, and destroys any armies that he may see. Natural born ability: the power of darkness. He has the ability to control the powers of the shadows themselves, as well as the ability to bring his own shadow to life. Relic: The armagedon glove (a part of a set) Relics ability: One of two gloves, both with the same abilities. They have the ability to channel energy, and compress it into the form of a ball. Due to that balls compression of energy, the energy becomes dangerous, almost explosive, and can then be turned into a very dangerous weapon, depending on what form of energy is used to create it History: Known and fear by all the kingdoms, he is known as the Black Reaper, known for his abilities to kill an entire army in a single sweep. No one really knows who is or where he is from. He is a mystery to most since he moves around the world all by himself, instead of being in one of the fallen angel armies. People tend not to ask though, because of his notoriety Played by: Deathsight44 Name: Sammael Race: Angel Age:500 Appearance: Personality: Relaxed most of the time except when eating. he's good towards everyone even though they may be his enemy Natural born ability: Ability to see a persons soul and heal it Relic:Longsword Relics ability: Cut through anything History: Sammaell is the angel of souls he can easily see what a kind of person you are, he fights for the weak and can't stand evil. Played by:Varnor Name: Megumi Race: Fallen Angel Age: 100 Appearance: Personality: Childish and likes it when no one knows a lot about her Natural born ability: The power to bend light into light beams. sheilds, etc Relic: Jamie=Wolf Relics ability: Controls fire and earth to a level. Commuiates telepathiclly to humans/angels/etc History: When she was an angel she always did as order without question but then she thought for herself for once and never followed another order again. Then she did something to make her get banished (Learn later what it was) and when she came to where the humans were she met Jamie and they made a deal. The rest is unknown expect she travels around the world now. Itentions are unknown at this point Played by: Random Angel Name: Ayanna Race: Fallen Angel Age: 200 Appearance: Personality: She's very very quiet and independant, she likes to do stuff by herself, but she is a kind person Natural Born Ability: She can read minds, see the future and control objects with her mind Relic: A small black cat named Alec Relics Ability: Can move incredibly fast and transform into much larger cat, also he can communicate with Ayanna, but only with Ayanna History: When she was an angel she got mixed up in a crime that got her banished, (more later) she's feels very guilty for doing it and feels that she would do anything to take it back. She saved Alec soon after her banishment, they became good friends, and now they never leave eachothers sides. Played by: kairigirl22 Name: Jack Skull Race:Human Age: 17 Appearance: Personality:Hyper, likes to act cool and have fun, he also has a tendency to put things on fire. Relic:A black glove Relics ability: Manipulate and transform any form of liquid History: Well he might have one but he really don't care, he can remember it that's not the problem its more like he don't want to remember mostly cause he's life was pretty boring. he now travels around having fun. Played by:Varnor Name: Blade Race: Angel Age: 400 Appearance: Personality: Calm quiet and nice Natural born ability: control the powers of wind. Can use it to create sheilds and use it for attacking purposes Relic: A big broadsword known as the blade of beginning Relics ability: shoot beams History: A traveling swordsmen who travels the heavens. He goes around training his swords skills and helping others Played by: Twilightblader Terra (will post later. pg7) Trust me, it is a well spent 10 minutes!
(Btw, just so you all know, this thread will be played in the real world, but most of it will occur within the game. Every charecter in this thread must live in the Yokohama, Japan, or in a near by region, ok. That way, it'll make sense if they were to end up meeting in the real world) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Also, just to warn you, there is quite a bit of readin to be done, as usual, but this is the kind of stuff that you can just skim through if you will be using a noob charecter. If not a noob charecter, then you can still skim, but try not to blow off the information. After all, it is only listed so people can understand more about how The World works) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .Hack//Trinity Welcome to your user's guide to "The World R:X2", the latest version in the game called "The World", which is the most up to date MMORPG within the world, run by CCcorp. The World is a wonderous place, containing all forms of oppurtunities. Start a guild with other players perhaps, start up a market, or just go on daily adventures and quests with other players. Some even go to the greatest of extreme's as to go hunting for the secrets of The World, finding rare items and such. Anything is possible within the world, but sometimes one must be warey. After all, sometimes if you are not careful, then a game can become more real then you think. The World is filled with wonders and adventures spread throughout the ages, but along with all of these bright, wonderful things, a shadow is cast, and in that shadow, unknown darkness lies within. The only real question is, what does it all have to do with you? Well, all shall be revealed soon enouph. