I'll get you my full opinion later. Homework. Also, if you see me online, I'm probably just procrastinating.
Dude... You're WINNING.
The Red Slinky. My power is to fall down stairs.
Sure. I'll be a bit rusty, though.
How did you get a picture of me?
Ja. Buns and thighs.
Discord for best villain. http://gifsound.com/?gif=http://i.i...utube.com/watch?v=Zi_XLOBDo_Y&ob=av3e&start=0 Although, I WILL NEVER FORGIVE HIM FOR WHAT HE DID TO FLUTTERSHY!
O_O Daaaaaaaaaang. All the secrets of trolling in 3 steps?! Sweet!
English is my native language, but I'm slightly fluent in Latin. Si Latinam linguam mortuam esse dicis, te *** igne interficiam.
Phew. I was worried for a sec that we lost something important. Thanks for keeping us updated!
At least SOMEONE noticed... I'll just go sit in my corner of woe. @Kaiba: Go ahead and laugh it up about the dog suit.
Well, if you really are leaving this arena, then how about you go out with a bang? You and your Heroes against me and my Dragon deck!
Guess who's back! That's right, folks! Joey Wheeler is BACK! I'm ready to kick ass and play card games! And I'm all out of ass! So who wants to be my next opponent?
Impressions? KatPee or PeeNiss?
Quick, someone with 3 reputation power rep me.
What happened? You can PM me.
---------- Joey, I've been playing this game for 3 years. I think I know by now who's better than me and who isn't. ---------- If you only duel...
---------- No Joey, He's just better than me. There's nothing more to it. There have been PLENTY of times when I won a Duel even when my...
In the state you're in, no. You wouldn't win. Why? You don't have any self-confidence. I don't mean to get all cheesy here, but, that "Heart of...