You let 2 people in after the lock.
Silence =/= I think they're bad. It just means I was too busy to respond. Anyways, IMO, I think Rockman's a bit OP'd. Just the ATK points,...
I'm so tough, I'm already inside the Salty Spitoon.
I don't know how much they'd look like actual cards, but I'll gladly help.
Bullsh*t .
Poison gas.
I'm feeling a bit of deja-vu...
Hello, there.
Sh*t. Paradox.
That's just the outside. It's bigger on the inside.
Props for the Beatles reference, man.
Mine's a time traveling alien pony. Who wears a bowtie. Get some.
That reminds me. This gif goes with EVERYTHING.
... Really, Fox? Really?
Do people post stories in the CC for posts? Usually, no. Do they count towards posts? Yes. Why should the RP section be any different?
Too bad Misty murdered you, too. C:
If you're trying to speak Pig Latin, then you just said "stueling".
Well, I personally don't see how an RP that different from anything in the Creativity Corner. Pretty much the only difference is that it's a team effort. An RP is nothing more than a story being written by many people with multiple story angles with which to view from. Of course, it's entirely possible to write a story in CC with many authors and switching to and from characters' POV. However, RPing, IMO takes at least as much brain power as a regular story in CC. This is because one person's post could change the entire RP. In a story, you have it all planned out, and that's how it will end up, always. In an RP, you don't know what someone else will post. So, if we count posts for a story in which the writer has the entire story planned out, why shouldn't we count them for stories that are unpredictable? Also, if they do count, they should definitely have that word minimum that P and Chev talked about. Otherwise, there might be some people who RP just for the posts and only write things like "Sally nodded." without having any actual content. Just my two cents.