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, time for an explanation, since I know that most people don't know about .Hack . And this is simply an explanation. Though it gives a whole list of stuff that players do and stuff, we are still sticking to the main story. The World, as explained before, is an online MMORPG. It is the year 2025, and the newest version of this game is The World R:X2. It is run by a company called CCcorp, and is the most popular and advanced game around. It is not some kind of a computer game that you just log onto or something. You log onto it by using a portable computer system, which people refer to as V-Goggles (I 4get their real name, but this name works to). These goggles serve as a type of computer screen, except it makes it seem as if you are almost in the computer. You are able to select different websites and stuff by using a portable hand held remote. This is also the most popular method of logging into The World, coming with a microphone which allows people to speak with others online. Not only that, but since the V-Goggles are put on your head, they are some what able to read brain waves, allowing your charecter to move more freely, almost completely like a normal human being, allowing them to move just as freely as if they were in the real world. Within the world, there is a system of rules though, begining with the set up of, The World. Within The World are root towns, run by the most famous guilds within The World. A guild is some what of a club, set up by a single leader, who fights with their guild in order to accomplish whatever kind of goal they might have for making that guild. But the famous ones gain control of root towns, though most of them are closed off from everyone else. The guild leader makes up the rules for the root towns that are formed. All the other guilds though get their own area in which they can meet in and such, though it is much smaller, and the guild leader doesn't have to many perks. In root towns, people are safe, and can trade with eachother. Next, we will discuss travle. Travle is handled by using the chaos gate, a big blue spinning flat circle that is in the middle of the root town. Now here is how it works. There are three options that are given whenever you are accessing the chaos gate. The first one is to access a root town, which will be listed on the locations list. By choosing a root town, it will transport you directly to it. The second option is to access the chaos gate to get to a certain area, by putting in three random words, or three specific words that you have already been informed of. Now, each area is special, because it holds a dungeon within it. Each dungeon, at the very bottem, has a got statue, as well as a boss monster. Now, depending on how rare the area is, and how challanging it is, will determine how rare the treasure chest at the very bottem is. A really rare one could even give you a one of a kind weapon. Now the Third option is being able to teleport to whatever your guilds area is. For normal guilds, it is anouther secret combination, that others can only guess in order to get to it, but for the actual guild members, they can go there instantly. Next, I will discuss the message bored. In the world, there is a message bored, which is used as a forum, discussing things that might have happend in the world, guild events, or other things like that. What it is most common for though is info on rare items, and also one of a kind events that happend once a week, which offers the oppurtunity to gain rare items, and upgrades. Now, as for playing with friends, it is quite simple really. If you ever want to invite a friend, then you contact them through a friend adress that they will give you, then they will reply whether they can come or not. Kind of like a pming system really. And so that is your basic description of The World. But The World has a history that comes along with it. 19 years ago, the original version of the world was made, but, The World is known by some for having a history to it. You see, it is connected to all of the world, and is almost as advanced as the internet itself. Ever since 19 years ago, two incidents have occured, known as Pluto's kiss, and Pluto again. Both times occured, being told to all that it was caused by hackers, when the entire world's electronics systems went haywire. Each time before those incidents, players began to go into coma's, for unknown reasons. No media was truelly revealed on the topic, and it was all blamed on hackers. But now, it is the year 2025, and so it is believed that the world is finally perfectly safe. Though there is one thing within the world that still has been a said mystery ever since the original creation of The World, which is known as the key of twilight. It is believed that it is an item so great, that one could re-create the pluto's kiss incident, or maybe even have their wildest wishes granted, though these are simply foolish rumors to