is inspired
I do too also agree that sora got stupiter, i mean, a 14 year old boy going crazy to see santa? he spent a whole year in a pod, wouldn't your mind also get a little crazy? but sora was never the brightest ever either (in both games)
that'll be a lot of people sounds like fun :D
trust me, even if you leave, you'll come back they always do..
ohh i love fanfictions X3 i have an account there
XD that would be AWSOME!!
' banana phone!
sadly no, but yushi (the way i pronounce my name) means two things, Oil/fat and financing (but i didn't chose my name because of that XD)
"why does the girl sound like a guy?" XD (i even thought sora was a girl too XD)
has an interesting username (that i like X3)
I suddnly feel dumb now :/ lol but still, i didn't even know those kinds of rubik's cubes existed :O
I think my cholesterol just went up from looking at that D: Me do not want!!!
wellz hiz!!!! X3
So i think I'll have a Snorlax :3
Not only is she a great singer, she's freaking hot! i mean, wow XD anyways, her songs are very catchy and are really good (even if some are a little ummm frisky? lol) but i hope she stays as popular as she is now for at least another year :D
true, it's been about 3-4 months since i was last on here XD
avi: 8/10 sig: 7/10
haha very funny XD lol i've been here since '07 and mine has never gotten to 10% full XD
lol i showed a friend on youtube this site and he's like "it looks like it's dying" XD but i think the main reason it's dying is because it's not getting as many new people? and i know when i was last on here, a lot of the oldbies were gone...
lol it's alright so whats up? looks like nothing new has been going around the website or here...