If vampires glitter in the sun, does that mean that my glitter glue is a vampire too?
lol yes!!! X3
avi:3/10 sig:5/10
hehe i love the manga (haven't seen the anime in AGES) but i is a Kon lover >;3
Dead By April is a great band. i'm just getting in to them but they are like Linkin Park (have a little bit of rock, screamo and pop beats) I just love their song Losing you
addicted to YT much?
I would love to say both but my PS2 had died on me and the Wii i can't use because of my little sis. but i used to be both on the compute and playing video games equally. Now, i'm almost always on the keyboard or messing around on Paint.net on the 'puter
yay!!! i'm so glad there are other people that read it on here!!! X3 the movie will definitely be more popular than Twilight
EPPPP!!! *glombs Kairi* ellooooo!!!!! X3 oh and LM, that sounds like a great song for a collab, may do it! :D
hmmm... cool :D but KH is a lot more quite than back in 07
we have a lot of European members? i never knew
really? aww thank X3 but compared to people like Misty, Mike and CTR, i'm like at the bottom
That i seem to kill almost every thread am i too cool for you guys?!?! 8D XD
SoraXKairi was the only hinted couple in all of the games. and Most likely NamineXRoxas because they are sora's and Kairi's noboddies Fangirls (like me) fantase that there are gay couples (like AkuRoku) but they are never hinted
lol what is Misty feeding him XD
i've had teachers do that to me and i have done that with other girls XD an normal hormone i guess?
you see, there was this wicked party last night and...
Inspiration is in here