most. But dark secrets revolve around this item, and if one is not careful, then these dark secrets can be released, and become a true threat to humanity. And apparently, it is under these circumstances, in which our story takes place, though it is unbeknowist to the players of, The World. And it all starts 3 days after the official comotose of 21 year old Jenna Mawasaki ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Events board: (where all of The World's events will be listed. This can be very useful to some) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Charecter bio format: Real name: Character name: (try to be creative) age: charecter class: (list of classes and what their weapons look like will be below) (also list if they have a charecter extention, though if they have one, then they must have been playing for atleast a few good months) gender: weapon: (if you have a one of a kind event weapon, then post it here, but otherwise, you don’t need to put in this part) appearance 1: (what they look like in real life) appearance 2: (what they looked like in The World) Wave: (wave is your element, which is signified by a symbol on your armor or body. The 6 elements are fire, water, wind, wood, lightning, and darkness)(At the bottem there will be a description of what each element does) personality: reason for playing The World: how long they have been playing: (you can be playing from this very start, to 6 months. After 3 months, you are qualified on the thread to have a character extension)(Also, if you want, your character can have been playing since The World R:1, but that is only suggested for people who actually have experience with .Hack) history : (as in, are you famous for anything? Maybe you are a hacker (thought it is advised, hackers won’t be able to go out into the open since hacking is a crime punishable by death), maybe ur a guild master, or maybe you are famous for defeating some kind of impossible quest. Or if anything, you might just be some nooby. You decide) played by: Waves: Fire: increases attack Water: Increases evasion Wind: Increases speed Wood: Increases defense Lightning: Increases accuracy Darkness: Increases MP (magic points, which means you do magic and skills better) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (btw, for those who can’t pick a character, here is the link to a quiz thing that I made to help you choose. It is kind of lame, but heck, if you are having trouble picking, then what do you have to lose, eh?) Charecter class quiz Character classes: (take note that many of the details given are probably useless, but think of how you would act if you were going to join this game, and then pick a character that you would actually use. Character upgrades cannot be given for newbies, and in this rp, will most likely just show how experienced you are in “The Worldâ€) Blademaster: A character that specializes mostly in accuracy and speed. All other stats are quite balanced though, making this character not to strong in any skills, but on the other hand, it is not weak in any other traits either. In a sense, it is ideal to have, plus, it has a wide array of special skills that it can use. Edge punisher: the edge punisher, like the blademaster, uses a sword, but it uses a very large sword. It’s attack is much higher then all of its other stats, but its other stats are lower. There are some character upgrades that one can purchase if they complete a certain objective, such as completing a special quest, or reaching a high level, or gaining a reputation amongst other players. The character upgrade allows them to use more advanced swords, which can have an added on features, such as a large sword with the charecteristics of a chain saw’s spikes upon in, which are fast moving. This can cause additional damage and status effects. They are low in skills, but the skills that they can learn, can be very effective in piercing through heavily armored monsters. Heavy Axe: A class that is useful for anyone who goes along the term of “The best defense is a good offenseâ€, which goes to a whole new level in this class. It’s members are usually large charecters, with heavy armor, that carry huge axes. They have a powerful offense, which is only matched by their defense, but they are low in accuracy and speed. They do not use to many skills either Long Arm: A very useful class. It’s skills are average, just like the blademaster, except it uses a long spear, which allows it to use offensive close range attacks from a farther distance. It also has a good range of skills, though not as much as the blademaster. Twin Blade: The twin blade comes with two different models. The first is the strength model, which uses fatter, shorter blades, and has a normal attack, though everything is weaker. The second one specializes in speed, and uses longer blades. Either way, the twin blade class has the most skills, which makes it very difficult to deal with when it is performing combo’s. Not only that, but it has speed in both evasion, and in attack, allowing it to be able to throw an attack at an enemy atleast 2 times before they can land atleast one, or so it is phrased. Knuckle master: The knuckle master uses gauntlets in order to fight. They have a pretty decent defense, but it is not the strongest class of them all. But it has become quite popular, after bringing back an old expansion that was used in earlier versions of “The Worldâ€, which is the werewolf expansion, in which the character’s stats then increase, all of them being above average. The player also grows a tail, and at will, can turn into a wolf like creature. Though it does not look fierce, it does indeed have a cute look to it, and is very useful in escaping, spying, and sneeking up on players. Macabre Dancer: this class specializes in the use of fans, and has below average stats. It can use elemental magic though, but only up to level 2, not making it that rescourful in that area. The same goes for healing. It is very rescourful in using skills that increase charecters stats temporarily. In a sense, you might say that though it is weak, it is the best class member you can possibly have since it is so good at support magic. Flick Reaper: A very special class, with average speed and accuracy, but low in attack and defense. It uses a large scythe, which, whenever it hits someone, sends them back. The person can also charge their character, and do a spinning attack, knocking every one that is within a few feet of it away. It is very good with long range attacks. Harvest Cleric: The harvest cleric is a healer, used for the pure purpose of healing. It can heal charecters, status effects, the whole bit. Its stats are below average in everything, but if you do not have to many items, then it is the wisest choice to have a harvest cleric with you. Elementalist: The elementalist is a magic user that specializes in attack, using all levels of magic. Its attacks are all low, except for its magic attack, defense, and such. It is useful in only long range attacks, never to be used in close combat, unless they are extremely skilled. Steam Gunner: This character uses a rifl, which, when activated, has a long red aiming beam, some what of a lock on, allowing them to fire easily. At the front of the gun, there is a blade, so they can also use it for close up combat. Its stats are below average, but it is very useful to have it still, since they can shoot long range, and hit weak points on a body with ease. Dual gunner: A dual gunner carries two pistol sized guns, with long blades coming down from the bottem, making it some what like a twin blade, except not as widely skilled. It has a rapid fire, so even though they can fire at two people at once, if they fire at one person, then they will not even be able to get near them, due to risk of easily being pked. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules: Go look them up on other threads. I am quite certain that you should know the basics. As for rules that must be used specificly for this thread…. 1. If you are going to have a powerful character, then do not abuse it. I am going to stress this, because I hate people who act like tough ****, but are really not even deserving of a powerful character. 2. For your own safety, I suggest no hacker charecters, since after doing research, I know now that in the .Hack universe. hacking is a crime that is punishable by death. I’m just saying, only people who should really have a hacker character are those who know what .Hack is in the first place 3. No one is aloud to be carrying a virus or anything like that, which gives them increased power, unless I give the ok. There are certain things, which are of out of the ordinary within the world that exsist, and unless you have my permission, you will not be aloud to have those things (and really, don’t expect to get it either way. I will only make few acceptions) That is it for now, and I will add more rules if I find them to be fit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character list: Real name: Matt Character name: Cero (sairoh) age: 15 charecter class: Dual gunner gender: male weapon: appearance 1: appearance 2: Wave: wind personality: He is the kind of guy who is usually laid back, doesn’t work to hard, but doesn’t sit around like some couch potato. He only really helps if someone needs it. He is a very defensive brother, and he does not take bull from people. He kind of is a solo player, but he has no problem with working with others. He tends to get a little out of place around the women in The World, so he so far has gotten himself into some trouble with others after continueing this bad habit, leeding to pks, slaps in the face, or just plain getting robbed. reason for playing The World: He is searching for a way to save his sister, who is currently a comotose patient. how long they have been playing: only for a week by now. history : he is a complete nooby. For a week now though, he has been playing, searching for…….something. It would say, but he himself doesn’t know what he is looking for. All that is known is that he shared an experience in the area “Hidden Forbidden Holy Groundâ€, which is an oddicity of the world (or atleast one of them), where no monsters should be, no treasure chests, not even an actual field is there. Just a cathedral in the sky. played by: Deathsight44 Real name: Unknown Character name: Bith age: unknown charecter class: Long Arm gender: male weapon: appearance 1: appearance 2: Wave: Lightning personality: Mysterious, hides in the shadows, and works from behind the scene’s. He is a puppet master, who truelly is the puppet of yet anouther puppet master, but he knows exsactly what he is doing. reason for playing The World: Unknown. how long they have been playing: he has been playing the main version for 6 months, but it is believed that he may have been playing ever since the first version of The World was tested, A.K.A Fragment, a game that only 1,024 people were chosen to test. history : He is a famous hacker, though he is really only famous amongst those who deal with such matters. It is truelly a rare thing to even be able to see him, and no one knows why he still plays the world. It is believed that he works for Helba, believed to be the ultimate hacker, a.k.a, the queen of darkness, which is how Bith gained the title of Bith The Black, the name of Helba’s assistant in an old poem known as The Epitaph Of Twilight played by: deathsight44 Real name: Damien Character name: Grim age: 14 charecter class: Flick Reaper gender: male appearance 1: appearance 2: Wave: darkness personality: He is your classic pker, a.k.a, player killer. His thirst to defeat other players in the field is only matched by his hunger for power. If he is out in the field without any of his friends, then he will attack on sight, no matter who it is. It is even believed that he once pked his own mother in The World. Of course, his love for pking is only matched by his love for the search of the Key of Twilight reason for playing The World: To pk and to find the Key of Twilight how long they have been playing: 2 months and 25 days history : He has nothing to really brag about except for his reputation as a pker. An entire guild has once even come after him. He joined the Guild known as The Twilight Brigade, a guild which was also around during the time of The World R:2. played by: deathsight44 Real name: Nick Character name: Sage (like the japanese wine, not like the actual word sage) age: 21 charecter class: blademaster gender: male weapon: (in his charecters picture). It is refered to as the sword of Orca of the Azure Sea, A.K.A, The Azure Sea God appearance 1: appearance 2: Wave: fire personality: Some what greedy, doesn’t let people boss him around, and does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. He doesn’t try to be polite like most players, and he just speaks his mind. He can be a bit hard to work with though, since he prefers to be a solo player, and makes few acceptions. reason for playing The World: Him and his girlfriend were playing the world once, but then they encountered a monster that was glowing green. It used some sort of a strange ability on his girlfriend, and then on him. It was game over for him, but when he checked on his girlfriend, she was having a seizure. She was sent to the hospital, and is now currently registered as a comotose patient, along with 5 other people. Now he plays to find a way to save her how long they have been playing: he’s been playing for a good 6 months, plus he started playing The World R:X before it was revised into The World R:X2. history : He worked as a bounty hunter. In other words, he was payed to go after guild leaders, pkers, and all of the sorts, then bring back whatever remains was found. The goods would then be split 50/50. He gained quite a reputation, until everyone became shocked by his choosing to join the guild called The Twilight Brigade played by: deathsight44 Real Name: Tai Matsumoto In-Game Name: Taku Character Class: Twin Blade Age:17 Weapon: Two dark Twin Blades similair to the ones you get when you just started out in the World R:2,but these blades have the ability to sap away HP and SP,Making Taku a dangerous opponent. Appearance 1: Appearance 2: Wave:Water Personality: Tai's mood varies on what's happening in the World,little else is known outside that.He enjoy's helping out new players get started and is proud to call himself a PKK,having already PK'ed 99 already.He should most likely be friendly when you talk to him.If asked,he will gladly exchange Member Adresses with you. Reason for Playing the World: To help those who are new,to take down those who would PK,and to enjoy the game himself.He plans to do everything he possibly can in the game. How long he's played: 7 months,2 days. He's already an expert in most areas. History: A very well-known PKK,in nearly every root town you'll hear his name in it.He had even taken down an entire guild who had formed for PKKing,and after defeating their leader and bringing down everyone who came at him,that guild disbanded.But there have been rumors circulating of that guild,and possibly others that plan to track down PKK's and get revenge for their player deaths.He's been asked to join many guilds,but doesnt want to get anyone in them in trouble with a bad crowd(a.k.a PKK'ers) Played by: Tularim
This is the most challanging thing that you will ever face, and so ya might as well give it a shot. So here is the deal. I'm going to say a word, and you will have to say a word that is somehow related. Perhaps it is the opposite. Perhaps it some how is the other part to that word. Perhaps it is a reaction that someone has to that kind of word. WHO THE HELL KNOWS?! I do. So Gl. SO first word comes now. Black